January SnowAngels 2012, 2nd and 3rd Tri

I'm another one been missing in action lately, Dad has been ill for 9 weeks (Mum passed away 11 years ago) and passed away on Wed so have been a bit pre-occupied.

On a better note, we have a private gender scan at 2:30 this afternoon so hopefully it wil be 2nd time lucky and baby will play ball.
Good luck trulyblessed!

I can't believe how many posts I missed last night! I know what you all mean about money. I never intended to work after I had kids, but without me working OH's wages only just pay the mortgage, and I don't think would even cover all the bills and council tax etc, let alone leave money for anything else so I have no choice really. I'm worried that childcare will cost so much that we won't be much better off, and am thinking baout seeing if school will let me go back three days a week, so at least i get to spend a couple of days with my baby a week. Also considering childminding, seen as i'm a teacher I thought that might go down well with parents wanting someone to look after their children. I don't know too much about it though so will have to look into it. Either way i'll have to go back to work for at least 16 weeks anyway so that I don't have to pay the maternity leave back. It's a right pain, I can' stand the thought of leaving my lil one at 5 months old to go back to work. My mum had said she was thinking about moving closer so she could have him while I was at work, which would have been a lot easier (and cheaper!) but they're not moving now so I don't have any relatives or anything nearby so it will have to be a nursery. I can't leave him with a childminder, because my mum used to be one and the little boy she had from a baby started calling her mum, and didn't want to go to his mum when she picked him up. It broke her heart and she quit work in the end. I couldn't bare that!
I've been MIA too truly. So sorry to hear about your dad. Take care of yourself an enjoy your scan this afternoon.

I have been following the thread and it's been lovely to see all the team blues and pinks popping up.

Bumps are looking good, mine looks big but is quite honestly more fat than baby. Don't feel much movement due to an anterior placenta. It worries me sometimes but I just get the Doppler out for some reassurance. 20 week scan next week so will check with consultant and sonographer that everything is ok.

We can't afford for me to take a yearoff as I did with Sam (near enough) and we got into a bit of a mess last time so I'm going back in May, just before half term. I then hand my notice in and work the 13 weeks return so I don't have to pay anything back. (I've checked all my dates with the NUT kezz so give your union a ring, they're really helpfulwith working out when to start and finish maternity!). I start my maternity on 9th Dec and can't wait! I contemplated waiting until jan, but remembered how huge and painful I was last time and want some time to chill before Christmas. I intend to move back to Nottingham in the summer and become a Childminder as the childcare costs for two would be ridiculous. My mum works and so wouldn't be able to have baby in the day.

Mmcheek I think girl. You were really poorly at the beginning if I remember right.

Rees. Glad your move went well. Hope you've got your sky sorted for the grand prix this weekend!! Congrats on the blue bump!

I have my fluff stash completed now, just waiting on a few nappies to arrive from china and I'm sorted. Become incredibly obsessed with pretty nappies though! I have way too many. Just hope the gender scan was right otherwise he'll be wearing some very pretty nappies for a while! My hubby is hoping the gender scan was wrong as he is disappointed it's a girl (he's not outright said it, can tell by his face and his unwillingness to talk about anything to do with girliness!). As a result of this, baby no longer has a first name. We had decided on Darcy but it has become quite popular recently so he's gone right off it but won't discuss alternatives. I've even shown him a listof suggestions I had and he just shrugged. I hate not having a name for her. Sam has given his suggestion and talks to her calling her it. So if no otter names come up and hubby doesn't object, shes called Holly (sorry LM, I know this is your name too!). Sam loves it because when he started school a year 6 called Holly looked after him.

Well, I've waffled on for ages. Sorry if I've missed anyone, I'm on my phone as Sam has hijacked the laptop to look at the cbbc website, so can't flick back and forward.
Well my plan at the moment is to start maternity leave beginning of January (hopefully can alter this if I really can't cope!) but that way I get paid for Christmas holidays! So going to start it first day back if that's possible, and then have 6 months, so will go back on 6th July or something like that. Then I only have 2-3 weeks and then it's the summer holidays! Which would be really nice! Our money person at work said we wouldn't sort out maternity leave until after my 20 week scan, so I have that on 8th September, then I'll have to get the dates sorted for sure. I'm definately going to go back and work the time I have to, but after that i'm undecided. Unless they'll let me go back at work 3 days a week, which i'd be happy doing. Then again, I'm not altogether happy with the school i'm at so you never know I may just quit and move! lol
I had hoped to finish in jan but quite honestly I'm not loving my school at the moment and I don't relish being huge and trying to push wheelchairs and deal with unpredictable behaviours. After having Sam I went back part time and just worked mornings. It worked really well. He's at school in the town I teach in, unfortunately that's a 30 min drive from our home so even when I'm on maternity I hve to drive there everyday. His Childminder is lovely and will take baby for the two ish months I'll be at work.
I won't get my mat1b form until 25 weeks as that's the next time I see the midwife. I'm sure school won't be happy but tough! Working in a school and having children has it's benefits but it's amazing how management can so easily forget what it's like to have young children. They certainly have at my school!
hello ladies that have not been around lovely hearing from you a girl and a boy congrats so i am the only person in my family that thinks girl. i think we may disappoint them all hahaha naw we dont care. ladies if you bond with your baby then they will know your mommy. i was in the freaking army when my kids were younger and we are so close its oka your kids if you teach them manners will understand that mommy is only doing whats best for them
Congrats on team pink FM and Rees on team blue. Funny that you other little one said so, when my mum was pregnan she was convinced she was having a boy. My brother was adamant that I was a girl and even had the name picked out! That is what they ended up calling me in case my brother thought they had brought the worng baby home!

Good luck with your scan LM. Sure everything will be fine :)
Thanks hun. Still adamant you're staying yellow?! I'm really hoping I'm still team pink after Tuesday! Just bought 3 dresses, tights and a cute owl top and legging set from tesco!
congrats on the blue bump Rees and the two pinks, sorry cant recall names :hugs: nice to see the girls are catching up on the boys :haha:

Im still very undecided with regards to finding out the sex, the more i think that money will be tight the more i want to find out so i can buy things. Tempted to find out and keep to ourselves, i just want to be able to buy what i see without worrying about it and i dont think i will be able to next year, so might as well start now. Im putting it to the vote, should I find out?????

Been feeling flump loads today, so fairly hefty wellies too :) i thought i was gonna be a little freaked by them but i really look farward to them, cant wait to start feeling them properly :hugs:

DH has had a fun time with his self today, we decided were going to start on the spare room at the weekend, getting it emptied and in some kind of order! so he's been putting together the cot and bouncer & mobile, hes loved every minute of it. I used the I need to make sure the bouncer and mobile work ok so i can take them back excuse :rofl:
Truely_blessed- CONGRATS on team pink!! :) I'm so very sorry to hear about your father passing away. I lost both of my grandfathers this year, so I can imagine what you're going through. I'm sure he's watching out for you, and I'll be he knew you were having a girl before you did. xx!

Paual85- thank you! We are thinking of naming our little girl Brinley, but aren't set on a middle name yet. :)

LM- So excited for your scan!! :)

Reese- Thank you and congrats to you being team blue!!

Kezz- I'm in a similar situation. My husband graduates with his 2nd degree in May, so we might have to move for a job opportunity. Not sure if it would be worth it for me to go back to work for a month or two then move. Everything will work out. xx

firstpreg- thank you! Hope everything is going well for you. :)

mmcheek1- thank you! Are you going to find out? Or did I miss it?

lotsakellz- I love your girl's name! It is beautiful. :)

Lintlu- we must have posted about the same time. :) How are you feeling? Isn't feeling the baby amazing?!!

So, we've alerted most of the family that we're having a girl. We're pretty set on the name Brinley. Still unsure of a middle name. I liked Joycelyn, but hubby doesn't. Joyce is his mother's name, so I thought that would be cute. He wants something different, so back to the drawing board for the middle name. :) Hope you all are feeling great. I treated myself to a vacation day from work. I had dinner out by myself and I just finished up a fabulous pregnancy massage. An hour of total bliss. *sigh* Now for some house chores. I thought about getting some pink frosted cookies to take into work to reveal the team pink to my co-workers. :)
:hi: DJ im good ta huni, yeah I love it, sometimes I wonder if its just wind but its so irregular and a deffinate boot that im fairly sure its baby :shrug: makes me smile everytime.

Congrats on the Pink huni, what other middle names have you thought about, my girl name is Alannah Mae, its the only one Ive ever stuck with, althou I really like Leonie too

Love the pink cookies idea :rofl:
I ended up stopping at a bakery and getting a cake instead. My co-workers liked it. I have a photo of it, so I'll be sure to upload it here soon. I'm really not sure what would go good with Brinley. Maybe Brinley Grace? Brinley Desiree? Brinley Elizabeth? Still working on it. ;)
Hello everyone!!! :wave:

Hows everyone doing? What's the latest news??

Haven't really got any updates myself - haven't yet felt any definite movement from baby but feeling pretty good apart from that (aside from being knackered most of the time lol)!! :thumbup: Oh, we've chosen a name now, or are 95% on one, but keeping it a secret until bubs is born!
why does my sig say I have 236 days to go ?????

It's reversed the fruits on the pictures too - if you look it goes from right to left when it should be the other way around!! It actually says -236 LOL. Mental!!:wacko:

I'd re-generate a new one if I were you lol!!
Congrats on team pink news truly, FM, Kellz & anyone else I've missed!

Turly - sorry for your sad news. Hope you're getting lots of support xx

Rees & Kezz congrats on team blue & congrats again to anyone else I've missed!

Good luck to LM & anyone else with upcoming scans

Paula, Maz, lintu, Princesskel & you other ladies keeping team yellow - how on earth do you do it?!!! I was bursting to find out!

MM - I'm gona say pink x

Nice bump Kate!

firstpreg - maybe you're part elephant? :winkwink: Will have a wee look at my sig & see if it's misbehaving too..

Well, we had our 20 week scan & we're team :blue: ! More importantly, everything looks normal :thumbup: Measuring a bit ahead (sonographer reckons it'll be a new years eve baby!) but doc is sticking with LMP due date. I reckon he'll be early as my first was early, but who knows :wacko:

Anyone else feeling pressure on their lungs? Every time I yawn it feels like I've been winded ie. I feel like I've been thumped in the chest & struggle for breath. Stretches are helping though
LM - I'm sure your scan will be fine hun! Are you going to find out the sex?

Truly - :hugs: Are you ok hun??

Kellz - I'm watching a replay of first practice now, it's been a long 4 weeks! I'm so happy to have Sky back, and also happy that my OH went out and bought a pay as you go mobile broadband dongle today! Woohoo! I can now use my netbook and come on here properly, it's so fiddly on my phone!

firstpreg - that's an amazing story :) Luckily Tegs hasn't taken to calling Jago anything, but she kinda said Jago a few weeks before we moved, so she must have heard us talking :) We now refer to him as her baby brother Jago, so hopefully she'll start saying his name soon (which may lead to tears from me :) )

Your ticker is saying -236 days to go :lol: That's a strange error!

Kellz - there's so much cute girly stuff out there. We were in M&S yesterday and there was so much I could have bought for a baby girl and not much for a boy, what the hell do you dress them in? (So far he has a pair of cord dungaree's, a dino hat - with spikes! and a little preppy outfit which is jeans, long sleeve t-shirt, sleeveless cardi and a scarf :haha:) He's so gonna wish he was a girl when he sees pics of the outfits when he's bigger :)

Truly - yay! A girly :) There so needs to be more girls making themselves known now!

lintu - it's so much easier to find out, there's bugger all clothes that are neutral! And also it helps people to buy things before the baby is here as they can pick out cute bits in sales and stuff :)

FM - your day sounds like heaven!

Tilly - yay for team blue :) Any names yet?

Paula - how are you feeling? You felt many more movements since your worries the other week?

Girlies, you have no idea how happy I am to sit on here properly :) I can now sit down and do my siggy properly, get some blue tickers etc... :) :happydance:

Shall go and update Truly and Tilly on the list now :) Hope everyone has a good weekend, I will with the Grand Prix being back and having internet :D
Morning girls :hi:

Congrats on team pink truely blessed :pink:

tillymoo - still not decided if we are team yellow or not.....thinking we will find out TBH lol I am bursting to know too :haha:

rees - yep feeling big kicks everyday now! :D I seem to have missed the flutter/bubbles stage out all together! such an amazing feeling :)

I know I have missed alot of you but I am rubbish at keeping up in here & names :dohh:

I cant stay away past 9pm at all :shrug: then spend the rest of the night getting up for the loo & I mean about 6 times lol

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