January SnowAngels 2012, 2nd and 3rd Tri

Gosh some of you are having a hard time of it at the minute. Good luck to all the ladies currently in hospital, hang on babies, you're almost there!

5 - give your midwife a ring hun, those headaches and vision problems you have are worrying me a little. Just call them and see what they say, they'll probably say it's nothing but please mention it to them.

I've just found out that someone I work now has his baby .... 8 weeks early!! A routine scan on Friday showed very high blood pressure so they admitted his girlfriend and said baby would be here within 10 days but then the dr visited them on Sunday morning and said 'right, you're having this baby this afternoon' She is in neo natal at 3lb 7oz but breathing unassisted so all looking good. The dr who spoke to her is the same one that has been scanning me every 2 weeks so it's good to know I'm in safe hands although hope she doesn't try to deliver me early :shock:
5 I had terrible headaches and vision issues with them when I was pregnant with Annie and the MWs always sent me in to get checked when it was happening, I think its something to do with pre-eclampsia so please phone your MWs and get checked if they feel you need be :hugs:

17 - I hope he can hang on a little while longer, impatient isnt he!!

I have had my referal for the counsellor through, next tuesday, so am feeling a bit better about that now.

Have MW this afternoon, am very interested to know what position this LO has got itself into! Have lots of questions to bombard my MW too, I bet she hates seeing my name come up on the screen!

A bit of a TMI question I'm afraid but does anyone feel like they have to go to #2 a lot, even if when you get to the loo you dont go? I feel like I have to all the time, even though most of the time theres nothing there... probably just me being weird again!
Lots going on here these days. I often read but don't reply...still thinking of all of you ladies especially the ones that are having a tougher time. Hubby gave me a terrible cold and sore throat. I am just miserable. I sleep a lot during the day bu still feel crappy. Backache still pretty bad but I am dealing with it. Working on the hospital bag..few more things to put in there plus some stuff we'll take as we head out the door. Started drinking raspberry leaf tea. I haven't checked if it's a laxative or not but I'm noticing more bowel movements. I also notice the BH after I drink it. I drink a cup a day and I think at 35 1/2 I will bump up to 2 cups since I just started on Sunday. Need to pick up some evening primrose oil still.

Thinking of you all.
In very painful early labour and dripping my waters wherever I go!
:hugs: 17 have they said when they think he will make his grand entrance?

Had my 34 week MW yesterday afternoon. All along they have said my LO is head down and now apparantly they cant tell and think because my bump is extremely hard up top and I'm getting very bad heartburn and from the feel it LO may be breech. So if they still cant tell at 36 weeks I will be sent to a clininc for an exam and maybe a scan and then they will try and turn baby or book me for a c-section :(

Also have to have the GTT test as had 2++ glucose in urine, and should have had it done at 28 weeks but as MW put it I 'slipped through her net'.

Things arent going to plan at the moment...
17 - hold on, I hope everything goes ok.
LM - When are you going for your test?

I've been seen by emergency doc, I'm suffering from Low BP episodes which is causing the vision and headache problems. The dizziness etc. So basically I have to rest, my worst thing, I hate sitting doing nothing. Obviously if things continue they will check again but other than that I've got to rest and carry on.
I guess they just dont realise that its not easy to rest. I've got school runs, clubs, football, general life, housework, volunteer work and loads I cant just sit still. I feel bad for my kids now.
:hugs: 5, its best for you and the baby to rest even if you do hate it - think of it as getting in pleanty of rest now because in 6 weeks you will have none!!

Im going for my GTT test in the morning. I cant really see the point because by the time Ive got the results and then theyve made me an appointment to see a dietician etc with all the Xmas hols and stuff the baby will be here...
My daughter comes home tomorrow after 7 weeks in NICU! My son is still having breathing trouble and will be there a little longer
hope all is well 17?

theres a lot going on in here at the mo its hard to keep up :wacko:

well thats me offically off now, dr signed me off again right up until my maternity leave starts.

feeling like i am wetting myself all the time now, had a pad on for 3 days and constantly peeing usual amounts so its not like my bladder isnt being emptied ? very strange feelings.

babies been going crazy beating the living daylights out of me and braxton hicks becoming painful.

not long now ladies :happydance:
Sorry for lack of updates! There talking about keeping me till my 34 week scan ( I'm 33 today) and if fluid levels remain above "abnormal" then I should be able to go. However I'm still contracting and still eyeing up the gas and air :rofl: had a bit of a bleed after the speculum but it was like light pink bits? Sorry for the tmi! If fluid levels are down at 34 week scan then he will be delivered on the 12th of december :/ xx
17 - Hopefully your fluid levels are up and he stays in longer, can't believe how close we are to having more january babies...er...december? babies. Praying for you though xx

windle - I have been leaking a little as well, not as much as it seems you are though. You sure it's that and not your waters? My son loves to beat the crap out of me too, he's definitely running out of room in there and I can definitely feel it.

Daisy - I saw your post in the preemie section, so exciting. You'll book into a routine real quick, and then nathan will get to come home and you'll get to do the same for him! I suppose they didn't say how long he'll still be there?? xx

LM- How long does the results take?? Mine only took 2-3 days?? How are you feeling otherwise??

5 - I know resting is terrible, especially when you have so much on your plate. It'll be worth it in the end. Are they playing it by ear then, or did they say they want to induce you early or anything of that sort??

Kristel - I haven't started my hospital bag yet, but husband keeps telling me to get it done by Friday so we can take it with us to each of our appointments (monitoring appointments). Backache has been kicking up for me as well, so I can sympathize. Hope the cold goes away real quick! I looked for raspberry leaf tea in the store, we have something called raspberry herbal tea...is that the same thing?

truly - Wow 8 weeks early! My former boss had her daughter 3 months early (12? weeks early). It's really amazing to see what science and medicine can now do! Definitely good that you are in good hands though, that's real important.

Sorry if I missed anything, I am terrible at remembering what everyone had posted especially if not posted on the page I am reading :haha:

All is okay here, been noticing more cramps and backaches, thinking they may be braxton hicks though as they come and go. So naive about the whole labor process :dohh: I'm hoping that I am one of the few that has the tell-tale signs like the waters gushing like my sisters did... otherwise I may not realize when I am in labor. Hospital tour on Thursday, as well as my MRSA cultures, and my weekly fetal monitoring Friday morning. Really need to start the hospital bag, my husband wants it done by Friday so we can take it with us to our weekly appointments in case they keep me overnight for further monitoring, think that's a good idea??

Found a cool site for LO mesurments! There's not a lot to do in this hospital tv is stuck on one channel and my window overlooks the bus shelter -_-

According to this site his bpd is at the 37th percentile his HC is at the 21st percentile his AC is at the 76th percentile- my lil chub :cloud9: his FL is at the 50th percentile and his est weight is at the 42nd for his gestation :)
Kristel - I haven't started my hospital bag yet, but husband keeps telling me to get it done by Friday so we can take it with us to each of our appointments (monitoring appointments). Backache has been kicking up for me as well, so I can sympathize. Hope the cold goes away real quick! I looked for raspberry leaf tea in the store, we have something called raspberry herbal tea...is that the same thing?

It has to be raspberry leaf tea hun. I got mine from a health food store. HTH!
Hey ladies,

I've been keeping up with the thread though I haven't posted in a while!

My brain is just so fuzzy these days I can barely string a sentence together. Can't sleep for more than 2 hours at a time & the baby is constantly doofing me in the bladder!

Keep having to remind myself this is an experience I'm not ever likely to repeat again & that while I'm uncomfortable at the moment I need to take stock of the beautiful SILENCE!!!!

Kristel- I'm scared of taking raspberry tea leaf! Give us updates please - would love to hear how you get on with it!x

MM- good luck for 11th & 17- good luck for 12th xx

Daisy- glad to hear Emily is coming home. Hopefully Nathan will follow soon x

Good luck for GD test LM x

Sorry guys-too wrecked to read back properly - I know some of you were feeling crappy - Maz & 5 I think? Hope you feel better x

Will try to post more often xx
Kristel - I haven't started my hospital bag yet, but husband keeps telling me to get it done by Friday so we can take it with us to each of our appointments (monitoring appointments). Backache has been kicking up for me as well, so I can sympathize. Hope the cold goes away real quick! I looked for raspberry leaf tea in the store, we have something called raspberry herbal tea...is that the same thing?

It has to be raspberry leaf tea hun. I got mine from a health food store. HTH!

I'll continue looking then, has it done anything for you, and what exactly is it supposed to do? I've heard of so many ladies drinking it around this time, but naive to what it's supposed to do :shrug:
I've bought raspberry leaf capsules and am going to start taking them from 35 weeks. They are supposed to condition the uterus and make the pushing stage much more productive and quicker, or so the claims say. You shouldn't take them if you have blood pressure issues or a previous birth which was very quick. It also says to stop if your braxton hicks get much stronger.

someone on one of the other forums strated taking them at 35 weeks and had her baby at 35 + 3 days though so I'm a little bit cautious.
GTT test got rearranged for tomorrow.

Good job really because (sorry TMI warning!!) Ive had serious diarreah (sp?) like water, been sick had a headache. Im a little bit worried I dont know if I'm just sick or I should be taking it as a sign. I've had some pretty severe cramps in my back and belly but I dont know if thats because of the diarreah. Im so tired I hardly slept last night.

So glad to hear Emily is doing so well Daisy hopefully your little boy will be home in time for Xmas!!
LM - honestly I think that'd worry me too, what with the other things you've had going on. Any chance of getting hold of your MW and talking to her?

Daisy - That's brilliant news hun, I'm sure Nathan wont be far behind his sister and everyone will be at home together soon.
Ive had a sleep and feel a bit better only some mild cramps now.

I just worry because with Annie I had a bad belly on the sunday and woke up in labour on the monday with no other signs.

Hope you feel a bit better 5 and are taking it easy!
LM - definitely keep an eye on it. I have had a lot of stomach cramping as well. Sounds like you could either be close or have a stomach bug, if it continues call your MW.

I was talking to my sister (who lives 1,000 miles away) and she told me she went into pre-term labor twice with my nephews. My mom always had early labor with us children. I really think my son is going to come early (how early, IDK?!). I've been having less movement and very frequent cramping and back pain. I really am wondering how long he plans on sticking around. I don't think I will make it to 40 weeks, mainly based on the fact that he is growing 3 weeks ahead and he's already out of room. I would be 36 weeks if they didn't go by my LMP. I have stress testing Friday and my 34 week appointment next week. Getting really nervous now finding it could happen any time for me and for any of us!

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