How are you ladies doing?
Yayyy bray!! That's an awesome follicle!! good luck!
I went for my cd10 u/s yesterday and I had 2@13 1@14 on my right side and 2@10 on my left they said hopefully not all of them grow and mature because that could pit us at risk for multiple multiples! Lol so we will see tomorrow I go in again for another u/s.
Where are you Christina?
Yayyy Christina!!! that's awesome!! Good luck! Hopefully February is our cycle!!
I'm taking gonal f and then ovidrel to induce insurance was a pain and wouldn't do the follitism...but we got them to okay gonal f
But its worked so that's good lets hope more eggs = our BFP!!
Would you guys bd if the doctor said not to...but the doctor wanted to cancel this cycle?