January SnowAngels 2012, 2nd and 3rd Tri

sugar: beautiful bump!!

lainey: congrats on your baby girl :)

chobette: no pressure on the lady bits, but pressure on my right butt lol top part of it

k477uk: good luck on the test. My results came back and all is good yay

mm: hiya hun :hugs: hope all is well with you

5: what do BH exactly feel like? I'm so scared that I may be ignoring signs even if it's happening to me...all so new to me. first time mum

Had a little scare today. Felt faint this morning at 10am, took my BP and it was low 85/57 which I have always been low but this is ridiculously low. My pulse was the scary part - 133!!! No wonder I was feeling faint. Last week before work started I felt faint, more so than this time. Felt a gush of hotness, nausea, then suddenly cold. Thought may be the flu but now I am sure it wasn't since the second epsiode (tho not nearily as bad). I actually had my monthly doctors checkup this afternoon. I mentioned it to the GP She was inconclusive on what it could be (mentioned my thyroid??) so she is sending me for bloodwork. She also mentioned monitorirng my heart. But the problem is since I am moving across the country in just over a week, there really isn't any time for all this (except bloodwork I can do on Friday). I hope I can make it back home and mention to my obgyn out there who I see on Nov 1st. I am worried I am may be tachycardic :( With no definite answers I turn to google lol which isn't the best.
Well ladies, I was a pumpkin after all. Delivered my twins on 10/19/11 girl was 3lbs 15 1/4 inches long, boy was 3.6 lbs and 15 1/2 inches long. Both doing good. Both need help breathing especially boy, but otherwise look very great for 29 week twins
Congrats Daisy!! Glad to hear they are doing good!!! That's it for us now... Deliverys have started! Congrats again! Can't wait to see piccies!! Xx

Thanks Kristal! Hugs for the rest... Hopefully it's just a preg thing.. Rather than anything else xx

Good morning all! Xx
Well ladies, I was a pumpkin after all. Delivered my twins on 10/19/11 girl was 3lbs 15 1/4 inches long, boy was 3.6 lbs and 15 1/2 inches long. Both doing good. Both need help breathing especially boy, but otherwise look very great for 29 week twins

Congrats daisy!! Glad to hear they are doing well and hope you are okay to!
I don't participate in here much but I'm 18 today! :D
Very happy birthday mommy to be!

I was able to pump 1/2 oz milk for them my first time! Nurses couldnt believe it. One proud momma!
Forgot to even mention how I was doing...I'm ok, had c section which I thi k was worse than vaginal birth. Just lots of yanking pulling tugging....and the out of body feeling u get. But besides feeling like I was kicked in belly by a horse I can breath again with out feet in my ribs. Still can't get to much sleep, but had a itchy reaction to morphine and also trying to pump every 3 hours to get things going. Good luck girls. I'm gonna keep checking in with you all as often as I can!
That's fantastic pumping!! Well done!

Happy birthday!

I've got my GTT tOday... And I'm starving already! Got to wait til 10 for appointment so will be way past 12 before I get to eat :( need to distract myself!!!
Hope everything is ok Kristel, try not to worry too much :hugs:

Daisy - congratulations!, your babies are here already, be sure to post a pic when you can.

K- good luck with the GTT, mine is next Tues and not looking forward to it all all. Iknow 5 is keen to know how they go as she has one in early Nov.
Congratulations Daisy! Those sound like great weights for 29 weeks. I hope they continue do well and I hope you are well. Well done for the pumping too, I know its hard but it will do them the world of good!

Good luck today K477.

Happy birthday mummytobee! Wish I was 18 again!

Chobette I have so much pressure in my pubic area, Im kinda getting used to it now its been there so long nut I think people are probably getting fed up of me going on about it. Its just I dont remember feeling anything like it with Annie!

I was lied on the sofa last night watching my bump to see if baby would give me some movement but there was nothing and as I went to get it pushed its back into my belly and I could see it was lied straight up from my pelvis to my just above my belly button with its back pushing out... it looked so freaky!!

Anyone else's belly button popping out yet? My OH thinks its gross!

HAve a good day ladies!
Thanks - I had one last time as it's not that bad and I HATE needles! To be honest the worst part is waiting! I am tired as DS didn't sleep well last night and hungry!

LM - My belly button is moving towards sticking out - it never did last time - my DH hates the idea!!
I hope your recovery goes well Daisy and that your little Pumpkins thrive.

Good luck with the GTT today K Please let us know how it goes.

Happy Birthday mummytobee (you'll need to change your user name now) I was pregnant with dd1 at 18, seems a life time ago now. I turn 30 in December!!

MM- what you up to hun?

Kristel - hope your doctors can work out whats up (or should that be down?)
As for BH - if thats what they are, its like a tightening that happens at the bottom of your uterus it doesnt last for long and its not painful. I've been getting a few a day now but I cant see them being a problem as they arent regular or painful. Will mention it to MW later today though.

Got my MW appointment later - its strange to think it will only be my 4th appointment with the MW team. And yet I've only potentially 13wks left. Got a feeling something will be picked up in my urine today, not sure why just a feeling I've got.
oh my gosh congrats Daisy. i feel a little jealous though i cant believe how big they are and how well they are doing. 29 weeks seem so early to me. they would have been huge babies. i had a friend delivered at 29 weeks her one baby was only 2 lbs i am astonished at you pumpkins size
Thanks ladies. I wish I could post photos, but I'm on my iPad and I don't think I can. :( they r so tiny, but so big! They are guessing I delivered early because of some type of infection. Looks like both babies may have pnemonia, which isn't uncommon in pre term babies. Hoping my girl will poopmtoday because they see a little blockage. She is licking her lips when they put my breast milk on them..she will even suck on a binkie! My boy is the week one, but I know he will catch up soon.
I've just got back from GTT.. A bit traumatic... But that's cos I'm a wimp! Also FH was measuring huge 34cm so they sent me for a growth scan, which was lovely and Limpet is measuring fine but my BP was high too... 140/85 compared to a normal 100/60! They wanted to admit me, but I hate needles and told them this was prob it, so I had it measured again an hour after everything and it had gone down, but they want to monitor it :(

5 - hopefully not an infection.. But if it is.. Hopefully it'll be caught early :hugs:

Daisy- they sound so cute!! Xx

I need to back into work in a bit!! Boo!!!
Congrats Daisy! Those are really good weights, wishing you and the little one's a fast recovery. When everything settles down you can post pics, right now worry about getting better. Wow...first one to deliver for us ladies! Time is going quickly! xx take care!

26 weeks today, although munchkin is measuring at 27 weeks anyway. Wonder how much he weighs?

My belly button is not as deep, but it hasn't popped and I don't think it will with how deep it was originally.

xx Hope all of you are doing well xx
Doesnt sound like you had a good morning K hope everything settles down for you.

Had my appointment, urine fine, bp fine, took ages to get Melody's heartbeat heard but finally we heard it, even though she was wriggle around at the time.
Fundal height was 23wks, should be 26 wks. But MW wasnt overly concerned, said at next appointment if its still off they'd probably do a growth scan. They also will do my MRSA swabs at the MW clinic rather than me having to go to hospital again after GTT test.
Got weighed...... I'm putting on the lbs now. I've put on 6.2kg (that's 13.5lb) but MW says that's spot on. So I guess I'm pleased with that.
Oh wow Daisy congratulations!! So pleased everything went well and your little babies sound to be little fighters-can't wait to see! Xxx

Congrats! Sounds like your doing great, along with the babies also, keep up the good work!

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