Good luck ingodshand!! Hope it works for you
my blood work was less than one but I got a faint faint positive on a I dunno ppl are telling me since I waited so long to look at it that it was an evap. But I don't think it was cuz it was a line! But anyways...on to this cycle start femera tomorrow!! Good luck everyone!
Thanks! The iui went really well just having some cramps. my husband had a really good sample at 15m with great morph and motility. Now in the really painful 2ww! those evap lines are so evil! I hope this cycle will be great for you!
Hello ingodshand I am sorry last night we must was typing at the same time because I didn't see your story. Can you tell me what day you took the ovidrel because the nurse for my doctor told me cd3 I am waiting on my RE to contact back because I feel that is incorrect.
Sugarpi24 this may just be your month here. I have heard great things about femara and the success rate of it.
Christina! I am in the waiting pool with you. We have been on this journey together a while now and I am ready to see our bfps