Cute halloween pictures

We went to a harvest party as I didn't feel like taking him around trick or treating by myself. He had a great time as there were games and a bouncy castle set up, but it was cold and rainy, so I had less of a fun time lol.
Congrats on 30 weeks, blessed!
Yay, c-section dates are getting finalized, that's so exciting! That really makes it feel like it's getting close
I've figured out what I'm getting almost everyone for Christmas, now I just need to get to buying lol.
I don't feel like I can get baby things ready until my brother moves out. He's in the room that will be the kid/baby room, and I can't get the baby clothes out or anything set up until he's out of there. He was gonna move out come the beginning of January, but I've decided that's cutting it too close, as my DD is the 16th, so I will have to talk to him about that. He's gonna move in with my parents, so it's not like he needs to find a place to go. Anyway, that's what I'm waiting on before I can get all the baby stuff out.