Hi girls,
Hope you're all ok! Congrats frustrated that's such lovely news.. the Disney baby won't happen for me unless the Disney magic somehow removes 4 children from the room we're sharing! 😂😂
Sorry to hear about your childcare issues Lucy hope this wee person you're meeting works.. I can imagine how stressed you are I can't bring myself to get any childcare hence why I didn't go back to teaching! Wish I was more relaxed about that, sure there are some amazing childcare people out there!
It's 6.15am here Isabelle woke at 5.30! She feels a bit hot I think it must be the injections she had last week, she finally has cut tooth number 3!😉😉
Do any of you have any experience with urine tests sent to the lab? I went back to the doctors a week or so ago wanting jynurine sent to be cultured due to all the funny stuff I've had going on all dipstick tests have been negative for anything.. anyway I rang yesterday and the person on the phone looked up results and said all normal no further action.. which is great but she said said normal leverk of red blood cells.. now I'm freaking out.. I thought there should be no red blood cells in urine?? Anyone know? The same urine tested with the dipstick found nothings I rang back and spoke to a nice receptionist she said it's just wording and all was perfectly normal and I shouldn't worry! Trouble is now I am I don't have periods aomaurelynthe level should be zero! Oh stresszz Dh thinks I'm being silly!