July 2014 IVF Buddies

No bump, you had me worrie there as I've been on buserelin and we have still baby danced but there is no chance of a natural pregnancy so maybe that is why they didn't tell me to avoid it...??

Red bean, you're only 5 hours behind us so I'm going to make and effort to post hello to you in our late evening today :flower:

Aurora actually I'm totally fine about Tuesday collection. I'm feeling like maybe that is when it is supposed to be and just going with the flow. Most unlike me :haha: it also slots into my work diary for next week really well with only one low key workshop to cancel, getting out of things on other days would have been a nightmare so all is good. Plus my stomach is really aching now and I seem to have bloated up overnight so I'll be glad to get the little darlings recovered tbh!

Amy, so excited for you in Monday. Hope you are still resting some and making sure you are fit as a fiddle fro transfer then :kiss:

Emmi, have you got anything planned for today or is it just too difficult with tomorrow's deadline looming? Either way thinking about you and really hoping that you are posting good news tomorrow xxx

Plex, hope you feel better after last nights thunderstorms have cleared the air. Enjoy being PUPO missus, you have earnt it :hugs:

Afm, lazing around right now and trying to pretend I'm not supposed to be going out for dinner with friends of DH tonight. I'm not sure what fits at the moment and really don't feel like trying lots of posh frocks on right now only to cry when they either don't zip up or are so tight over my stomach I already look pregnant. I'll leave that challenge for later today I think
Still feeling rough :( Im desperate to get outta the house though!! May resort to going food shopping just for the sake of finding something to do :dohh: Ive been pottering about the house so far today sorting and tidying, not got as far as cleaning yet tho lol

Lizzie - sometimes its best to just go with the flow. Glad ur feeling bloated (feels strange saying that lol) All good signs! Tuesday is not far away at all!! Exciting :D Hope u find something to wear tonight and u have a great time! xx

Emmi - How r u doing today? 1 day left - I praying for a positive for you hun! xx

Red - that weather sounds lovely! I prefer the cold as at least u can put on additional layers and put the heating on. Theres only so many clothes you can take off when is baking lol Whens your test date? xx

Halei - Awesome news huni!! :happydance: when do you think you'll have transfer? Are you waiting for a frozen transfer as you had so many collected? xx

Nobump - Not long till u start now!! U'll be at ur baseline scan before you know it! Are you nervous about injecting? xx

Amy - how r you doing hun? Hope those tablets are working for you now? xx

Sorry if ive missed anyone xx
Plex, supermarket shopping on a Saturday ARE YOU MAD lol??! Hope you can think of a less fraught way to get out of the house x
:haha: think i must be!! As it happens hubbies gone to do that for me :) I did want to go but im still cramping - best not to stray too far from the loo iykwim (sorry tmi!)

Ive resorted to facebook games :dohh: xx
Bless you honey, sounds like the right decision to me. Stress is best avoided xxx
Haha, Plex, I was thinking of going to the store too bc I only have nonpasteurized milk, and it's Saturday morning now here:) I fell asleep at 6:30 last night and slept through this morning, and now I'm stir crazy. My hubby insists on going for me too.

Question, today is day two post transfer. My little ones are becoming blasts today hopefully! I'm feeling the odd pulls and tugs in my uterus that I've gotten before on implant day, but it's too early for that, right?
You did a three day transfer? this is what i found online :) xx

timeline after 5day transfer -
1dpt….Blastocyst hatches out of shell
2dpt.. Blastocyst attaches to a site on the uterine lining
3dpt.. Implantation begins as the blastocyst begins to bury in the lining
4dpt.. Implantation process continues and morula buries deeper in the lining
5dpt.. Morula is completely inmplanted in the lining and has placenta cells & fetal cells
6dpt…Placenta cells begin to secret HCG in the blood
7dpt…More HCG is produced as fetus develops
8dpt…More HCG is produced as fetus develops
9dpt…HCG levels are now high enough to be immediately detected on HPT!!!

timeline after 3day transfer -
1dpt .. Embryo is growing and developing
2dpt… Embryo is now a blastocyst
3dpt….Blastocyst hatches out of shell
4dpt.. Blastocyst attaches to a site on the uterine lining
5dpt.. Implantation begins,as the blastocyst begins to bury in the lining –> I’m prolly here today!
6dpt.. Implantation process continues and morula buries deeper in the lining
7dpt.. Morula is completely implanted in the lining and has placenta cells & fetal cells
8dpt…Placenta cells begin to secret HCG in the blood
9dpt…More HCG is produced as fetus develops
10dpt…More HCG is produced as fetus develops
11dpt…HCG levels are now high enough to be immediately detected on HPT

Yes, thanks, Plex. I saw that too. Maybe what I'm feeling is just their movement after hatching. Or the if growing and thus uterus growing. I'm so sensitive to every little sensation in my body and in these situations I think it's just a curse. :)
Haha, Plex, I was thinking of going to the store too bc I only have nonpasteurized milk, and it's Saturday morning now here:) I fell asleep at 6:30 last night and slept through this morning, and now I'm stir crazy. My hubby insists on going for me too.

Question, today is day two post transfer. My little ones are becoming blasts today hopefully! I'm feeling the odd pulls and tugs in my uterus that I've gotten before on implant day, but it's too early for that, right?

Hubby actually told me hes going to get some pregnancy tests for me today :saywhat: he's the one who always complains about my poas addiction (he's obviously an enabler :haha:) Typical now as im wanting to wait for the beta :dohh:

Wow u mustve needed that sleep! Do you feel like u have itchy feet now uve slept that long and u need to get out and do something? xx
That's so cute. My hubby thinks every symptom is a sign, even though we've been through months w such signs, and even though I remind him that the progesterone suppositories create lots of symptoms.

So, are you going to start poas soon then?? Exciting!

I have very itchy feet now, mostly bc I want to fill the time w distractions. I can't believe I slept so much. It just hit like a wall! It makes me think something is happening. What, I don't know!
I just love symptom spotting! Im going to try not to test till beta day, although if hubby brings home some tests then i may cave :dohh:

My hubby doesnt want to get too hopeful so he's staying quite reserved about it all - which is very frustrating when i just want to be excited by it all :)

Well, no tests for me, they had none is stock. I only want the digital ones if i do test as it stops second guessing.

Do u think you'll test early or wait it out? xx
Hubby actually told me hes going to get some pregnancy tests for me today :saywhat: he's the one who always complains about my poas addiction (he's obviously an enabler :haha:)
:haha::haha::haha::haha: calling your Dh a poas enabler has really tickled me :rofl:
Hello Ladies,

Hope that you are all having a fabulous weekend. There are the most bizarre storms where I am. Hubby was supposed to take me out for dinner tonight to keep me from going mad in the wait for tomorrow but instead, we are going to have a Chinese banquet at home, love a Chinese takeaway.

I am feeling sick with nerves and I reckon I will be peeing on a stick at 4 in the morning. I am not particularly religious but I have strong faith and boy I have been praying.... I have about 10 digital sticks all lined up ready and waiting.....Gawd I am going loop the loop....

Anyway, I hope that you are all doing good with stimming, symptom spotting, and in general, coping with this roller coaster of ivf.....Jeez, no-one can ever understand what we go through. And what I really want to get me through this, a nice large glass of wine....... shhheeesh...

Fingers crossed for all of you! I can't wait to see your results, finally some test days are coming up!!
Emmi, I know the feeling about the wine. A glass at night is how I unwind. I've taken to NA beer for a placebo. Not great, but will have to do. Good luck with the testing!

Plex, I'm going to wait. I think I'd rather hear it from a nurse than be disappointed w a stick if it's neg.
Scanned through post. In hotel but forgot charger. This is my 2nd cycle so ok with injections did 5 weeks of them last timw so know the drill.

Emmi FX for you.

Wishing everyone well.
For those of you worried about bding in 2ww, my dr. said go for it, as there seems to be more benefits than risks, as this study suggests. Though, hubby and I just did, and, man, those ovaries still hurt! https://humrep.oxfordjournals.org/content/15/12/2653.full
Emmi, massive good luck for tomorrow hon, really hoping this is your happy beginning xx

Amy and red bean just saying hello from our nighttime to your evening :hi:

Hope everyone else is hanging in there ok?

Just back from a meal out with DH and his friend and wife. Funny evening. Not usual for me not to be drinking so that was a bit odd, total messed up my injections because there was a queue forming outside the ladies and I panicked :dohh: not sure why but I feel very flat now we're home. DH had a brilliant night and the company was great. Maybe its because DH told me that when I went to do my shots he had to explain that I wasn't pregnant as that's what they thought. Not sure why that would make me feel flat/sad though :shrug: ah well, out it down to the old ivf thing again I guess.

Sweet dreams all xxx

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