January SnowAngels 2012, 2nd and 3rd Tri

Well had my scan and he had to kick the sonographer didn't he!!
He's mesuring perfectly and fluid and blood flow is good. Today he weighs 3lb 6oz at 30+1 and has an estimated birth weight of 7lb 6oz. She couldn't work out the lack of movement so that's one still a confusing thing but he's having a little wriggle now! Ohh and he's still breech but sitting on his feet like a buddah :rofl:

Hope eveyone is else is doing good! Xx
Not been on the thread for a while so had a read and a catch up.
Looks like the 3rd tri is really shaking things up for alot of us.

GTT results came back clear so I have been really pleased with that.
I've grown loads lately, hopefully get a pic tomorrow. I'm 30wk today!

House sale still going through, they think realistically it could be early January now. So baby Melody better not be thinking of coming early.

Seeing MW tomorrow, seems really odd that it will only be the fourth time. Having MRSA swabs done aswell.

Take care everyone and I hope those having problems are being well looked after.

MM - I've been having the snot discharge for a few weeks now
Thanks mmcheek. Scan shows that little one is already 4lb (Although can be 25% either way in terms of accuracy) But still a good size aleady. Measuring around the 32wks mark. TBH i know if it comes now (still no names - suggestions welcome!!!) it will be ok, but will need a little stay in hospital. and as selfish as it sound i just dont want to have to go home and leave it there... (ok IT sounds horrible doesnt it! :blush:)

For now it seems quite happy in there, doesnt stop moving around!! At least now it staying head down. i think its engaged now too, as much as i can feel it is but its quite hard to palpate yourself. lol.

So today i have done nothing!!! I have spend the day answering the phone and the door! lol. And trying to find a name for this little one!!
How hard is it to name a person!! Everytime i think we have a name, DH decides he dont like it! lol. He dont like "old fashioned" names but doesnt get that it needs a name that wont sound crap when its grown up, or wont be cool now but crap in 20yrs time. lol.

So how is everyone getting on with baby prep? Nursery etc? Am i really slow!? lol.
Where can i get some nice nursery curtains?? Babies r us and Mothercare are not really very much choice....

I'm so sorry everyone I have MIA for aaaages! I just can't believe how exhausted I am, my life consists of work, tea, sleep and leaves little time for anything else. 4 weeks left of work after this week. God i'll be glad when i'm done, it is taking it out of me!!

Here's a pic of me at nearly 31 weeks!https://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c378/kezz_howland/30weeks5days.jpg

All the kicks i'm feeling are around my belly button or below, so have a feeling he's still breech at the minute. I have midwife appointment next Wednesday tho, so i'm looking forward to that. Will they tell me what position he's in and stuff, or will that not happen to nearer 40 wks? Sometimes it feels like I have a small rodent or something crawling around inside just above the pubic bone (usually when i'm sat) and when i'm stood he's booting me (or punching maybe) in the belly button, which is a little bit painful and feels like he's gonna tear through! lol.

I'm also full of cold this week which has made sleeping even crappier. I'm surprised i'm not depressed the amount of stuff wrong with me, but i'm just mega excited and looking forward to finishing work and having a little rest!

I hope everyone's ok and sorry for being away so long! I'll try and do better - promise! xx
spent night in hospital blood pressure was up. i think he turned last night while running away from monitors, well meds made things better and went home and now its off to school
HI Ladies,
Hope you’re all doing well!!
I know I barely post on here but stalk once in a while to check on how you are all doing.

I'm suffering from the WORST head cold ever and it is the worst during the 3rd trimester. :cry: "Challenged" that's the way I'm feeling. :cry:

Well I found a way of counting down the weeks that's making the 3rd trimester go by SO much faster.
Rather than saying I’m 31 weeks I say I have 8 weeks & change left.:haha:

Well, Just wanted to stop in and say Hi in hopes to still be a part of this forum :hugs:
Hello ladies..things are slowing down here for me as I am near done unpacking. Pictures still need to be put up, but I figure to do that in the new year once I've got baby's pictures all done from the pro photographer. No sense in making holes in the wall now and then rearranging photos. I have my 2nd maternity photos next wednesday which are more intimate looking - can't wait! except I have stretch marks beyond belief! yikes!

Trying to catch up last few pages...

Becca – sorry to hear bout your head cold..hope you feel better soon! I think I am going to start saying how many weeks I have left too. The worst is when someone asks you how many months, I never know what to say

mm – sorry to hear bout the hospital stay due to your bp. You’re a trooper for sure with you going to school after all that

kezz – beautiful bump!

Maz – were in the same boat. No concrete baby names yet. We’re not even discussing it were so bad lol. My nursery is near done. Although I still need the mattress, bedding, and a few bits here and there. Coming along for sure

5 – I just moved myself and that’s with no baby and I can’t imagine moving and baby arriving all at the same time.

17 – That is a good estimated weight for baby :)

Rees – take it easy. Take it from me. I just unpacked a whole house…slowly. It gets done even if it is slowly..but it is nice to have everything tidy and clean, isn't it?

Maz – never considered hypnobirthing but am going to Lamaze classes next weekend

Lintu – glad everything is fine and babys head is down for ya

Truly blessed – had the same thing just the other day with minimal movement. Got me all worried. Then yesterday active baby. Seems like baby is active one day, and quiet another.

Have my obgyn appt this afternoon. Last time I was there 2 weeks ago at 29 weeks she felt my tummy and told me babys head is big and I shouldn't really put on too much more weight which is so silly to me with 2 showers, and the holidays how am I not gonna put on weight? The concern is I am so petite (5 foot nothin!) Hope she doesn't yell at me this afternoon lol
twins are doing great. Gained a pound since birth and will be a month old on Saturday. Still cant believe I had them 11 weeks early!
You ladies are almost at the end! Not much longer now!:happydance:


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mm - :hugs: It all sounds so scary, hopefully the symptoms that are appearing will mean nothing :(

Maz - :hugs: I hope baby stays put and that your waters can stop trickling out!

I've thought about hypnobirthing, but last time round my mum kept saying "deeeeeep breaths" and that kinda got me through it, hopefully she won't be working when I go into labour!! Might start seeing what there is on the net though, saw there's a free mp3 somewhere but can't remember where!

Lintu - at least baby is head down now! I get a load of wiggles and elbowing going on now and Jago's back is against the front of my tummy - I lay down the other day and could see exactly where he was lying and could feel his spine - freaky!

5 - MRSA swabs?? But yay for a good result from your GTT :)

17 - cute that he's sitting like a Buddah :)

truly - read your post ages ago about the RLT and kept forgetting to reply, keep thinking about it every time I walk past Holland and Barrett :) I took it from 34 weeks with Tegs, but some take it earlier than that. I've been thinking about taking some again, but I really can't be arsed to go and pay for the capsules and I couldn't stand the tea last time around either!!

Maz - when it comes to the prep for the baby I'm as bad as you! We have nothing for him to sleep in! No nursery or anything, but he's gonna come in with us in his sisters cot, if we can trust her out of it! So we have to buy her a toddler bed (have seen the cutest tinkerbelle bedding to entice her to stay in the bed whenever we get it). We need to sort through all of Tegan's old clothes and wash all the neutral stuff, make space in our room for the cot etc... We have plenty of clothes but they need washing, baby bag needs doing as does mine for the hosp! I have loads to do and starting to get a bit panicky over it all, with Tegs we were sorted by this stage!

As for names - find one you like and yell it out, the full name and see how it sounds :)

Nursery curtains - try ebay! We have blinds in our house and I can't be arsed to paint anything or do anything else! :lol:

Kezz - fab bumpy :) I'm gonna do one on Sunday when I hit 32 weeks as I have one to compare my bump with from last time, even gonna wear the same clothes :) Hope you're starting to feel better now :hugs:

Mm - :hugs: glad you're home again now!

Becca - I love the 8 weeks and change way of counting :) I've started in days and it was quite scary the other day to realise I had 60 days to go!

Kristel - ooooh! 2nd lot of pics :) Don't worry about your stretch marks, or maybe use some foundation to mask them?

Dasiy - I can't believe they're nearly a month old already!!! They're starting to look so much bigger too! Won't be long and you'll be taking them home and the rest of us will start popping :)

I've been sent to bed by my OH, was fine when I woke up, but then bathing Tegs this morning I came over all dizzy and it's been coming and going since 11am. So I'm resting in bed while being on here, starting to feel a bit better but not a whole lot :( starting to hate this pregnancy, all I want to do is start feeling normal and start putting on weight, I've lost 2kg since I was 3 weeks (got on the scales again earlier) I know I'm a big girl and could do with losing a few stone, but that can happen AFTER I've had Jago, not while I'm pregnant! He's clearly growing though, I'm starting to feel massive!

Hope you're all ok and no one is having any more scares! :hugs: xx
Daisy - They are looking great! Hopefully not long now before you take them home.

Kezz - hope your head cold goes away soon, sounds like a lot of us are coming down with something

Maz - How far a long were you when they told you 4lbs? My son was measuring about 4lbs at my 29 week scan, which is around 32 weeks... about 2-3 weeks ahead. Before at my previous 2 scans he was only measuring a week ahead (dates were probably off a week), now he's measuring at least 2 both in scan and in fundal height. Names are hard! Luckily we are having a boy, we had a boy's name picked out since we started TTC. Had we found out it was a girl, we would still be pondering and kicking our feet. We are getting a long with the nursery quite well, we put up our shelving unit last night and I was able to store things away to make it more organized. I think I am slowly starting to nest, but trying to take my time at it since there is sill about 10 weeks or so to go.

Well ladies,
Doctor's office called me this morning and informed me my iron was pretty low and they ordered me supplements to take twice a day. I told her yesterday at my appointment I was fainting quite often and my appetite disappeared and now craving ice chips. She sent me for blood work and the results came in this morning. Hope this works
Also - She would not agree to induce me early (fine, fair enough) But it seems like I am being ignored for my concerns with the pain in my hips and pelvic bone. I have uneven bone lengths, which has caused my spine to curve and my pelvic bone to twist, which pregnancy and the relaxins don't help either. I will mention it again when I go back in two weeks and keep bringing it up to see if I can have him no later than 40 weeks or opt for a c-section.
Rees - photographer will photoshop all my stretch marks and imperfections away thank god lol. It's hard to believe you've actually lost weight with the pregnancy...I could use loosing a few good pounds here. I think I'm up 25+lbs

chobette - my iron was pretty low about a month or so ago. I was sent for bloodwork because I was feeling so faint and thats when they found out my iron was too low. My obgyn instructed me also to double on the prenatals (to be perfectly honest, I hadn't been taking anything) I was seriously craving ice chips and still am but I am taking double the prenatals now so it should be ok. Sorry to hear that you feel they aren't listening to you at the doctor. I'd keep mentioning it to them.

Went to my obgyn appt yesterday afternoon. Seriously it's a quick in and out thing..2 minutes max. She touches my belly, feels around, listens for the babys heartbeat and I'm outta there. Baby's head is still down. No mention of gaining too much weight this time. Have my appt again in 2 weeks.
hey ladies been wondering if anyone else is getting ton of wiggles and squirms but not many kicks anymore. i have read this is pretty normal now but i guess i was thinking more like 35+ weeks that would happen
Thanks Kristel, I will keep mentioning it every appointment. Right now it's just wait and see.

mmcheek - I feel a lot of rolls and squirms, but not very many kicks. Maybe they are just running out of room to properly kick?
Just had my dislocated shoulder put back in without pain relief :cry: the things I do for my LO!!
hi guys, sorry not had time to read through but just thought i would ask if anyone else hasnt noticed LO's rountine yet??
hi guys, sorry not had time to read through but just thought i would ask if anyone else hasnt noticed LO's rountine yet??

The only routine I have noticed is whenever I wake up to use the bathroom at like 5am, he gets excited and starts bouncing around. Then when I fall back asleep and wake up he rolls around to say hi. Then naps.... and then is active around lunch....then naps lol. He's generally active around the time I eat, before bed time, 5 am, and then wake up time.
Hi ladies, well Im still having a crappy time of it all. Annie has been ill for two weeks and after seeing 3 docs Ive finally got some antibiotics for her but not before she has passed it on to me!! And she is throwing her night time milk bottle daily... its a general nightmare!

And to top it off I no longer trust my MW. I went to see her about feeling depressed, something I wasnt keen on doing anyway as I feel I am being judged by everyone at the moment, and on Friday a health visitor phoned me and said "your midwife spoke to me and told me you've been feeling low I'd like to come and see you at the house" WTF!!

OH is doing my head in too, he just doesnt seem to understand anything!

Sorry for ranting

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