Hi ladies
Congrats on everyone with eggies brewing! Like many of you would definitely still try even if my cycle was cancelled due to too many eggs! Bring it on lol
I had my cd7 today and have eight eggs on my right ( 8mm) and six on my left with three around 9mm which they suspect will become my dominant follicles. ( and they are on the side we got pregnant with Elizabeth on )
I would be absolutely thrilled of we got a few mature follicles in our last shot of iui before IVF. Also they scanned all my tiny developing eggs right now for reference for IVF if we do it next month and I have 27 brewing on my right at 19 on my left.... No shortage for next month if need be but with any luck we won't have to worry
I go for ultrasound Friday on cd10 to see what's happening and hopefully iui next week
Hi ladies
Congrats on everyone with eggies brewing! Like many of you would definitely still try even if my cycle was cancelled due to too many eggs! Bring it on lol
I had my cd7 today and have eight eggs on my right ( 8mm) and six on my left with three around 9mm which they suspect will become my dominant follicles. ( and they are on the side we got pregnant with Elizabeth on )
I would be absolutely thrilled of we got a few mature follicles in our last shot of iui before IVF. Also they scanned all my tiny developing eggs right now for reference for IVF if we do it next month and I have 27 brewing on my right at 19 on my left.... No shortage for next month if need be but with any luck we won't have to worry
I go for ultrasound Friday on cd10 to see what's happening and hopefully iui next week
I am so excited for you angelmom I am sooo hoping that you don't need the ivf and the money would be used for nursery purposes
Just finished IUI & DH 106.3 million. Not as much as last time, but still a really good number.
Thanks sugarpi, mrs truth and Christina yes we are really excited and hopefully something pans out this month I know not all of those eggs will reach maturity but hopefully two or three do if there are anymore they won't do the iui but we could try naturally but hopefully that's not the case
How is everything going for you ladies? Christina are you still having your iui on the next couple of days?
Congrats Brayr! And that's a ton of swimmers!!!! Fingers all crossed!!!
Christina it looks like we will be days apart probably. I'm going Friday too to see how they are growing and I would guess Monday as well.
Also ladies I read a study about taking robitussin with only one active ingredient called guaifenesin helps create cm and increase fertility. My girlfriend who has been trying a year used it last month ( 200mg twice a day for five days before you ovulate then stop) and she got pregnant that month. The more CM the better so its worth a shot! Also eating pineapple core from ovation day on helps inhibit an enzyme in us that naturally tries to inhibit implantation. Give it a shot ladies i will be
Are there risks of too much? Never heard about that .... Fill me in