January SnowAngels 2012, 2nd and 3rd Tri

Hi all, not much going on with me baby wise just plodding along, in sciatic pain, counting down the 2 weeks and 3 days until my scan!

Kezz with Annie I used to lie flat on my stomach and she used to go mad kicking me, but I think I was a bit further along then.

Hi just seeing if this works - although can't see how to put it in signature - I am just ptting the code into a post

:hi: huni, if you go in to you user CP, down the right hand side it will say signature, if you click on that all you have to do is paste the IMG code, just like you have here, that should then set your siggi, good luck hun
iv had quite a few flutters today :happydance: although iv just weighed myself and iv put on 2.5 stone :( not happy about that, but i dont know what i can do.

iv finally started to be able to eat fruit and veg so at least i can enjoy salads and that again, but its really getting me down, i cant stand chris touching me and I get really angry with him about it :cry:
Thanks Kezz!
I've found sprout moves round loads during yoga and when I've eaten grapes and yogurt!!

iv had quite a few flutters today :happydance: although iv just weighed myself and iv put on 2.5 stone :( not happy about that, but i dont know what i can do.

iv finally started to be able to eat fruit and veg so at least i can enjoy salads and that again, but its really getting me down, i cant stand chris touching me and I get really angry with him about it :cry:

Awww, don't worry hun. I put on 4 stone with my first (was 8.5 stone before so it was a huge increase for me). I feel your pain :hugs:

This time around I'm walking more & doing yoga (classes start next week - excited!) Still eating like a trooper though - I just can't stop!!!

Glad bubba giving you a wee dance x
:hi: Hi everyone. Not much going on here. My little man has been squirming around like crazy lately, especially when I lye down.

I'm off to the clinic in the morning to receive my 4th progesterone injection. Yuck. I am crossing my fingers I don't get the same nurse as last week! She hurt my poor bum. :blush:
:hugs: Lintu. Please dont get upset about the weight gain. Your body is going to change a lot. With Annie I did put on a lot weight, but you will get it off after bubs is born.
If you plan on breastfeeding that helps as well, I lost 5lbs the first week of expressing milk.

Im not enjoying all the bd'ing that much either, thought I was the only one!

Im getting really fustrated as everything feels like its going so slowly, and OH wont even let me sort out all the clothes and stuff we have in the loft as he says its far too early. urgh!
I'd been staying away from the scales and decided ignorance was bliss but after Lintu so bravely stepped up to the plate, I thought I would to. About 12 or 13lbs so far so not as bad as I thought and I have been stuffing my face in the mornings, not so much at night as not felt that hungry. I'm 5ft 8 and just under 12 stone now so I'm happyish with that at the minute. I've been that and more before without a baby growing inside.
First preg - Thanks! I'm trying to ignore them but scared to let the little dog out when he's in the garden in case he barks and I get yelled at or something!

3RARwife - Yes that would be brilliant if you could! Give them something to really complain about! heehee

Paula85 - I am determined to work till Christmas hols so that I can get as much maternity leave with the LO as possible. We break up from school on 18th Dec I think, so I figured I could take maternity leave from the day we go back, which is like the 5th Jan, and then if I take 6 months, I'll only have to go back for 3 weeks in July and then it'll be the summer hols so another 6 weeks off with baby! The only problem with all this being that I will be massively knackered by 18th December and still trying to control a class full of young children. We'll see how it goes!

OH has been told he has to book his 2 weeks paternity leave in advance - anybody know anything about this? I thought it was a bit ridiculous as when does he book it for? If he books it for when i'm due I could go a week over and then he'll only have a week with the LO? I told him to tell them that's ridiculous, but dunno whether that will go down well!

Got my letter through for appointment with the anaesthetist today to talk about pain relief during labour. I'm scared silly about it all, what with the vulvadynia, but I want to know what this consultant thinks about my situation, What worried me is that they won't know when to give me the epidural, because won't they want to know when i'm dilated enough before they give it to me? Otherwise they could give me it and I could still be in labour for hours and hours. But obviously they won't be able to find out how dilated I am until they've given it to me because there's no way they're going to be able to examine me without numbing me first?! Hopefully she won't look at me like i'm a nutter like the last doctor did :( My appointment is for 9th December. Let's hope I don't go into labour early!!

Sounds like a plan.....but your lucky you work in a school and get xmas hols and 6 weeks hols :thumbup: I abviously dont so I aint gonna push myself....but we shall see how I feel!
iv had quite a few flutters today :happydance: although iv just weighed myself and iv put on 2.5 stone :( not happy about that, but i dont know what i can do.

iv finally started to be able to eat fruit and veg so at least i can enjoy salads and that again, but its really getting me down, i cant stand chris touching me and I get really angry with him about it :cry:

WooHoo for flutters :dance:

Hun, try not to worry about weight gain, your not the 1st & def not the last preg lady to put weight on....your body is going through but changes and is carrying water, placenta, baby, extra blood ect.....and bodys all react different, even if you eat normally some ladies put lots of weight on during pregnancy....I have not been on the scales for about a month, will have to brave that one soon!

I have asked to be refered to a pregnancy dietician, I know what I should and should not be eating really but if I am left to my own devices I use pregnancy as an excuse :haha: and I really do not want to but the full 8 stones I lost by calorie counting & exercising pre-preg!! alough I know a couple stones is gonna creep on lol
I'm lucky that so far the nausea has prevented me having much of an eppetite, and so i'm still weighing what I was before I found out I was pregnant. I lost 5lbs originally as I couldn't eat hardly anything for a few weeks, and that's slowly gone back on, so I expect to gain some soon, but so far so good. But almost everyone gains weight during pregnacy - I think it's hard not to when you're hungry and you have less energy, and your body is craving things, and your hormones are all over the place! I'm a major comfort eater, already three stone overweight, and I think being pregnant just makes it worse!

I was wondering, on another topic, does anyone else sometimes have pain when they press their uterus? Sometimes I lay on my back and press to see where it feels hard etc, only gently, but sometimes it's so painful. I'm not sure whether it's gas causing it, or whether it's just really sensitive or what, and wondered if anyone else had same thing?

I had to pee three times in the night last night! Think this baby is sitting directly on my bladder!
Hello ladies!
Haven't been here in ages life has been crrazzzy. I didn't even know we started a new forum haha. I just posted this in the other section (Jan 2012 moms to be...hope you all don't mind that I am reposting this here but it was just easier for me to copy and paste this since it is basically the same info...) Also I'm TEAM PINK :pink: and my DD is now JAN 8TH instead of the 9th thanks!

We had to move out of our last place because my landlord was renting the basement suite to use illegaly (it had been closed down my health services Aug 2010 and we started renting in March 2011!) But we're safe, baby is fine. Only problem these days is we have no idea where we are living day to day. We were in a hotel the first week after we moved, then thankfully my coworker was kind of enough to let us stay at her place for 3 weeks until OH and I went on holidays. Unfortunately, she has a cat and we couldn't have our dog with us so it's been almost 6 weeks since we've seen her - it's literally killing us! Our wonderful 3 week holiday is almost at the end so life will hopefully slow for a bit, and I'll be able to see my first babe (my dog :) )

Also, as some of you may remember, OH and I are living on the west side of Canada, and moving back to where we grew up, 3200 kms on the east side of Canada. We did buy a house yay :happydance: I am so glad that is taken care of! We have to paint and clean the carpets but other than that it's perfect. We have 4 bedrooms, enough for a growing family. I've picked the room with the nice windows for baby's nursery. I can not wait til I can get in there and decorate. We had our scan on Tuesday and we are team PINK :pink: We were really hoping for a girl - we are just ecstatic! Seems like everything is coming together. Originally I was thinking of doing a baby safari theme of yellows and greens but now that I know it's a girl, I am going all girly! lol

Here are the ones I've narrowed it down to. Could you please give me your opinions??




My pic from the scan is in my siggie now too :)
iv had quite a few flutters today :happydance: although iv just weighed myself and iv put on 2.5 stone :( not happy about that, but i dont know what i can do.

iv finally started to be able to eat fruit and veg so at least i can enjoy salads and that again, but its really getting me down, i cant stand chris touching me and I get really angry with him about it :cry:

WooHoo for flutters :dance:

Hun, try not to worry about weight gain, your not the 1st & def not the last preg lady to put weight on....your body is going through but changes and is carrying water, placenta, baby, extra blood ect.....and bodys all react different, even if you eat normally some ladies put lots of weight on during pregnancy....I have not been on the scales for about a month, will have to brave that one soon!

I have asked to be refered to a pregnancy dietician, I know what I should and should not be eating really but if I am left to my own devices I use pregnancy as an excuse :haha: and I really do not want to but the full 8 stones I lost by calorie counting & exercising pre-preg!! alough I know a couple stones is gonna creep on lol

Wow paula, that was an amazing loss - well done you!

I totally agree with you - there's just so much going on with our bodies at the moment. I've always been pretty lucky in that I could always eat what I wanted & I always stayed the same weight. That's why I was so shocked to put on 4 stone with my last pregnancy! It really made me aware of the fact that everyone's body is different - pregnancy or no pregnancy - and that you cannot judge a person's eating habits based on how they look.

I was back down to 8.5 stone before I got pregnant this time around (a combo of b'feeding / my 'normal' metabolism returning - certainly not through strenuous exercise - I'm a bit lazy on that front :blush: ) and judging by my weight increase I think I'm looking at an extra 4 stone this time too. Here's hoping the yoga will help a bit!

So to all you ladies feeling crappy about how your bodies are looking... you're not alone! Next time you look in the mirror (hard as it may seem) try to smile at all those wobbly bits / stretch marks etc & remember why they're there :hugs:
Hi Tilley! We have the same dd :happydance: Have you felt much movement? I think I was poked twice but nothing else :(
Hello ladies!
Haven't been here in ages life has been crrazzzy. I didn't even know we started a new forum haha. I just posted this in the other section (Jan 2012 moms to be...hope you all don't mind that I am reposting this here but it was just easier for me to copy and paste this since it is basically the same info...) Also I'm TEAM PINK :pink: and my DD is now JAN 8TH instead of the 9th thanks!

We had to move out of our last place because my landlord was renting the basement suite to use illegaly (it had been closed down my health services Aug 2010 and we started renting in March 2011!) But we're safe, baby is fine. Only problem these days is we have no idea where we are living day to day. We were in a hotel the first week after we moved, then thankfully my coworker was kind of enough to let us stay at her place for 3 weeks until OH and I went on holidays. Unfortunately, she has a cat and we couldn't have our dog with us so it's been almost 6 weeks since we've seen her - it's literally killing us! Our wonderful 3 week holiday is almost at the end so life will hopefully slow for a bit, and I'll be able to see my first babe (my dog :) )

Oh dear hun, sounds like you've been through a tough time - uncertainty is a horrible feeling but 10 times worse when you have baby on the way. Am glad things are on the up for you now :happydance:

Re the nursery - I love the last one although I'm biased as it's very similar to the theme my mum picked for me when I was a tiddly bop!
Hi Tilley! We have the same dd :happydance: Have you felt much movement? I think I was poked twice but nothing else :(

Ha Kristel, looks like we posted at the same time!

Snap on dd! My wee munchkin gives me a great performance every evening about 8pm & it goes on all evening! It's always on my left side - same as my first. Do you poke back? I'm a meanie - I always poke back just to get some more movement, teehee :winkwink:
iv had quite a few flutters today :happydance: although iv just weighed myself and iv put on 2.5 stone :( not happy about that, but i dont know what i can do.

iv finally started to be able to eat fruit and veg so at least i can enjoy salads and that again, but its really getting me down, i cant stand chris touching me and I get really angry with him about it :cry:

WooHoo for flutters :dance:

Hun, try not to worry about weight gain, your not the 1st & def not the last preg lady to put weight on....your body is going through but changes and is carrying water, placenta, baby, extra blood ect.....and bodys all react different, even if you eat normally some ladies put lots of weight on during pregnancy....I have not been on the scales for about a month, will have to brave that one soon!

I have asked to be refered to a pregnancy dietician, I know what I should and should not be eating really but if I am left to my own devices I use pregnancy as an excuse :haha: and I really do not want to but the full 8 stones I lost by calorie counting & exercising pre-preg!! alough I know a couple stones is gonna creep on lol

Wow paula, that was an amazing loss - well done you!

I totally agree with you - there's just so much going on with our bodies at the moment. I've always been pretty lucky in that I could always eat what I wanted & I always stayed the same weight. That's why I was so shocked to put on 4 stone with my last pregnancy! It really made me aware of the fact that everyone's body is different - pregnancy or no pregnancy - and that you cannot judge a person's eating habits based on how they look.

I was back down to 8.5 stone before I got pregnant this time around (a combo of b'feeding / my 'normal' metabolism returning - certainly not through strenuous exercise - I'm a bit lazy on that front :blush: ) and judging by my weight increase I think I'm looking at an extra 4 stone this time too. Here's hoping the yoga will help a bit!

So to all you ladies feeling crappy about how your bodies are looking... you're not alone! Next time you look in the mirror (hard as it may seem) try to smile at all those wobbly bits / stretch marks etc & remember why they're there :hugs:

thats a fab loss Paula :hugs: & thanx Tilly, im a little better today but one of the girls at work really rubbed me up the wrong way at work, we were talking about putting on weight, i was like i win hands down & she started going yeah but the whole eating for two thing is a myth its all in your head being hungry, i said it isnt at all my hunger increased before i knew i was pregnant and iv not been able to eat fruit or veg iv :sick: at the taste of it, i was bouncing!!

i want to start pre natal classes but no where local does anything, they do aqua natal once a week but thats during the day :(
Hello ladies!
Haven't been here in ages life has been crrazzzy. I didn't even know we started a new forum haha. I just posted this in the other section (Jan 2012 moms to be...hope you all don't mind that I am reposting this here but it was just easier for me to copy and paste this since it is basically the same info...) Also I'm TEAM PINK :pink: and my DD is now JAN 8TH instead of the 9th thanks!

We had to move out of our last place because my landlord was renting the basement suite to use illegaly (it had been closed down my health services Aug 2010 and we started renting in March 2011!) But we're safe, baby is fine. Only problem these days is we have no idea where we are living day to day. We were in a hotel the first week after we moved, then thankfully my coworker was kind of enough to let us stay at her place for 3 weeks until OH and I went on holidays. Unfortunately, she has a cat and we couldn't have our dog with us so it's been almost 6 weeks since we've seen her - it's literally killing us! Our wonderful 3 week holiday is almost at the end so life will hopefully slow for a bit, and I'll be able to see my first babe (my dog :) )

Also, as some of you may remember, OH and I are living on the west side of Canada, and moving back to where we grew up, 3200 kms on the east side of Canada. We did buy a house yay :happydance: I am so glad that is taken care of! We have to paint and clean the carpets but other than that it's perfect. We have 4 bedrooms, enough for a growing family. I've picked the room with the nice windows for baby's nursery. I can not wait til I can get in there and decorate. We had our scan on Tuesday and we are team PINK :pink: We were really hoping for a girl - we are just ecstatic! Seems like everything is coming together. Originally I was thinking of doing a baby safari theme of yellows and greens but now that I know it's a girl, I am going all girly! lol

Here are the ones I've narrowed it down to. Could you please give me your opinions??




My pic from the scan is in my siggie now too :)

aww huni sounds like youve had a rough time :hugs::hugs: I like the middle one

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