I'm impressed hopefully means we can keep the later bedtime up now say 7pm and hopefully get his wake time just a bit later 6/6.30 is fine for me just not 5 lol x
We are home and happy to be so! Haha I hadn't weighed Annabel in a while so I put her on the baggage scale at the airport 😂 According to that she's 18.5 lbs 👍🏻
Glad you're home safe Lucy.. that's so funny weighing her at the airport 😂 And omg I think she's so tiny compared to Isabelle!!! I'm actually too scared to weigh Isabelle she's such a chub I fear she's gone off the baby chart thing!😱 She seems to be getting closer moving so hopefully
It won't be long and she will slim a little! Xx
Aww Cruz is a chub to bless these babies
Aww clever James
Cruz can clap to and he actually says clap clap clap ino it seems far fetched lmao and he doesn't obv say clap clap clap but he says something that sounds like clap and the hv said that it was him trying to say it cuz he always says it when he claps
He did start to wave rarely does that anymore lol he's got 4 teeth now bottom two and the top two have cut x
James ready for trick or treating. He wasn't really interested but Holly loved it!
Look how handsome James is! That's fun you went trick or treating 👻 It was such a big event in the US but now we're back in Australia it's just not nearly as big.
Annabel still has no sign of any teeth! Maybe by the time she's 12 months 😂
Aww James looks so grown up in that pic! We haven't done anything for hallowean this year.. much to the disapproval of my eldest two! I
Did buy three pumpkins for the three boys to carve but once I showed Jacob the designs for some ideas he got freaked out and wanted nothing to do with the pumpkins!😂
Isabelle loves to clap and wave, we sing a tap your knees song at her music class she sits there and taps her knees! So cute!
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