January SnowAngels 2012, 2nd and 3rd Tri

kezz, we get the grunting etc and then a big wet explosive fart!! melody was going quite a bit and now its probably twice a day really. I just put it down to her tummy getting used to the milk. Her poo isnt hard so I'm not worried.

As for OH's going back to work, mine went back when melody was 4 days old. Just cant afford not too and its heartbreaking watching him kiss her goodbye in the mornings. So I make sure when he gets in there's a cup of tea and lots of kisses and cuddles waiting for him.
Going out is nerving, however with school runs and things you dont have a choice. Its sometimes a mad rush to be ready and out of the door at 8am as it keeps falling when LO is hungry and I feel so mean that I cant do everything in time.
Drinking some nasty stuff before going for my scan. They think I might have a collection of blood in a muscle from my section
Kezz, Shannon didnt go to poo for nearly two days and I was getting worried but then after a feed she literally just exploded! I figured if she was really bunged up with it she wouldnt want to eat and she was??

5 - Ive got my first lone nursery run in the morning, Im dreading it!!

17 - Hope you feel better soon and you and your son are allowed to go home.

Shannon is getting quite an appetite on her at the moment, sometimes not even wanting to go 3 hours between feeds, anyine else having this?

Also has anyone noticed a white coating on LOs tongue? Im not sure if its just a coating of milk or maybe if she thrush...
Thanks everyone. HV is coming today so I will ask her about the pooing, but i'm not so worried now. I'll look forward to the massive explosion at some point in next day or so probably!!

LM - The longest George has ever gone between feeds is 3 hours, and that's when we're lucky! Usually he feeds every 2 - 2 and a half hours, which is fine with us as it's an improvement on 1.5 hours he was doing. He always has a feed in the morning and a feed at night where he doesn't settle... and he stays awake until his next feed. I don't mind the morning one cause I like spending the time with him awake, but the evening one is usually arouns 11pm-midnight and not much fun when you're tired!
Kezz - my son goes a day normally without pooing, he hasn't gone since yesterday early morning. I think he's trying to work one up now though :haha:

LM - My son goes 2 hours during the day and up to 4 hours during the night between feeds. He also has a white coating, but his is from milk.

17 - Good luck, really hoping it's a simple fix and you start recovering soon, you've had it rough :hugs:
It's one thing after another at the minute! I've freaked myself out this afternoon and a bit worried. Can anyone help? My bleeding stopped the day before yesterday, then yesterday it started again (smallish amount), enough that just a pantyliner was enough. Then this morning when I went to the loo there was egg-white type mucus (like the fertile mucus you get half way thru period) mixed with the blood. When I went again this afternoon there was loads of it, and it was (sorry TMI) literally hanging out of me... like someone had broken a couple of eggs! I've not had any uterus cramps or any pain, the only pain I have at the minute is i'm a bit bloated and struggling to go for a number 2! There's still more mucus coming out and I dunno if it's normal or what? Could it be my mucus plug, or just some of the contents of my uterus coming out late? Would really appreciate it if anyone has any insight cause I'm worrying myself that there's something wrong?
Thankyou for your hugs :) the scan showed I have a small collection of blood from my section wich should heel by itself. It also shows that my right kidney is enlarged wich can happen in pregnancy due to the pressure of the womb and can remain a few weeks post delivary. I had another scan today to look at the kidney more and see what's what. The microbiologists (sp) are trying different cocktails of antibiotics as I still have a tempreature.
On the plus side zac is a week old today!b
Hope you and your LO's are doing good
Thankyou for your hugs :) the scan showed I have a small collection of blood from my section wich should heel by itself. It also shows that my right kidney is enlarged wich can happen in pregnancy due to the pressure of the womb and can remain a few weeks post delivary. I had another scan today to look at the kidney more and see what's what. The microbiologists (sp) are trying different cocktails of antibiotics as I still have a tempreature.
On the plus side zac is a week old today!b
Hope you and your LO's are doing good
Kezz you can bleed on and off for up to six weeks. Im not bleeding now but have mucusy discharge too.

Im taking Shannon to the Dr 2moro because Im really paranoid about her white tongue, it seems to have gotten a thicker layer on it and looks really wierd!
Don't know about that kezz.. I'd phone the midwife if I were you. Might be different in your area but where I am you phone the hospital & speak with a community midwife 24/7 up to 4 weeks after delivery.

17 - hope you're up & about soon xx

5 - sounds like you're doing a great job - must be a real juggling act with oh at work & other kids to get sorted xx

LM - hope you get on ok with the doctor tomorrow

How are you chobette?

Sorry if TMI but DJ is having a real hard time passing poos. He hadn't gone in three days & then bam! one after the other! It's like he hasn't figured out that he has to push them out if that makes sense??? He just seems to wait until it 'falls' out! Anyone else???
Hey Tilly,

I am doing good. C-section incision is getting less sore and back pain seems to only be centered in the lower region versus the radiating pain I was getting.
My son seems to struggle with pooping as well, but seems to be doing better than your LO? Maybe he was tired of trying to poop it out? Was it hard and clumpy or when it came out was it runny? My doctor told me yesterday as long as when he finally does have a BM that it's runny and not clumpy. He told me some babies can go a few days between BM's. How are you doing Tilly?

Connor had his 2 week appointment yesterday, he is up 10oz from the previous week and 8oz from his birth weight. He now weighs 8lbs 8oz. He's also gained half an inch and is now 21inches in height. He also seems to be doing better in terms of fussiness and doesn't cry as much. So he's in the right direction.

Anyone noticing their babys are becoming more alert and they don't sleep as much? Connor used to only stay awake to eat and a couple snuggles and then he would sleep. Now he can stay awake 3+ hours at a time. He was awake for 6 hours yesterday with only a 40 minute nap.
Chobetter - sounds just like George. He stays awake for a good 4-5 hours sometimes, and feeds 2, sometimes 3 times before he falls asleep. Usually he's quite content just to look around, and then starts getting whingey when he gets hungry again. I enjoy the time with him, but wish he wouldn't do it at 6 in the morning! lol. What do you do with yours when he's awake? Do you try and settle him or do you play with him? I keep reading about overstimulation and worried about doing too much. We tried putting him on his belly on his playmat yesterday and he just cried! lol.
Well we've tried the swing, but he only liked it for 10 minutes. Normally I hold and talk to him. Haven't tried the playmat, was thinking of trying that actually. He doesn't like his bouncer right now... so pretty much we let him lay down on the couch to look around, hold him and talk to him, and that's all that he's enjoyed so far besides car rides lol. x
Just written my birth story on here. Reminds how much of a sucky time it was. Don't know about any of you other c-section ladies but I watched one born every minute last night and was kinda upset/jelous about the ladies having vaginal births. Made me want to cry.
I originally came into hospital with PET can't believe I've been here two weeks today
Am out of high dependancy!!!! :D there talking about stopping iv antibiotics and starting oral tommorow so I'm 2 steps closer to home!
She's precious lainey

17 - That's good news! Hoping you go home soon x
Hi all! Shannon did have oral thrush so have gel to put on her tongue which she hates but its clearling up nicely now.

Had her weighed today she is 9lb 3ozs now!! the little chubba!

Hope you are all well... and looking forward to the snow, lol!
Lainey - she is gorgeous!

17 - Fingers crossed you'll be out soon and home with your little one!

LM - Glad you got the thrush sorted. I started checking in George's mouth now since you said that, but only small amount of white and only after a feed, so guessing it's just milk!

I need some advice! My little darling (now 16 days old) will NOT go to sleep in his cot. I have read so much stuff that all says you must let them settle themselves in their cot, but now matter what we try, if we put him down when he's not completely asleep... he stirrs, then starts whinging, then begins to cry. I've also read that if they're over tired they won't sleep... so if I leave him to cry, will he not then be overtired and not sleep anyway? Also I can't bear to leave him to cry! So we feed him, play with him (talk to him) if he has stayed awake long enough, then wait for him to fall asleep in our arms and then put him down. Sometimes he even wakes up then... and we have to re-settle him. Not so bad in the day but a bit of a nightmare at night when i'm shattered! Please help... i'm worried I'm going to have a child who needs cuddling to sleep when he's 2 years old!!
Kezz - My son is pretty much the same age as yours, we still wait until his asleep before putting him down in his bassinet. I don't think they self-soothe until a little later unless you have a really good baby. My son won't fall asleep in his bassinet, we have to wait until he's already asleep. xx

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