January SnowAngels 2012, 2nd and 3rd Tri

How nice to get a date night MM. I cant remember the last time we had a nice night out just me and OH. Cant see any coming when we've got two under 3 year olds either!!

My pelvic girdle pain seems to be easing off a bit today. It still hurts to bend, roll etc. but walking is easier.

I've got a feeling my LOs head may be engaging though? I feel a hell of a lot lighter, breathing is the easiest it has been for ages, I'm lower and I feel like there is something stuck in my vagina! I'm getting worried!

OH is getting worried too he wants me to pack a hospital bag with all the little scares we've had over the past couple of days!
Probably a sensible idea LM just to have your bag prepared in case of any type of hospital stay.
MM - Date night sounds fun no matter what you decide to do together. Think I'd ask for a date breakfast just to make sure I really am awake lol

We accepted an offer on our house. They want to be in by 2nd week of december. We dont think we will be able to get a mortgage at the moment so it looks like staying with MIL for a while while we get sorted out. MIL....hmmmm, I see me having lots of issue living there and of course being that bit close to EDD I'm already dreading the thought of it all.
Great that you got an offer 5! Rubbish timing to be out though. I don't have a MIL (she passed away about two months b4 OH and I got together) so cant comment on that issue...

Although due to OH having his new job and the amount of rent we have to pay we are considering moving in with my nan who is disabled (and often quite grumpy) and only uses the downstairs of her house, as it will be more financially viable and we would be able to save for a deposit. Dont like the thought of living with someone else again though!
Hi everyone hope you're all okay! Sorry i've been MIA for aaages (or at least it feels like it!) I'm so tired at work nowadays that i come home, eat and sleep literally... there is nothing else in my life!!

I measured my uterus today (seen as no-one at hospital or midwife has done it so far) and from just under breastbone to pubic bone it's 37cm. Am I measuring from the right place? Slightly concerned that i'm so big! People keep asking if i'm having twins. OH has decided He'll be arriving in 3 weeks then... lol. I'd be happy for him to as i'm sick of being pregnant now, but at same time I don't want any health problems for him, so prob best not to wish him out!
Kezz.. You need to measure from the top of your uterus.. which you should be able to feel - but it's not necessarily at the bottom of your rib cage. Don't worry about measurements - I would wait for a MW to do it - and in any case they are often wrong!
Just jumping in to say Emily can regulate her own body temp now! Mommys big girl:)
Nathan is still struggling with pneumonia. but is making progress
Alright Emily! That's great news. I am hoping Nathan gets over the pneumonia soon. How have you been doing, work and recovery wise? xx

Kezz, not sure exactly, but he measured from the top of my pelvic bone to the top of my uterus when he measured my fundal height, it was measuring 29cm when I left the doctor's yesterday. You can normally feel for the top of the uterus with your fingers, although the midwives and doctor's normally find it spot on. I can't really tell sometimes.

LM - sounds like you would have your own space at least away from her. I understand about not wanting to live with someone else, we are living with my MIL to help out with rent, seeing as we are back on one income again. It's been so much fun (sarcastic) :haha: I would pack it as well, better to be safe then sorry. After we see what family members give us at our shower next week, I will start to slowly pack my hospital bag, probably adding pieces bit by bit. xx

5- Good news on the offer, I live with my MIL and can sympathize. She's not horrible, but there are a lot of personality differences between the two of us which causes friction at times. xx

Everything is okay here, had my 28 week appointment yesterday. Met a doctor I finally liked and will try to schedule my appointments around his time. I now go in every 2 weeks. Ultrasound to check placenta previa is next week and baby shower is Saturday. Time is going by quickly for me, for now ..
Doctor gave me 3 scenarios, all resulting in a c-section.
If I have bleeding between now and 34 weeks, I would get steroid shots and deliver
If I have no signs of trouble, can do an amnio to test babe's lung development and deliver him at 37 weeks -- if asthma and pelvic pain gets unbearable.
Or do a csection at 39 weeks if I have absolutely no problems
i recovered so easily from my c-section. it was wonderful. im working 3 days a week and its nice to be back, but cant wait till babies r home so i can take my maternity leave them
I have only just found this... I am due on 29th January and can't believe I am 28 weeks already. We are still not organised really, we still have the nursery to paint (we now have the flooring down) and start moving the furniture in. I also have not bought much clothing etc for the baby but I have finally had to buy a size bigger clothes for myself as I was starting to look rather trussed up!!!
Chobette - Sounds like we'll both by c-sectioning then! I'm relieved they said I could have one in the end. Dreaded the thought of trying to deliver naturally. Are you happy about having one?

Daisy - I'm so happy your babies are doing well. Has there been any mention of them being able to come home in the near future? Do you think Emily will be coming home before Nathan?

I have 6 weeks of work left and then I am a free woman for a good 6 months! I can't wait. Been worrying myself a little yesterday and today as baby doesn't seem to be as vigorous. I'm still feeling him fidgeting and moving around, and a few kicks, but just not as hard and frequent as they were a few days ago. I'm trusting that as long as i'm still feeling him moving around and kicking he must be fine, and trying not to worry myself too much!
OMG! I just got the most weird pain shoot through my tummy - felt like he'd grabbed the umbilical cord or something and yanked on it! Like a tug behind my belly button. Yikes!

ETA: obviously his umbilical chord isn't near my belly button - just thought i'd better put that in in case anyone thinks i'm really daft! lol
Hi Ladies!

This post has its slow days! , i have been MIA for ages thought there would be loads to catch up on!

Daisy - glad to hear the twins are doing well! I cant belive you can even go back to work this soon, here you cant work for 2 weeks after giving birth by law.

Kezz, great news the docs have said yes to section, at least that one less thing to worry about and you can look forward to your birth experience! Dont worry about size of uterus. measuring big is not the issue and often the uterus is not the top of your bump (organs have to hide somewhere)

I have been signed off this week, spent a night in hospital as had yet another bleed, thought i had come through the worst but then hey presto! All ok tho. Baby extremely active and highly likely will remain breech (as v.v.active and have increased fluid) and require ECV. i hope not but looks likely. I really hope i do not end up with elective c/s!!

Anyhoo, so DH has finally realised that i am 7mth pregnant and i cant do everything as i do!! So maybe i wont have to cook and clean now... haha.. well see!
On the plus side the nursery is on its way and the furniture is coming next week, i cant wait. i just have to wait for shower so i know what else i have left to buy.

Anyways, hope you are all ejoying the 3rd tri!! hehe! Not long to go!! xxx
Kezz -- Yes it looks that way huh? I am the same as you, terrified of giving birth naturally. I have mixed thoughts on having a c-section, I am a huge organizer and like to know when things will happen, which you obviously can't do with a natural birth, but still wouldn't mind experiencing it. Another pro to having a section is my husband only gets a week away from work and wouldn't want him to have to use most of it while im in pre-labor or false labor for that matter (we share a car and he's the only one who could get me to and from the hospital). So, overall, I am really okay with having a c-section.
I have also felt the pulling feeling, makes you think what the heck the baby is doing in there :haha:
6 weeks is not long now! I have been off work since 23 weeks, so I have been pretty bored in that sense.

Hi Maz! Hope your baby turns so you don't have to have an elective section. Hopefully you won't have to do much and your OH gives you a break.
I live with MIL and DH, my DH works full time and my MIL is disabled, so I am the only one who takes care of cooking and cleaning, so no break for me.
What furniture did you order? We have our shower this Saturday, when will yours be? xx
Also, is anyone noticing an increase in their LO's movement? My son never seems to sleep anymore. Watching my bump, it looks like he keeps flopping around in there. When does the movement lessen, does anyone know? xx
Hi all...

Glad you and baby are ok Maz, must be very scary for you! Try to take it easy.

Chobette my LO doesn't move much in the day, or I'm too busy to feel it, but at night it goes crazy, esp about 9pm and 1am!!

Well physically Im starting to feel better but mentally I'm so stressed and exhausted. Turns out because OH is classed as working as self employed its probably going to be harder to sort everything out with the council. We cant really afford to live here anymore, but cant find a way to get out of our tenancy, the landlord is 7 months late doing a gas safety check, and the pipe under the kitchen sink has broken so my kitchen look like a swimming pool!

sorry for more moaning, hope you all have a good day!
I have no idea about the work thing and not being allowed to go back till a certain time. I waited a week and a half:) I really do feel good. I only work 3 blocks from my house. I do drive but at least it is not far.

Babies are doing good. Nathan is starting to really show improvement..slow, but still improving. I got to hold him last night! It had been about a week since I got to hold him. He was just as sweet and snuggly as he could be:) I swear he was "rooting" on me when he was on my chest. Emily is doing great too. I am so proud of my babies!

Here is Emily & Nathan from last night


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well i went to the doctor today baby is measuring 2 weeks bigger then my due date and i am dilated a finger tip already. they said there is a possibility Wesley will be a Christmas baby or just a chunky monkey. i have to go in 7 days and have my 3 hr GD test. the doctor says he thinks there is a good possibility since at one point baby measured a week little and he has made up that week and surpassed by 2 weeks so we will see. he is however still breech and was told today if he does not turn by time he measures 36 weeks which we are measuring 32 now that he prolly wont turn becuz he will be to big and i will have to have a c-section. i dont want to have one since i have never had one. i think i would be less likely to go a little early if he is breech and they would be less concerned about how big he is if they plan a c-section since the concern with GD babies is that their shoulders will get stuck. so how is ever one else
oh my asthma is acting up now though my o2 was low so they changed my meds and i have to go to a specialist. i have had the hardest time breathing lately with my meds my o2 is usually 100 percent but today i was at a 75 and i am athletic which normally help
Hi ladies! Hope you all are doing well. Sorry no time to catch up on everyone but just wanted to say hello and give you a little update on me.

Been CRAZY been organizing the house. Things are coming along slowly. More garbage having to be thrown out everyday and less boxes so we're (I'm) getting there. Hubby had a job for about 2 1/2 days but it was such a bad place he quite. So right now we are both incomeless. He's trying to find a new job though and I'm trying to be supportive of him. Thank goodness we have our savings.

Had my check up with my obgyn - it's been since Aug since I seen her since I just met her in August when I was home on holidays at that time. Baby's head is down, says its quite big. Says I shouldn't put on much more weight?! How is that possible with 9 weeks to go and 2 baby showers, Christmas, New years, etc?!!! Got my hospital papers, so going to bring that in next week on my next check (guess I am getting close now that I have to go in for a check up every 2 weeks!) Will set up a time to see the hospital - exciting!

Had baby shower #1 on Saturday - the one my mom threw for me. It was crazy busy trying to get ready for that because I helped my mom prepare for it. But it was a lot of fun and got some really great gifts from our guests. Baby shower #2 is this Saturday. Will try to update you guys after that.

As for baby's nursery, haven't had a chance to do much with that but going to probably tackle that tomorrow.

Take care everyone!! The weeks are just flying by!!
Woo!! I don't know how I missed this one :)

Sign me up for my EDD of January 1st!! So exciting!! 8 weeks (maybe??) to go!!

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