January SnowAngels 2012, 2nd and 3rd Tri

awww they are so cute daisy! they look really good for when they were born. hope they get to go home with you soon.
Went and saw twins tonight, got told Emily was so mad she was flipped she kicked herself up off her bed wedge! That's one strong little girl. All the nurses told me how powerful she was. Guess when she is mad, she is mad:) Nathan got in trouble today too b/c he pulled his tubes out of his mouth. :) Nathan always has a wire or tube in his grasp:) They had him all bundled down to keep him from doing it, they went to move him and saw he had still some how gotten a hold of his wires:) He is a sneaky little guy: He was snoozing when I got there, but they said I have two fighters in there. Makes me feel so good to hear that!
aww daisy hose babies are sweet

i have had a lot of clear discharge very normal
i am feeling a little better ready to move this pregnancy along though
Daisy - absolutely beautiful! So exciting to see babies already! I hope they don't have to be in hospital too long and are strong enough to come home soon :)

MM - I've never felt so rough in my entire life! I've never had more than a spot or two and I have like 9 giant spots all over my chin. I look like a witch or someone with a terrible skin complaint. I've always had such lovely clear skin! It's making me miserable cause I just can't cover them up!! But i'm so glad it's half term - now at least I can have a bit of a chill and hopefully the spots will clear up a bit before I go back to work. I'll let you know what the doctor says on Tuesday. Hopefully will be told I can have a c-section but if not gonna have to think of an alternative plan!
They are precious Daisy, glad he is taking in some milk, and can't wait for you to be able to bring them home when they are strong enough xx :hugs:

I have had a lot of clear discharge, noticing it more now then I did, so not sure if it's something that started recently or I just never noticed it.

How is everyone holding up? I'm finally "moving" to the 3rd trimester this week, but already been over there and just feel like I belong there now.

Are any of you having a planned csection? If so, do you have your dates yet? I might have one depending on what my ultrasound shows on the 10th of November.
Chobette - i'll be finding out on Tuesday I think. I have vulvadynia and have been trying to explain to the doctors (who are a bit clueless) that I'd like a c-section. So far it's been more or less ignored but hopefully this meeting on Tuesday they will agree to it!

This may sound like a really daft question, but seen as all our babies are due in the middle of winter - what is everyone planning to dress them in? Do I always make sure he has a long sleeved vest on underneath a sleepsuit? I'm a very warm person and would never wear two long-sleeved layers at once (except outside when im wearing a coat!) but i've read should always have a vest in winter? And is a vest and sleepsuit for indoors? Or will he need less indoors? I've got a few snowsuits, so if we're out and about should i put him in a vest, sleepsuit and then the snowsuit? And what happens if we're going into shops? Do I take the snowsuit off? It's so confusing! Or... shall I just stop worrying and it'll all be obvious to me when he comes! lol
pajamas are nice for winter babies but layers are the biggest thing. i believe that babies care more about comfort then beauty so for now most of my picks have beem t-shirts with the layered comfy carter's clothes. they have some with feet in the pants and the under shirt and the long sleeved tops then i have snow suits and the car seat covers. recieving blankets with warmer soft blankets
I think we have different names for everything over here so it's very confusing!! lol. I've bought mostly sleepsuits (all in ones with long sleeves and long legs - mostly with feet in) but what I really wanna know is does he need to wear a long sleeved vest underneath these at all times? I bought some long sleeved and some short sleeved - but will he be too cold in short sleeved under the sleepsuit? And is a snowsuit over it all enough when going out? I'm worried I won't know when pushing him about in his pram whether he's too cold or too hot! lol
I think we have different names for everything over here so it's very confusing!! lol. I've bought mostly sleepsuits (all in ones with long sleeves and long legs - mostly with feet in) but what I really wanna know is does he need to wear a long sleeved vest underneath these at all times? I bought some long sleeved and some short sleeved - but will he be too cold in short sleeved under the sleepsuit? And is a snowsuit over it all enough when going out? I'm worried I won't know when pushing him about in his pram whether he's too cold or too hot! lol

Inside I think it would be fine with a short sleeved vest, onesie is what we call it, under the sleepsuit, and then outside use a long sleeve vest, sleepsuit, and a sweater. What I plan on doing is doing a long sleeve suit, pants, and a nice sweater. I have a "winter" suit that would go over all of that if it still was needed.

They do have bunting for carseat, which I think they would have for the pram as well. My step-gram made us one and it's quite warm. If you did that, you could get away with using that and warmer clothes like the sweater. xx

Also keep us updated on what they say. My doctors are clueless as well, I have to see 5 different ones who rotate in my office :dohh:
OMG! Daisy! Your twins are gorgeous! Look a lot bigger than what I was expecting at 29 weeks! Is that Emily with all the hair??

I hope you're doing well and the rest of your family too *hugs*

I'm on my phone so have read everything but have forgotten! Written down thise who are new so I can change the front page later.

I've had my GTT and surprised to have gotten the all clear! Have had some nasty BH's this week to the poibt I though I was going into earky labour but they've since stopped!

Hope everyone is well, sorry for any spelling mistakes - new phone :)
Nathan has all the dark hair. Emily kind of looks bald, but she has blond hair! total opposites. :)
They are just too cute Daisy!!

Rees - congrats on the all clear!!

Nothing else form me tonight.... watched the final of spooks - so a little upset :cry: and I'm going to bed!! Goodnight! xx
Just popping in to say hello. Just read the posts, but quite busy and no time to reply back and comment. Hope everyone is doing well. :)
Very cute pics daisy! hope you get to bring them home as soon as possible!

Kezz Ive brought long sleeved and short sleeved vests, have some cardigans and a snow suit. I think at home it will be short sleeved and a sleepsuit maybe a cardigan if its very cold. Will def be putting a snowsuit and a hat on when we go out. Its all different to me too because Annie was born in a heatwave and hardly had to wear more than a vest for 2 weeks straights!

Have my 28 week MW appointment today! Only the 3rd time I have seen a MW all pregnancy, which I find mad. Anyway hoping it goes all well really dont to find any more UTIs or signs of sugar in my pee. Cant wait to hear the HB either. Have to go on my own though as OH has a job trial and cant make it and my mum has Annie (who has a stinking cold and is really playing up!) :(

Have a good day everyone!
Well Monday soon rolled around.
Its half term here so apart from housework I'm planning a lazy day with the girls.

Daisy - I showed your beautiful babies to my dd1 and she couldnt believe how they looked for being born at 29wks. I hope they are continuing to do well.

Good luck with your MW appointment LM

Had a viewing for the house on saturday, it seemed to go well (but generally they all do until the viewers walk out and you dont hear back) Had a halloween party to go to on the evening, I was tired and bored but the kids enjoyed it. Sunday we went roller skating (well I watched) everyone had loads of fun and some picked up some nasty bruises but eager to go again. By the time I get to go they'll be pro's.

So - Parenting advice - how do I deal with jealousy and clinginess? My step-childrens mum just had her baby (baby girl called Mia) and the kids havent really reacted very happily to her and so have been having little spats with my girls about my OH not being their dad, loving them more etc and generally not letting myself or dd1/2 anywhere near him.
One said they thinking babies are stupid and cant believe there's going to be another one around soon (referring to ours) and they're sick of them and that they are never going to get away from babies.

Where as that is true, myself and OH are now feeling guilty that we are expecting. We spent a year speaking to all the children about us having a baby, how it might effect us, asked what they thought and everything. Then by the time we get our BFP both my ex and my OH ex had already fallen pregnant (without speaking once to any of the children about it)
Am I selfish? Should we have stopped ttc? We might been able to give the kids some baby-free space. But now it seems that being last due its us that have copied others and made things worse for them.
Maybe I just worry too much about others feelings. After all didnt we do it the right way by talking to the kids? Or was that our mistake? Should we have just gone for it and then been first, could of had baby by now and then maybe others would be dealing with this strange situation.

Gosh, sorry for the rambling.
5- your are not being selfish and the kids will come arond. i think it has been wonderful that you have prepared them i would consider that job now done. to much maybe making them nervous. i feel like if you explain anything that you tell them that this baby is no more important to you then they are and remind them of their baby stories. i have also spoke with my kids about what they can teach each they baby, you know the special qualities you see in them that they can teach baby. as a rule you should never allow your children the control of making you regret a decisions you have made as an adult cause that wll turn your confidence and discipline abilities over to them and then the children have control over your family. i am with you on preparing them but your new baby is also just as important as they are too.
They are big babies! I am so thankful. They have great skin color and so much hair. They dont look like preemies, just small full term babies. I guess getting those steroid shots really helped them mature.

Can't believe most of you all are getting ready or already have gone to 3rd trimester. Wont be long now:)
mm - I started on Sat when I hit 28 weeks. You can get bands from countthekicks for your wrist here with number 1-12 on and a little plastic window on them that you move over the numbers as you feel each group of kicks during the day. We're upto 4 today so far but she's normally much more active during the evening than day time. The midwife advised I should be loking for 10 occasions each day and to lie on my side and have a cold drink if I'm not sure I've felt much any day.
Kick counts was how I knew I was in labor with my first. She moved all the time and I got to know her patterns. One day she just stopped! She would move maybe a little, like I would feel her turn a little, but she was mostly still. I went into doctors and saw I was 3cm dilated and having contractions( I didnt feel them at that point). I had her that Friday. It was crazy b/c I have read they calm down before delivery, they were so right.

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