January SnowAngels 2012, 2nd and 3rd Tri

Chobette - I hope the Dr listens to you when you next see her :hugs:

Kristel - I'm finally putting on a few lbs now, at long last! :)

mm - I still get plenty of kicks, but I think I'm still stretched from having Tegan, my MW said my uterus is actually quite high position wise because of the amount of stretching it did 2 years ago! He mainly kicks when I'm in bed, the rest of the time I get little bum wiggles and hiccups :)

17 - ouchie ouch!

Lintu - Jago has no routine, I thought he did, but nope! He does get squished by his sister a lot which wakes him up :) We tend to leave the house around lunchtime or just after so I think he snoozes in the afternoon and then wakes up around tea time and naps on and off (always wakes up and squirms during Tegan's bedtime story though :) )

LM - :hugs: I hope you're starting to feel better and that Annie is keeping her night time bottle down :( Don't feel like they're judging you though, they're just trying to help and to nip it in the bud, so to speak :hugs:

5 - that's crazy that they're ignoring your successful VBAC! Stupid midwives :mad: We still haven't been on a tour of the hospital yet, even though I gave birth there last time I have no idea what they offer or where anything is! :haha:

mm - :hugs: That doctor sounds like a complete douche!

17 - :hugs: Sounds as if you're really going through it at the moment! Hopefully they can treat the candida and sort everything out!

Chobette - I wake up randomly through the night and spend ages trying to go back to sleep, didn't go to sleep until 2am this morning, and then woke up about 5 times! Attempted a lie in but couldn't do that as I needed to get up to pee (amazingly didn't need to go between 2am and 6am!) Ended up getting up at half 9ish because I was tossing and turning so much! Not impressed, I need my sleep!

Maz - :hugs: When's the nursery furniture eventually arriving? I've always found crying down the phone makes things speed up delivery wise :)

17 - Hope you and the baby are ok hun and that they're letting you grow him for a bit longer :hugs:

LM - :O I'm shocked at her words! Stick in a formal complaint! :hugs: My MW was brilliant and suggested that I speak to one of the GPs at my practice who's very sympathetic to PND and she was very helpful. I got a letter through yesterday about an antenatal appointment on Monday with the HV, I'm not sure if it's going to be about the PND or the routine appointment where I get my red book, but I have to go to them :(

I have had the same stabbing pains and painful braxton hicks, I just want him out now, or at least for the pain to go away!

Mrs G - I love your avatar :)

I've started on my baby washing :) It's so tiny, I found so much going through Tegan's clothes, today I'm going through them again and sorting them out into sizes and having a look to see what's ebayable! Once her room is sorted through and all the clothes put somewhere else we're putting the cot into our room and her new bed up (can't wait, gonna be so cute and I can actually tuck her in again!) The cot is going at the foot of our bed and Jago is going straight into the cot, don't see the point of buying a new mattress for the cot, as well as a moses basket when he can go straight into the cot :) Tegs had to go into a moses basket as there wasn't the room in our old house for the cot in our room and there was just enough room for her moses basket!

Hope everyone is well xx
LM- yeh i have also been getting sharp stabbing pains, like the baby's head is pushing down and stretching the cervix. i believe it to be normal from what ive been told by my midwife.. it feels like someone is jabbing me with a needle when it happens, but i dont think its anything to worry about :hugs:. im glad your feeling abit better xx

rees - aww im going to start washing when the nursery is finished (next fri hopefully!) then i can pack my hospital bag :D.. anything out of the ordinary any body would put in there? xx
chobette - my iron's been low also. I was anemic in the past not quite sure if I am now but my obgyn has advised me to double up on the prenatals.

Maz - hope you have a wonderful baby shower. I know what you mean about wanting to know what else you need after the shower. I actually did the nursery after the shower and found it worked out really well. We got so much clothes!

MrsG - very exciting to start on the nursery!

Rees - glad to hear you'e putting on a few lbs now :) I've been meaning to start washing baby clothes but don't know how many I should wash.

17 - thinking of you hun..

As for me - started on my hospital bag. My hospital doesn't provide for anything. So far I have 20 diapers, 20 wipes, 2-3 outfits in newborn and 0-3 (in case she's a big baby), 2 large towels, babys coat as it will be chilly, small baby lotion, lanolin and breast pads. My mom has a brand new cozy dressing gown and nonslip slippers for me at her place. Still need a quite bit more stuff in my bag such as nursing bras, toiletries, etc

I also had my 2nd maternity photos. It'll take about 2 weeks to see them online. Busy weekend for us as we have our lamaze classes this weekend. This our first and to be honest I've never held a baby in my arms. I'm so nervous about this so this class will hopefully teach me a thing or two!

My back has been an absolute wreck the last bit. I have some really bad sore areas that hurt even when I walk. I have a massage booked for next Thursday. I'm finding it more and more difficult to sleep. Hard to breathe and uncomfortable.

Anyone thinking about Christmas yet? We started our Christmas shopping last weekend and I've put up the tree and some other Christmas decor. I just love Christmas! We were thinking of having Christmas at our new place but my mom doesn't want me to go through all of that because I would be hosting 30+ people.
Well... to add to my misery - OFSTED are coming into school for our inspection on Monday and Tuesday so I worked all night last night, woke up in the middle of the night with a cough and totally and utterly full of cold, and gotta go into work tomorrow to get classroom prepared and plan. I am exhausted... can stress and knackerdness bring on labour? I think at this stage I would choose labour and get this baby out rather than OFSTED and more stress!! I haven't got out of bed yet this morning and OH has gone to Macdonalds to get me a breakfast to make me feel better. Lol.

Does anyone know what's happening with 17? Wonder if they've had to deliver baby in the end?

I have done most of baby's washing, I just have a pile of lights to do. My hospital bag is more or less packed... no food or drink in there yet though, but got shampoo's and clothes and nappies etc ready.
Hey ladies :flower:
Things have been a little up and down but I think were sorted for now!
Turns out it was more a case of me trying to labour and LO not being ready. My cervix was soft and forward but not dilating. He switched from breech to transverse and they said it could of irritated my uterus to contract and once I got started I just wanted to keep going!
In the end I had contractions from monday night till thursday afternoon and have backache now and some contractions are being picked up on the ctg but I can't feel the tightenings just the period pain.
I had about 4 shots of pethadine and it was amazing ( hoping I deliver vaginally to get some of that! :rofl:)
I had a scan to chek my waters and doppler flow and that's all good I just mesure massivley ahead on fundal height when he hasn't put on much weight this week but there not to concerned as they said he could be approaching a growth spurt. However on my scan she said my bladder was very full she sent me for a wee and then asked me to hold my bump up :rofl: she then asked me if I lost my plug ( I think I lost it at 30 weeks) and then said she was just going to get someone to come and have a look. She got her collegue in and her collegeue asked me if I lost my plug to and then she said "normally the cervix is located here but they can be located in this area to" so basically my cervix is letting me down to. The consultant said my cervix is thinning according to scan but not dilating. Not really sure what's going on there but they could see the contractions on the scan. She said as he's not engaged she's not worried about him coming yet and the longer I can hang on the better. Got a scan and consultant appointment at 34 weeks and will discuss my option of delivary if he's transverse/breech. I don't think head down is in his dictionary.
After his steriods all he seems to do is hiccups? Is that normal?
And also does anyone else see the LO "practice breathing?"
As long as I get no more bleeding I get out at 8.30 tonight! :D
Hipe your all good xxxx
LM - I get those pains too, I have to stop in my tracks and a lot of the times I just think OUUUUCH! Lot of times it gravitates towards one side and then the other. :hugs: Glad you are feeling a little better

Rees - Wow, I haven't even decided when to wash all his things, I imagine like everything else I will wait until the last minute :dohh: We still have a couple things to buy him, but for the most part he's ready in terms of items, but need to wash them. Maybe after the semester is over, in 3 weeks.

Kristel - that's good advice, the prenatals make me sick, but seems like the iron is doing the same though. I will start my hospital bag later on, need to pick up a couple things to put in there still. I should get some of the lanolin cream, I suppose our hospitals don't provide that either. Looking forward to seeing the maternity photos! We started our Christmas shopping, we aren't buying a whole lot this year, and we only have maybe 2-3 things left to buy for family members. I bought my husband's gift and will buy a couple other things for him. We have our tree up... not a fancy tree though LOL. We don't have any decorations other than the tree and the stockings though. Will be a simple Christmas this year until we can collect more after it goes on sale. Sounds like a nice idea for hosting it, but that would be close to your due date lol, maybe bring in reinforcements to help?

Kezz - aw, hope it goes quickly, when do you finish work up? Geez, another one with the washing and hospital bag done LOL. I guess I really need to get going on that. xx

17 - Thats good to hear that all is still well with you and the baby, I hope you get out tonight!! Would they possibly deliver him at 34 weeks if they saw it necessary at your next appointment? Can't believe things are happening so fast. Thinking lots of good thoughts your way! xx
Thankyou :flower: yup I saw the scbu consultant before I left and they said they want me to hang on till 33 weeks at least ill be 32 on tuesday:D the consultant said if I'm still contracting and still have crippling spd and ligament pains if he's a good weight then they might consider delivary after my scan at 34 weeks. He's back in breech and curled up like a "c" :cloud9: but they have adviced me against having him turned if he's still breech at further scan as my uterus is already so irritated they think it will put me into further labour xx
I had contraction like pains Friday night for about 1 1/2 hours, definately different to BHs but not much since so just waiting to see if I get anymore now.

Kezz my bag is practically packed too, all the baby stuff is in there and my change of clothes, nighties, towel etc etc just need to put in wash stuff and things that I really need until it happens like phone charger and camera. Hope OFSTED goes well, I too would have baby out if I thought it was healthy enough but I know it needs a few more weeks cooking!
Any news on your C-section yet as I keep seeing on the news about being able to choose if you want a C-section or not now?

17 Im so glad to hear you and your LO are ok!!

Anyone get a tingling feeling under their ribs near the top of their bumps? Its a really strange sensation
glad to here your ok 17 :hugs:

LM cant say iv had much tingling??

been to my antinatal workshop today, it was ok little repetative and the uncomfiest chairs in the world but im deffo sticking with gas & air and a birthing pool and labouring on my knees so in that respect glad I went.

DH enjoyed it though, he says he feels more like he knows what to do/expect :hugs:

very sleepy now though :( oh well last full week in work :wohoo:
well we went to north Carolina for thanksgiving and my in laws through a shower. we spent like 600 dollars to travel in since it would make her so happy and we prolly got a couple hundred in gifts. its not all about that but i dont think people understand the cost for everything just to please them. she call me fat lady the first words out of her mouth and commented on everything in our lifes especially since we just got a new dog. which is why we paid for a hotel. oh well hopefull everyone else had a fab holiday
MM - sounds like she's a bit ungrateful to me. Her loss though isnt it, cant be fun being negative all the time.
How are you feeling now?

Its mad how close we're all getting to the end.
Been getting quite a bit of mucus now when I wipe, so googled it!! :shock: definitely looks like some of the plug photos but geez some of the images nearly made me sick! How is it possible I've given birth before but never noticed or seen it before?
With dd2 I had a big bleed at 37wks and had her a couple of hours later. So dont know if its a slow build up or what.
I dont think everyone notices huni, may be that you didnt loose last time till the bleed hence why you didnt notice it :hugs:
i am not great but a bit more comfy now thanks for asking 5. my asthma is perfect but on the up swing. i go in today to see if baby is still turned and if i am measuring large still. i am also on crunch time for three weeks left till finals at school for this session. Christmas and my hubby invited all soldiers without family to come to our house and told me after the fact. he knows i am generous so he thought i would be oka with that. i have to say this time not so much i will be 37 weeks pregnant. boy i must love that man. how about you 5 missed talking to you gurl, bet you look preggo now hahah
Does anybody get super regular BHs? Like every 4-5 minutes lasting 30 seconds or so? Or am I pre-terming again? They don't hurt yet....... So I'm pretty confused!
Sorry TMI...I went for a #2 this morning and I simply could not pass it out. I mean, it was there but it hurt so bad I couldn't pass it for some reason (I guess constipation??) Was a horrible pain that made me scream my head off. I'm a little concerned because there was a bit of blood when I finally did pass it but boy was I thinking it wasn't gonna. Has this happened to anyone else?

We went to our lamaze classes this weekend. To be honest, I knew most of what she was talking about but it was helpful for hubby to be there. One great thing that came out of all this for me is that I am now more open to having a natural birth vs for sure getting the epidural. My goal now is not to use the epidural if I can, but will if the pain is horrendous. What's everyone else planning to do? Oh and I also loved the birthing ball! Will definitly use one of those. We're planning to do a seperate class on baby care basics because this is our first and we're not sure really how to take care of baby. Just want to be prepared!

kezz - try to relax a bit because yes, stress can bring on preterm labour. Good for you to start the baby washing. I have yet to do that. But I haven't started the hospital bag like you

chobette - we're not buying a lot either this year. We simply do not have the funds to give extravagant gifts. So far bought my inlaws their gifts, the 2 six year old boys gifts and that's bout it. Still need to buy my parents, our brothers, my cousin's 1 year old, and 5 family gifts. I think I'm going for something homemade this year for the family gifts..just can't afford it! My aunt decided to have Christmas at her place so now I just have to host our house warming/blessing either on the 10th or 18th of Dec

17 - glad to hear you and baby are doing ok for now. Always thinking of you!

LM - can't say either that I get much tingling, just a lot of movement that sometimes hurts to be honest

lintu - yay last week of work for ya!

mm - omg I would have smacked her!!! what kind of dog did ya get? It was my dogs 5th birthday on Sunday. Gotta love those mutts :)

5 - I think I've been noticing more discharge these days too..haven't googled it yet, to be honest little afraid to lol
Just noticed my siggie after I posted my last reply...I can't believe I only have 41 days to go!! OMG ahhh it's getting so close now.
we got an Australian Sheppard black lab mix we have two black labs already. she is a super sweetie and already showing her smarts. the other flee bitters are pretty sweet too. this was my fault i needed something to get my anxiety about having 7 weeks left down lol. i am crazy but love the fullness of my family what can i say
I've been to the hospital after a bleed this afternoon, got checked and turns out to be cervical ectropion around the neck of the womb - dr said an excessive amount. It is harmless but have been told to take it easy and avoid intercourse.

Baby is fine thats the main thing!
well it's practically official that i am having a c-section baby is at a wedged position that doc says is unlikely to change. the room is getting small and the way he is position it could be dangerous for him to be forced. I have delievered two babies before 37 weeks so i have to go every week to make sure there is no dilation. if there is i have to have an emergency c-section. i have a new doctor and he is fab and will be it now for the rest of the time. its almost time guys

So i had my babyshower on sat - thank god more ppl came than i thought would, i was really worried about that! few didnt that should have etc etc but hey. Had a lovely afternoon and got spoilt. My best mate did an amazing job arranging it all. It was strange, all the little clothes etc makes it that little bit more real that a little person is going to be here soon.

How soon is a good question. 17Mummytobee _ I am also having "super regular tightenings" but like you im not too sure what is going on. I also already had threatened preterm and waters are still leaking so its highly possible to be preterm... I have noticed that altough they dont "hurt" i do notice more period type lower abdo/back ache witht them but not all of them! very confusing!! ( worse thing is i should have some clue being a mw- this makes me feel silly if its nothing etc but they dont want to ignore thinking i know!) :blush: My paranoid mummy head is definately at war with my mw head! eeeek!

LM2104 - (i sound like i have everything)but... i also have a ectropian. they are very annoying. pregnancy hormones seem to be making it bleed more and more often. Unfortunately for DH i have know about this since the beginning so i have been sooo terrified of causing a bleed and unnecassary worry that we have not DTD since this little one was conceived :Blush: poor DH he often comments but has been very patient bless hiM!
Good thing is bleed from the ectropian is just incovienient and not down to baby :)
Hope it has all settled now.

cant remember who poss 17mummy but someone mentioned increased hiccups since having steriods to mature babies lungs etc... i have also noticed this, although baby had them before it def has them more now, and i also noticed sometime my belly moves as if it is breathing! lol. its weird! lol.

Anways enough waffle for now... not long till more babies start arriving.i cant believe we are all nearing te end! For me every day is a bonus, im convinced this LO will come anyday really withing the next wk or 2 if not it will be by xmas! scary.

How is everyone getting on with the xmas shopping on top of preparing for a new baby!! ?? I have so much to do. started the xmas shopping but have to do it in small doses as the more i do the more i leak/bleed/ or tighten!! :cry:


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