January SnowAngels 2012, 2nd and 3rd Tri

Hey, been MIA for a while. I have been having a emotional breakdown this weekend :cry: lol. DH being a pain in the arse - he just does not understand that these things NEED to be done (preg hormones/nesting etc!) But seems bar a few gifts to wrap i THINK i may have finally got there!! the house is pretty much done and all baby shopping finished, have tree up and xmas shopping finished!! :dance: Just need to clean it all again now! :LOL:

I thought i would have the whole of dec to prepare etc, but it looks like i will have a newborn on xmas this yr!! :shock: Induction next week so whether home or not, defo will be a mommy!! :shock: Im not so sure he/she will hold in that long as have been having tightenings, but just when i think this is it they die down, so im hoping that its just preparing my body a little early as worried about having Induction so early (36wks) and my body not being ready! Eek!!

Congrats MM on your little one. SOunds like it was nothing but eventful. But worth it im sure and you will have your little man for xmas too! How many weeks were you?

Kezz_ not long to go now, and you will be finished! Im sure the kids would rather fun n DVD week toO! hehe!!
I know what you mean about the weirding out on the leaking thing!! lol. I notice the other week i can hand express colostrum already!! kinda gross actually!!! lol. I was tempted to start storing it but i figure i can get it easily so should be fine. I dont think it has "leaked" out on its own yet!?

Well i wonder how many more of these "january snowflakes" are going to be little xmas presents instead! I cant believe i have 6days left just the 2 of us! its very serial!!

As for visitors in labour etc... NO WAY would i have Inlaws there!!! Ideally it will just be me and DH but my mom is on call in case i or DH need additional support. TBh i would like my mum there but i think its a intimate moment i look forward to sharing with my DH as we become a family. I imagine my mother will be around somewhere but she has no intention of being thre unless we call her.
MIL is not really interested anyways but i wouldnt have her there, i think a mother and daughter is different but not MIL. THey werent therre to make it why would they think its ok to be there otherwise?? :LOL:

As for visitors etc. NO! Not till the next day or once im on postnatal ward etc but defo not while im in labour room! My plan was not to even tell anyone im in labour until its born but the secret of the Induction date is not the best kept secret so most (close fam/friends) no when we will be going in to hospital anyways!

Hope everyone ready for xmas?! Anyone not taking baby out visiting on xmas day?? Other than going to my mums for dinner i dont really want to be going everywhere but dont know if its fair to go to one and not the other???

(oops sorry long rant there!!)
we are both home holding my tiny little guy and ther is nothing better, soon we all be there
Ladies -- need support/advice?
Are any of you suffering with depression during this pregnancy? Are you on medicine or what's your treatment?

Awhile back at my 25 week appointment I talked to my doctor about the problems I had been having, she told me it was just the caffeine I had been drinking. Well, I had cut that out and problems still persisted. She told me she didn't want to put me on medication as the baby could get addicted to it, which I understand and don't want.
-- Now it's gotten worse, had a lot of stress compile these past couple days. I have my husband for support, but nobody else...and I can't seem to tell him anything else since he's heard it all. I moved here because of him and his family lives here. His family hasn't been supportive at all, so I can't turn to them, they haven't even checked in on me or to see how our pregnancy has been going.

Do any of you know what kind of treatment they would offer me this late in the game? I will be 34 weeks Thursday, I see her on Thursday and would mention it then.

Don't know what else to do or who else to turn to :shrug:
Well ladies I never thought we would get this far but I had my 34 week scan today. He's doing good but not as big as they would like he's in the 30th percentile but he's healthy and that's all that matters.

The discharge I've been experiancing is my plug (again) and they rekon he will be here for christmas!!
Chobette I have been suffering with low mood etc and I went to see my midwife at 32 weeks who also didnt want to put me on meds so referred me to a specialist type of counselling service for prenatal and postnatal depression and mental health problems. I have my appointment this morning and Im really nervous but hoping it helps.

I hope you are ok and start getting the help you need soon.

Is anyone noticing their LOs are moving less as the weeks go on? I feel like Im being paranoid because when I say to family members that I havent felt it for a while they keep saying 'well its running out of room in there' or 'its probably conserving its energy and getting ready'.

Got so much going on this week my head is all over the place.
chobette - I'm not well up on these type of things and fortunately it's not something I have ever suffered with but maybe just getting councilling and talking things through might make you feel a whole lot better. this might just get you over the stage until baby is here then you can look at medication. you sound like you have a lot you want to get off your chest and talk about but noone to talk it through with and you don't want to put it all on your husband. xx
Maz - good luck with the induction, I'm sure you will be absolutely fine, your body will know what to do and you'll have great help with the MW's.

Kezz - I've been leaking since 27wks!! Even though this is my 3rd I've never had it prior to baby being born so it really scared me. gets worse if I'm around babies or in the bath. OH thinks its funny, I do not. Everyone has an opinion on sections, granted they arent the nicest but then not all vaginal births are either. Your medical need is above anything else so sod what anyone says its awful that people expect you to explain yourself. Best thing, you get your baby in your arms at the end. That's the result we all want.

Chobette - I had PND with dd1, wasnt fun at all. havent experienced it through pregnancy though so I dont know if the feelings are the same. My advice, make sure you talk to doctors and get to see a councillor/specialist. The more you talk the better. I kept a diary, only a few years ago I burned it (dd1 is 10 now) as I was definitely over how i felt but at the time writing it all down got thoughts and feelings out of my head. So that's an idea.

LM - My doctors surgery wont give out results on the phone you have to go in (which is a pain) so fingers crossed everything is fine and they're just being extra cautious over patient protection/confidentiality. Maybe if you called your MW they'd be able to tell you over the phone though.

17 - I'm pleased baby is hanging on in there. You're doing really well. I thought he'd be here by now.

MM - so pleased your home and happy x

Melody doesnt kick or wriggle as much lately, just get hardening moments and an arse sticking out! Havent thought that something might be wrong, just presumed she really is running out of room and getting in different positions.
Thanks ladies! My husband and I had a long talk last night and he helped me through the emotions, still feeling a bit rough, but that's because of a few "family" members who are being really crappy. I swear my BIL's fiancee has a programmed personality to instantly judge someone. She was complaining how she got socks for Christmas.... Isn't Christmas more than just gifts and doesn't the thought count anymore?? I'm thinking of taking her off of my facebook so I don't have to down myself anymore with her comments. She doesn't talk to me on there anyway, she just makes rude comments when I say something about our pregnancy.

Sorry for the small rant. ..

17 -- That's good news! Hopefully he stays in there for a few more weeks at least. xx

LM- How did your appointment go, did it help? I may see what my doctor has to say, definitely don't want medicine either...so maybe if the counseling helps I will give it a try. My son kicks less, but his rolls are getting stronger. I heard it's normal for them to move less, especially kicking.

truly -- Thanks hon, that is how I feel. I appreciate your advice xx

5-a-side -- I may start a diary, that might help get things out.
Been for a scan today, they wanted to check baby given iv been throwing up for the past 4 days! Anyway sprout all fine head way down low and nice healthy est weight already 6lb 8 and still potentially 8 weeks to go!!
Good news lintu, hopefully you won't have to wait a full 8 weeks for your LO. xx Sounds like a very good weight.
Had my couselling appointment, went well, good to get a few things off my chest. They are going to contact me within the next with their recommentdations of the kind of support I need.

Had a lot of pushing down pressure today and I am very sore down below thinking I may have a UTI, so will be asking for that to be checked tomorrow when I go to get my GTT results.

My OHs boss and his wife are due to have a baby the day after us but they may be being induced tomorrow. I have to admit I am getting very jealous of everyone who has their babies, think I may write to Santa and ask to have my baby for Xmas (providing its healthy enough of course as I will be full term at Xmas!)
g;lad ur appointment went well huni :hugs:I know what u mean huni, Im so envious of people who have their beans but at the same time i want it far away from xmas as poss
Lintu - :hugs: How're you feeling now?

LM - I can't walk without bumpy hurting either :( It's getting hard now!!

Kristel - no one else apart from my mum and my partner will be in the delivery room, and even then I might have to make my OH stay at home with Tegan because I do not think his mum can cope with looking after Tegs and I need my mum with me! My dad will come in after he's here as he needs to drive me to the hosp and take us home again :) But no one else is getting near me when I'm in hospital! Afterwards is fine though! Even when I'm still covered in blood :)

Truly - do you hope you go a week over if your MIL has booked the week you're due off?? :haha: I'd go spare!

LM - I'm refusing to go onto a ward! I'm leaving from the delivery room unless anything needs checking over and then I'll stay, I just wanna get home asap and back to my Teggie-poo :) dreading leaving her!

mm - Congrats hun :) Will pop it on the front page :) Can't believe he's here and you were due the same time as me! That's scary :)

Chobette - :hugs: I hope the cramping stops soon :(

MrsG - :waves:

17 - no pink discharge here, think it's to do with your little one thinking about arriving! My discharge is getting a bit thicker though!

Kristel - yay for no visitors for 2 hours :) Did your OH agree with you then?

mm - can't believe he's already home!! It's scary to think that Jago could be here already too! (He's safely tucked inside as he still has nowhere to sleep!)

Kezz - :hugs: stupid cow you work with! How dare she judge :( I'd have an easy week at work too if I were you :) It's your last one for a while so you may as well have fun :) I'm looking forward to Christmas mainly because of Tegan, she is going to love it :)

Windle - big big :hugs: hun, I'm not allowed a homebirth for the same reason - my high BMI puts me at risk - of what I don't know considering I was the same weight last time around and was given the go-ahead for a home birth with Tegan. I know it's the best place because of the chicken pox, but if it was only for my weight I'd be asking more questions over their motive behind saying no!

Saying that when I had a bath at the hospital last time (told to transfer because of high BP and baby's head was swollen) the G&A wasn't as good coming from the canister as it was on the wall!

17 - sounds like a lovely pressie :)

Chobette - :hugs: :( Sounds like she's a bit evil!!

Lintu - I was sick at least once a week up until a few weeks back - evil babies!! Wow, what a neat bump :)

MrsG - poke the baby back down :) And for heartburn maybe prop yourself a bit more upright with pillows at night? I haven't had much heartburn, it's not my baby that has hair but me! I have a lovely furry tummy! :haha:

Kezz - I leaked loads with Tegan from about 28 weeks, this time it's only been a little bit and when I squeeze nothing comes out :(

Personally I wouldn't have a c-section, but for you and your circumstances and if I was you I'd be totally having one! Some people find them hard, some people find them easy recovery-wise and it's the same for vaginal births! Everyone is different and each to their own, tell them where to stick their opinions :hugs:

Maz - I'm not sure if we're having 2 xmas dinners or not, but as we'll be at my mum's for the first one at lunch time and OH's mum lives across the road it'd be rude not to go across :( As much as I don't want to! And then if we don't get a second dinner there then we'll be there for Boxing Day I think, so you could always do that, and then alternate who gets you on xmas day every year? Or from next year do it at home for just the 3 of you (awwwww!!)

Chobette - They might offer you counselling or medication, I have meds but I still haven't taken them yet, need to go shopping tomorrow in the next big town where there's more shops so am gonna take them tomorrow night. My MW says that she would rather people started taking meds in the weeks before baby arrives so that they're in the system and working. Doc wasn't entirely happy over it though but agreed that I was borderline for needing them (so my depression has started to lift as I defo needed them a few months back but they made me too drowsy and I changed them last week). :hugs: This late in the game there's not much that's gonna effect them apparently! (good to know :) )

LM - movements haven't necessarily slowed down but they have changed a bit, I get more wriggles than kicks and some of the movements I can only feel from the outside. Running around after a toddler and getting ready for xmas will also stop us from feeling movements as we're not on the lookout for them as much! As I'm typing he's wriggling his ass! :)

Lintu - it's a whopper! :O at least the sickness isn't stopping baby from growing away :)

LM - glad the appointment went well, hopefully the appointment with the doc goes well too tomorrow and you'll get a negative result!

I chose meds over counselling mainly because I've been there and done that, my PND was bad with Tegs and during this pregnancy too (thoughts of self harm, suicide, giving up the kids, you name it, I felt it) and I didn't think that counselling was gonna sort my head out! Hoping the meds will from tomorrow night though!

5 - good idea about a diary, I might do that for when things start getting too much for me!

I am so ready for Jago to pop out on Boxing Day :) But would like a New Years baby too :) I am hurting, so much! I had to be helped in and out of the bath yesterday, so embarrassing :( Just want him here but I want him to wait until xmas, in 10 mins it'll be 32 days until he's due and we so aren't ready for him!

And now that I've realised the time I'd better be offski :)

Hope you all have a lovely day tomorrow :) It's meant to be sunny(ish) here hence the day trip to do xmas and baby shopping! xx
I'm a bit messed up on the whole goin gover thing to be honest. I don't mind a week but if they let me go the full 10 days, that will take it to the 24th Jan (they have my due date as 14th now even though it's always been closer to 7th ????), gvien an induction could lasy 3 days before baby gets here, that would take it to 27th, which is my dad's birthday. He passed away in August and I was backwards and forwards to the hospital for 8 weeks prior to that withoug any support (not ideal at 9 weeks pregnant but hey, it happens). I just think being in labour on his birthday would be too much for me to take. They did say yesterday they will induce from 40+7 so that might be the better option for me given the circumstances.
Uk ladies - so how many of us will be able to watch the new series of One Born Every Minute??? series 3 starts 4th of January channel 4 9pm and I'm torn between wanting to watch it and being too scared of frightening myself silly. Great timing channel 4!
Ohhhh great I wondered when the new series would be on :D I'll be watching, I love it. Think the uk version is better than the usa one (no offence ladies but I find it more relevant to my situation)
Don't think I'm going to be brave enough to watch, may have to sky +
i will definately be watching! it is filmed in southampton where we used to live, i had my scans for jamie in that hospital. i have a busy month coming up, we move to our new house next wednesday, and then christmas and new year, jamies birthday is 4th jan and jessica is due 13th jan, and i will have to get all of her stuff out ready after christmas. time is flying by at the moment, but i am so excited.

nothing to report here, baby is fine, not engaged yet. Although i am getting very uncomfortable now, picking up my 2 year is a big struggle so i have to make him walk and hold my hand.

Congrats mm! glad to hear you are all home ok.
Does anyone know if I can take any cough medicine for this damn cough? It's a proper chesty one bringing up loads of phlegm, and hurts now.

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