January SnowAngels 2012, 2nd and 3rd Tri

LM - hope they figure out a solution, you wouldn't be letting her down. I'm guessing they have tried looking at your latch? I don't know much about BF'ing as I resorted to bottle feeding, but hoping they can figure something out so you can continue and give her the nutrients she needs.

Thanks Kezz - may do that a little later then, take him to the store.

So I finally got 3 hours of sleep. I think from 10pm to now I slept 5 hours, doesn't seem like much, but it'll help for the long day ahead of us, appointments and all. x
LM - I know exactly what you're feeling! I was so determined to breastfeed and even now feel guitly that I've stopped, but I felt worse letting george lose weight and felt more responsibility to get him up to a healthy weight and that meant more to me. Now he is just such a happier baby and it was worth it
After starting induction at 39+5 baby zachary was born at 40+1 via emergancy c-section xx
Congrats to all the new mummys.

Kezz.... if you want to stop expressing and giving EBM the best thing to do is just stop!! Put a good tight bra on, take pain killers and they will go down in a couple of days. Gradually stopping does no good as you are still telling yur body it needs to make milk. It will be uncomfortable, engorgement is probably what is causing you pain cuz your not using the milk your making!

LM. Pls dont feel like you are not giving Shannon what she needs. I do wish HCP wouldnt put so much stress on weightgain. BF do not gain as bottle feeding babies do! I dont know the ins/outs of shannons weight but all i will say is as long as she is contented, peeing and pooping, and is not loosing/poorly etc i wouldnt worry. even a little gain is good.
Is your latch painful? does Shannon empty the breast, can you hear her gulping? and are you expressing and toppin up with EBM?? How long does she feed for?

As i said before Alivia was nearly 5wks before back to bw. i let the mw play on my emotions to give formula when she was 2days old against my better knowledge and jugement. tbh it made me feel horrible and i wish i trusted my gut knowing that i was doing the best thing for my baby. - Im not saying Formula is not best (best is what gets a happy mummy and a happy baby!!) , im saying do what is best for you and Shannon and dont let little things like weight gain make you stop if stopping will make you feel guilt etc. Any gain is good and a result or your milk!!

My bf mission is still on going, and i get that weight is a massive thing when it comes to knowing if your are giving her enough, i have been on the verge of giving up more than once, but my bf specialist was fab and too said not to focus on weight if baby was contented etc. I have been exp on/off and now back to excl bf, and i am also taking Domperidone to increase my supply as the earlier problems caused one side to not have enough.. BF is not always easy for everyone, but i DOES get EASIER!!

I didnt mean to rant there, Always remember... HAPPY BABY + HAPPY MUMMY!! xxx
well i felt horrible stopping and was being stubborn then i found out he has a stange allergy and then i felt bad for forcing the issue
Sorry to those having a tough time :hugs:

As for BF, I sadly didnt get over 24hrs, but I'll be honest and say I'm ok with that, I couldn't feed dd1/2 so maybe I already faced defeat but had less expectations. She's feeding well from the bottle and everyone can help.
I have hugely engorged breasts but nothing comes out even if I try expressing in the shower. Looks like I've had implants put in.

Main problem I'm having is hunger, I cant remember the last time I was ever this hungry.
5-a-side - my boobs r finally starting to hurt a little less so I guess soon my milk will have gone. Kind of sad really but I'm trying not to feel bad about it. George is eating plenty and seems happy and that's the main thing.

Question to ladies with c-sections! Just to the right of my scar and slightly higher it feels rock hard underneath. Is this just scar tissue? Its not painful to touch at all... Just a hard bit?? My scar is a bit stingy this morning but think that's cos mw put new dressing on an a tiny bit of the sticky tape is on the scar. Think its irritating it! Hope this dressing can come off soon!

Oh and... George was awake half the night wanting feeding every hour so didn't have time to settle in between feeds. Now, come morning, he is fast asleep and has been for nearly 3 hrs. Do u think he is teasing us?
Well I gave Shannon her 1st formula feed and it broke my heart but at least now I will finally stop whinging about it!

Those of you with toddlers, how are they adjusting? Annie was fine to start with but we are having a terrible time of it with her these last few days.
Kezz - I don't have that, but it could be scar tissue. My boobs are still hurting and leaking like mad. I am getting used to the pain. Hoping they dry up quickly.

LM - :hugs: a happy mom equals a happy baby and vice versa.

5-a-side - I am hungry too, but I have no appetite :-/
hey guys it been real nice sharing this experience i wish you all the luck in the world with the future. i am deactivating my membership so i again wish all of you the best
Sorry haven't been on ladies, my baby daughter Alannah was born the 25th weighing 9lb 15.5oz, still in hospital will update more when I'm home xxx good luck to everyone left
Wow, Congratulations Lintu!! She is massive! Hope all went well for you and you are both ok, look forward to hearing more!
Congratulations Lintu. Very good weight, hope all is well.

LM - FF wasnt what I wanted but its what is best for us and Melody.

MM - I've just read your post about how stressed out and undervalued you are feeling, really sounds like you have had very little support. I'm sorry you have thought of deactivating BnB, I wish you the very best for the future xxx

Thanks for the updated 1st page Rees :)

Got MW coming out today to do checks and heel prick test, something I'm dreading and a viewer coming to see the house at lunch time too.

Is there a January babies thread?
Congratulations lintu! She is huuge sounds like a very good healthy weight, and what a beautiful name!
Yay! George has put another 4.5oz on in 4 days - he is just 2.5oz off his birth weight now. I'm a very happy mummy!
Good Luck with the viewing 5 and the heel prick test, Shannon fell asleep when she had hers didnt even whimper.

Great news about George, Kezz! He must look so tiny. Shannon is probably about a pound bigger than him at the mo and I think she looks dinky!

I have to take Shannon for another weigh in tomorrow at the hospital but now she is on formula we should be back to birth weight.

I have to say since we've been FF everything seems a lot calmer and more enjoyable.
I have to say since we've been FF everything seems a lot calmer and more enjoyable.

I know exactly what you mean!

Do any other first time mum's find getting up in the night really difficult? I mean i'm wide awake at the slightest sound he makes... but actually pulling myself out of bed every couple of hours (although at mo OH is doing half the feeds) is really difficult and sometimes I struggle to open my eyes properly. I guess having never been sleep deprived before (i'm a good sleeper!) it will take some getting used to. I'm really nervous about OH going back to work and George waking so often for feeds. I don't feel that it's fair to ask him to do half the night feeds (which can be 2-3 feeds some nights) when he has to get up and go to work for the day. Thinking maybe he could do the last feed on a night and get up slightly early for work and do a feed in the morning if George is up. I guess I can always have a lie in in the morning!

How does everyone else manage it?
Haven't updated in a while.
We to are forumla feeding as the after pains caused by bf on c-section scar where un-berable. He latched brilliantly when I recovered enough to be able to hold and feed him and then since then has showed no intrest. Even the midwifes coldnt get him to latch on. I'd much rather he was a full happy baby! And talking of full he's been taking 40-55ml at each feed.
Still in hospital as running a tempreature of 38.4-38.8 and they think I have a womb infection from my c-section so on IV anti-biotics and paracetamol. Haven't needed any oramorph for section pain today either!
Midwifes have notcied he's a bit jaundiced so been told to wake him up for 3-4 hourly feeds and to keep an eye on him. He looks like he's been fake tanned!
Am up and waddling from the section and had a shower today. It was bliss!
Kezz- I was doing fine with waking up in the early morning, but we started a new schedule since DH goes back to work tomorrow. He does the early morning feeds and then he'll go to bed and I'll take over from there. Now I would so struggle waking up early morning.

17 -- I also decided to FF based on the pain of my c-section. I didn't even get to hold and feed my son til the next day. My son is a little jaundiced as well, but the doctor didn't seem too concerned about it. I see him on Tuesday and see what he says about it then. He also looks fake tanned. Take it easy, it does get better xx

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