January SnowAngels 2012, 2nd and 3rd Tri

iv had quite a few flutters today :happydance: although iv just weighed myself and iv put on 2.5 stone :( not happy about that, but i dont know what i can do.

iv finally started to be able to eat fruit and veg so at least i can enjoy salads and that again, but its really getting me down, i cant stand chris touching me and I get really angry with him about it :cry:

WooHoo for flutters :dance:

Hun, try not to worry about weight gain, your not the 1st & def not the last preg lady to put weight on....your body is going through but changes and is carrying water, placenta, baby, extra blood ect.....and bodys all react different, even if you eat normally some ladies put lots of weight on during pregnancy....I have not been on the scales for about a month, will have to brave that one soon!

I have asked to be refered to a pregnancy dietician, I know what I should and should not be eating really but if I am left to my own devices I use pregnancy as an excuse :haha: and I really do not want to but the full 8 stones I lost by calorie counting & exercising pre-preg!! alough I know a couple stones is gonna creep on lol

Wow paula, that was an amazing loss - well done you!

I totally agree with you - there's just so much going on with our bodies at the moment. I've always been pretty lucky in that I could always eat what I wanted & I always stayed the same weight. That's why I was so shocked to put on 4 stone with my last pregnancy! It really made me aware of the fact that everyone's body is different - pregnancy or no pregnancy - and that you cannot judge a person's eating habits based on how they look.

I was back down to 8.5 stone before I got pregnant this time around (a combo of b'feeding / my 'normal' metabolism returning - certainly not through strenuous exercise - I'm a bit lazy on that front :blush: ) and judging by my weight increase I think I'm looking at an extra 4 stone this time too. Here's hoping the yoga will help a bit!

So to all you ladies feeling crappy about how your bodies are looking... you're not alone! Next time you look in the mirror (hard as it may seem) try to smile at all those wobbly bits / stretch marks etc & remember why they're there :hugs:

Thanks hun......unfortunatly I am still very overweight even after all that weight loss and I know I have put on around a stone so far! :dohh: and I dare not say how much I put on carrying my 1st born, around 6 stones :shock:

never mind, I KNOW I will get this weight off when baby is here :D lots & lots of winter pram walking :thumbup: xxx
Congrats on team pink Kristel!! :pink::baby:

omg I would love to be able to have a nursery like any of those :shock:
I love the 1st one :cloud9:
Hi Ladies,
Just dropping in to mention I had my 18week scan today, Thank G*d that eveything looked GOOD so far. We are now on Team :pink: and we feel so Blessed!!!

My little girl is going to have a best freind/ Sister !!!
Hi ladies.

I have to say the weight thing is a little odd for me. i initially lost a couple kg and feel like i have put a load on. Shopping at the weekend was depressing as i had to go up a few sizes!! (usually 8-10 nik noks, now i am 12-14!! :shock:) But i weighed myself today and i am only 2kg more than when i started! Im kinda pleased about that but not sure how! lol.
Its clearly noticble, i have started having ppl comment on my bump now and tody was told i was getting voluptuous curves!! lol.

KristelB i love those pics, did you find them on a website to get ideas??? I love the first 2!

iv had quite a few flutters today :happydance: although iv just weighed myself and iv put on 2.5 stone :( not happy about that, but i dont know what i can do.

iv finally started to be able to eat fruit and veg so at least i can enjoy salads and that again, but its really getting me down, i cant stand chris touching me and I get really angry with him about it :cry:

WooHoo for flutters :dance:

Hun, try not to worry about weight gain, your not the 1st & def not the last preg lady to put weight on....your body is going through but changes and is carrying water, placenta, baby, extra blood ect.....and bodys all react different, even if you eat normally some ladies put lots of weight on during pregnancy....I have not been on the scales for about a month, will have to brave that one soon!

I have asked to be refered to a pregnancy dietician, I know what I should and should not be eating really but if I am left to my own devices I use pregnancy as an excuse :haha: and I really do not want to but the full 8 stones I lost by calorie counting & exercising pre-preg!! alough I know a couple stones is gonna creep on lol

Wow paula, that was an amazing loss - well done you!

I totally agree with you - there's just so much going on with our bodies at the moment. I've always been pretty lucky in that I could always eat what I wanted & I always stayed the same weight. That's why I was so shocked to put on 4 stone with my last pregnancy! It really made me aware of the fact that everyone's body is different - pregnancy or no pregnancy - and that you cannot judge a person's eating habits based on how they look.

I was back down to 8.5 stone before I got pregnant this time around (a combo of b'feeding / my 'normal' metabolism returning - certainly not through strenuous exercise - I'm a bit lazy on that front :blush: ) and judging by my weight increase I think I'm looking at an extra 4 stone this time too. Here's hoping the yoga will help a bit!

So to all you ladies feeling crappy about how your bodies are looking... you're not alone! Next time you look in the mirror (hard as it may seem) try to smile at all those wobbly bits / stretch marks etc & remember why they're there :hugs:

thats a fab loss Paula :hugs: & thanx Tilly, im a little better today but one of the girls at work really rubbed me up the wrong way at work, we were talking about putting on weight, i was like i win hands down & she started going yeah but the whole eating for two thing is a myth its all in your head being hungry, i said it isnt at all my hunger increased before i knew i was pregnant and iv not been able to eat fruit or veg iv :sick: at the taste of it, i was bouncing!!

i want to start pre natal classes but no where local does anything, they do aqua natal once a week but thats during the day :(

Ack, she sounds like a nob. All in your head indeed. You're in tune with your body is all.

Did you eat a lot of fruit & veg before you were pregnant lintu? It's just that with my DS I couldn't stomach any sort of vegetable whatsoever - I retched every time I walked past the kitchen just because I knew there was broccoli in the fridge! I'd been a 5-a-day freak before then. From all the googling back then I reckoned I must've been an oddity as most people had regular food aversions & healthy stuff didn't seem to be one of them.

Re classes - that sucks there aren't any in your area. Don't know if you're a dvd exercise kinda person but there's a yoga for pregnancy dvd on Amazon I was thinking of buying that might be good?

Paula - don't you be worrying about it now - you've done it before & you'll do it again - enjoy your pregnancy :hugs:

Beccagal - congrats on your 2nd wee girlie!

I've vaguely been keeping up with stuff, but my phone has been playing up, so haven't been able to reply to much!

Congrats on the flutters Paula!

And I can't remember much else... I think there were some congrats for team pink also!

Oh as for weight gain... I think my scales are bust... They say I weigh 5kg more than the MW ones did (which I can cope with!), but according to them I have put on about 1kg.... which I would love if that were true!

I vaguely remember something about maternity leave.... I'm hoping to last until the beginning of the Christmas hols... But will have 3 weeks before bubba is due, and had high BP at that point last time!

As for that nothing else of note...I seem to be waiting ages for my scan! I've still got another week and a half! Oh well!

How is everyone?
iv had quite a few flutters today :happydance: although iv just weighed myself and iv put on 2.5 stone :( not happy about that, but i dont know what i can do.

iv finally started to be able to eat fruit and veg so at least i can enjoy salads and that again, but its really getting me down, i cant stand chris touching me and I get really angry with him about it :cry:

WooHoo for flutters :dance:

Hun, try not to worry about weight gain, your not the 1st & def not the last preg lady to put weight on....your body is going through but changes and is carrying water, placenta, baby, extra blood ect.....and bodys all react different, even if you eat normally some ladies put lots of weight on during pregnancy....I have not been on the scales for about a month, will have to brave that one soon!

I have asked to be refered to a pregnancy dietician, I know what I should and should not be eating really but if I am left to my own devices I use pregnancy as an excuse :haha: and I really do not want to but the full 8 stones I lost by calorie counting & exercising pre-preg!! alough I know a couple stones is gonna creep on lol

Wow paula, that was an amazing loss - well done you!

I totally agree with you - there's just so much going on with our bodies at the moment. I've always been pretty lucky in that I could always eat what I wanted & I always stayed the same weight. That's why I was so shocked to put on 4 stone with my last pregnancy! It really made me aware of the fact that everyone's body is different - pregnancy or no pregnancy - and that you cannot judge a person's eating habits based on how they look.

I was back down to 8.5 stone before I got pregnant this time around (a combo of b'feeding / my 'normal' metabolism returning - certainly not through strenuous exercise - I'm a bit lazy on that front :blush: ) and judging by my weight increase I think I'm looking at an extra 4 stone this time too. Here's hoping the yoga will help a bit!

So to all you ladies feeling crappy about how your bodies are looking... you're not alone! Next time you look in the mirror (hard as it may seem) try to smile at all those wobbly bits / stretch marks etc & remember why they're there :hugs:

thats a fab loss Paula :hugs: & thanx Tilly, im a little better today but one of the girls at work really rubbed me up the wrong way at work, we were talking about putting on weight, i was like i win hands down & she started going yeah but the whole eating for two thing is a myth its all in your head being hungry, i said it isnt at all my hunger increased before i knew i was pregnant and iv not been able to eat fruit or veg iv :sick: at the taste of it, i was bouncing!!

i want to start pre natal classes but no where local does anything, they do aqua natal once a week but thats during the day :(

Ack, she sounds like a nob. All in your head indeed. You're in tune with your body is all.

Did you eat a lot of fruit & veg before you were pregnant lintu? It's just that with my DS I couldn't stomach any sort of vegetable whatsoever - I retched every time I walked past the kitchen just because I knew there was broccoli in the fridge! I'd been a 5-a-day freak before then. From all the googling back then I reckoned I must've been an oddity as most people had regular food aversions & healthy stuff didn't seem to be one of them.

Re classes - that sucks there aren't any in your area. Don't know if you're a dvd exercise kinda person but there's a yoga for pregnancy dvd on Amazon I was thinking of buying that might be good?

Yeah I always used to eat loads of fruit and had a salad for lunch, the second i got pregnant i just couldnt stomach any of it, it made me :sick: i never ate alot of carbs and did loads of fitness, but because of my MMC in Jan when i found out about bean I stopped everything, i didnt want anything to blame if something went wrong, but all iv wanted are carbs, flapjacks, spuds, chips, pasta, biscuits its crazy everything i would normally eat once a week i found i wanted all the time :shrug: it was bonkers.

So that on top of no fitness, no fruit and no energy my ass is paying the price :haha: started swimming once a week and keep saying im going to get my wii fit out but its getting the energy when i get home :nope: iv got a yoga dvd but didnt find it that good, but then im used to 6/7 mile runs 5 times a week! oh hum, suppose iv got the rest of my life to be fit and thin :rofl: it just gets me down sometimes & idiotic people who havent a clue what they are talking about dont help
Hi there!!! Haven't popped in much this trimester but plan too!

We just found out we are team :blue: and are over the moon!!!!!!!
Congrats on team pink Kristel and Becca, and Team Blue Tashee!

Oh, I cant wait to find out - 2 weeks 2moro!!

The baby was kicking me at 1.30am this morning and keeping me awake!
Tilley - we should be bump buddies! :) I was quite sure it it was truly a pole so I didn't poke back. This morning I *think* I felt quite a few flutters but I really don't know lol I hope the kicks start coming soon. Thanks for your input on the nursery too!

Lintu - thanks it has been hard but I feel I have to stay strong for baby

Paula - I really like #1 too! It would be amazing to have a nursery just like the magazines. OH just sees dollar signs lol but it's not too expensive IMO for the set but of course I want every little bit so it does add up

Maz - I found those on amazon actually. I also remember distinctivenurseries.com had a lot of beautiful nursery bedding sets but seems like amazon is cheaper

LM - thanks were so excited to have a little girl!

Congrats to all the other ladies who just found out what theyre having!! So exciting!!

As for the weight gain for me I don't even go on the scale. I have a huge huge bump someone said it looks like I'm having twins. It really upset me :( but as long as dr says I'm healthy and baby is fine then that's what matters.

Hope everyone is doing well :)
10 days till my scan.......pink or blue hmmmm :happydance:

Thank crunchie its friday!!!!!!!!!!!
I... need... a... crunchie - Paula, you evil lady :haha: Scan countdown... exciting!!!!

Kristel - yeah, lets be bump buddies! May I suggest a poke back? It's fun!!! :winkwink:

LM - two weeks to go, not long now! You have a wee girl already don't you? Do you have an inkling as to what this one is?

Becca & Tashee - congrats on teams pink & blue! And congrats to anyone else that I've missed :flower:

Lintu - I'm sorry to hear about your MMC in Jan :hugs: Sounds like exercise was a huge part of your life before becoming pregnant so it must be difficult for you now. I was so heavy & felt so unfit when pregnant with my son. I remember drinking lucozade (sp?) like it was water (I never drink fizzy drinks). BUT - as soon as he was born my energy returned - sure I was bloody exhausted but my energy returned.

Maz - voluptuous curves eh?! You lucky lady! I got called fat-ass the other day!
Had 20 week scan today and we are having a Boy! So can i please have a :blue: next to my name in the list?
*sigh* I'm horrible. I can't seem to keep up with this thread for the life of me. :) Plus I've been absent for awhile. Congrats to all the ladies who have found out the baby's gender. I'm still hanging on until Thursday. Seems like forever away. Hope you are all feeling well and in good spirits. I'll take the next 5 hours to catch up on what I've missed here. :)
Tillymoo my instincts say its a boy, because this pregnancy is just so different to Annie's and Im carrying differently, all low and out front, but Im not getting my hopes up.

Seems like everyone on this thread is having boys so someones gotta have a girl!!
Would like to see a tally of boy/girl so far, really does seem a blue thread.
I've got no date for scan yet, lady from the scan last time said it'd be around the 7th September though so just gotta wait for the letter to come through.

Still unsure as to whether I'm feeling flutters or not, I'd like to think so.

So last night planning on a romantic evening with OH he decided we'd watch Marley and Me....anyone else watched it? Did you turn into a sobbing wreck at the end? I just couldn't stop myself, OH laughed and then gave me a big cuddle which made me worse lol. Lovely film though.

Going to be sorting out laundry today to make sure nothing we want to take away on holiday Thursday is used during the week.
Congrats to all the people who found out team pink or blue!

Rees who updates the front page is moving house at the moment and said she'd be back when she got her Internet sorted-so sure she'll update the page when she's back?


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