January SnowAngels 2012, 2nd and 3rd Tri

Ladies who had a c-section I have a question. Although everything is healing really well and I'm hardly havin any pain now, iv noticed last couple of days when I go for a wee it kind of hurts as the wee ends. Not burning like with a uti - its more like the bladder muscle hurts? Its like a muscle pain (really hard to describe!). Is this normal? Is my bladder maybe bruised or something from the catheter?

Thanks mm and lintu. I think he's perfect but then I am a little biased!
havent noticed pain like that since the night of the c-section. i have felt pretty good although; when i exercise i am still really sore in that area
It's weird... I dunno whether I should be worried or not... given only had the op 5 days ago. I'll give it a while longer and if it gets worse or doesn't go away i'll ask the health visitor or doctor!

Also... i'm expressing the boobie juice 3-4 times a day, and noticed today that my boobs feel really hot (although I am wearing breast pads!) and tender. Is that normal? Is it because i'm around day 5 - when milk normally comes in? Sorry for all the questions!
Lovely pics Kezz and yay for 2cms Lintu!

Im starting to find things hard, Im so tired and its making me snappy and over emotional. Also my heart wants to carry on breastfeeding as I know its best but my head is trying to find reasons to stop it. Im having a really bad day and really need to rant, OH thinks Im being unreasonable and stroppy but its alright for him he's falling to sleep by 8pm and sleeping through the night and gets to go out whenever he wants and see people over the age of 2!

Sorry girls...
my boobs are constantly warm Kezz and itchy also, i think thats from the breast pads.

Are you getting much off expressing? Im only getting 2 - 3ozs at the mo.
LM- if you seen the page before I ranted about the same. I get so jealous of his sleep and freedom. I don't want to be free but I get so mad watching him just go do things that I cant remotely start to do. I love the boning with breast feeding but i spent so much of my day doing it. If he was allergic I so still would be doing but since he is and on formula he is atleast finally content. thank god cause something had to give with us.

Kezz- I felt that but if you don't want to dry up then you need to be expressing atleast every two hours or you will begin to feel the tingly from the milk ducts drying up
LM i- I sympathise with the breast feeding. After we went through a 14 hour long night with constant crying and no sleep we realised we couldn't do it anymore and he obv wasn't content on just my milk. I also started to dread every feed and hated that I felt that way. Now at least on formula I can adore him and love feeding him! If I could have breast fed well with no problems I would have, but wasn't meant to be.

I'm getting about 20-30ml three times a day? I dunno what that is in oz. Its not much but I feel like I'm doing something at least! I dunno how long it will last as I find it hard work and pretty painful. What happens if I decide to stop? Do I need to do it gradually?
Hi ladies,
Congadulations to all the new mommies!!

Breastfeeding was also really hard for me and Andi was always crying
And struggling to get full. So I rented a hospital pump and pump every 2 hrs for 30 mins and started taking "more milk plus". I was really surprised after a few days and was able to freeze 24 oz's today alone. I guess I figured she would end up on the bottle anyway when I go back to work in 8 weeks. Feels nice to know I have more control and baby girl is so happy now. :)
kezz - I get that too, thinking it's normal. My section was 4 days ago.
Connor Joseph was born Jan 19th by c-section. Originally was induced, by when we got to 9cm his head got stuck and started to swell. Home now and finding it hard to do things on my own let alone Connor. Luckily husband has been great and been a huge help.

Congrats Kezz btw. How are you doing after you c-section?

LM - I am the same way, snappy and emotional... often over the silliest things. Sorry your husband is acting that way, men just don't understand how difficult things are, especially breastfeeding and giving birth. xx
Well I give up, after a night of pains and back ache I went to bed at about 10 and have been wide awake since 5.45 and everything seems to have stopped, I'm gutted :( I know they say 48hrs but I'm now convinced it's failed.

I really don't want to have to be induced as I won't be able to have a water birth :( aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhh come on baby time to play ball !!!
Congrats Chobette!

Hang on in there Lintu, I thought Shannon was never going to come after 4 days of contractions so I really sympathise with you!

Kezz when I stopped expressing with Annie I took Epsom salts and it dried my milk up.

managed to be in bed by 9.30pm last night and had a good few hours so feel a bit better today.

Those of you who are BF do you do it much outside the house? I havent had to do it in public yet but Im actually dreading having to it.
Mmcheek :hugs:

Chobette- congrats! Hope things start getting easier for you soon Hun :hugs:

Lintu- hope your lo is in your arms real soon :)

Lm- I'm bf'ing in public & havn't found it too bad this time round. I tend to find a spot with my back to the wall (makes me feel more secure) & I have everything I need (usually including at least two muslins& a couple of bibs!) in front if me before I start feeding him.
I fed him in a matalan changing room last week! Mothercare, debenhams & my doctors have specific bf areas.
I try to wear loose tops that are easy to discreetly lift up when we're out. First time around I was really nervous about what people would think but I've figured that being stressed makes feeding him harder so I've decided - what's the worst that can happen? :)
Congrats Chobette! I am fine now after c-section. Been into town and Asda this week, only for half an hour at a time, but apart from odd pains and aches i'm good thanks. How are you recovering?

LM - where do I get epsom salts from?
Kezz I think you can get them from the pharmacy but obviously check with the pharmacist about using them first. I only took them because of my mums advice.
Kezz - I am doing fine, went almost the whole day without needing to take a pain pill, just took one recently because it go unbearable. I've been to the store, probably walked for 45 minutes (OWWW!) and then husband walked me around in a wheelchair to get some milk and what not.

Would it be okay to take the little one out to the store with us real quick or no?

I hate being couped up and would like to have a walk around with my husband and the baby. xx
I've taken george with us to asda, town and to the pub yesterday for lunch. He has slept through each event so far! I just make sure I've plenty of blankets etc with me
I'm down to ezpressing twice a day now as I want to stop, but was wondering - is it normal for my boobs to feel really tender like they're bruised? Its worse when I haven't expressed for a few hours but painful all the time and hurts to sleep on them. Is that normal?
Kezz maybe they are just a bit engorged where you're not using them as much??

I had to have Shannon weighed again today and she still isnt putting on enough weight. She is 17 days old and still not back back to birth weight. We have to take her to the hospital again on Saturday to be weighed.

Its really getting to me and I'm seriously considering putting her on formula just so she puts on the weight. She obviously isnt getting what she needs from my milk alone. I've been in tears over it today as part of me thinks just go on formula but then I feel as if I'd be letting Shannon down by stopping BF.

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