January SnowAngels 2012, 2nd and 3rd Tri

ladies can I ask som advice i dont know if i should ring the MW or not, I dont wanna be a neurotic pregnant person whi rings every 5 mins.

Didnt have a lot of movement yesterday but got some, put it down to baby having a quiet day :shrug: got home check HB and everything was fine, then in the night i had a big movement that woke me, dont know if it was baby turning or not :shrug:

But this morning iv had next to nothing since i got up at 7?? iv bought some cherry coke and still nothing, I dont want to mither but im starting to stress now :(
(I've had to go several weeks back so a lot of you have probably forgotten all of this :) )

5 - how's everything going in your household now? I don't think you could have done anything differently than you did hun, at least they knew you'd be having another baby and spoke to them about it first, which I think is amazing!

Kristel - Lovely furniture for the nursery, hope you're loving your new home :)

Daisy - :hugs: Love the pic of you holding Emily :)

Kat - I've been dry down there, and even using lube it all gets soaked in so no DTD for us *sigh*

Kezz - WHOA!!! Lovely bump you had at 27 weeks! I now feel so small even though my family told me yesterday I was looking huge!

LM - yay for OH finding a job :) Must be such a relief!

21 - I'm also fretting over having a toddler and a newborn and which way to feed Jago, I want to feed him myself, but I'm thinking formula or expressing might be a better way so that I can still spend some nice proper time with Tegan. I have friends who have little babies and she seems to like them so I hope she likes her little brother!

mm - :hugs: I bet you don't look like a beached whale and I'm sure your OH really does find your current look sexy :) we have to do it doggy as everything else is just so uncomfortable!

Chobette - 'they' say that every pregnancy is different, with DD I had such a smooth pregnancy, this time round it's felt horrendous, I have very random morning sickness and more aches and pains than last time around, but I also have a VERY active little boy growing inside, whereas his sister was very lazy :)

For those feeling awkward with baby moving when getting frisky, I've waited until he's gone back to sleep and is quiet before doing anything :) Not that it's happened that often tbh!

Daisy - I love seeing all the pics of you and your precious little bundles :) The one of you and your hubby side by side with the twins is lovely :)

I'm only now up to page 160, but have to jump in the shower and get ready for a play date in the park with my friend and our girls :) I WILL make it back on later as I'm sticking my netbook on sleep and leaving the page up where I've got to :) So far I've also done updates to the front page :)

Hope everyone is well and has a good day xx
lintu - just seen you last post, if you're worried ring you MW or the office, even if it's to get some reassurance :hugs:
If you're stressing them, I would ring hun. Ava was quiet on Sunday, not much movement at all and I contemplated ringing the maternity ward but it was late so held off as I had felt some movement, just not as much as usual.

Anyway she started moving a little when I went to bed then by 10am yesterday morning she was wriggling all over everywhere and was really active all morning. She's been the same this morning as well. She's always had a few busy days then a quieter day so I calmed myself down knowing that.

They won't think your pestering going in and you'll feel much better so don't feel bad about it.
lintu your baby who gives a damn what they think go to L&D
I agree. Thats what the midwifes are there for! I was going to L & D weekly my last month and calling all the time. Glad I was b/c I was in labor the last time.
thanx guys, after my post i had a few little movements, my LO does this too me has busy days then goes quiet, done it all the way through.

I thought I would keep my eye on it, anyway had a few movements during the afternoon, came home and used my doppler and got a reaction to the cold gel!! anyway hb is down low and still around 148 so im taking it as a good sign and hopefully the HB being down low means LO has turned and is no longer breech fingers x'd, will find out at my next MW app on Friday :hugs:

has anyone thought about or trying a perineal massage?? been thinking i may start, cant hurt right :shrug:
Right, I'm back :) Took Tegan to the park, should have put her wellies on her, never mind, she's muddy now! :)

17mummytobee - :hugs: Your baby boy sounds like he's causing a whole lot of worry for you. Hopefully now they've found the reason why you were contracting it won't happen again until he's ready to come out!

Daisy - awww! Nathan smiling is so so cute :) and you look so happy cuddling both babies at the same time :) Can't believe you're back to work already, but it does make sense to go back now for a bit while they're still in hospital and then have good time off with them when they come home. I love the pink bow in Emily's hair and Nathan in his blue hat :) They're so adorable and seem to be growing well :)

mm - :hugs: it's always the way that baby moves as soon as we go to see someone to check them out! Hope you don't end up with GD :( If Wesley is breech he can still turn, I was a breech baby and the drs turned me 3 times, each time I flipped back and then my mum went into labour and I turned then, so it's not too bad if he is breech :hugs:

Lintu - lovely 28 week bump :)

My body is a bit confused... I have the pelvis and bladder consitiution of a 90 year old year woman and the spotty face of a 15 year old!
:rofl: I love this :) such a good description :) you PGP sounds like hell, especially with a toddler and all the madness they bring :hugs:

Princess2406 - :waves: hiyas, sorry I've been awol, will add you to the first page :)

5 - :hugs: Yay for selling the house but boo for having to stay with the MIL :(

Jetset - :waves: Hiyas! Have added you to the front page :)

Maz - :hugs: Sounds like baby is giving you a hard time too, any progress with your fella doing more around the house?

LM - how long is your tenancy for? All we had to do was give a month in our old place but we'd been there 2 years, I hope it gets sorted soon!

g1zm0h - When I was editing the front page I found that I'd put you in but didn't know the bump colour so that must have been from the first thread we had :) but hi! :waves:

Kristel - you're life sounds so busy and hectic! I don't know how you're managing to get through it all :)

chobette - sounds like you had a good scan! Sometimes the growth estimates they make are completely wrong, so he might be smaller than you anticipate :) Your gifts from your shower look amazing, I love the high chair :) and I have bump envy!!!

siobhan - wow, amazing scan piccies! He has such a cute face already :)

Windle - big big :hugs: hun, I know it's hard, but your fella being home seems to have helped, I'm hoping that being on my leave now is going to help me, knowing I have anti-depressants at hand has helped me so much, and I'm talking to my family about it and how I'm feeling and just generally making people more aware and that seems to help me. :hugs:

LM - :hugs: for you too, I hope the talking therapy works for you, I refused it and wanted the drugs after having counselling years ago for depression, however I might go back and speak to the doc about it all again.

mm - Last week I had major pains and felt a little dribble, went to the toilet to wipe thinking "holy shit, my waters cannot go now!" but it was clear sticky discharge that resembled snot!

Have attempted to edit this somewhat as I replied several times to different people, but then the more recent stuff didn't seem to fit with the rest of what I was saying so I gave up :)

Right, well, my update I suppose! I'm now on my winter hols/maternity leave, my OH is still unemployed but I won't be effected by low pay until Feb so that takes the stress off the money situation a little bit! I've had my fair share of aches and pains over the past few weeks, some where I had bad braxton hicks which were then coming from my back which really made me worry.

Only one boob seems to have small leaks, the left one where I had mastitis after Tegan is the one that doesn't leak and I'm concerned about how it'll affect breast feeding, but my MW says not to worry and that it is early days yet and how my left one might start doing the leaking instead of my right! Although I haven't attempted to stimulate them yet to see if I can get anything out of them!

I am tempted to just bottle feed but I think it's all going to depend on what happens when he's born.

My bloods have come back fine and I was amazed when I got the all clear for GD! I was certain that I was going to have it this time round but happy to be proven wrong :)

Jago is head down but still free, I can't imagine he'll engage much before I go into labour, but at least he is head down :) My uterus measured 33cms last week when I was 30 weeks, my family think I'm getting big but I don't see that myself, I think I'm a lot smaller than with Tegs! He has a lot of movements and he is very strong when he kicks!

I've only put on about 1lb since the start of this pregnancy, but considering I was 17stone 2lb before I was pregnant I can do without putting too much on, the chicken pox seems to have done wonders for weight loss, as soon as I get home from the hospital after I've had him I'm weighing myself, should be at least one stone lighter! Not what I'd recommend as a diet though :) :haha:

Anyhoo, I've caught up now and will try not to be away for long next time :)

Hope you're all well xx
Rees - Glad to have you back, Luckily my hyperemesis is settled by the medicine. Day at the park sounds nice, cold and rainy here though. I haven't had any leaking lately from either breast, I did notice some leakage about a month ago and wasn't sure if it was from my breast or not :shrug:
My uterus was measuring a week ahead, so at 28 it was 29cm. I imagine it'll be 31cm this Thursday at my appointment. I hope he won't be as big as they say, but I know I am a week ahead on my dates, so that explains why he is measuring big on my scans at least.
Glad you got the clear on the GD, my levels were at 151, which apparantly is not far off from GD levels. I will talk to my doctor again this week about any correlation between that and his size.

Lintu -- Good idea to keep an eye out and glad you got movement from him. X'ing my fingers that your LO is head down now, I was surprised to find out that my son was head down at our scan on Thursday. Not sure what a perineal massage is?

Is anyone getting crampy in the abdomen region? It started a couple days ago and feels like I did a couple days before I would get AF? At first I thought it was ligament pain, but it feels different from the normal ligament pain I have been getting.
Reduced movements here all today. Really don't want to be back in l&d. Gawd.
chobette, im just assuming LO is head down, I hope hope hope.

a perineal massage is when you massage/stretch your perineal are in a hope that you avoid or decrease tearing!

There are several methods for doing perineal massage. Two are given here.

First of all, wash your hands. Then find a private place and sit or lean back in a comfortable position. Put a lubricant such as KY jelly, cocoa butter, olive oil, vitamin E oil or pure vegetable oil on your thumbs and around the perineum.

Place your thumbs about 1 to 11/2 inches (three to four centimeters) inside your vagina. Press downward and to the sides at the same time. Gently and firmly keep stretching until you feel a slight burning, tingling or stinging sensation. With your thumbs, hold the pressure steady for about two minutes or until the area becomes a little numb and you don't feel the tingling as much.

As you keep pressing with your thumbs, slowly and gently massage back and forth over the lower half of your vagina, working the lubricant into the tissues. Keep this up for three to four minutes. Remember to avoid the urinary opening.

As you massage, pull gently outward (and forward) on the lower part of the vagina with your thumbs hooked inside. This helps stretch the skin much in the same way that the baby's head will stretch it during birth.

Do this massage once or twice per day, starting around the 34th week of pregnancy. After about a week, you should notice an increase in flexibility and stretchiness.

Several research studies have shown this technique to be helpful in preventing lacerations and episiotomy. In 1999, there was an article in the American Journal of Ob/Gyn by Labrecque that evaluated the effectiveness of perineal massage during pregnancy for the prevention of perineal trauma at birth. Women in the experimental groups were requested to perform a 10 minute perineal massage daily from the 34th or 35th week of pregnancy until delivery. The massage consisted of introducing one or two fingers three to four centimeters into the vagina and applying and maintaining pressure -- first downward for two minutes and then for two minutes to each side of the vaginal entrance. Women were given a bottle of sweet almond oil (Rougier Inc., Montreal, Quebec, Canada) to use for lubrication.

Among participants without a previous vaginal birth, 24.3 percent (100/411) from the perineal massage group and 15.1 percent (63/417) from the control group were delivered vaginally with an intact perineum, for a 9.2 percent absolute difference. The incidence of delivery with an intact perineum increased with compliance with regular practice of perineal massage.

Among women with a previous vaginal birth, 34.9 percent (82/235) and 32.4 percent (78/241) in the massage and control groups, respectively, were delivered with an intact perineum, for an absolute difference of 2.5 percent. There were no differences between the groups in the frequency of sutured vulvar and vaginal tears, women's sense of control and satisfaction with the delivery experience.

The authors concluded that perineal massage is an effective approach to increasing the chance of delivery with an intact perineum for women with a first vaginal delivery, but not for women with a previous vaginal birth.

Slow controlled delivery is the key to an intact perineum and reduced incidence of laceration. The baby must not suffer any form of fetal distress and the mother and partner must listen closely to the midwife or health care provider for advice on when to push and when to stop pushing. The extra advantage of performing perineal massage may allow the mother to give birth without an episiotomy or laceration.
i am measuring about two weeks ahead and little at one time was measuring a week behind so, i caught that week up and then had my normal measurement and now surpassed my measurements by 2 weeks, the doctor says that is a real good sign of gestational diabetes the growth pattern is really excessive. i go in in two weeks which i will be 33 weeks and if i have continued to grow this fast they will have to do a ultrasound. They are absolute on my due date cause i was taken clomid and getting 21 day progesterone draws i had a blood test one was neg the other was pos a week later. my 6 week exam showed baby to be right on target for 6 weeks something about the very first measurement being the most accurate. I am having a terrible time getting my blood results cause the doc that ordered the test s in vacation and they won't let nurses read here in Army health care world, pisses me off.
oh and also my baby is what they call transverse and i guess once bay gets so big they wont turn cause the baby is laying hip to hip so, i wish he would turn it is making me scared that the dream of delivering this my natural is fading
I know hkw you feel mm, I really really want to be able to have vaginal birth, hope are LO's get their act together and get in the right position xxx
Being kept in again. No accelerations or movement on the monitor. Getting more ctg in the morning and a scan to see what is going on with baby. If he's like this now what's he gunna be like when he's born!!
Chobette - hopefully your levels aren't enough to make much of a difference in baby's size!

17 - I hope you started feeling some movements again :hugs:

Lintu - I am so not doing that massage! I didn't with Tegs and only had a slight graze, but I attempted to listen to the midwife as I was pushing and stopped at the right places, I think! And I should be pretty stretched still from having Tegs as she's not long turned 2.

mm - :hugs: there's still time for him to move! I was so surprised to read my notes and find JJ was head down! Hopefully he's just had a little growth spurt earlier than normal and his growth will slow down now.

17 - I think boys are little buggers in general, getting in practice now for when they're older! Hope you don't have to stay in too long!

I think nesting may be kicking in, but then the house is filthy and needs cleaning, I have so much that I want to do but need to spread it for fear of hurting myself doing it all on one day! :lol: I did a massive hoover this morning while Tegan was eating her breakfast and playing and while Daddy slept on the sofa :growlmad: Oh well, he'll just have to change her nappy all day today :)

Hope everyone is good, looks like rain today so I don't think we'll be up to much! xx
i received a call yesterday saying my hyperthyroidism is producing low tsh the problem with this is i have been symptomatic for a while fatigue with achey muscles rapid heartbeat and sick to my stomach my hand are so swollen and my feet omg. i am going to doc this week cause in rare cases i could suffer preclampsia or stillbirth. i am worried mostly cause i have been exhibiting those symptoms for awhile now
Hey Ladies, im finally back in the real world! lol.
I have been in hospital since sat! :cry: woke up saturday with lots watery loss and blood, went to hopsital and they think my waters are leaking. :cry: not sure if gone gone, or whether there is a hind water leak. either way now i have to have reg check ups and prob be induced just before xmas! :shock:
All ok now, but did start to have tightenings but all gone off now. baby is very active. Scan was all ok. Finally Head down and seems to be staying there. Bloody paranoid now tho every time i feel the pressure n that in my bottom! lol.

mummy 17 - what have they said about you? do they think your waters have gone??
(sorry i think i got the right person there_ tried to catch up but memory is terrible)

So now im finished for work, way sooner than i hoped, i just hope they let me use a sik note for a couple wks and not make me take my mat leave early! :cry:

Fx'd baby stays in till at least xmas! i really dont wan tto have to leave it in the hospital. Baby shower is next sat so well see how we go. Suppose i ought to pack a hopsital / baby bag now.. whihc i suppose means i best start buying baby things! lol/ :blush:

Is anyone thinking of using Hypnobirthing for their birth? I have been going to the classes and although i dint think it was for me im pleasantly supprised. I just hope i will be able to use it as best i can since now i have no choice but to be hooked up to monitors etc. Byebye Waterbirth! :bye:

I dont think i will be doing perineal massage although clinicially does reduce trauma etc.

ANyways, hope all is well. keep updating ladies, i have ALOT of time to keep up now! :laugh:

Maz your is almost 32 weeks along should now be about 4 lbs I think that even thought your scared the little guy has an excellent change at survival so i would jut focus on getting the hme ready and when baby show, baby shows. i mean look at our beautiful twins that were born at 29 week the 2 of them are doing well. i hope that is comforting, just relax crying and stress makes it worse for you believe me i know i have been where you are my little guy at the ime was born 5.5 weeks early weighed 6,2 and he went home in 3 days. we are here for you darlin good luck and smile the end is near for you. jingle bells it is lol
Quick update ladies, I gave up worrying this morning and went to labour ward xxx

Baby was a little slow on the monitor but they are not concerned at the moment, they scanned me again and everything looks normal back is at front so all the legs and arm movements are in my back, hence why I'm no longer feeling much :( but wohoo head is down

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