Aww, Shell!

Please get better soon!
Sarah, sorry to hear your having trouble BF!

How did the doc appt go?
Otter and I are doing well. He has taken to BF like a champ! I think he is better at it than I am.

My milk finally started coming in today, so he is getting more and sucking less hard. That has helped. Of course, my nipples are super sore! One of them is one big blister on the end.

Ouch. When he first latches on it hurts like a maniac! One of the most painful things I have ever felt. It makes me scrunch my face and nearly scream. If anyone is nearby I usually grab and squeeze their hand. But once he gets his latch settled, it is much easier. Thankfully, Otter is a pro at the latch. He does it well and if he doesn't get it right, he realizes it before I do and then fixes it for himself.
He has just started with normal baby spit up today as it is the first day the milk is in. Hopefully it doesn't get bad! FX
Lanolin cream has helped loads with the pain. I have been putting it on every time after he eats. We are doing a feeding on demand thing for now. Sometimes he feeds for 2 minutes, sometimes 45... sometimes an hour in between feeds, sometimes as many as 6. Hopefully he will settle into a routine now that the milk is in and he gets more into his belly. But that is up to him.
My belly is of course still huge!! I'm way backed up from all the drugs. Need to figure out how to get things moving soon!

I'm sore and my incision from the section hurts. I'm swollen and not moving great, but all considered doing good!