Jon Venables - Identity Exposed - UPDATE PAGE 32 (In the papers again today)

No they can't change the way he looks but grow a beard, long hair etc and it would be pretty hard to tell who he is.

As for him/them being out, as I said the government and courts/justice bowed down to public and media pressure, and the case wasn't handled correctly meaning that they were released before they would of done, so if you want someone/something to be mad at over the fact the boys are/were out then focus on them, we have rules within the justice system for a reason, they should always be followed no matter what the crime, and no matter what the public and media are saying.

V thank you for putting it in a spoiler x
That is exactly how I feel Lou.

He isn't out at the moment, he is prison and will be getting a new identity in a new location when he gets out again, so pretty pointless exercise really, imho.

:gun: when will they learn he is a danger to society? what will it take? Him murdering or abusing another child? :nope: He should never, ever be released

exactly my thaughts, and i strongly agree with one of your earlier posts that he should be left in a room with James mum for an hour, she deserves that much.

ps: just caught up, i poofed on page 7 last night to get some :sleep:

But why should she have time with him? There are many people in this country whose loved ones are murdered, whether it be a child or a partner or a family member. They do not get time in a room with the murderer. The parents of the children Ian Huntley killed for example.

No-one has the right to 'have time in a room'. This is not how a justice system works. It is just revenge and retribution.
What an awful awful person! I dont care that his identity has been revealed but like Blah said all those cases of mistaken identity..

IDK, whatever way you look at it there will be rights and wrongs.
Honestly if anyone ever hurt a hair on amelies head, I'd want to kill them BUT the law says I'm not allowed to do that and rightfully so. What one persons idea of justice is another persons idea of over the top which is why revenge attacks are always a bad idea. Even if Venebals was beaten to death, it wouldn't change anything. Jamie would still be dead, Denise Fergus would still feel empty inside :shrug: It achieves absolutely nothing but yet more blood spilt and someone else in jail serving time for murder.
That is exactly how I feel Lou.

He isn't out at the moment, he is prison and will be getting a new identity in a new location when he gets out again, so pretty pointless exercise really, imho.

:gun: when will they learn he is a danger to society? what will it take? Him murdering or abusing another child? :nope: He should never, ever be released

exactly my thaughts, and i strongly agree with one of your earlier posts that he should be left in a room with James mum for an hour, she deserves that much.

ps: just caught up, i poofed on page 7 last night to get some :sleep:

But why should she have time with him? There are many people in this country whose loved ones are murdered, whether it be a child or a partner or a family member. They do not get time in a room with the murderer. The parents of the children Ian Huntley killed for example.

No-one has the right to 'have time in a room'. This is not how a justice system works. It is just revenge and retribution.

well its not exactly going to happen is it :dohh:, but its sure as hell what id be wanted to do
Honestly if anyone ever hurt a hair on amelies head, I'd want to kill them BUT the law says I'm not allowed to do that and rightfully so. What one persons idea of justice is another persons idea of over the top which is why revenge attacks are always a bad idea. Even if Venebals was beaten to death, it wouldn't change anything. Jamie would still be dead, Denise Fergus would still feel empty inside :shrug: It achieves absolutely nothing but yet more blood spilt and someone else in jail serving time for murder.

This sums it up perfectly. Where does the retribution stop.

It's awful these two are walking the streets. Life imprisonment should mean just that.

Their identities are protected because ultimately they would end up becoming victims of a vicious attack/murder.

There is a picture on page one of somebody who is alleged to be Jon Venables. This is not the first time a picture or details of their location has been released, this won't be the first time it has been incorrect but in the meantime don't worry about the potential danger someone who may be completely unrelated to the case has been put under. :shrug:
I'm not a horrible person but to be honest if I read he was the victim of an attack or anything, I couldn't care less. He is a vile, disgusting human being who deserves everything he gets and I do think he should either be locked up for life or his identity released. I feel sorry for people who get accused that's not right and theres only two ways to stop that, release his identity or lock him up for good.
I'm not a horrible person but to be honest if I read he was the victim of an attack or anything, I couldn't care less. He is a vile, disgusting human being who deserves everything he gets and I do think he should either be locked up for life or his identity released. I feel sorry for people who get accused that's not right and theres only two ways to stop that, release his identity or lock him up for good.

I agree, i think the only solution everyone is going to be happy with is to lock him up for life, with the bare minimum 'human rights'....but even then i think what a waste of tax payers money, but its the only solution i can see where the members of the public, including our children are protected. He did his time, so people say (i strongly agree 7 years with all the luxuarys he had was any justice at all) but he re-offended, He will continue to re-offend if he is released.
I personally dont care what happens to him if he is released with his identity exposed, you commit such a horrific crime, then you deal with the consequences, surely?
to be honest.. i am all for the death penalty but i am not for vigilante justice, yes he did a disgusting crime but if the public are aloud to judge each ova then where does it end ?!
I'm not a horrible person but to be honest if I read he was the victim of an attack or anything, I couldn't care less. He is a vile, disgusting human being who deserves everything he gets and I do think he should either be locked up for life or his identity released. I feel sorry for people who get accused that's not right and theres only two ways to stop that, release his identity or lock him up for good.

I agree, i think the only solution everyone is going to be happy with is to lock him up for life, with the bare minimum 'human rights'....but even then i think what a waste of tax payers money, but its the only solution i can see where the members of the public, including our children are protected. He did his time, so people say (i strongly agree 7 years with all the luxuarys he had was any justice at all) but he re-offended, He will continue to re-offend if he is released.
I personally dont care what happens to him if he is released with his identity exposed, you commit such a horrific crime, then you deal with the consequences, surely?

thats what i think too, he reoffended, obviously our justice system isn't up to scratch. The problem is if hes released again he could hurt another child, and tbh if he laid one finger on my son I'd kill him and go to jail for it. He needs to be kept inside for life, no more chances :nope:
I'm not a horrible person but to be honest if I read he was the victim of an attack or anything, I couldn't care less. He is a vile, disgusting human being who deserves everything he gets and I do think he should either be locked up for life or his identity released. I feel sorry for people who get accused that's not right and theres only two ways to stop that, release his identity or lock him up for good.

I agree, i think the only solution everyone is going to be happy with is to lock him up for life, with the bare minimum 'human rights'....but even then i think what a waste of tax payers money, but its the only solution i can see where the members of the public, including our children are protected. He did his time, so people say (i strongly agree 7 years with all the luxuarys he had was any justice at all) but he re-offended, He will continue to re-offend if he is released.
I personally dont care what happens to him if he is released with his identity exposed, you commit such a horrific crime, then you deal with the consequences, surely?

thats what i think too, he reoffended, obviously our justice system isn't up to scratch. The problem is if hes released again he could hurt another child, and tbh if he laid one finger on my son I'd kill him and go to jail for it. He needs to be kept inside for life, no more chances :nope:

It doesnt even bear thinking about does it :nope: xx
It's interesting, to say the least, to hear people's opinion on this subject. These two are on life long licenses. Hence why Venables got found out for what he did. They are reported on every day. What about those pedophiles and murderers out there that haven't been caught? And are going about their daily business? What about those people out there downloading explicit pictures of children off the internet and haven't been caught? I don't believe in an eye for an eye, it makes the world blind. Nobody should be able to take the law into their hands, or play God, as it were. Yes, what they did was vile and disgusting and wrong but there are plenty of sickos in this world and we shouldn't just focus all our anger onto one specifically :S They were obviously born with something very wrong in their minds and yes our justice system is utterly shit but they have to spend their lives lying about who they are, watching their back every single minute of the day and I believe that is very much like prison in a way. Yes perhaps they have their flats and their xboxes but they also have to live with being who they are day in day out whilst upholding a lie that if it were to be revealed would be potentially fatal for them. I hope Venables doesn't get released and it's been said it's unlikely, but if he is I don't believe his identity should be revealed because killing a man for being a killer makes you just as bad. The fact these boys were so young when they committed also is what has made it such a high profile case. I don't know if I do believe in rehabilitation for young offenders as I believe you have to be born wired that certain way but is it the publics decision whether they should be given a chance? Many interesting questions raised by this thread :thumbup:
I really dont think this post is helping anyone, what if that bloke is not Jon Venables? And if it is, then what are we gonna do about it knowing who is is, potentially? Go off and take out you anger on him like everyone else will do?? :shrug:

I agree
I just cant believe theyre giving him a 2nd chance at living life again like any normal person, it shouldnt be allowed!

He should be locked away in a cell, or like somebody said, he should have everythink they did to that poor little boy done to him! so he can see how much that poor little boy suffered.

If i was that boys mom id want to kill him myself, and i wouldnt care if they locked me away!

that man shouldnt be alowed to roam the streets!
Re their sentences for the murder of James Bulger... from

"Venables was detained in Vardy House, a small eight-bedded unit at Red Bank secure unit in St. Helens on Merseyside — the same facility where, 25 years prior,Mary Bell had been held for half of her 12-year sentence. These locations were not publicly known until after the boys’ release.

Details of the boys’ lives were recorded twice daily on running sheets and signed by the member of staff who had written them. The records were stored at the units and copied to officials in Whitehall. The boys were taught to lie about their real names and to conceal the crime they had committed which resulted in them being in the units. Venables’ parents regularly visited their son at Red Bank, just as Thompson’s mother did — every three days — at Barton Moss.

The boys received education and rehabilitation; despite initial problems, Venables was said to have eventually made good progress at Red Bank, resulting in him being kept there for the full eight years, despite the facility only being a short-stay remand unit.Thompson was said, by a social worker who observed him for his eight years at Barton Moss, to be well-behaved and intelligent, and to have coped well with his situation, adjusting to life in the secure unit quickly, but never showing any remorse or interest in his crime. By the age of 14, Thompson was taken on outings to the theatre, the Lake District, and shopping centres, where he could spend some of the £60-per-month allowance he received. At the age of 16, he acquired a girlfriend, a fellow inmate who served time in the unit for one year. Venables was taken on trips to Wales, swimming in Wigan, and once to watch a Manchester United football match at Old Trafford. Both boys, however, were reported to suffer posttraumatic stress disorder, and Venables in particular told of experiencing nightmares and flashbacks to the murder"

Wow those poor boys!!! :growlmad: :gun:

I havent read all the posts but TBH they should have stayed in prison!! I dont think they should have released an image of him not because I'm thinking of him but thinking of those poor guys that are unfortunate to look like him :-(

What they did to that baby boy was pure evil - you cant be rehabilitated for that!!!! And it just goes to show with JV that he will always be sick & EVIL!!!!!! and IMO should be shot
he should be tied to a railway see how he likes that!
Urgh. I'll never ever understand why they were released. Should have been left to rot in prison.
ok i have skimmed through replies as there are far far too many adn im only on for a minute lmao

but i honestly cant understand why these boys were released? they never should have been after the crime they committed.

and as for rehabilitation i am completely against it in these circumstances. there are certain crimes where the offender should lose the right to live in society, and this case is one of them

rehabilite a robber or a fraudster, yes, but does anyoen really think you can change a paedophile? a murderer? imo i dont think they deserve to walk the streets amoungst good people

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