January SnowAngels 2012, 2nd and 3rd Tri

daisy my heart pours out to you right now i had one child that i went into labour with at 28 weeks i stayed in hospital till he was born 6 weeks early. he was ok but just one baby but the medication they give you make yoy jittery and that makes sleep difficult.i am praying for your precious bundles the situation with twins is we need as much time as possible huh
Hi ladies i havent posted in here in ages!!! Hope everyone is well, i havent read back many posts... My bump is now rapidly growing and its officially V day tomorrow! wooo! although as i havent seen my midwife in so long im not sure if we are going by the due date of the 23rd or the 25th! Have started my nursery now (well my mum has haha!) We have stripped all the walls and need to do a little plastering! finally bought all the nursery furniture as it was on sale so its just in my spare front room at the moment in the boxes! Struggling to find a nice pale pink or vinyl wall paper for the nursery though :( xxxxx :flower: xxx
huge :hugs: daisy. My thoughts are with you! I hope you can keep those babies in there for as long as possible!!
Emily and Nathan, stay snuggled and tucked up a little longer for mummy :hugs: xxx
Daisy - fingers crossed for the little mites to stay in there a little longer! Hopefully they will behave themselves and give you a bit longer, and themselves, to grow a little more, but if they should decide to put in an appearance, i'm sure everything will be fine. Keep yourself rested, even though it's boring, it's important!!

Congratulations Siobhan!

I just went to the toilet and got that horrible feeling after like I still need to pee, so praying I haven't got an infection. Doctors thought I had one a few weeks ago and made me do another test to be sent off but must have come back negative as I never heard anything else about it. God midwife appt tomorrow afternoon. Can't find my pee pot so I'll have to hold it and do one there this time!

It occured to me this morning driving to work that we could all go into labour at any time. Fingers crossed we can hold off till our due dates, but it was a bit scary thinking about it and made it all seem very real all of a sudden!
OH wants me to go and see the MW as I feel very bruised around my pubic bone and have a lot of pressure in that area, quite often feeling like something is pushing on my bits or bum. I don't think they will be able to do anything and will think I'm being over paranoid... any suggestions?

Kezz I often feel like I could pee a river and when I go to the loo a few drips fall out. Annoying isnt it!

Congrats Siobian... Another baby boy, I cant believe how many we have here!
:hi: Hi ladies.

I've just came across this post and thought I would drop in and say hello!

I'm team :pink: and due 28 January!

Hope you are all having a happy and healthy pregnancy!

Won't be too long and all of our little bundles will be here!! :happydance:
LM- they can at leaast check ur cervix, make sure it is still firm:) I get terrible pains in my cervix but it's baby A, I saw her on the ultrasound doing it when I felt the pain. But pressure..I would be a little nervous about that. Call midwife
well i am feeling really tired but a slight bit better today the baby was really active yesterday and today not as much but i did throw but everywhere in a grocery store today. i did not even feel it coming on
Thank you for all of the well wishes. Just hopping on her quick at work (not really supposed to)! Just a quick update- doctor did and internal exam and sent me to get a quick ultrasound to take measurements and photos of my cervix. Everything looked great- he said there is no "funneling" or any signs of anything happening before it should. However- the photos showed that our little gal is head down right on my cervix. Doctor told me to take it easy and sit and lay down if I feel heavy pressure. He said it sounds like I'm just overdoing it a bit. I'll pop online later tomorrow and do some proper catching up with you ladies. Hope all is well with you guys!!
Welcome newbies to the thread, hope your pregnancies are going well.

Its V-day today for us
I'm so pleased.

Been told to rest my ankles alot, drink more and eat red meat as my bp is ranging from high and low :wacko: though I'm sure this is a temporary blip.

Parents evening after school today, though I dont think I'll hear anything bad from either of the teachers, both girls enjoy school :)

Why?? Why?? Why?? Do people think its within their rights to be disappointed that we're expecting a girl. That's 3rd girl for me, 4th for us as a blended family. Sorry mini moan there, it just annoys me.
Got a bargain from ebay - 130 items of clothes (with snowsuits and bits) cool bouncy chair and moses basket with stand all for £30. Feel guilty as we havent really got £30 to spare but seemed too good a bargain to miss really. The chair alone should be around £40 new. Its this one... I think its beautiful and hopefully baby Melody will love it :)


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Happy v-day!
Yeah, people need to just shut up about opinions on the sex of the baby, nothing you can do about it and it's just rude of them. I would be put off too if somebody showed simpathy when I told them the sexes. Even if my twins were girls and I would get 3 daughters, they would be the best 3 gifts from God I could ask for.
Been awake since 2 am with indigestion and it's now 6 am...ick...My daughter will be up in another 1.5-2 hours and I guess I will just stay up. Insomnia has kicked in a guess too:( Going to try to obey my strict bed rest rules...but how in the world and I supposed to with a 2 year old! AHHHH!
hi all sorry if this has been repeated but I am doing this on my phone so its difficult to read through all the posts on here. Anyway firstly, as its been a while since I have been on here, hope everyone and theirs bumps r all ok??

ok so some advice from anyone that has experienced prenatel depression would be greatfully appreciated but just to give u all some background of things going on in my head, mainly to get it out there as I havent been able to really talk to anyone about it.

so, for the past few weeks, I have been having extremely emotionally, exhusting days. When I went to the drs about my sciatica, he asked me how the pregnancy was going and I burst into tears and told him that it had been happening alot and the past seems to be coming back to haunt me.

i havent had things bad growing up, however, both me and hubby being from broken homes and his parents and my father not being the most supportive whilst growing up or during their first grandchild pregnancy, it has left me feeling really low about what will happen with our child if it happened to us.

i am finding it a struggle to get out of bed in the morning and the thought of going back to work for someone that I was friends with for 20 years that has had no interest in me or my pregnancy from the start, making my life harder by cutting my hours and telling me that i could be made redundant a few weeks ago, they then put me back to full time when it suited them as they were on holiday but since getting sciatica and having an hour drive each way and a desk job making my back worse I have been signed off for the past 2 weeks. this so called friend of mine hasnt once asked how i am, their only concern is when i am going back to work. this is also the same girl that yeasrs ago, watched me get beaten up at 13 by a 17 year old and walked away refusing to grass this girl up, ok so she may have been scared, but to not even come round to see me in hospital or at home or to phone to ask how i was dug deep in my soul and hurt more than the cuts and bruises i was left with.

i have had previous pregnancies that didnt work out, first which resulted in a miscarriage after my abusive ex boyfriend decided that he would kick me in the stomach through a door then with my husband now, falling 2 weeks after we met and not too long after i had that miscarriage, emotionally neither of us were ready to have a child together after everything that had gone on before we met and not knowing each other more than 5 minutes, we made the tough decision of having an abortion. which to this day, i regret it and think about how things could have been if we hadnt have gone through with it.

this pregnacy was planned and although i am excited and we r both looking forward to meeting him/her, i still cant help feeling down about what kind of life i can give them.

im sure all these things are completely normal emotions and i probably sound pathetic and have nothing to feel bad about compared to how rough other people may have been through but how do i get back on my feet? im scared to go back to work and keep my cool as the thought of how this so called friend has treated me makes me want to rip her head off, with my serious anger issues at the moment, my hubby must often wonder how he puts up with me.

sorry for the long rant, i feel better just getting it all written down but anyone going through or coming out of similar feelings with any tips of picking myself up to face the world again will be much appreciated.

thanks all xxxx:cry:
honey its oka i am sure you will do just fine but i am hoping the doctor gave you advise for how your feeling and maybe a referral if you feel it is needed to be able to get some issues off your chest. i am sorry for the tradegic things you have been through especially with the child you lost. i am sure the hormones are bringing alot to light. anytime you need to rant do so
congrats 5 and oox oh by the way arent girls sweet screw anyone else's opinion
windle - don't apologise for needing to talk about how your feeling. You're entitled to and we are all happy to listen. Are you able to chat about it all to your partner? I know when everything gets on top of me by OH always makes me feel better. Or, like mm said, maybe a referall from the doctors to talk about it would help? Someone who is there to listen and help you through it all. Your hormones are no doubt making it all seem worse as well!

FM - glad everything is okay and baby is not about to make a dramatic entrance!!

MM - hows everything now?

I had my midwife appt this afternoon, and she was so lovely I could have cried. She asked how I got on with the doctors at the hospital, and when I explained that I wasn't ahppy I was being listened to about the whole vulvadnia thing (which I know I wasn't cause she kept trying to persuade me to have an internal exam and wouldn't accept my answer of 'I can't!) she was really sympathetic and said she's at the hospital tomorrow so she'll work out which doctor it was I saw and speak to her about it all. I expressed my wish to have a c-section and my reasons, and although she said she couldn't say what I should do as it wasn't down to her, I got the impression that she was on my side. So we'll have to wait and see what comes of her chat with the doctor and whether I'll be able to get a c-section in the end. She said blood pressure was fine and baby's heartbeat was 140bpm, though it sounded sooooo fast on the doppler!

My belly button is making me giggle at the moment cause i've had to take my belly ring out for fear of it getting stuck, as my very deep inny is almost level with the belly now! I'm thinking another couple of weeks and it will be offficially an outie! haha

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