January SnowAngels 2012, 2nd and 3rd Tri

mmcheek - wow, big baby. I have weak bones and don't want to harm myself further by delivering him if he's going to be that big. We'll see what she says next week, but I won't do it with my hips and pelvis being the way they are if I have it my way. I have uneven bone lengths which affects my hips and pelvic bone. I can barely walk as it is.

Jetset - they enter measurements in when they do a growth scan and they can estimate by the baby's length.

17mummy - take it easy hon, let's hope babes stays in there longer xx :hugs:
On the monitor and contracting. Had a speculum and she says there's watery discharge but doesn think my waters have broken xxx
Hope baby stays put 17!

I did read everything but have instantly forgot it all!!

I'm so shattered... How is everyone?
got my 4d scan yesturday at 31weeks+4days
the woman said he weight is 4lbs 4 ounces she said its just abt rite
said he looks chubby they think he gonna be abt 8lbs
lil pic 380483_287530921279683_100000683330491_974399_378134658_n.jpg 376563_287531914612917_100000683330491_974407_1964303704_n.jpg
How r u and baby 17?

Lovely pics siobian!

I've been having braxton hicks all weekend and have alot of pressure on my bum, feels like its going to split in two....I only remember feeling like that in labour with Annie.

I'm going to try and get a MW appointment for tomorrow, not meant to have one until 34 weeks but as I've only seen her 3 times in 31 weeks I've got a lot I want to discuss with her.
Hey all :)
Turns out the "viral infection" they told me I had and gave me paracetamol for is actually hyperemesis and had caused me to become so dehydrated my bp dropped low and caused me to begin contracting. They have put me on anti-sickness meds and upped my iron to thee tablets a day. Joy! Get my appointment to see the consulant on monday and will se what she says.
Having quite a lot of brown discharge sorry for the tmi looks like the end of a period. Light brown and mucky. Wonder if its from the speculum yesterday? Or if its the start of my show? :flower:
17 -- Wow, glad they got everything sorted, I have hyperemesis and know how sucky it can be. Did they say it caused your iron levels to be low? I haven't been on iron supplements, but need to discuss it with my doctor this week. Keep us updated, hopefully it's just from the speculum and your babes stays in longer. xx

LM - I have been feeling that pressure as well down there on my bum. It started for me about a week ago, at the scan he was head down and seems like he would be putting pressure on the colon, which would make sense for the pressure there.

siobhan - He's gorgeous! My baby was measuring 3lbs 11oz at 29 weeks, so it seems like your baby won't be as big, I think I just have one heck of a chunky monkey on the way, they said if he averages a half a pound or so, he could be about 9lbs if I make it to full term.
Thankyou :flower: well my iron at booking was 10.7 and then at 28 weeks bloods was 9.3 however in a week its gone to 8.7 I guess because I was being sick so much I wasn't keeping the iron tablets down. If your hyperemesis is really severe would they consider enducement? Xx
Thankyou :flower: well my iron at booking was 10.7 and then at 28 weeks bloods was 9.3 however in a week its gone to 8.7 I guess because I was being sick so much I wasn't keeping the iron tablets down. If your hyperemesis is really severe would they consider enducement? Xx

I am not sure, something to ask your midwife/doctor. Mine has been tolerable with the help with the anti-sick medicine, it keeps everything down at least, but still get nauseous. I need to ask my doctor about my iron levels, fainted before getting blood work done Thursday at my scan, so not sure if I am anemic or have low or high blood pressure. xx
Ladies, had my baby shower and it went well, all but one person showed up. We enjoyed a nice meal, played a couple games, had yummy cake, and got gifts from relatives. It was nice after rushing around in the morning and was stressed out until it started. Here's a couple pictures, some of the gifts we received, 3D scan photo, and my 29w3d bump photo xx
Hope everyone is doing well xx :hugs:


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hi all sorry havent been on here for a while, been trying to deal with this depression and sciatica.

havent had chance to read through all the posts i have missed, thanks to the new set up it was taken of my subscriptions so i assumed it had been a quite thread lol

congrats to the prem mummies, hope they r growing strong and home soon.

just a quick update from me, been signed off since i was around 23 weeks with sciatica and told i have pre-natal depression. so far, been able to cope reasonably well as my hubby has been off for the past month with back problems to, prob due to carrying my fat ass off the sofa lol. anyway, had my 1st session with a councilor last monday and was suppose to have them weekly until mid dec but had a letter that said the woman i had seen had to pull out so im back to square one waiting for another councilor to get in touch.

had a bit of a scare last night, had to go to hospital with severe stomach cramp with pins and needles and minimal movements so went up for precaution, no explaination for why but still have the same pain? very odd but baby is ok so i will cope with it, prob wind anyway lol

hope everyone is ok, not long to go now, cant wait to see more birth stories to freak me out lol xx
hey i have a question and ladies please answer is anyone else have gobbs of mucus that looks like snot
mmcheek - I have noticed more discharge, not sure if it looks like that though, but definitely have a lot more mucus than before.

windle - sorry you are having a rough time. Glad that babes is okay, sounds like baby could be laying on a nerve and could be causing that feeling. I get sharp pins and needle pains on my bump when my son moves occasionally, and lately when he moves I have tons of pressure on my lady bits. xx
Windle - glad everything is ok with baby and hugs to you - you're on the home stretch now! Xx

Mm - mines gone all snot like - I had it last time... Is normal!

I have less than 6 weeks left at work and I cannot wait! I am so shattered I can't do anything else during the week!
I went to see MW yesterday and have been referred for talking therapy. As I had PND depression before and am feeling low again MW thinks it best to try and nip the feelings in the bud asap.

Baby is fine though, good strong heartbeat and still head down but floating free.
Is anyone thinking of taking raspberry leaf tea (or capsules), I'm finding contradicting advice as to when to start drinking/taking it. I'll try anything if it's going to help labour.
Hi girls, I really am bad at checking in, Eek!

I'm now catching up from several weeks ago so I thought I'd just say hi :waves: before I make a start, I'm now on my 3 weeks holiday before my maternity leave starts so I am once again a lady of leisure/full time mummy to Tegan again, which feels amazing :)

Right, I'm off to start catching up :)

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