January SnowAngels 2012, 2nd and 3rd Tri

I had my 28 week appointment.

My baby is head down!! Thats why I have all the pressure and pain down below. Other than that not much to report, thankfully all normal.

I forgot to start counting kicks I will from tomorrow!
I agree with MM... Don't feel guilty. They will grow out of it.. It's just because of the change.

LM - my LO is head down too... It's uncomfortable!! Although I think s/he's turned transverse today :wacko:

Kristal - you well? Xx

I got the all clear from my GTT test!! Yay!! That and DH and I have an evening off.. I'd like to say we're spending doing something special... But I think we'll both be sleeping!!
5 - I think you did the right thing by explaining to them early on and it's not selfish of you and your OH. They will adapt to the change and will learn to love the baby and they will adjust.

I think my boy is still breach, he has been since my 18 week scan. How can you tell for sure... ?

How many kicks should we feel a day? He's pretty active so I haven't even thought about counting them. I have a kick counter on my phone I could use.

K477 - Enjoy the night, hopefully you find something special to do, my husband and I usually end up sleeping early or sleeping in late when we have a day/evening off together. xx
The midwife told me not to count the individual kicks but the number of groups of kicks or movement I felt. So if she kicked for 10 minutes then was quiet for 30 then started kicking again, to count that as 2 episodes.

They don't give you a specific amount rather to know what is normal for your baby, my mid wife just said more than 10 a day.
i heard to pick two times a day at the same time and drink something cold or eat something sweet and count the movements, pushes, kicks, stretches. if you dont get in an hour get up move around then lay on left side to get blood flowing and try again starting at if the second hour you dont reach call the doctor. i was told o start at the most active times of the day and to record in a book how long it took to reach your typically. i started this morning and got in mins or so he is a busy buger but want to know that he stays that way. i was told by two ppl that doing this saved their babies lives. one had a cord wrapped around the neck the other was goig into cardiac arrest and because of this monitoring the babies are alive now.

daisy i know its crazy but after you had those angels i think most of us are now really eager. not so much that we cant wait till term tho lol
Im super impatirent, I'm fed up of worrying and bored of waiting, I want my baba already, why is 9 mths sooooo long, I feel like ive been pregnant for ever :grr: oh well it could be worse I could be an elephant!

Sorry havent had time to read through, Daisy glad your two are doing well, they look super cute and much bigger that I was expecting :hugs:

My baba has had one on it today, been on the go all day! guess that means im in for a quiet few days now, thats what normally haooens. Then only problem is the kicks/punches/wriggles are starting to get really paifull now, Iv had feet tight up in my ribs and there are points when I cant bend to even get in the car cos its right up high, and then when it stretches it feels very strange!!

Seems to prefer being on the right as i feel it there all the time :shrug:

Iv been looking in to scans today, theres a place near me that is offering 4D scans for £60, always said I never wanted a 4D scan but im getting super impatient to see my lil bean again that I want one, the only problem is DH wont let me have one, he really doesnt want to know the sex, I dont want to know it but i really want to see baby again :grr: he's soooo adament, suborn pain in the ass
LM - I can't imagine only havinbg 3 MWs appts. I go once a month and often feel that is too long. I wonder if it's a regional thing?? Glad to hear everything is normal

5- tough subject. No advice as I am a first time mom. But good luck! I don't think you are selfish at all in any case though and it will be amazing to have another little one :)

mm - nope haven't started counting...my doc hasn't mentioned anything but then again she's the the MD. I start seeing my obgyn on the 1st so we'll see what she says

daisy - they are beautiful babies :) And thanks for thr advice on the kicks

truly_blessed - sounds like I should probably get one of those bands - they sound like they would much easier to use than anything ese

k477uk - thanks for asking. not doing too bad these days. haven't felt faint since last week *fingers crossed* Great to hear bout the GTT. I passed mine too last week! :happydance: Have a great night sounds like fun

chobette - have no idea how to tell if baby is breach or not...hmm..

lintu - I want my baby now too!! I also did a private scan paid $200CDN (don't know how that converts to uk pounds tho) You can still do the scan but request not to know sex then you can still see your baby :)

As for me. I am counting downt he days!!! 4 more sleeps til I am officially moved back home. I haven't seen hubby in 2 1/2 weeks and missing him and our dog like crazy. He has been amazing though getting things organized in the house. He spent probably 30 hours painting alongside my wonderful brother. They ended up buying baby nursery furniture. I orginally was going to buy a beautiful crib and dresser from the bonavita peyton line but we decided otherwise and now gone with ikea furniture. I was skeptical at first to buy an ikea crib but have heard from great reviews! I ended up getting a nice little sofa chair with the extra money I saved. Ended up paying $775 for the crib, 8 drawer dresser and sofa chair :) The colours are pink and white with bits of purple. I keep changing my mind on the nursery. Was originally going to be pink brown and white, but our furniture is no loner brown...

They painted the room a very light pink and I will put a cherry blossom tree decal on the wall. But here is our furniture


got to hold Emily tonight! hopefully nathan soon!


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Daisy thats lovely, I bet having her mother hold her reassured her no end! Are you still in hospital? How long will you be in for? Has Olivia seen the twins yet, what does she think?

Ive been up since 4.45 and Annie got up at 5.45 so gonna be a long day! Ive already had a few Braxton Hicks today.

I forgot to ask the MW yesterday but at the weekend a friend told me because I'd already had an episiotomy I might have to have another to stop it tearing again? Anyone heard of this because I don't want to be cut again!!
oh wow what a lovely picture daisy! she is not nearly as small as i expected her to be so thats great news!

lovely furniture kristel! i love cherry blossom trees, it sounds gorgeous, please post pics when you are done?
Awww. Daisy - that picture is gorgeous... I have tears in my eyes! How lovely!
She really isn't as small as I would expect at 29wks... I mean I know they weren't tiny... but! :kiss:

Chobette - I think you are prob better asking MW - but I think you can tell were the kicks are, and by feeling the tummy. I can normally tell where the bum is - but that is because normally s/he's bum up! Although I wouldn't worry too much about breech from then - as they often move around lots!

Kristel - Glad you are feeling better... the furniture and nursery sounds lovely! :flower:

Lintu - :hugs: It's not long now!! Although you could always ask for a scan for an early christmas present... although it didn't work for me last time!!:dohh:

I kinda have started kick counting.. but my LO is normally asleep or lacks movement through the day and kicks at 3am, 6am and 9pm ish. So I am aware when I don't feel anything then and drink a fizzy drink etc...

DH and I did go out last night and I had a yummy meal. It was nice, as we actually talked - which at home we are normally too tired to! This morning has some ironing, as the boy isn't around, then going to pick him up.

Oh.. TMI question - but is any one very dry side down below :blush: ?
k477-i have been so wet down below that when DH and i make love he thinks he has done something special:awww:i don't have the heart to say that even though i enjoy love making with you uh its the massive cm. i have been leaky urine lately though which i find really gross but prolly from having so many babies

daisy that pic is precious and look at you mama you look fab, definitely look tired though. make sure your resting to

my fingers are swelling and i have hit a 20 lbs gai. i have started swimming recommended by doc cause baby has not turned and i have delievered in the past anywhere from 35 to 38 weeks so, it helps i guess. i know i have time but the exercise is good also
i to have been having tons of braxton hicks and they are uncomfortable but they haven't checked my cervix and prolly wont until 32 weeks
MM - Bless your DH!! I seem to have CM during the day - just not when I want to :sex: !!

I really like swimming - I'm hoping to go later on this evening... last time I measured I was +6lb but I'm fairly big to begin with, so want to keep gain down if I can - esp as I didn't lose it all after Isaac!

I need to get off my backside and have a shower... got the ironing done though!
Been the Drs this morning, they think iv got bacterial vaginosis, hence the swelling the other day!!

Always something, done the typical thing and googled it and now I'm bricking it :( it says bout pre term birth, low birth weight and miscarriage!!! Anyone had this? Am I stressing over nothing??
I got weighed at the MW yesterday and have put on 22lbs :( Guess thats what craving sweet things will do to you though!

MM you're funny... bet your OH is walking round with a very proud look on his face!
Lintu is that another name for thrush? If so I wouldn't worry I've had it twice so far and everything is ok.

Did you get cream or anything
Well i've just read three pages of posts and it's all a bit of a blur! lol.

Lintu - i've had bacterial vaginosis before. Not while pregnant, but it's just a mild and common bacterial infection which goes away with a bit of antibiotics. I wouldn't worry I'm sure it won't cause any problems and will be gone in no time.

Daisy - such a beautiful picture! It must be really hard not being able to just pick them up and cuddle whenever you want. Hopefully it won't be long before they can come off all the wires etc and you can just hold them properly.

mm - it's weird... i had loads of braxton hicks at the beginning and then haven't had any since. I'm glad though cause they felt so weird and uncomfortable!

I had my hospital appointment today... was weird. Got to see yet a different doctor, this time a nigerian male doctor. OH said he hadn't understood anything he'd said - so it's a good job I could understand him, but he had a v strong accent and spoke so quick! He was nice though...first sort of said vulvadynia isn't a reason for a c-section. So then I went on to explain how severe it was and how we had to use a tiny pipette to get pregnant. Then he went to speak to the consultant, and basically said that he wanted me to go for a scan at 36 weeks (as if baby is breech or whatever then i'd need c-section anyway and so we wouldn't have to make the decision anyway), but it seems to consultant must have been fine with c-section cause he said to go away and really think about it, and then if at 36 weeks I decided I want a c-section then that's what they'll do. So that was a relief to hear, though i'd love to just have it booked it now so I can plan ahead! My main worry is that at 36 weeks will see yet another doctor and have to start all over again! Also 36 weeks fall in the xmas holidays, so they said I had to leave the appointment thing with them so they could work out when to do it. Hoping it's slightly earlier rather than slightly later! Think it will either be just b4 Christmas or just after anyway!! But it sounds as though if I definitely want the C-section then it's up to me! So phew!

Also had bloods done, pressure done and urine done. All normal. Didn't measure my uterus though... thought they would at 28 weeks?!

Here is my 27.5 weeks bump pic! I am officially a lump!!

Hope everyone's doing ok!!! xx
Kezz u look fab xxx

LM no it's similar and as common but it's apparently a ph inbalance, which causes the bacteria to over grow!

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