January SnowAngels 2012, 2nd and 3rd Tri

I am going back to work tomorrow while the twins are in the NICU then taking maternity leave when they come home. I only work 2 days a week, but still, I dont want to waste what I have while babies arnt even home. I feel like I have healed up from my c-section and it doesnt hurt like it was. Although it is hard which is a weird feeling...
Hiya ladies

Just wanted to pop in and say that I'm in my new house safe and sound. So happy to be home but there is so much to do! Hubby and family did a great job getting painting done, setting up the bigs things, etc but now it's my turn to unpack. I'm just taking a break right now. Been up since 6:30 when hubby left for work and now it's 3pm and I'm exhausted!! will take some pics of nursery soon. Not near being done yet but it's progressing.

Won't be on here much til we're settled but will try to post pics of my baby showers in the next 2 weeks

Hope you are all well!!
Daisy you really are a trooper, good luck at work and dont push yourself too hard! Have they weighed the twins recently how are they doing?

I've had quite a day... Got a massive pain in my stomach and vagina whilst getting dressed this morning, made me scream and cry. I didnt feel the baby for a while after so phone midwife and got sent to delivery.
Got monitored for a while and had a few contractions over an hour, really thought baby was coming at one point, but they went by themselves. Anyway got diagnosed with pelvic girdle pain, apparantly my ligaments got stretched so much they just went.

Have to go to physio and get a special belt to wear around my belly and might end up on codeine. LO is fine though which is the main thing but I can hardly walk and the stairs are a nightmare!
Aww LM that's poo, my sister had that with her first hang on in there huni were on the home stretch
well contraction city tonight i think by the time it is time for the LO i will have abs of steele. took my daughter trick or treating and they are truly uncomfortable
Daisy - Do take it easy... I remember my scar would feel fine all day, but then seize up at evening time - I always knew when I had overdone it! But glad to hear the twins are doing well! xx

Kristel - Yay for moving!!

LM - :hugs: Take care!! That must have been quite scary!

MM - I know how you feel with them!

I am shattered... and it's only been 2 days back - and one was inset! Although DH is being great, cooking dinner and getting housework done... bless!
Glad they are doing well Daisy, hope they come home sooner, and I understand about working now so you're not taking up the time when it is time for them to come home.

LM - Glad everything is okay now, try taking it easy. Hope the belt helps your pain a little.

Kristel - Hope you get completely settled in soon and glad you are finally moved in. Looking forward to nursery pics.

All is okay - have this horrible pain in my back, kind of like a muscle cramp, but worse? Also my son LOVES my ribs. Really painful while sitting or laying down. Definitely feels like he is all heads up, got real strong kicks down below and thought I was going to pee myself :haha:

Hope everyone is well xx
first day at work went good. Was hard because I kept having to pump every 2 hours. Other than that it went great
Got physio on the 11th, its a group session so dont actually think it will be much help. Wont be able to see if I can get a belt until then either.

I want to cry constantly, I feel useless and cant do much for myself. Had to wait for OH to come back from work to lift Annie in and out the bath, he had to get me out the shower, change the rubbish bin etc. My dad had to drive me to the shops and will prob have to take Annie to nusery for me. I cant even run around the park with her. This absolutely sucks!!!
Lm- I understand. I hated taking Olivia to the park and not being able to chase her or climb around with her. She would ask me to play and I would have to tell her no and sit on the bench:( Now that I can move around it is so cold here to even go to the park. She just got over a cold and I am trying to keep her inside. when I take her out, seems to make her nose run again:( When I was on bed rest I couldn't do ANYTHING! It was just awful. I was glad after the c-section b/c they wanted me to walk around! :)
I am sorry you are so miserable *HUGS*
good morning ladies i am sorry so many of us a miserable i got up early yesterday and did a litttle cleaning went to classes and then to the gym, i dont enjoy the gym but with the thought of my thyroid acting up and my gestational diabetes est coming up again figured i need to stay healthy. when i got home i went to bed at like 430 and stayed there the rest of the night
OMG iv had the worse braxton hicks today :( by the end of the afternoon they were getting really painfull, didnt help that baby was really active all day which was a double edge blade cos it made the braxton hicks worse.

Rang the mw around 4 cos thought they werent meant to that painfull, she said to go home put my feet up and see how they went on, happy to report they seem to have eased off, baby still very active and i just really really battered and bruised now, really painful when i sneeze tho! I hope they settle down, she said they should as baby gets bigger and so moves less, apparently being active can stimulate them!!
Daisy- glad it went well!! Any news on when the twins can come home? X

LM - :hugs: don't feel useless... You haven't got long now xx

Mm - :hugs: hope your feelIng better soon... Xs

Lintu - I've had some really painful BH... But normally when I'm overdoing it! Take care!

I'm shattered so going to bed! I have had major baby brain today! It's terrible!
LM -- try not to feel useless, we are almost there!!

Daisy - glad your first day back went well

mmcheek - try to take it easy, I quit my membership with the gym when I found out I was pregnant, can't exercise except a couple pelvic exercises the physical therapist tried out on me

Lintu - take it easy hon, I have had only a couple BH (that I could tell), and mine were painful then. Haven't noticed since, but then again I am clueless as to what the signs are.

Nothing to new here, going to pick up a travel system on Friday, just have to find out which one to get. And a little bit of a moan from me ...
Have HORRIBLE back/rib pain :cry: hurts so bad, hurts to sit, and hurts to lie down. Going to mention it to the doctor on friday, not sure if it should be this bad, he is breech though. It feels like I have a huge bruise going from my rib area to a muscle in my back, it's awful :cry:
Just waiting to pick up my husband to try and go to bed.
:hugs: Hope everyone else is well
Thanx guys, things settled down afte a while but had a crap night was so sore and uncomfy just couldn't sleep, having the day off today :(

Hope everyone is ok :hugs:
good morning fellow miserable 3 rd tri's well on sunday i will begin my 10 week count down and wow at seems so fa away. other then feeling the most fatigued i have ever felt without having the flu, i figured i would just plug away a week at a time. I have scheduled myself to work out on the elliptical for 20 mins and swim20 mins a day. i have class follow that then i go home complete my homework due laundry and then the kids pile in. they have been picking up on chores and even cooking more but i have truly been off to dream land by 730. going out of town for thanksgiving(at the end of nov) and having baby shower that weekend then Christmas and in the dec we start child birthing classes. Finally then it will be baby time yay. we also have to complete nursery after shower been waiting to see what we get before i buy
it was funny though cause my husband asked if he could take me out on a date tomorrow night. he was thinking a dinner and a movie. i laughed and said a girls dream o have the sexiest solider in the world interested in pursuing me but you may want to pick one or the other cause i don't think i can stay awake for both

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