January Testing Thread...All Are Welcome!

Morning ladies

I tested this morning and got a BFN so not sure what's going on :( It was with a clear blue test which I hate anyways as I don't believe they are very trust worthly but they were the ones my OH brought.

I am on CD 37 and 19 dpo unless I O'd later which I pretty sure I didn't. I have never ever had a cycle this long up until the last 2 cycles I have always been 28 days the last two were 33 days so frustrating.

I so want my BFP it's horrible being stuck in this limbo. I am guna hold off testing for another couple of days maybe when I'm 5 days later if my af doesn't show before.
MnG~It is so good to see you! I missed seeing you on the thread. I hope the break was exactly what you needed to recharge. I was just PMing Turtle the other day and I was asking about you. Best of luck with the IUI in the near future. Do they plan on doing the sperm washing as well? The RE I used to go to never did an US the day of IUI either. I would have 2-3 US before the IUI and they can tell by the last US what day you will ovulate. So happy to hear your hubby is all better….that is great news!

AFM, I am CD 12 today and I am ovulating! Can I get a whootoot?! We were able to get a couple of sessions in this weekend, so I think we should be covered. I am looking forward to my first appointment with my new RE at the end of the month. After 4 unsuccessful IUIs, our next step will be IVF. IVF makes me a little nervous, but I am crossing my fingers and hoping for best.

Baby dust all! OXOX

Thanks for the warm welcome :wave: I think seeing all the positive stories frustrated me and then seeing even other sadder stories made me feel much worse so I had to take a break or I'd probably have lost it :cry:
There waaaaaas one month I was really super hopeful and convinced.. and then AF turned up like 2 days late (which drove me nutty) but I pushed on.
My RE will be doing the sperm wash. The office is really small so I'm praying its a smooth and quick process. So it'll be another round of Femara, trigger shot, and US.... oh and I'll also be on the vaginal progesterone suppositories. .blehh.
This whole process hasn't been easy but it helps that Turtle is such a great e-friend! If not for her I'd probably have given up a long time ago :flower: You're all so nice and supportive!! Thank you for asking about me, you're so sweet. :hugs2:

I'm sorry your IUI didn't work but yay for moving along. Will you be starting the IVF process soon? Is it much more involved? Can I ask why you had to switch REs or does the old one not do IVF?
Morning ladies

I tested this morning and got a BFN so not sure what's going on :( It was with a clear blue test which I hate anyways as I don't believe they are very trust worthly but they were the ones my OH brought.

I am on CD 37 and 19 dpo unless I O'd later which I pretty sure I didn't. I have never ever had a cycle this long up until the last 2 cycles I have always been 28 days the last two were 33 days so frustrating.

I so want my BFP it's horrible being stuck in this limbo. I am guna hold off testing for another couple of days maybe when I'm 5 days later if my af doesn't show before.

Hi Ron.. any chance you have any cheapies laying around? I think the CB are not so sensitive so it might take another day or 2. Fingers crossed this is your bfp!
Hi mandgmakes3

Thanks for your reply I don't have anymore tests in my house at the moment which is prob a good thing as would be driving myself crazy testing over and over again. I am going to buy a pink dye more sensitive brand to test again in a couple of days. Guess it's just a waiting game now.
Hello Turtle

I saw your post so decided to stalk the lovely ladies I know Hi Yoga, Eclaire and MnG hope you are all well and had a lovely holiday !!!! good luck for January 2015 I have my fingers crossed for you all :flower: xxxxx
Laura - I'm thinking this spotting sounds really promising, especially it first happening on the 1st of Jan :happydance:At least it is something unusual this cycle, right? With my daughter I got a faint bfp 5 days after my period was due, it wouldn't have shown up early and she is perfect soo it could be with the spotting 12 days past ov and the negative a late implantation but still an implantation! I am keeping everything crossed for you babes X

Excited for the ladies doing IUI and IVF, I am praying that is the magic you need for your forever babies <3

ROn - Long cycles = annoying false hope :cry:so sorry your cycles are doing something weird at the moment and getting you all confused. Has anything changed significantly in your diet or weight recently? What about smoking/drinking? Ooor stress levels? Or maybe this is just the way it's going to be now.. Limbo is so horrible, I want you to have your BFP too so you can forget all this nonsense. I would also test with a cheapie in another day or so :hugs:

I had a really intense dream last night about mine and my partner's wedding which is end of Feb.. and I was ten weeks pregnant on the day (which is what I would be if this cycle worked out) and I kept thinking about the bean in my tummy while I was cuddling my big girl who will be 8 months by then. Ugh... :wacko: neeervous this month, it's all a bit much.
Hello Turtle

I saw your post so decided to stalk the lovely ladies I know Hi Yoga, Eclaire and MnG hope you are all well and had a lovely holiday !!!! good luck for January 2015 I have my fingers crossed for you all :flower: xxxxx

Hi girlfriend!!! So nice to see you stop by. I hope you're doing well. Thank you for the luck! :) :hugs2:
Good morning ladies. How's everyone doing?

Ron, I hate the CB tests too. I just don't like blue dye tests. You have such willpower not to run out and buy more tests like immediately. I'm a major POAS addict and have tested at 6 DPO before. But sometimes it's just not worth seeing that BFN, especially when it may be a false negative. GL to you.

MnG - Sounds like you're doing all the right things and have a great attitude. I hope you get your BFP this cycle!

YogaGirl - Yeah for O time. Glad you got your BD'ing in.

Mummafrog - Intense dreams are a good sign. I hope your dream is right and you get your bean this month.

AFM, I'm 1 DPO today. I don't know that we BD'd enough this cycle so I'm kinda bummed. I asked the DF if we could DTD last night and of course, he said he was tired. Great. I'm also a major POAS addict and have started testing at like 6 DPO before (granted I have short cycles, but still).

This is our last round before going to Clomid and IUI. My RE (who I affectionately call Dr. Frozen Turkey) wants another appointment before we do anything. I'm so tired of useless appointments, I just want to get on with it, ya know.

I'm a terrible TWWaiter. We've been at this for over a year and I just don't know what to do with myself during this limbo. I'm so thankful for people to go through this with.
AFM, I'm 1 DPO today. I don't know that we BD'd enough this cycle so I'm kinda bummed. I asked the DF if we could DTD last night and of course, he said he was tired. Great. I'm also a major POAS addict and have started testing at like 6 DPO before (granted I have short cycles, but still).

This is our last round before going to Clomid and IUI. My RE (who I affectionately call Dr. Frozen Turkey) wants another appointment before we do anything. I'm so tired of useless appointments, I just want to get on with it, ya know.

I'm a terrible TWWaiter. We've been at this for over a year and I just don't know what to do with myself during this limbo. I'm so thankful for people to go through this with.

Good morning! Im off today so I'll be stalking the boards to keep busy. Today is CD1 (Aaaahhhh!!!!!!(&#^@%!)

Have you been on Clomid before?? For me, it was horrible. I would get such bad hot flashes, it felt like I was burning up from the inside out. A lot of people also complained of mood swings but that skipped me and instead I had horrible migraines..I dont know which was worse for my husband. I ended up only on 3 rounds of Clomid bc my OB thought I was suffering from blood clots in my legs. The pain was just indescribable and the only thing that helped was constant moving.
Anything I googled about leg pain was non existent so I think I was the (un)lucky one to suffer. Even my OB said she hardly heard of that as a side affect.
Sorry to ramble..is Dr Frozen Turkey at least nice? Seems like he must be with the appt before you move on.
Good morning, everyone! :)

Yoga, hi! :hi: Hehe, we are cycle buddies! Especially since I'm pretty sure I O'd yesterday, same as you! It might be today, we'll see. But either way, we'd be really close! Yep, you sure do know what I was doing this weekend! :haha: Sounds like I know what you were doing as well! :winkwink: Good luck to you, I really hope this is it for you and that you don't have to start IVF after all! :hugs:

MamaBee and Emski, great to see you ladies! I love it how you guys and Jules still stalk to follow us, it makes me happy. :) How are you ladies doing?

ROn, I'm really sorry about the bfn this morning. :( How frustrating to not know what's going on!!! I do agree with Mummafrog, that it doesn't mean you're out yet. There are definitely some women who don't get their bfp until really late (as Mumma can attest to!), so it doesn't mean anything yet! Good luck, I really do hope you get some answers soon!

MnG, that was the nicest message!!! Thank you!!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I woke up this morning to some frustration with the insurance company and seeing what you wrote just made my day. Thank you!!! :)

Mummafrog, wow! What a crazy dream! I really hope that's a premonition, and that you'll be getting your bfp this cycle!

Dojen, I have my FX that you can just get your bfp this cycle and don't have to start in with the meds and the IUI! I'm sorry that your DF wasn't up for dtd last night but don't worry...as long as you got some bd'ing in this cycle, you should have a good chance! :thumbup:

Afm, I'm pretty sure I'm 1dpo. I'll see if I get any more O pains today that could indicate it's today instead but I'm pretty sure it was yesterday. We've been trying really hard to stick to this whole eod thing this cycle, so we dtd yesterday, Friday, Wednesday and Monday. We'll do it again tomorrow for good measure. And, I started using Pre-Seed this cycle for the first time! So I'm really hoping that will help do the trick. I have a Dr's appointment next Tuesday the 13th to start going over our options and discuss things (my Dr said to come back in 6 months if not pregnant by then), so I'm trying to give it a really good shot this month before going in! I should be 9dpo the day I go, so I'm secretly (or not so secretly :haha:) hoping that I can just be going to her pregnant instead. But, I've had some major frustrations with my insurance company the last couple of weeks and I woke up this morning to something that made me think I no longer have coverage at all, based on their mistakes. So, I might have to cancel that appointment after all. It makes me so mad, as I've been all over them for the last couple of weeks to make sure it was handled correctly and I was pretty sure it wasn't, and nobody at the company I'm using (that deals with the insurance people for me) would listen to me very well. And now, this. :growlmad: Needless to say, I'm not happy. They'll have to get it fixed but I'm afraid that now it won't become effective until February, which really just doesn't work for me. Okay sorry, rant over!
Thanks ladies for all your support :)

There isn't anything that I can think of that would have delayed af from showing. I did go to Tesco to buy some more tests but they were all sold out... So guess I will have to wait til at least tomorrow! Prob a good thing don't wanna drive myself crazy.
Ron- you are impressive. I would probably hit every store I could until I found some, and I am not a poas addict. Fx for you.

Yoga - hooray for ovulation. I love that you try to keep ovulation a secret. Hubby asks me so that would never work. Although he is often confused where I am in my cycle.

Turtle -how frustrating with your insurance. If that happened to me heads would roll.

Mng- is cd1 a good thing or a bad thing? It does bring you closer to ivf.

Laura- when do you plan to test?

Mamabee, emski - how are you? Is pregnancy treating you well? It is so nice to still see you following us slow pokes. Hopefully we can all join you soon.
Eclaire...Im a bit disappointed (again) but this cycle should be fun. The weekend FF says Im to O hubby and I will be in Atlantic City....and theres no sex better than not home sex :haha:
We're not doing any meds, just a last natural cycle before the IUI.
Good morning ladies,

As an update, tested yesterday at 9dpo and today at 10 dpo. Both :bfn: :cry:

I tested with a frer, which I know are supposed to be super sensitive, so I hope I am not out of the game! Really would love to get a bfp, trying for first baby. I was thinking since I got a postitive opk on a Thursday night at 10pm (I had tested at 5 and it was still not there yet), that maybe I didnt actually O till Saturday? Which would make me only 9dpo. That is probably wishful thinking, next month I will temp so I will know for sure. Grr!! Good luck to you ladies and sticky baby :dust:
Laura - I'm thinking this spotting sounds really promising, especially it first happening on the 1st of Jan :happydance:At least it is something unusual this cycle, right? With my daughter I got a faint bfp 5 days after my period was due, it wouldn't have shown up early and she is perfect soo it could be with the spotting 12 days past ov and the negative a late implantation but still an implantation! I am keeping everything crossed for you babes X

Excited for the ladies doing IUI and IVF, I am praying that is the magic you need for your forever babies <3

ROn - Long cycles = annoying false hope :cry:so sorry your cycles are doing something weird at the moment and getting you all confused. Has anything changed significantly in your diet or weight recently? What about smoking/drinking? Ooor stress levels? Or maybe this is just the way it's going to be now.. Limbo is so horrible, I want you to have your BFP too so you can forget all this nonsense. I would also test with a cheapie in another day or so :hugs:

I had a really intense dream last night about mine and my partner's wedding which is end of Feb.. and I was ten weeks pregnant on the day (which is what I would be if this cycle worked out) and I kept thinking about the bean in my tummy while I was cuddling my big girl who will be 8 months by then. Ugh... :wacko: neeervous this month, it's all a bit much.

I was still having a little spotting when I wiped this am. I've never had a light period or a period that's one week early, so I'm hoping this is a good thing. There is no smell to the spotting either. When af shows it always smell irony, like metal. Spotting is barely there now. Will update after 6:30 est.

Ron- you are impressive. I would probably hit every store I could until I found some, and I am not a poas addict. Fx for you.

Yoga - hooray for ovulation. I love that you try to keep ovulation a secret. Hubby asks me so that would never work. Although he is often confused where I am in my cycle.

Turtle -how frustrating with your insurance. If that happened to me heads would roll.

Mng- is cd1 a good thing or a bad thing? It does bring you closer to ivf.

Laura- when do you plan to test?

Mamabee, emski - how are you? Is pregnancy treating you well? It is so nice to still see you following us slow pokes. Hopefully we can all join you soon.

Today!!! Have to wait till dh gets home so I can go buy tests.
littlejune and Little Sienna, good luck with your testing today! Have you tested yet? :)

Laura, that's all sounding great! I'm glad OH will be bringing you some tests on your way home, I have my FX for you! Be sure to update us, and good luck!!! :)

Eclaire, believe me, I am NOT happy about this at all! And there will surely be some heads rolling if they don't get this sorted out quickly!

MnG, how right you are! Away sex (particularly hotel room sex!) is often the best! Sounds like you'll have a fun time trying that weekend! :winkwink:

Craigbaby, that very well could be the case! I think they say it's usually anywhere from 12-36 hours after your +opk so most people just assume it's the next day if they're not temping. But, it could have been the following day even! FX for you, keep us updated! :hugs:
Hehe it's not mee who's testing today, Turtle, I'm only 4dpo ish. These threads get confusing :haha:
I called RE about IUI next month. And Im officially excited for that cycle. ... is it February yet?
Hehe it's not mee who's testing today, Turtle, I'm only 4dpo ish. These threads get confusing :haha:

Haha, whoops! I meant Laura! Sorry, and thanks for catching that! I edited it to change it. :haha:
I called RE about IUI next month. And Im officially excited for that cycle. ... is it February yet?

I'm so happy to see you excited about a cycle again! I have a REALLY good feeling about this for you!!!!!

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