July 2014 IVF Buddies

my 'official' date is the 25th - which is only 9dp5dt - is that a bit early do u think? But i do then have another test on the 28th. Im really REALLY tempted to use an internet cheapie 2moro am - its not really testing as theyre not reliable - thats what i keep telling myself anyway :haha: xx
Plex I think I would wait it out until the 25th... I don't think I would want to deal with a false positive or negative.... but if it helps then test away... I guess 9dp5dt as that would be 2 weeks past 'ovulation'... FX for you
Plex I was going to hold out until at least 7dp5dt (12dpo) my beta wasn't until 12dp5dt. but I albsolutely went nuts on the 5th day, I couldn't take it any longer, dh was so mad at me but I told him we could test that day and get it out of my system and if it was negative we knew it was just too early. I was in total shock at the obvious positive though!! 3 1/2 years and never once saw a second line! But I am having twins (did I mention that?) so might be why it showed so early! I'm excited for you to start testing! But remember that just brings a new roller coaster of constant testing while you wait for bloodwork.
Lizzie, good luck w the trigger and bding;)

Aurora, what a doozy of a story. I would say unbelievable but I totally believe it, unfortunately. My good friend compares her year of kind of trying (didn't even temp) to my process, her normal hormone surges to mine, etc., and even that annoys me.

Nobump, the alcohol probably doesn't do any harm, but bc I've read that if you've had even a few drinks in the month before ivf your chances are down, I'm scared. Of course, most studies are flawed, and I probably shouldn't have read it, but now the guilt of a glass outweighs the joy of it, so not worth it if it creates more stress. If it helps you relax, then, yes, I say that's better than being stressed, for sure. Do what you need to do to get through this all! After all I've also read that a glass or two can help w implantation. I had a few the night before transfer. ;)

Lanet, twins! Lovely!
Hi Aeonia!

Lanet - whoop for twins. How did you find out?

Lizzie - hormotional :rofl: ooh, BD on trigger night, eh? I thought you needed at least two days' 'stock' of :spermy:? Maybe that's just my fella cos of his male factor IF. Hope you had fun! :sex:

I'm just sat at (biscuit-free) clinic waiting for my husband :coffee:
We'll, I did it - I poas and got the dreaded :bfn: it was an internet cheapie so it's only cost about 5-10p

I don't want to test but I'm finding that I really need to :dohh: I need to know like yesterday if this has worked or not lol :help: I'm going quietly insane xx
Morning Ladies,

Ahhhh, Plex you really made me smile :flower:If testing daily gives you back some sort of control and you are not spending a fortune, then why not. You know that it may just be too early so are aware of the downsides etc.
I feel your insanity, it's the toughest thing ever.:wacko:

Lizzie, can't believe that it's EC tomorrow, how are you feeling??? Hope that you got hubby to tango:happydance: Oh the joy huh??

Lanet, twins?? Oh what a wonderful surprise, I am praying for twins!! 2 in one go will make me the happiest gal alive :hugs:

How are you today Aurora??? There's a lot of stupid and insensitive people out there, I am constantly astounded by the crap that people come out with....:dohh:
My all time fav is that if I don't have children, I will fill my life with other rewarding things.....errrr......like what??? Knitting, pottery???? Because that would most definitely fill the void of being a mama.... And it's usually people that have their perfect families that come out with such trollop....

hope all good with you no bump and Redbean????

Amy, any news on how your little ones are doing??? Hope that you are feeling better???

Aurora - good luck with ur scan hun!!! Xx

Emmi - it gives me something to do I think :) however, now I've started, anytime I go pee it will be onto a stick :dohh: how r u doing today hun? Xx
Brilliant Plex, too funny. Praying for all you lovely ladies.

All good with me, still in shock!! Just waiting for my clinic to call back with a scan date. It's all so nerve wracking and exciting, I don't want to tempt fate by looking at Baba things so need to rein it all in for now.

Hi again gang! :flasher:

Thanks for all being so supportive and generally ACE.

I have my first 1.8er and three others close behind! I have some 'tiddlers' too (their word not mine!) so they want to give those a chance to catch up so we are looking at Fri for collection now most probably. Apparently I have the most perfect endometrial lining with a 'triple layer' whatever that means, so that's good. I bit the bullet(-shaped pessary) and asked about any alternative for the progesterone but the short answer is there isn't one (I can afford) so I'm going to have to literally suck it up (oh, the puns!) into one or other of my lower orifices. I guess this might help cure my 'internal touching' phobia! (Still going strong with the positive mental attitude :happydance:)

The nurse was very lovely and understanding and gave me a tube of lube to help with it and opened a packet to show me what size and shape they are so at least I feel a bit more prepared now. In other news, I am SO DARN HOT! And not in a sexy way! I am roasting. I am definitely not going to be feeling at my best this week but I don't care. In it to win it!

Love to everyone :bunny:
Great news hon that everything is growing and your lining is fantabulous. Friday is not long at all so keep on the protein!!

Too funny about the pessaries, oh the joy. I have been lucky that so far I have only had to insert them whilst at home, they are not the most elegant thing to be doing away from the privacy of home.

And yes, so darned hot.... Am positively melting.

I'm sorry Plex. At least you have a level head about it. I'd be a puddle on the floor.

Ah, yes, the progesterone suppositories. I'm now wishing I'd opted for the shot version. They are messy! I have a bottle of 120, and every day I don't make a dent in it. Ugh.

No news here. Some mild cramping. Every other hr I think it didn't work. Am having dreams about all sorts of bizarre paranoia, but vivid dreams are normal for me. I am, however, sleeping A TON, which isn't normal. Today, I could start implanting!
Good luck with implanting, Redbean! I got told by one of the nurses/doctors that the embryo is like a strawberry seed in the middle of a jam sandwich (at the time they were saying there's no need to rest/stay still/legs up for post-transfer and I could pogo back to work if I wanted and it wouldn't affect embryo/implantation). Not sure where I'm going with this but just to say I bet your lil strawberry seeds are feeling very comfy and content and are planning a 9 month stay!!

How do you feel, Lizzie?
And everyone else of course! Has Amy updated and I've missed it? (Scrolls back, cursing phone)...

I just got a call to come back in tomo for another check. Squee!
Redbean - good luck with implantation chick.

Aurora that's a really interesting way of explaining things. I'm wanting to go to our caravan in Snowdonia for a few days after transfer but was worried about the travelling and carrying in the shopping when I get there. maybe I will do it after all based on that piece of information. I kind of think that once I'm there it will do me so much good as it's so peaceful and beautiful. it's like chicken soup for the soul! Great news about your follies and your next scan. you'll be triggering in no time. I don't know how you feel today but I am so uncomfortable so really hope my egg harvest tomorrow lives up to how full I feel!

I'm fine, definitely having a bit of an emotional wobble and so is DH I think so that's making everything a bit harder. Work is very full on this week, today in particular, too and I feel a bit like I'm keeping everything together by the skin of my teeth.

Emmi, I did jump DH last night and wonder if it was actually a new low in our marriage considering how much neither of us wanted it. Anyways it's done now so fingers crossed we have something usable for icsi tomorrow.

Sorry everyone else, got to dash but I have been thinking about you all individually earlier and hope everyone is ok at their individual stages

Plex how many days are you now?
I found out about the twins in the scariest possible way. I had a bright red bleed on Thursday. I thought it was over and was bawling and went to the emergency room. While there they did an ultrasound and saw 2 gestational sacs, yolk sacs, and fetal poles. The found a subchorionic hemorrage causing the bleed. The ER dr was terrible and said baby b was too small. My fertility dr said that's ridiculous bc they are all too small to measure at this point (and too small for heartbeats) (I was 5weeks4days) and she said the fact that they saw yolk sacs was encouraging and she wasn't worried. So I've been on bedrest because of the bleed, although she says they are common and usually harmless. My next scan is Wednesday and I'm praying for 2 heartbeats. But what a long weekend this has been.
oh my goodness lanet that must have been terrifying! Sounds like the ER doc needs to learn when to keep their uninformed opinions to themselves. Weds must still seem like an age away but hope you see those two heartbeats soon

Redbean, I am prone to bonkers dreams and I think anxiety of ivf makes it worse. I was having dreams about my mum being pregnant, she is 74..... gawd knows what that was supposed to mean.
Lets hope that little bean is burrowing in good and proper.

Aurora, loving that analogy. Wish I had heard that before, I have been ultra paranoid with it all.....sheesh.

Lizzie, going away to Snowdonia would be the best thing ever, change of scenery, relaxation, keeping your mind occupied etc. Do it Honey, I was thinking that a holiday after et would be just perfect. As for dtd when you don't want to, we have all been there. I think now, get to et and you can't have tango time anyway and when you can, get back to doing it when you want. Our marriage has been affected by the relentless bonking to try and conceive naturally so for us now, we only do it when we really want to. It's been so bloody tough the whole journey.
Hope your all ready for tomorrow?? The conscious sedation is something else!!

Lanet, crikey, how bloody awful for you. How scary. Rest up honey and weds is nearly here.

I have my scan booked for 11th August, just need that to hurry up.

OOh Emmi, so glad your scan is before I go away on holiday so that I can see that you are all set for a h&h9months ;) Thanks for that, I think its been a couple of years since we gave up on natural conception so I have got out of the habit of forced nooki and last night just made me want to cry. It helps to remember that we all go through the same though. Fun fun fun. I am so unprepared for EC tomorrow considering how many weeks I have had. Stupid question but do I really have to take my nail varnish off my toes?? Did treat myself to a new Marks and Spencer summer dressing gown for tomorrow though so I shall feel very swanky when I sober up!

Really, we have all suffered under the stress of ivf so be assured that lots of bonkers things are happening behind ivf closed doors...

Yep, take the nail varnish off your toes. I think we haven't got this far just to risk anything going wrong. I didn't put any hairspray, perfume or makeup on and took all jewellery off. I looked hideous but with everyone staring into my foo foo, it was the least of my bleedin worries.
Dressing gown sounds fabulous. Remember hubby can't go in with you, when I left to go into theatre hubby was shouting how much he loved me across the ward...Embaressed much. All will be okay, the nurses are just so lovely, all will be fine.

:haha: so true Emmi, I did say to DH that after baring everything I have got to a bunch of strangers I just wanted something pretty to cover up in - hence the purchase.

:hugs: thank you, it's just taking it's toll on us at the minute. Don't think DH will be shouting he loves me, he is more worried about getting logged onto the wifi with his laptop for work :wacko:


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