January SnowAngels 2012, 2nd and 3rd Tri

Be careful I heard raspberry leaf tea proven to start labour-only drink it if your ready!! Xxx
17 - *huggles* I hope baby stays there with his feet firmly stopping anything else coming out

MrsG - I'm right there with you with the 37 weeks thing, can't wait to reach that point, which is also xmas day for me :) Lots of bouncing on the ball once my dinner has gone down nicely :)

5 - :hugs: sounds like you're coming down with something hun :(

Truly - wow! That baby was a good weight for 8 weeks early :) scary stuff though!

LM - I've felt the need to poo, so I go down to the toilet and then the need to go disappears so I go for a wee, get up return to the front room and have to go again! So now when I need a poo I take my phone and go on facebook :haha: that way I can sit there until the need to go returns!

Big *huggles* LM, your MW sounds pants! It's probably baby's bum, I thought I felt Jago's head up the top as it was rock solid earlier on this week but then he had hiccups which I felt low down and MW said today that he's head down and a big boy *gulp*

5 - don't feel bad *hugs* I hate resting too, your kids will understand that mummy's a bit poorly

Daisy - that's amazing news about Emily :) I hope Nathan follows her home really soon!

Windle - :waves: have you spoken to a MW about the painful BH's and leaky bits? Could be a bit more than BH's if they're causing you so much pain :hugs:

17 - :hugs: I so hope your fluid levels stay up and he stays in a bit longer to cook!

Chobette - you'll know when you're in labour :) contractions start at the back and come around to the front like a wave and they build up to a big peak and then tail off again, there's no mistaking them! I can sympathise with the back ache and the BH's though :hugs:

Tilly - :hugs: it must be something with boys, they kick SO hard! Little footballers in the making I think! I hope he moves off your bladder soon so that you can get a bit more sleep :hugs:

LM - :hugs: at least you didn't have to go far from your toilet today :( but good luck for tomorrow, I hope you're feeling better too xx

Chobette - Eek! Could run in the family then, have you timed any of the pains yet?

PrincessK - hello! I will pop on to your journal soon (and mine, keep forgetting it exists!)

I had my 34 week appointment today, it went surprisingly well, BP fine (lower than with Tegs!) wee fine, heard his heart beat and he's head down, she kept feeling his head and now my pelvis aches, ouchies! Have made an appointment to see the Dr on Friday to get some anti-depressants which don't cause drowsiness or create problems with breast feeding, however I am now leaning more towards bottle, I was going to combination feed but I think I'll be kept saner if we formula feed, bought some ready made cartons for the hospital bag and a big tub for the cupboard, figured I will use it anyway at some point so I should start getting some stuff in :)

Hope everyone's well and the baby's are all still trying to stay put for a few more weeks :)
Rees- Yeah that's what I thought they felt like from what everyone describes, my doctor told me they were stretching pains :dohh: but I knew they were either BH or contractions, they were BHs. I haven't timed them, not sure how to tell, think im in denial when they start though. I will have to when they start up again. I go in for stress testing again Friday, so I plan on watching the monitor that monitors contractions, had a couple last time that showed up, but only felt a couple of them. We'll see I guess?

Well, posting again, it's snowing like crazy out. It's supposed to stop before tomorrow, so hoping my class doesn't get canceled, it's in the evening. Had a whirlwind of a day and thinking a nap is in store, starting to get heartburn and stomach pain, so maybe a nap will stop it. :shrug: So naive at this point in pregnancy. Just know that it's been a crappy day and I am ready for bed.

Wonder how mm is doing?? anyone heard from her about her ordeal or what's going on??
Try and prop yourself up a bit with extra pillows Chobette and see if that helps when you lie down, hopefully the snow doesn't cause much of a problem for you! :hugs:

PrincessK - How are you doing? Is sprout growing well and treating mummy right?
Hi ladies I had my hospital tour today and it made me feel more at eaze. The maternity ward was pretty quiet which was surprising to me as I thought it'd be crazy busy and loud. quit the opposite. Got to see the labouring rooms, nursing rooms, jacuzzis, etc.

As for the raspberry leaf tea, apparently it doesn't do anything to speed up your due date, but helps to shorten the pushing part of the labour. Haven't had any increase in my BH so I'll continue on it for now.
Well ladies looks like I'm going to be a december snowflake. I'm dilated to a 2 and still contracting 4-5:10 if I'm dilated further by tomorrow then I'm going for delivary :/ :shock:
Well ladies looks like I'm going to be a december snowflake. I'm dilated to a 2 and still contracting 4-5:10 if I'm dilated further by tomorrow then I'm going for delivary :/ :shock:

Oh wow :hugs:

Keep us updated hon, hoping babes stays longer!! xx How far along will you be??
Emily came home today!
Nathan is about a week or two behind her!


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:happydance: Yay Emily!!! Hope little Nathan comes home in the next week or so! How are you coping Daisy? xx
MM- any news? Hope things are ok :hugs:
17 - a little december snowflake will be fine hun, you are certainly in the best place while they keep an eye on you.
Daisy - she's adorable, cant believe how much she's grown!
Rees - I hope all goes well with the doctor, I think you are sensible to think about all things that might happen. Combo feeding is a good idea, helps spread the demand by giving others a chance to feed baby too.

Sorry if I've missed other peoples posts, really should open up a new window and read and reply as I go.
Well after everything yesterday I have no signs of an imminent labour!

After a good nights sleep the cramping had stopped until I went for my GTT test and the drink made me feel sick and gave me tummy cramps, but all is ok again now, in fact I've never felt further away from giving birth!!

I should have my results by tuesday
Kristel - sounds like a nice maternity ward :) I took RLT capsules on my first, but not religiously, I was only pushing for 23 mins and she was out, but I was in labour for 15 hours from start to finish (about 6 hours was active labour) so maybe there is something to be said about taking them? Have decided not to take them this time around as I thought I'd rather spend the money on something else, but maybe I will go and get some :)

17 - good luck hunny! :hugs:

Daisy - Awwwwww! I love her blanket, she looks lovely, you'd never think that she shouldn't be here already :)

5 - ta :) So not looking forward to the early morning appointment though - 8:50, I will need matchsticks to keep my eyes open :) Had to make an appointment for Tegs too, she hurt her arm last week and it got better, then worse and now it's better again but I can see her re-hurting it, we think it's only a pulled muscle but better get her checked out, anyway, they wanted to give her an appointment at 8:40! Some days she doesn't wake until 9, so I made her an afternoon one, twice I'm at the docs tomorrow, lovely!

How're you feeling now??

LM - :hugs: I hate the GTT test, hopefully the results will come back nice and normal, I kept thinking that I was gonna have GD but everything came back normal which shocked me! I was so sure I was gonna have it and that it was gonna be yet another thing to contend with!!

At least you no longer feel like your baby is coming :) Stay put baby!!!

Today I have had a PJ day, tried to come on this afternoon but Tegs clocked what I was doing and we spent an hour looking at animal videos on youtube, lol! She was sick at half 1 this morning so we decided to stay put in case she was gonna be sick again, but she's been a total monkey all day, but at least she's feeling better, hopefully she doesn't decide to spew her guts again tonight!

Better go again, need to clean the pram after Tegs was sick in it yesterday, OH hasn't done it so obviously I'd better do it so we can use it tomorrow and hope like hell that it's dry and try not to be sick myself! xx
Hey everyone!!!

Work has been manic.. And I hate turning my computer on after using it all day.. I am so ready for leaving in just over 2 weeks time!

I'm on my phone, so haven't caught up with everything... But
17 hope everything goes ok!
Daisy - glad to hear the twins are doing well!!!

I was having horrible cramping yesterday, that I almost phoned MW especially as had a very dogdey tummy all day and the previous day too.. But they calmed down after some rest... Tummy still isnt great though... Any ideas? It's def not something I've eaten .....
hi ladies, sorry havent been aound much, just really havent had the energy and after work all day like Rees says the last thing i feel like doing is sitting down to the laptop, 7 days left in work :wohoo:

Having an emotional day with myself, fed up of being sore, uncomfy, sleepy, snappy and unable to things for myself, I cant even put my socks on now :( everything is getting very hard and the sickness and spots from first tri all seem to be back :(

I have my midwife appointment this afternoon so may have to have a moan to her, I know theres nothing anyone can do but its starting to get me down a little and whilst i know how blessed i am i cant help but think enough already, only 6 ish weeks left :wohoo:

Hope everyone else is ok, good luck 17 :hugs:

MM how you getting on huni??

Daisy your little girl is super cute, glad shes doing well and im sure your lil boy will soo be home and settling in :hugs:
Has anyone heard of taking evening primrose oil to ripen the cervix? Did it work? I read about taking it from 34 weeks but Im not sure... I took it before I had Annie when my periods went MIA for months on end and they came back and I was pregnant within 3 months so I think its good stuff, just wondering if anyone had tried it before?

Hope everyone is well, not much to report walked annie to nursery earlier with OH and it hurt and bump was going hard and hurting but thats all.
I am taking EPO 1000 orally. This is my first and I don't know if it really works so just trying it out. Will start inserting it vaginally at about 37 weeks since I just started taking it this week.

Question for you ladies. I posted a topic in the 3rd trimester board bout my MIL. She has her "bags" ready to go. I won't go into the details, if you'd like to read more, more than welcome to :) But my main question is, do you plan to have visitors/family during labour? By the sounds of it, my inlaws plan to be there from the start to finish. Which I don't agree with. My hospital allows only 2 people in the room, which would be my hubby and my mom, and so my inlaws would be in a small family room to wait for over 12+hrs. I'm going to have my dad wait at my uncles house who is only 5 minutes way. What are you planning to do? thanks!
I seriously hope MIL doesn't turn up waiting outside. She's lovely and everything but my mum and dad are no longer here so I just want it to be me and DF, no one else. I'm not even sure when I want people to visit yet. I know MIl and DF's aunt will be itching to see her as soon as she's born but I want to at least get some bonding time and recovery in before anyone visits. She's already told me she's booked the week off when baby is due???
I understand that people usually want to declare themselves the first to see baby but it annoys me that some think its their right to be there the second anything is happening. This baby's birth will be between myself and OH and everyone will juts have to wait to be told what's going on.
Sometimes we've just got to be firm and stand up for what we want.
Maybe when the time comes you could just say you're having a check up and see if that buys some time if you're not keen on upsetting her.

LM - I've never taken anything to help labour before, honestly I'm part scared, part dubious. I think if it promotes a positive mindset then go for it what ever happens happens.
I dont have a MIL so cant comment on that but when I had Annie my OH and mum were there throughout the birth, when we got taken to the theatre my dad came to the hospital and waited with my mum, they saw annie on the obs wardsfor about 20 mins and took a few pics to show other family members and then left me and OH with her which worked fine for me.

This time OH and my sister will be with me for labour as my mum will be looking after Annie and as soon as we have settled on a ward and visiting is allowed I want my mum to bring Annie up.

I guess its personal preference and I think it also depends on how long and gruelling your labour is, I just know this time I want to see Annie as soon as possible after!

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