Mushy- it would make we wonder if there is something else they aren't telling you. it's completely absurd to think you would be high risk for weight. I have been overweight with a few of my pregnancies due to not losing the weight in between babies and they never say a word. and it hasn't changed the weight of my babies either. the whole thing seems shady to me.
donna- I had low lying placenta with my 4th baby and they did like your dr, checked later in the pregnancy and it moved up enough. love the pic, he is absolutely adorable!
embeth- very cute outfit! we bought our coming home outfit a couple weeks ago. I'll have to get a pic soon
Danna- can't wait to see!!! if they thought girl so many times I would likely think girl. although I was told girl with one and found out much later in the pregnancy he was a boy! it was quite a surprise to say the least lol. this baby is def a boy and was confirmed with verifi test, but at every scan he is hiding his boy stuff. they always tell us there is hands, feet, or cord hiding everything. BUT- at my anatomy scan I just had I told the lady he was a boy and she saw three lines and said she didn't agree haha! then later after emptying my bladder she said, oh there it is-he is a boy. i was sweating it! hope your baby cooperates today
Hopeful- congrats on your boy!
LillyFleur- glad the scan went well. even with a shoddy pic, baby is still completely precious!
SakuraRayne- love the name

yay for your baby shower!!!