January SnowAngels 2012, 2nd and 3rd Tri

hey ladies,

Sorry i have been MIA for a while. I have been keeping a eye out on the thread and agree that it is a little slow nowadays. where are ppl going have i missed something??lol.

Paula i know how you feel i dont tend to get many reponses to my posts, but then i dont think i really have much to say ( which is odd cuz if you met me that would blow you down! lol ) I just tend to pop in, its nice to keep up with everyone and see how they are all getting on. Think some ppl are here more than others and get to know ppl better, althogh it does feel like we know each other so its nice to know what you all been up to.

Kezz i love your nursery pics! Cant believe you have it all done. I havent even finished my room yet which needs to be done before the babys otherwise there will be no where to put the baby! lol I know what i want tho, so i cant wait to start buying it all.

I have to say i havnt really bought anything yet! Apart from feeding stuff on sale. i am waiting for 20wks i think ? :blush:
Its weird but i kinda feel like a bit of a fraud! lol. I know im pregnant and now its obvious too but i feel like im bigger than some at 18wks and so feel abit like a fraud.. haha. I need mat clothes now but i wont wear some as i feel like im not properly pregnant. ie big enough! :blush: LOL. does anyone else feel like that?? i dont know why it is. almost ppl think im pushing it out.. hahah

I love my little bump tho, (Rees your bump is lovely too ) although not enjoying having a extremely limited wardrobe! :cry: work is a nightmare as i have nothing to fit this little one in!

Im now a Sweet potato i think ! :happydance: And boy can i feel my little sweet potato dance! lol. its been a bit quiet over the weekend but then just when i think its all quiet --- HELLO MUMMY!! lol. its soo cool. i think it must have had hiccups just cuz it kept kicking in the same place every couple of seconds which is odd. lol. i love the bigger kicks cant wait for DH to feel them too!

20wk USS next wed. cant wait!! i so hope i manage to stay on team Yellow. Im so scared i might accidently see something wangling at me! lol. Although i think its a girl i want to find out at the end!

Anyways, sorry for the rabble! maybe i should post more often so i dont put you to sleep with my essays!! lol.

Sorry I've been absent recently we've just moved and we've been off line for a while (which has been a nightmare)! I'm not sure I've caught up entirely with the thread either.

Paula - I know excatly how you feel, I've felt like it myself on several occasions.

Rees - I hope you move goes better than ours, we decided to move ourselves (due to cost of removal firms) and have never regretted anything more in my life!!!

Maz - I thought I was the only person who hasn't bought anything yet! I'm waiting until the 20 scan - the baby better not have its legs closed!

I don't know if anyone can help but I've been getting really bad headaches everyday for the last couple of weeks - I'm even waking up with them. I have been putting it down to the stress of our move but am starting to think perhaps I should consult a midwife/doctor - what do people think?
I know this is completely off topic ladies but i'm hoping someone can help! My horrible neighbours put a letter through our postbox today complaining about our dogs barking. Unfortunately we live next to a field, and just left of our hedge is used as a footpath for dog walkers etc, so when people go past the dogs do bark if they're in the garden. They do also bark sometimes when the idiot next door is in his garden banging around doing DIY cause they're so rarely in their garden that our dogs (well just one of them actually) doesn't know what it is and barks. The letter says they're going to complain to the council unless we a) muzzle our dogs or b) stop letting them out or c) train them to stop barking. Well Milo is a terrier and after 2 yrs of trying everything he won't stop, but he does come in when he's called. We always stop them if they bark for too long and bring them in, and they're never left out barking at night. Apart from in summer hols, we're at work anyway from 8 - 5 and the dogs are inside so they don't bark then! Generally they're only out for wees etc, we never just leave them out for hours!

I'm so upset that they've sent this letter saying they're going to complain to the council unless we shut them up. They got chickens a few months back and we're woken up every morning by them squawking, sometimes as early as 6am! I wouldn't dream of complaining it's so childlish.

Has anyone had any experience of this? I'm really upset and really could do without this right now!
Thank you Maz & jfor3 :hugs: I did not realise others felt the same as me sometimes.....I just cant keep my mouth shut if something is bothering me :blush:
I just speak what I feel :shrug:

Maz know what you feel about your wardrobe.....mine exists of 1 pair of trousers and 4 tops to alternate! my bump is huge now! cant quite belive it!! I also have not bought anything for baby yet......but have plenty from my other 2 lol.......so excited for the 30th, me and OH have booked the day off work and its my scan, we hope to find out the gender then go out to a big shopping centre and spend spend spend :D very excited!

Also realised today that I can leave work in 10 weeks time If I want to! not too long,....will see how I feel :D but not going to push myself :winkwink: want to be at home nesting!
I haven't taken omega 3 at all, I started but they kept repeating on me and I had to stop. I am still taking the pre-natals though as the mid wife advised it was fine to carry on with those if they were also a multi vitamin like Pregnacare, which mine are. It's 50-50 at the minute as to whether I remember to take them or not. I try to eat healthy but the thought of fruit at the minute just isn't appealing to me. DF cooks most of the time so he makes sure I get my fair share of greens and veg and I've been having fruit juice and smoothies to try and make up for the lack of fruit.

ooh I tried to finish the box i had left but had to stop them at 13 + weeks, they gave me horrid constipation, been loads better since :thumbup:
Sorry I've been absent recently we've just moved and we've been off line for a while (which has been a nightmare)! I'm not sure I've caught up entirely with the thread either.

Paula - I know excatly how you feel, I've felt like it myself on several occasions.

Rees - I hope you move goes better than ours, we decided to move ourselves (due to cost of removal firms) and have never regretted anything more in my life!!!

Maz - I thought I was the only person who hasn't bought anything yet! I'm waiting until the 20 scan - the baby better not have its legs closed!

I don't know if anyone can help but I've been getting really bad headaches everyday for the last couple of weeks - I'm even waking up with them. I have been putting it down to the stress of our move but am starting to think perhaps I should consult a midwife/doctor - what do people think?

are you getting plenty of fluid's huni, i know if i dont drink enough my headaches are awful, also if i have too much sleep, luckily lack of sleep i'm fine on :haha:
Hi All, it is quiet in here isnt it.

Kezz sorry I have no advice, but I hope the situation works itself out for you, try not to stress!

Maz, YAY for all the moment feels great doesnt it?!

Jfor3 hope you are settling in well, I hate moving!

Paula the thought of leaving work early is nice isnt it, but the later you leave it the longer you get a home with the baby!!

I took Annie to the park today and went down the slide with her and some kid came down behind me and booted me in the back, his mum was stood there and didnt even ask if the obviously pregnant woman (ME,lol) he had just hit was ok.
I know this is completely off topic ladies but i'm hoping someone can help! My horrible neighbours put a letter through our postbox today complaining about our dogs barking. Unfortunately we live next to a field, and just left of our hedge is used as a footpath for dog walkers etc, so when people go past the dogs do bark if they're in the garden. They do also bark sometimes when the idiot next door is in his garden banging around doing DIY cause they're so rarely in their garden that our dogs (well just one of them actually) doesn't know what it is and barks. The letter says they're going to complain to the council unless we a) muzzle our dogs or b) stop letting them out or c) train them to stop barking. Well Milo is a terrier and after 2 yrs of trying everything he won't stop, but he does come in when he's called. We always stop them if they bark for too long and bring them in, and they're never left out barking at night. Apart from in summer hols, we're at work anyway from 8 - 5 and the dogs are inside so they don't bark then! Generally they're only out for wees etc, we never just leave them out for hours!

I'm so upset that they've sent this letter saying they're going to complain to the council unless we shut them up. They got chickens a few months back and we're woken up every morning by them squawking, sometimes as early as 6am! I wouldn't dream of complaining it's so childlish.

Has anyone had any experience of this? I'm really upset and really could do without this right now!

Hiya hun, thats crap why cant they just talk to you about it? I would say try and train them, you can try a behaviour trainer or look up clicker training thats worked a treat for us.

The problem is they are protecting their land, especially with the people walking past, why dont you contact the council and tell them about the letter, tell them you feel threatened by it?

I wouldnt think they can do much about dogs barking if its not excessive :shrug: try googling it to see if there is anything they can do, then at least you know where you stand and can either act on it or tell them to do one!

if they arent barking at all times of the day and night i would say they are being very unreasonable, bet the chickens dont help the dogs barking either.

Hope everything goes ok
Hi all-hope everyones ok?
Maz-feel exactly the same about my bump. I've not really much there and go between feeling fat and sucking in to pushing out and stroking it to show everyone I'm pg!!
Same with team yellow too-I hope you don't see anything. Wev got scan next Monday and praying nobody spoils it!!

Jfor3 I've had loads of headaches and have read it's pretty normal. Sounds like you are having them very regular though-are you drinking lots of water? Maybe it is stress? You could check with midwife to put your mind at rest?

Kezz-I haven't dogs myself so don't know what you can do? Have you tried talking to them? Check your rights on the Internet aswell. Sounds like stress you could do without. We have an evil cat and I'm terrified someone will complain he's terrorizing their cats! Let us know what happens-hope it's ok.

Paula-10 weeks will go so fast! Bet your are on countdown. I had to get some new clothes the other day as although not much bump, extra padding round my tummy was making tops and trousers pretty uncomfortable. Bought loads of tops and a few pairs of maternity leg gins so hoping to live in them!! Do you have an inkling what team you are?

Also realised today that I can leave work in 10 weeks time If I want to! not too long,....will see how I feel :D but not going to push myself :winkwink: want to be at home nesting!

oooh thats sooo tempting isnt it, im trying not to think about it too much as id want to be off :haha: I want to try and hold out for the 30th Dec and then have 1st two weeks of jan as hols, get longer off with bean then, although going to see if i can manage not going back cos i want to go to uni
hey ladies,
although not enjoying having a extremely limited wardrobe! :cry: work is a nightmare as i have nothing to fit this little one in!


I know how you feel huni, iv been out of the majority of my wardrobe since about 6 weeks thanx to the bloat, i love my maternity work pants, altho i do feel a bit of a fraud :haha: but there was no way i was buying bigger size clothes for a month or two
Thanks guys! Advice much appreciated. I spoke to my dad - he used to be a police officer and says the council won't do anything about it unless it excessive and late at night etc. He's told me to either ignore it, or write a letter back but says it's up to me. The chickens drive the terrier mental he always wants to get to them, and they put up this fence a few days before they got the chickens (guessing so the dogs couldn't get to them) but they've left a big gap underneath which we have tried to cover with wooden planks and stuff so stop them getting through, but poor Milo can see the chickens under the gap!

I've spent today making sure if they bark more than a few times i've brought them in, and they come straight in when called, but they are very strange people and to be honest they scare me!!
OOOO good luck tomorrow truly_blessed! mine went well today, we were waiting for 2 and a hours for some reason but everything looks great! Very very relieved, they said i had an anterior placenta which is why i don't really feel anything but baby was wiggling about the whole time and it took forever to do the measurements because baby didn't want it's picture taken! but it was yawning and rolling over heheheheh :)

Now i just need one of those chunky kitkats and all will be well :)
Kezz - It can be a real stress to have stupid neighbours. try not to let it get to you too much - easier said than done. but as others said, if it's not excessive then they can't really do anything. I hope you get it sorted out.

Paula - glad you are still posting, I also felt the same a bit , but i didn't really post very much so could understand. now i am stressing all the time I fell like I am posting every 5 second - mostly just for my sanity to feel like i am not on my own! We are thousands of miles from our families unfortunately so don't feel like I should be asking them all the stupid questions I have in case they worry.

Maz and others - I also haven't bought anything baby wise, but nothing at all. I keep joking that i will send the other half out the day the baby is born to buy everything! I did finally have to buy a couple of maternity tops though as otherwise I had like 2 items in my wardrobe that fit (I also bought a tankini as we are going on holiday in 2 weeks)!

Hope all are well :)
P.s - how do i get the thing at the bottom that says what the baby is. I hear all this talk of sweet potatoes and onions :)
First preg: Glad to here that your scan went well did you stay yellow? Also to get those tickers i just clicked on someone elses that i like and it took me to the page. Then you just got to find where it says preg tickers or something about that. It will ask you to type in your due date ect and it will customize it for you lol Then at the end it will give you a url thing that you copy and paste. to your signiture. Just click on quick links and then on signiture and that is where you paste it. lol

Thanks ladies for awsnering me about the riot. Does the queen do anything to try to stop it. Im sorry ladies i dont really understand the whole thing about having royalty lol as we just have a president. Wow i cant imagine. I went to london one year with my choir and sang at the st pauls cathedral and where ever that place is called where princess dianna is barried. Its been awhile and my brain doesnt work with me. We got to go shopping down town london and harrids(spelling) that was my favorate store lol. I cant imagine all those places being distroid.

kezz. I had the same issue when i lived in a apartment complex. My neighbor just kept complaining about everything. Our dog our music our car. OMG i just wanted to strangle them lol But have you ever heard of that saying what goes around comes around? Your neighbors are going to be like that just do what your dad said. But remember they act like that tord other people one day its going to turn around and bite them in the butt. haha

Welcome back those who have been gone for a while.

I too know how yall feel about then clothes issue. I still fit into a select few of my reg clothes and own very few mat clothes. I feel like my fashion now adays are gone lol. I remember pushing my belly out and rubbing it with my first baby but i havent really dont that yet with this one lol

Im am getting so anoyed with my work. I work in retail and its summer so im serving customers all day. behind the counter its a very tight space and im getting tired of everyone running into me. i know they dont mean to but i just hate it. No one will help me to lift anything heavy as no one beside me has ever been pregnant there. Im so worried i will hurt my baby by lifting these thing. I mean 50 lb boxes and stuff. How can i get people to help me. I dont wanna be one of those anoying pregnant ladies that no one wants to be around but now i feel i cant help it
Hi all-hope everyones ok?
Maz-feel exactly the same about my bump. I've not really much there and go between feeling fat and sucking in to pushing out and stroking it to show everyone I'm pg!!
Same with team yellow too-I hope you don't see anything. Wev got scan next Monday and praying nobody spoils it!!

Jfor3 I've had loads of headaches and have read it's pretty normal. Sounds like you are having them very regular though-are you drinking lots of water? Maybe it is stress? You could check with midwife to put your mind at rest?

Kezz-I haven't dogs myself so don't know what you can do? Have you tried talking to them? Check your rights on the Internet aswell. Sounds like stress you could do without. We have an evil cat and I'm terrified someone will complain he's terrorizing their cats! Let us know what happens-hope it's ok.

Paula-10 weeks will go so fast! Bet your are on countdown. I had to get some new clothes the other day as although not much bump, extra padding round my tummy was making tops and trousers pretty uncomfortable. Bought loads of tops and a few pairs of maternity leg gins so hoping to live in them!! Do you have an inkling what team you are?


I wish I could wear leggings....too fat for them :blush: but I do wear them around the house, sooo comfy! I think I might be team :blue: but I really do not mind either way already having a girl & a boy....we shall see! :) xx
Also realised today that I can leave work in 10 weeks time If I want to! not too long,....will see how I feel :D but not going to push myself :winkwink: want to be at home nesting!

oooh thats sooo tempting isnt it, im trying not to think about it too much as id want to be off :haha: I want to try and hold out for the 30th Dec and then have 1st two weeks of jan as hols, get longer off with bean then, although going to see if i can manage not going back cos i want to go to uni

It is tempting! they have got someone that started yesterday doing my job with me so I can train them up & he will take over when I go on mat leave......and TBH I do not think there is enough work for us both to do and I am board out of my little mind :blush: I like being busy! just keep thinking of the money!!! :wacko: I dont have any holidays left this year either. I am thinking of not going back after this LO but will have to work money out :wacko: so that will determine if I leave at 29 weeks or later really.....hoping its earlier rather than later :blush:
Have you got one of each so far Paula? Did you find out with the other two? Were your inklings before right?!

First preg was that your 20week scan-are you staying team yellow? Was it at all obvious from pictures?? I'm so worried we will find out by accident. Did you tell them not to tell you? X
just back from 30 week scan and still team yellow .. not by choice either. little imp was all curled up and we couldn't see face or heart and legs were firmly together. need to go back in 3 weeks time to try again so at least get to see them again :)

kind of team yellow but not really.

The Dr said " she...or he... is moving a lot, erm are we allowed to say which it is?" I said, I think you already did" he was like, no its not always certain it may just be that we can't see its bit....

So I think we are team pink but just in case, not banking on it yet!

Duejan - you shouldn't be lifting heavy things. Can't you speak with a supervisor or something? I am very lucky in that respect, my boss is really excited and won't let me do anything that involves lifting more than paper.

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