January SnowAngels 2012, 2nd and 3rd Tri

Daisy - I'm so glad that you had both twins home for Christmas :)

LM - I wanted an epidural but I couldn't get off the gas and air long enough to beg for one! :lol: being induced sucks!!

As I'm reading through I've just seen that 5 posted on the time that Jago was born :rofl: I find this amusing :)

Jaz - wow! I can't believe how much hair Isabella has! She's gorgeous :)

Paula - I hope your baby is here soon :hugs:

LM - I hope Shannon has started putting on weight :huggles: I know how worrying it is with breast feeding, Tegan lost 10% and was in danger of losing more so I switched to formula at day 10, managed half a day with Jago :lol: and he got back up to his birth weight today on day 10.

Right, I have caught up!

Congrats to all the new mummies :) I have detail in a word doc to update the front page after this post, to all of you still waiting - I hope it won't be long, maybe get into a few arguements and see if that works :D lol...

So, a little story...

Monday 9th Jan I had a massive fight with my OH, told him to leave etc... so it was pretty big, went to my mums for a bit and then pushed Tegs back home in the pram, put her to bed, didn't really make up with the OH and then got into a random fight on facebook. Luke, my OH comes out of the toilet and I say "either I've just wet myself or my waters are going" so I stood up and took my jeans down when I got half way across the front room and there were a few drips, still didn't know if it was pee or my waters, got to the kitchen and there was a little gush, and then as I laughed even more came out.

As I tested positive fro Group B Strep with Tegan I had to ring up L&D straight away, my waters went at 11:40ish pm and we were at the hospital by 12:50am!

I went in, got told I'd be having the antibiotics, had started getting contractions on the way up in the car but they weren't too bad, drip was put in my arm (inner crook of elbow - wtf??) at 1:30 and I was examined just before - 2cms. Half an hour later the drip had finished, I was still strapped to the machines, went and wallowed in the bath at 3:30am and had more contractions.

Back into the room at just after 4 and when I opened the door I heard Luke snoring, as did the midwives who laughed. I got NO sleep that night as everytime I was starting to doze between contractions I was woke up by Luke snoring :( Not impressed, and nor was my mum!

At 5:30am I was examined at a stretchy 3 to 4cms. Boo! Contractions getting stronger and was back on the drip for the antibiotics.

At 6 it was decided that I'd be induced to stop the labour being drawn out as I'd had no sleep, so the syntocin was put in at 6:30, contractions then started getting more regular.

Between 8:30 and 8:50am I had 10 contractions 2 mins apart, ouchies! 9:10 I was pushing, wasn't getting anywhere, I was checked and I was only 6cm (whoops!)

Heard the scary term "decelerations" and then told to move onto my left side, half way through moving I ended up back on my back pushing, couldn't get the hang of it for some reason, and I kept panicking and losing my breathing and control because I was getting so scared and hadn't had a let up in the contractions.

Eventually pushed his head out, but it was only a few pushes not as long as I thought it was! And his head was born at 10:19, didn't get another contraction for 2 mins!!! And then pushed his head out while they were tugging to pull him out.

While I was pushing his head out I felt that they had their hands in me and were holding the lip of my cervix down, and at some point during the pushing I had an orgasm :blush:

As Jago came out of me he pooed all over my lady bits and he was up on my side, then they were cutting the cord and whisked him away - his head was blue :nope: I was so scared that my legs were shaking, he had oxygen outside the room as the room was dinky that I was given, when I heard his cry I was so relieved.

They had kept turning up the syntocin which made the contractions unbearable, I lost control several times and I wish that I had gone naturally instead of being talked in to being induced, but at least he's here! I have a lot more written down in my birth story and all the crap afterwards where they kept me in as Jago needed 12 hours of obs and I discharged us when they were done as they were very reluctant to let me leave!

Anyway, that's a brief story of my little Jago Jenson :) He's bottle fed after having 2 feeds on my boobs, I kept asking for help and support and they'd just latch him on and leave me without showing me how to do it, so I went to bottle and it's the best thing I've done! Especially considering my PND.

Oh, and he is so far all clear from the chicken pox! We don't know if it's affected his hearing, sight or anything else yet until he grows up, but so far so good :)

I will try and come back in more often but Tegan steals my laptop during the day to watch nursery rhymes and we play games for hours on end. Having some attachement issues with her so it's very hard at the moment, she didn't like mummy leaving her, but she's really good with Jago :)

I hope that everyone who is left to pop have nice easy labours and that you're all holding your babies soon.

Maz - what's your baby girls name??
Oh no, Maz, I have Alivia's name but no date of birth?

And Tilly and Kristel - what's your little prince and princesses names??
*pokes the blue bumps* After we had so many blue bumps on this thread only 6 have been born so far that I've seen! 6 boys to 11 girls!
Woo hoo, is mine the biggest baby at the moment? :blush:
Thanks for updating Rees and telling us your birth story. Xxx
Hey Rees, thanks for asking.. He's called Daniel James :0)

Gosh, your birth story sounds pretty dramatic! Am glad you got your wee Jago safe & sound xx

Howz are all the new mummies sleeping? I swear 2 hours sleep feels like a luxury to me at the moment!

Hope you ladies with bumps don't have long to go now. You must be so uncomfortable. :hugs:
Well... c-section was nowhere NEAR as bad as I thought and I am now home and recovering well. George was born 18th at 9.30am, and weighed 7lbs 8oz. He is absolutely beautiful and I want to cry everytime I look at him as i'm so happy and proud. He's not doing very well with breastfeeding at the minute, as he has trouble latching on correctly and then often falls asleep after about 10 sucks!! So it can take us an hour sometimes to get a few drops in him, and then an hour to settle him to sleep, by which time he's after another feed! The first night I didn't get any sleep, second night about 2 hours, and last night (at home) maybe 3. I've left OH to get some extra kip this morning and brought him downstairs as OH is not used to sleep deprivation and I am fine with it at the moment!! Midwife should be coming over sometime today so I need to have a good talk about breastfeeding. I think we're gonna need some top up formula cause don't think he's getting enough at all and it's starting to stress us out!

Anyone else having problems with it? I don't wanna give up and switch over to formula but if this carries on I can't see us having much choice!

How many people left still waiting for their bumps to arrive? I hope you're all ok! I was so relieved to have him out so I know how you're all feeling!!
Congrats K447, Rees, Cal and Kezz!!!

Kezz, I think topping up baby with formula can affect your milk supply because you can fill baby up and then they dont want your milk so your body doesnt produce as much. Im no MW tho so dont take my word for it, but there is some really good advice on the breastfeeding section on this site. Keep perservering, Ive found it hard and upsetting but am determined to keep going!

Taking Shannon to the hospital today for the grand weigh in so keep your fingers X'd!

Had major boob leakage in tesco yesterday! Thank god I was wearing a coat because my t-shirt was drenched and it couldve been quite embarrassing!
congrats Kezz :hugs:

its my due date weekend and I have nothing, no signs what so ever :( I have regular tightnings every night and so everynight I go to bed thinking that i may go in to lbour through the night and then every morning I wake up with nothing :grr:

I have my sweep monday so fingers xd that will start it off!! If not im going to see if they will induce me at 41 weeks instead of giving me another sweep and making me go over to 42 weeks. Movements are still there but omg they are getting very painful and im uncomfy all the time, can barely do anything for myself now which is really frustrating, i can only just reach the sink to wash up!!!!!

May have to play on how miserable i am but im sure by then i wont be adding much :(

sorry feel like im always on a downer lately just very frustrating that you have this date in your head for 36 weeks and the prospect of going on for another 2 weeks :grr: I dont do patience well :haha:
Kezz- I wouldn't top up as it will affect supply, they can survive on surprising little... You may find that expressing a little first helps to soften the nipple and make latching easier.. They will eat little and often, so don't panic about that.. The very 3hrs is almost a minimum!!

Goodluck with the sweep Luntu!
Kezz- i had to take wesley off the breast 2 days ago he ended up being totally allergic to protein and lactose. he cried so much it broke my heart we are on something called alimentum it is 30 dollars a can i can believe how different he is, its like i went and got a new baby from the hospital. he sleeps almos through the night now and is content between feedings. he is 8lbs now and looks so good. he is just happier.

Hey i wish people would talk back to me i have been commenting all over the place, did i do something to upset you guys

kezz- i am so proud of you and congrats dear
kezz dont miss take my post all i ever wanted to do was nurse and if he didnt have an allergy thats so what i would be doing.
After the consultant has reviwed my ecg I'm getting an exam and either arm if I'm dilated enough or getting the pessary! :D
Shannon put on 80 grams! :) Its not much but its a start, Im so happy and I actually feel a bit more confident with my breastfeeding now. She's 2 weeks tomorrow and is still about 6ozs off her birth weight but now I really feel like we are getting somewhere!!

MM - $30 a can?! That sounds extortionate... Can you not get it on prescription seeing as its a medical condition? I thought £8 for formula was bad!!

Good luck with the sweep Lintu, hope you have an announcement soon.
Blue bump on the way here! Just finding out if they can break my water or if I need a pessary
17- what is a pessary that is a erm i have never heard before and good luck we will all be thinking of you, we dont qualify for the wic progam but we are in the process of doing just what you said. it is amazing the difference i feel bad for hurting him before. he is now smiling for real not just as a reflex can you believe it
Its like the hormonal gel for inducing labour but I think its like a solid tablet thingy. Still waiting.....yawn!
PK - yep, our biggest baby so far :) Can't believe how big she was for your first!

Tilly - awwww, Daniel James :) lovely! Shall add his name to the front page :) We managed to get a good few hours in last night, put Jago down in his moses basked at 1am after his midnight feed, and he stayed down until 4, but then he was up at 6. I did the 4am feed and Luke did the 6am feed and he stay downstairs with him and slept on the sofa so I managed a few hours sleep before Tegan woke me up this morning, but at least she slept through last night (a lovely blessing as her sleep has been all over the place since xmas!)

Kezz - congratulations hun :) Hopefully he'll start to feed better when your milk comes in a bit

LM - Jago has been unsettled and crying tonight for a feed and my breast pads had slipped and I've leaked right through :( wouldn't mind but I'm not breast feeding! :lol: (Apparently there's a growth spurt around day 10 - we've just hit it :( ) So glad it's winter and we can layer up to hide the embarrassing leaks :)

Lintu - I had no signs, nothing that Jago was coming, had a shit nights sleep because Tegan was waking and didn't get the chance to catch up on that missed sleep and all of a sudden I felt like I was wetting myself and it was all systems go! With Tegan I had a load of tightenings and lost my plug 2 days before and then I woke up in labour! So it might just happen :)

mm - that's expensive! But I suppose if Wesley is happier then it makes up for it :)

I didn't mean to ignore you last night *huggles* I had so much to catch up on I was speed reading through the posts, I saw you're building your own house? Is that next month you start? Busy busy busy for you! But so exciting :)

LM - yay for Shannon putting on weight :) One less thing to worry about and worrying about if she's getting enough milk isn't gonna help your supply or stress levels. Do you find it easy to feed Shannon with Annie about?

17 - good luck hun! Hope you won't need the pessary and that they can now just break your waters and get you started that way :)

We've had a hard evening with Jago, Tegan's been easy and went to bed like a good girl (just hope she stays). Jago has been crying, farting and pooing as well as eating like a little man possessed, would only settle if I was jigging him and walking across the room with him in my arms, just googled it and apparently our little people get growth spurts "around day 10, 3 weeks, 6 weeks" etc... gah! I hope it finishes soon, I forgot how hard they can be on mummy!

I hope the babies that are here are behaving themselves and the ones that are still safely tucked away hurry up and come out :) xx
wow theres loads going on here now isnt there, its bloody hard to keep up on mobile so i apologise that im not able to direct my posts to anyone specific.

hope everyone waiting r well and not kept for 2 long and those already mummies r ok, healing and enjoying this, as i can only imagine, extremely demanding, stressfully yet rewarding time with ur little ones.

congratulations to everyone recently laboured too.

im into my 3rd day of being overdue now and although im not fed up being pregnant im fed up with the waiting around and the constant texts and phone calls. think something may be happening but then after the holiday period of slow labour im not holding out on anything, however, i have been losing my plug since thursday and tonight had regular very mild contractions around 10 minutes apart lasting around 45 secs but then this was the same as before so as i say, not holding out on anything coming to it.

going to watch some tv in bed and try and get my head down tho just incase it may be my last chance, funny thing is hubby had today (sunday) as the birthday on our sweepstake, not sure if i want that or not, i do of course i do but monday is pay day so one more day would ensure i wouldnt be brasic between christmas and now for their birthday if that makes sense lol

anyway, night all, hopefully next time i get on here i will have some more exciting news
Gosh windle I know what you mean about payday! My lil fella was born exactly one week before Christmas & man is it gona be an expensive time of year for us! Hope your lo holds out a bit but at the same time I'm sure you're fed up being overdue! :hugs:

Lintu - you must be so sick of hearing it but lay on that sofa, doing nothing 24/7 if you feel like it. You sound so fed up- I feel for you hun. Wishing you a lo In your arms very soon!

Good luck 17!
Rees - jago sounds like he's thriving- even if you're a zombie! (I so feel your pain!) Long may the Tegan's good sleeping habits last! How was Christmas in your new house?

Mmcheek - a smile! Yay! Melts your heart doesn't it? Can wait for DJ's first smile.. Will make the sleep deprivation worth it :) try not to take it personally (hard I know) when people don't reply to you.. Happens me all the time but I figure no-one intentionally ignores me - it's just we're all so busy & caught up in our own lives :hugs:M

Anyone heard from Chobette? Hope she's ok.

Kezz - congrats on george's arrival!

Paula - if you're reading this, I hope you don't have too much longer to wait for your lo :hugs:

Lm - well done you!
I had more written out but it's disappeared.. Aarraaggh.. That's what I get for using my phone!

Our lil guy is doing well although I'm having a lot of difficulty winding him & he seems to have a lot of trapped wind /gas. He's put on weight & we're just waiting for that First smile :)

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