January SnowAngels 2012, 2nd and 3rd Tri

LM - :hugs: Sorry you have caught what she had, hope both you and her feel better soon. I wouldn't trust her either, that's ridiculous. Sorry you have been feeling low and depressed, I have occasions of this as well, and my doctor told me to stop drinking caffeine... like what good will that do? :hugs: I sympathize and hope things turn up for you soon! xx
Hi ladies,
we went on the tour of the maternity unit last night, was interesting. Though only 2 active birth rooms and 1 pool! So its hit or miss if your the lucky one to be in it at the right time.
I found it interesting as the MW doing the tour really spoke to everyone as 1st time parents, some bits did sound a bit patronising but maybe that because I have been there before :shrug:
They've made some lovely updates though and now I just need to convince my MW to let me go to the MW led unit instead of thinking they need to monitor me due to EMCS (they totally disregard dd2 being a brilliant natural VBAC for some reason)

cant believe how close we are to the end.....who will be the next updating us with a birth announcement I wonder?
LM - sorry to hear you're feeling a little low. Can't believe your midwife did that, you should be able to trust that what you tell her will stay with her!

I feel a little down myself at the minute, mostly because i'm just fed up of being pregnant now. I'm uncomfortable almost all the time. He seems to be either on my bladder, or pushed up into some weird place where I can feel a pressure like he's in the way. I'm fed up of work, and just want Christmas to come - am hoping i'll feel more jolly being at work nearer Christmas as it will be more relaxed and fun. Right now I just feel haggered! I've taken the day off today cause i've got a cold too and just wanted a day in bed! Trying not to feel guilty for it!

I can't remember who asked about LO movements, but to be honest i'm not sure about a routine! I know he's awake on a morning when I get up and go to work for a couple of hours, then I always notice him on an evening squirming and he seems to be awake if I wake up in the night to pee. I can't be more specific than that as i'm usually so busy in the day I honestly don't know what he's doing, but he's definitely awake a lot more than he used to be! And it's much more squirming than kicking. I'm always feeling his foot stick out now, and can follow it around my tummy sometimes, and i'll press it and sort of chase it as he moves it! Do still get the ocassional big kick though. All his movements seem to be around my belly button or just above, so I have no idea if he's breech or what at the minute, Hoping my midwife will tell me at the appt tomorrow.

Hope everyone's doing ok!

MM - are you ok? x
Well I'm contracting again. It felt like my waters were leaking and I felt myself getting wetter so went to check and I was leaking brown stuff. They thought baby might of pooed so rushed me round to labour and delivary ward to do some test and a presentation scan. Still breech :/ I'm waiting on a scan to look at the waters and see if he has done a poo. She said my urine is indicative of my waters going or an infection. I had steroids and 4 tablets to stop the labour but they made my bp go very low! 62/54 and also had a shot of pethadine love love love! So in answers to who's delivering next? Maybe me?
goodness 17 sounds like your going through alot. i am sorry hun just hold out as long as possible. Kezz I am just like you plenty ready but, i want Wesley to be healthy i had a doctor tell me i have felt these symptoms before as though it was in my head. are you kidding ass whole, you never even seen before so how can you tell me how i have felt 10 yrs ago in my past pregnancies. I went to my asthma doctor yesterday and that doctor was appalled at the obgyn's comments and said that my breathing is at a 56% percent so that is a good indicator to him that my pregnancy is causing a problem with my breathing which fyi causes swelling if you cant breath, heart racing, high blood pressure, headaches so that ass whole better not be in my delivery room when it comes time. i am suppose to be on new med since my respiration being so low can cause me to have a heart attack or Wesley to be deprived of oxygen except the gosh darn hospital has lost my prescriptions and that doctor is not in today. are you kidding me!!!!! i am so mad!!!!!!
lintu - can't say there is a routine that baby goes through.

17 - you've been having such a heck of a time with this pregnancy :( Hope everything is ok!!

LM - sorry you're having a rough time with the MW..hope things turn better for ya

5 - we haven't had our tour of the hospital yet..would love to do one of those just so we know where to go, etc

kezz - I know what you mean. Everyday I say to hubby that I am tired of being pregnant. I'm uncomfortable also, people saying how big I am for having 7 weeks left, etc etc. I just want baby out

mm - hope you get your new prescription and start to feel better

As for me. I have my 2nd round of maternity photos tomorrow. I made a list of clothing I am supposed to bring and I don't even have half of it lol I don't even have a vehicle so I have to walk to the store and have hubby pick me up on the way home. Trying to get my act together!
Thankyou ladies :flower: there keeping me in another night as I have to have my steriods at exactly the same time to last night so another bruise to add the nice collection on my arse. You should the one from the pethadine :rofl: the doc didn't write up for me to be scanned so waiting on that to.
All my swabs since 18 weeks have tested positive for candida and they never did anything about it until know as they believe that could be the source of the problem.
Babies been on the trace and seems happy enough but obviously if he has pooed then everyhing changes I guess xxxx
Good luck 17 - I hope baby is healthy and whatever happens that you are both ok.

Kezz I am so done with being pregnant I have felt awful through most of this pregnancy and I know seeing my little baby is going to make everything better so as soon its ready and healthy so am I!! Work must be really knackering you out I worked until 36 weeks with Annie and she was born at 37 but I dont think I couldve handled it this time :hugs:

I still have a stinking head cold, Annie's antibiotics are working and she is getting better (hopefully enough for nursery tomorrow) but is running rings around me as she now has bundles of energy and I have none lol!

Have this bloody Health Visitor coming around tomorrow which I'm not looking forward to, if I'd have known pouring my heart out to MW would have led to the Health Visitor coming out to check on whether I can look after my daughter (which I assure you all I can) than I would have just stayed suffering in silence.

I hope everyone perks up a bit!
17 - I hope your LO stays in there as long as possible, keep us updated on what happens. Thinking about you xx

All is okay here. How many of you ladies wake up every hour or so to either use the bathroom or with heartburn? I have gone through more tums then I have in my whole life this pregnancy. Iron supplements seem to be making me sick, hoping that it's just my body regulating my blood supply.
Anyone else anemic? If so, did they put you on medicine or supplements and did they help?
Also seem to be more knackered, but thinking it's from the lack of sleep and the overall feeling of being ill. I am starting to have what I call "baby cravings" and really am wanting to hold my baby soon. 31 weeks and 9 weeks left and seems so far away. Doctor wouldn't listen to me about having a big baby and my bones being as weak as they are, hoping they listen next time.... she's just the nurse practitioner, but have only been able to see her due to husband's schedule. :shrug:
Hope everyone else is feeling well. xx
Hi ladies.

SOunds like every one is having so much fun getting towards to the end now.

17 - sounds like are going through a similar thing to me. I hope baby has not had a poo. Have they looks at your cervix etc? Sometime it can bleed and the brown stuff is old blood.?? I have to sat that i have never heard of Candida (thrush) being the cause for ruptured membranes or prem labour.?! Either way i hope they keep baby in a bit longer for you.
I have had the same, My waters are leaking. they think probably a hindwater leak (which is usually small hole behind baby that can heal itself) but either way i am being monitored 2xwk (baby heart etc) and having regular scans to monitor the water levels and bloods to make sure i dont get an infection. Am on antibiotics till the end. Had steroids last week and touch wood no more threatened labour. Soooooo Now i am off work and just waiting. Likely they will induce me 36-38wk all depends on this little one!! What a waiting game!!! grrrrr.
I am sooooo bored!!!! Everyone is fussing that i shouldnt do anything and i should be resting... meanwhile i am NOT a china doll and quite frankly and bored shitless!! lol.

I still have so much to do but cant really do anything until the nursery furniture has arrived! Which Toys R US have messed up my delivery and as a result had me crying down the phone at them ( which was annoying as i have planned on complaining+ not crying!!! :blush: )

Baby shower is this wk and had really wanted to have the nursery somewhat done, and then at least i can see what i still need to buy (most things)- which doesnt help the stress levels when you dont know when your baby could be coming!! plus im not worrying that no one will show!!! Arghhhhh....

Sorry that turned into a little rant!!! lol.

Anyhoo..... I cant remember who asked re LO movements.... but my little person doesnt seem to stop!! lol. I notice them all the time. i think it knows i worry abour them more than anything and usually just as i start to think, shit i havent felt anything i get a tiny little kick as if to say "stop worrying mummy!"
Mainly notice em in morning, any time i eat and when i sit down. (currently having a squirm now) and my goodness when i put my hypnobirthing CD on it goes CRAZY!! :crazy: lol. Kinda cute. Knobbly bits are uncomfortable but at the same time so cute!! lol.

LM: I hope you are feeling better in yourself soon. Dont be mad at your MW. Often the HV become involved to offer you additional support. Unfortunately your midwife does not always have the time to spend talking to you esp as often as she would like, or you may need and the HV are going to be seeing you much more in the long run so it makes sense to build a relationship with her so you feel comfortable talking to her. She can also refer you on to whomever you may need if need be.

Anyways, its late i suppose i ought to try and sleep . I spent half the night last night just sitting in my empty nursery in my amazing BF chair (fast becoming my fav seat in the house) just watching the world go by! i woke up and could i get back to sleep!!! :cry: i made up for it tho with a little layin!! hehe!

Sorry for essay. i dont tend to comment too often then i cant shut up!! lol. :blush:

Take care ladies, keep growing those little snowangels! xxxx
Thankyou all for your thoughts :flower: I'm being transfered back to labour and delivary suietes. For some reason the doctor said do I want a c-section or vaginal breech birth and then told me he would reccommend a c-section for a first time mum after 37 weeks accoding to a trial but he doesn't know what's best for prems.
I've been awake since 4am and just dont feel right...

We DTD (sorry tmi) and after I had a few spots of red blood but nothing major and now I have really bad back pain and my tummy aches a bit.

17 how many weeks are you? Have they said if they expect you to deliver or are you still being monitored?

Hope you get your furniture etc sorted MAz. We are nearly sorted just a case of cleaning up the pushchair and moving my bedroom furniture around to make room for the moses basket etc.
I'm 31+1. You know when your in the rroom docotrs stanf there and talk like you can't hear them? They scbu is aware and ready so I guess there just preparing for allexstreams as sbu never been matioed befroe.
Just had some pethadine and now I'm :colud9: but :cry: because of bubs but pethadine also wants me :rofl:
17 - I hope all goes well. Very worrying for you but you're in the right place. And at 31wks baby will go to SCBU for a few weeks until he is strong enough to go home.
Had the Health VIsitor out yesterday and she was useless... her advice to me:

"dont have any more, being pregnant obviously doesnt suit you!"

Had a lot of pains yesterday but things seem to have quietened down somewhat today. Only 53 days to go...
17 mummy- I was told by my doctor a preemie should be delivered by c-section b/c of their weak necks, expecially if they are breached. My daughter was head down but my boy was breached, i delievered them c-section b/c it was the safest.
kezz- aww thats a lovely bump, it looks about the same size I am which is nice to see as people keep saying im massive! i think im the same size as others at this stage :) x

daisy - beautiful pictures hunny :) they both seem to be doing so well i am really happy for you x

17mummy - ouch your dislocated shoulder sounds painful :( i hope its healing well, your very brave for having no pain relief. well done! x

LM - i hope your feeling better, the midwife should be dealing with your feeling low situation not a health visitor! you havent even had baby yet.. silly woman, i do hope you get sorted soon, and your husband begins to understand how your feeling as that will make it much easier. I also hope your tummy is feeling better too today, i know i panicked after my dh and i dtd for the 2st time, as we werent allowed to for 10weeks because i had a small bleed! Im am appauled at the health visitors comments! cheeky cow! arghhh they make me very angry! x

afm - im doing well, just tired today.. worked until 2 then came home and did some housework! were going to start the nursery tonight or tomorrow i think! eeel im so excited! we have finished our bedroom now so its just a case of getting the paint and brushes out!... i cant believe we dont have that long to go now.. its all starting to feel more real, especially when my dh can now feel baby's full boney elbow and hand/knee movements haha! :D xx
Thanks for your comments ladies, I'm starting to not feel as low now, just taking things as they come and realising I cannot do everything and sometimes you just have to accept things as they are and get on with it. Life is a struggle but we will manage and get through it somehow!

I've had some very sharp stabbing pains down below today and they have taken my breath away at times and the tightening pains have been making an appearance too but I dont think its anything that the hospital would be too concerned about...

Has anyone heard from 17mummytobe? I hope she and her LO are ok

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