July 2014 IVF Buddies

My dr. said sex and enjoying it are ok after ET.

Heh heh, I'm just imagining if he'd said 'it's ok, as long as you don't enjoy it' - much like many of our original natural TTC journeys, by the sounds of it! Mmmm, scheduled sex! Even when you're knackered/annoyed/ill/still sated from the last three to seven days' worth!

Lanet, wow I'm so sorry you had to go through all that. Hope you're feeling better and your babas are both thriving. When is your next scan? Sorry, you probably said :flower:

Good luck Lizzie!!! :hug:

Hope you feel better today, Amy.

What about you, Plex and Redbean?

Still on cloud 9, Emmi?

Hi also to No Bump and also our other ladies.

Afm, apparently I'm back in today due to low estradiol :nope:

I thought it must be high because of the er, changes down below, if you know what I mean. CM-wise. So that's a worry, especially as I've now totally dried up :cry:
Trying not to worry. On upside, as I'm solo at the clinic today, I've had a full read of my follie charts. 4 x 1.6 or above, 3 x 1.4 or above, and 3 'tiddlers' at 0.6. Hope they're all still growing - I'll find out soon!


Everything is such a worry but your follies are growing. So great that you had extra time to be finding out more about what's going on, they are monitoring you well and that's a good sign. Eat lots of protein and drink lots of water, nearly there hon:hugs:

And it's not about the numbers, it really is about the quality, so many women have the golden egg amongst not so great numbers. As long as the eggs are mature, you are in with a fighting chance like anyone. Thursday or Friday will be here before you know it.....eeeeek.

Aurora your follies sound good.
Plex any update?
Lanet sounds like a stressful time. Hugs

Was at dress rehearsal for opening ceremony last night. Looks fab would recommend folk to watch it. Not allowed to reveal and think they have kept a few surprises. Got acu today and injections start Thursday.

Sorry if missed anyone catching up on phone

Ooh sorry to be dense but what event is that for, No Bump?

Thanks Emmi. I know you're right. I just worry as I've had two chemicals that I have mostly dud eggs so I'm all fiendin' for quantity hoping that will increase chances of 'one decent one'. :loopy: Le sigh...
:hi: just a lurker here :flasher:

Im quietly watching and reading - not much going on with me/ nothing to report.

Im having a quiet day or two

:hugs: to you all xxx
Aurora, I had an ok number taken, but only a few were good. Those three left (the fourth didn't make it to freeze--it had some fragmentation, so I've put all my eggs in one basket, so to speak) seemed to have been perfect at 3 days, so here's to hopin' for the both of us, lady.

I'm in implantation mode right now. I have a mild backache and cramping, but not as much as I'd have in a normal TTC month. I'm hoping it's because I'm on the progesterone and usually am not? I think I love being on progesterone. I'm calm and even and sleep well, though sometimes I have brain fog. I have less aches and pains in my uterus it seems and elsewhere in body. No headaches. Is this normal? I thought most ppl hated being on it.
Hey ladies, quick update because I'm feeling rough but EC done. Got 11 eggs, 9 were mature enough for icsi so fingers crossed some of them are fertilising as I type. One of my ovaries hid so apparently they had to push and pull me about a bit so I'm more than a little sore but so pleased to be coming out on the other side
. As a bonus I have another two nights before I have to start injections again :)

Amy, congrats on being PUPO!!

Aurora, my sizes were like yours and all went well today so I'm sure you will be fine. They retrieved some of the eggs from follies that were only 1cm last Friday

Hey ladies, quick update because I'm feeling rough but EC done. Got 11 eggs, 9 were mature enough for icsi so fingers crossed some of them are fertilising as I type. One of my ovaries hid so apparently they had to push and pull me about a bit so I'm more than a little sore but so pleased to be coming out on the other side
. As a bonus I have another two nights before I have to start injections again :)

Amy, congrats on being PUPO!!

Aurora, my sizes were like yours and all went well today so I'm sure you will be fine. They retrieved some of the eggs from follies that were only 1cm last Friday


Ahhhh great to hear lovely lady, I had been wondering how you had been getting on. Great numbers and fingers crossed that they are all fertilizing as we speak. Hope that you looked fabulous in your new dressing gown:happydance: Did you sleep during the sedation?? It's rather a fabulous feeling I found.

Rest up tonight Honey, hubby should be looking after you. Most difficult bit is over as the et is easy peasy in comparison.

:hugs::hugs::hugs: xxx
Slept like a baby during the collection and for 2 hours afterwards!!!
Lizzie that's great numbers!

Redbeam progesterone sounds fab!

Aurora it's the opening ceremony of the commonwealth games on Wednesday night. A friend is in the cast she gave me a couple of tickets.

Plex lurk away if you need to chat just post x
Lizzie - glad the collection is over and done for you now :D 9 mature is great!!! rest up :hugs: xx
Yay Lizzie, that's a fantastic number of mature eggies! When will you hear about the fertilisation? Sorry you golf eel pants now though :hugs:

Off to Snowdonia tomorrow morn? If you won't have wifi, here's some love to take with you: <3 :kiss: :hug: :flower: :hug: :kiss: <3
Great number of eggs lizzie- hope they are fertilising and dividing as we speak- go eggs go!! ;) x
Sorry you golf eel pants now though :hugs:

That would have been more meaningful if I had managed to type 'sorry that you feel pants' as intended...

Sounds like you needed that rest! Hope you're getting more of that snoozy goodness even now xxx
Thanks all, feeling much better today and the cocodomol is keeping the soreness at bay :) About to go into first meeting which will help keep my mind off things whilst iw ait for the phonecall telling me how they have done overnight. Dh and I are bickering about the number of embies to transfer. Such a tricky one. If we transfer 1 and it fails I think i'll blame him but if we transfer 2 and end up with twins he'll blame me - sigh. Hoping that a) we are lucky enough to get the chance to make a choice and b) by tomorrow things will be a bit clearer. Staying away from home tonight so hoping the break from each other will give us both a bit of perspective.

Aurora - good luck with your scan today - I m so excited for you!
Emmi - hope you are still in a little BFP bubble.
Plex - you lurk away honey but remember we are here even if you just want to sound off.
Amy & Redbean - hope you are enjoying being PUPO.
Nobump - sorry I've lost track - are you PUPO too?

PS not going to Snowdonia until after transfer :)

Glad that you feel better Lizzie and keeping busy is a good thing. It's a tough decision in how many to put back but of course it's something that you and hubby have to agree with. We put 2 back last time but we decided on 3 this time as time is of the essence for me at my age, we would love twins but if we have one, we would still be over the moon. If we had triplets, wow, that would be something else but we would just be overjoyed to be blessed with 3.

Aurora, hope all goes well with the scan.

How are the pupo ladies, Amy, plex, Redbean symptom spotting already??? It's too crazy for words....

No bump, where are you up too?? Sorry my brain is mush.

All okay with me, just desperate to have my first scan so I know everything is alright.....Scan booked for 11th August, seems like years away....

No Bump hasn't started down-regging yet, ladies!

Aw Lizzie, theres never an 'easy bit' in this process, eh? It's one stress after another!
And even when you do get a 'quieter' day, life throws a curveball - today should be like that for me but I just picked up my new car yesterday (bought a new one to be more reliable!) and it's died already!! DH just had to drive me to work and he's going to sort the car nightmare out for me as I can't take the stress and nor can our precious eggies!

I got the call yesterday that our ec will be Thurs after all, so last night we triggered. They also wanted me to take one last Gonal F (stims) and Buserelin (down-regs) so we had to do three stabbings last night - it was like a grand finale! Grow eggies, grow follies, get ready for your close-up!!!

Not sure how many they expect to get - thanks Lizzie for confirming they don't all have to be 1.8 or bigger to be mature, that's a relief!

Love to you all xxx
Lizzie, I'm guessing twins would not be welcome then? Is that on health grounds, sleep grounds or just general 'family preference'? For want of a better term?
congrats on having ur trigger last night Aurora!! Wish u all the best for your collection hun :hugs: Hoping for a good number of eggies :D xx
Id be happy with twins as I don't like the idea of an only child because we will be older parents I would like them to have a sibling. DH is worried about money s nursery fees would be double and we cant afford for me not to work. Hence the conundrum.

Anyway, good news is that 7 have fertilised :) ET provisionally booked for tomorrow but hopefully they will call me in the morning to put it back to Friday

Aurora - great news that your collection is tomorrow. Enjoy the evening with no jabs tonight!


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