January SnowAngels 2012, 2nd and 3rd Tri

Maz1510- each time I've gone into pre+term labour I've had period pain to. This is just like a bach ache and some achy hips with the tightenings. I tided the kitchen and had a bath and they still didn't go. There still here now but very irregular so god knows! Everyones got their bets on me delivering before christmas.
Here's a question anybody know what your cervical length should be at 31 weeks? Xx
Feel really sore this morning from having the speculum, but I'm relieved to know that the bleeding hasnt harmed LO in any way. Its wierd because I was getting so fed up and wanted LO out then having a bleed however minor really put things in perspective and I just want LO safe and snuggled up inside me!!

When we got back from the hospital last night Annie came home and the first thing she asked was "mummy where's the baby?"

Maz I've been doing bits of shopping online but am going to have to venture into town :( I hate it at the best of times. Thankfully we done Annie's big presents months ago but I also have OHs Birthday in two weeks so its all hectic!
MrsG - We don't have a nursery, our bedroom is huge so he's sharing with us until we feel he's ready to go and share a room with his sister (should be amusing when that happens!)

Kristel - I'm getting so excited about xmas this year! Tree is going up over the next few days and we've started on our xmas shopping, we're going to my mum's for Christmas dinner, just in case anything decides to start happening and then we won't have a half cooked roast dinner stuck in the oven :)

How's your back feeling now?

Kezz - how did OFSTED go? Not something you need while you're pregnant :hugs: evil people!

17 - wow! Naughty body of yours! He still has plenty of time to move into head down position and my little man started getting hiccups a few weeks back so it's normal for this stage :)

LM - no tingling that I've noticed, just his bum poking up into my ribs, keep poking him back down but he already doesn't listen to mummy! (Typical man...)

Lintu - at least your OH enjoyed the antenatal class :) I'm waiting to hear about the breastfeeding class :)

mm - :hugs: next year stay at yours maybe and invite her around but tell her to stay in a hotel xx

5 - I googled the plug last night! Some of the Curvy Ladies were in labour and I near about gagged! I lost my plug though and saw it on the loo roll so I knew what it looked like I was just reminding myself, really wish I hadn't! You might slowly be losing your plug :) But it can reform if you do lose it apparently.

mm - lovely thought from your hubby but OMG I'd be so annoyed with how close you'll be! Baby might even be here by then!

17 - I get loads of random BH's, some hurt, othertimes I just feel them when I have my hand on my bump.

Kristel - baby care does just come with practise, but the classes will be an amazing head start :) I plan on getting by during labour with gas and air, which I don't think is available in the US, I love the stuff! No epidural if I can cope without it, the size of the needle is what puts me off!

mm - puppies are amazing for taking your mind off of things :) I'd love a full house like yours :) and wow, a c-section, will they do it at around 37 weeks then or wait for a bit longer? You could have a 2011 baby instead of a 2012 baby!!

LM :hugs: Sounds so scary :( But at least baby is fine, are you managing to get much rest? Annie's question was so cute!!!

Maz - :hugs: I can't imagine what it's like for you with your mummy head and MW head!

Is anyone buying baby a present just in case they arrive before or on xmas day? Jago will be buying one for his big sister (even though she called my naked bump a potato the other day! :haha:) and we want to buy him a little something, I just don't know what! I want him to have a swing, we never had one for Tegs and I think it'll be very useful to have something that's going to rock him to sleep for me and to keep him calm and entertained so I can still play with Tegan, so I'm thinking of buying a swing and maybe wrapping it up for xmas in case he arrives early and then on Boxing Day unwrapping it and getting it all set up and prepared for when he does arrive?

I also want a swinging crib really badly now! But I just don't know, we have a cot (with no mattress yet, but I'm getting that next week) so I don't know! Eek!

Tegan's big girls bed is being put together today :) it's scary with how big she's getting!

Hope everyone is good and the babies are staying put! I had a scare at the weekend when I got woken up by a contraction on only the right side! Had several and was starting to panic thinking Jago was coming, was a definate contraction as it was starting from the back and radiating around to the front with a massive peak in the middle and it bloody hurt like hell! Stopped as suddenly as it began though and I fell back to sleep, had to poke my OH a few times as he kept rolling over and going back to sleep! :dohh:
I have just been catching up on everyone's news...

LM2104, I can't believe your health visitor said such a ludicrous statement! I bet that was helpful and supportive :p

I have suddenly started to feel pregnant! OK, I know I have been pregnant for abour 7 months, but so far I have not stopped doing anything I usually do because I hav felt 100% normal. However, this week thas suddenly hit me with an almighty crash. My bump seems to have tripled in size (you couldn't hardly tell I was pregnant until last week) and I am so bloody uncomfortable. She seems to like sticking some part of her anatomy right under my rib!

I have also been feeling really crappy when I have eaten too. It is as if I have even a three course meal after a simple bowl of cereal, you know that really uncomfortable stuffed feeling :( :( :( I guess I have been really lucky because until now I have not had any issues whatsoever...
Rees - I have had those too! I think mine were BH, but they were pretty strong. I was walking around the mall and had to stop every so often because of the pain. Won't be doing much of that until he gets here, that's for sure.

LM- glad to here all is well so far, and be careful when shopping. I was out shopping yesterday and had a heck of a time. xx

Jetset - Wow, you made it this far before feeling like that, Wow! :haha:
Luckily we don't have much longer though! I have the stuffed feeling too, everyone looked at me like I was crazy at Thanksgiving dinner. They thought I should be eating enough for 2 people, I had like half my normal portion size and felt nauseous and full.

So everything is going okay here, I guess. I've been having a bit of a down spell today, realizing now it's been pretty much my husband and I as far as support goes. This is my first child, first pregnancy, and thought we would have more support from at least his side of the family. His brother hasn't even called to ask how we are doing. When I talk to my mom, she seems to only talk about her problems and her money problems and doesn't ask about me or my husband. I guess I am getting a little down that no one else seems excited of our new arrival? :shrug: I suppose I will get over it, but still sticks in your mind, ya know?

Chobette, I'm sorry you feel like you have no support :hugs: Sometimes I feel like that and worse that its just me without anyone else there...

Not had too many pains today just really over emotional and wanting to be left on my own.

Brought the baby a gorgeous little frost and french sleepsuit from a charity shop today for £2, what a bargain, its lovely and looks like its hardly been worn!
Jetset - ooooh, I've been showing since about week 8! My mum saw me this afternoon and then again this evening after I'd eaten and she said - my god, you've gotten big in the last few hours.

We had takeaway pizza, it's just what it does to me with the baby in the way :)

Chobette - :hugs: They might all change once the baby is here, with my OH's mum it's been the other way around, she was so excited when I was pregnant, yet when I had Tegan she'd never show up or come around, if she'd planned to she'd "forget" and just not show up! Hopefully they will all change and they'll bond with the baby when he's here. My brother didn't have anything to do with Tegan until recently, he wouldn't hold her or play with her, now he thinks he's funny and gets her to say things and then he laughs at her, he'll always come and see her when we pop round to my mum's if he's in, although he doesn't have the chance because she shouts for him, and then when he appears tells him to go back to bed :haha:

LM - :hugs: Do you get much of a chance to be alone and to relax? Even if it is in the bath when Annie is in bed it's better than nothing :hugs: Hope you can have a good nights sleep, that always helps me. I had a lovely nights sleep last night, we've gone back to separate duvets, daft I know but we started it when I had chicken pox. We went back to sharing a duvet about 2 months ago and I've started waking up and he's stolen the duvet and I'm freezing, last night was bliss as I had a king size duvet all to myself :) Heaven!
Oh I know I have been really lucky not to have any symptoms whatsoever until now... I am still riding three of the horses 4 times a week and running the yard too but again in the last 2 weeks that had become a little more uncomfortable to do.

This full feeling is awful though because I am starving and then as soon as I eat a small amount I feel uncomfortable.

I am registering with a new doctor on Tuesday so will finally be able to visit my own midwife as until now I have only had a 20 week appointment and a 26 week one all done at the hospital with various mifwives. The midwife at my previous doctors only went between 10.30am and 12.30am so you could never get in. Plus the staff were so bloody rude and unhelpful!
Maz1510- each time I've gone into pre+term labour I've had period pain to. This is just like a bach ache and some achy hips with the tightenings. I tided the kitchen and had a bath and they still didn't go. There still here now but very irregular so god knows! Everyones got their bets on me delivering before christmas.
Here's a question anybody know what your cervical length should be at 31 weeks? Xx

I think anything lower than 3mm is getting thinned out. Right before I had my twins mine was 1.5mm
ARGH!!... Its December, we're having babies next month! How scary is that?

Rees - OH took Annie out to see some Xmas lights near our house last night so I could have a relaxing bath but the only other time I get to be alone is the 5 hours a week she is at nursery and thats usually spent doing chores or shopping.
We had seperate duvets last year when we had flu and its was heavenly! lol
hi ladies, sorry iv been MIA for a while, just been so busy and sleepy and trying to juggle everything, its crazy.

can not wait to finish work i have 12 days left :wohoo:

I had my mw app few weeks ago and was measuring 3 weeks a head :shrug: bit of a growth spurt, hoping its settled down when i go back next week, according to mum who hadnt seen me for over a week its gotten bigger :haha:

Iv noticed im not getting as many kicks anymore, so must be running out of room in there still get the odd nudge or wriggle, having a quiet few days with itself :hugs: we went to the pics last night and it mush have enjoyed the noise and vibrations wriggled its lil bum off, seems to have settled in to not doing much during the day and then livening up tea time ish, luckily it doesnt keep me awake (everything else does, but not baby!!)

Can't believe I actually got to say im due next mth today, how fabs that :hugs:
After 14 weeks of being beech/transverse my LO is head down and only mesuring 5 days ahead instead of 3-5 weeks! :happydance:
I had the strongest urge to clean the kitchen floors this morning so after being on my hands and knees scrubbing I now feel knackered and achey!
After 14 weeks of being beech/transverse my LO is head down and only mesuring 5 days ahead instead of 3-5 weeks! :happydance:
After 14 weeks of being beech/transverse my LO is head down and only mesuring 5 days ahead instead of 3-5 weeks! :happydance:
Wearing a pad today because I woke up at 4am feeling really wet. So I wiped it was clear, sniffed (sorry TMI) and there's no smell. So slightly paranoid now. Will check pad regularly and fingers crossed its just really watery discharge or something.
5 I've been wearing pads for a while now as keep feeling damp and when I cough, sneeze etc I kinda gush (also tmi I know!) I had a check up at the hospital and was told I wasnt leaking and waters. Just out of curiosity what are your waters meant to smell like? Not that I can smell anything with this cold.

I hope you are ok and if you are worried get checked, better to be safe :hugs:
I think amniotic fluid is meant to smell sweet, not 100% sure though.
I cant put my finger on it but I just dont feel right at the moment. Not exactly something I can describe to a MW if I call them. I'm still damp/wet, and its def not urine as mine is quite strong right now (Yup, dishing out the TMI today aren't I)
Think I'm worrying just because dd2 was 3 weeks early and everyone keeps telling me this one will be, but at 32wks I'm just not ready and I'm sure neither is baby!

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