I understand you 100% Heather. A lot of the things you said worry me also, with the difference that OH also wants a girl, and is completly convinced it is a girl, so I'll feel like I failed him if it's a boy (although, biogically speaking, it's his own fault, haha). People are gonna pity me if it's a boy, since I was silly enough to voice my preference for a girl before even getting pregnant.. and the comments I'm going to get from both side of the familly who want a girl... *shudder*. Anyways, it will pass, people will say what they want to say and move on I guess
I'm getting very nervous for my scan, I feel sick thinking about it. I know I'll cry a bit, and told OH to give me a couple days to adjust, but we know I'll get over it and love that little boy. If it's a boy he is also taking me in a shopping spree + very very nice restaurant so that will hopefully help.
I just want to know and be over with the "is it/ is it not "and the anouncing it to people, but at the same time I'm dreading to hear the actual words at the scan, it's weird.
Before TTC, I probably said some hurtful things to expectant mothers/TTCing couples too. Like upon hearing that it's a boy/girl, "will you try again for a boy/girl", like they could chose haha... Or asking a married couple when they'd want kids, when I now know so many people are struggling to conceive and keeping it to themselves. It wasn't mean, just ignorant. I know I'm so much more careful now; you just don't get it until you experience it I guess.