July 2014 IVF Buddies

Good luck with implanting, Redbean! I got told by one of the nurses/doctors that the embryo is like a strawberry seed in the middle of a jam sandwich (at the time they were saying there's no need to rest/stay still/legs up for post-transfer and I could pogo back to work if I wanted and it wouldn't affect embryo/implantation). Not sure where I'm going with this but just to say I bet your lil strawberry seeds are feeling very comfy and content and are planning a 9 month stay!!

How do you feel, Lizzie?
And everyone else of course! Has Amy updated and I've missed it? (Scrolls back, cursing phone)...

I just got a call to come back in tomo for another check. Squee!

Aurora, Thanks for this anecdotal analogy! They told me not to worry about affecting implantation (that no matter what I did, short of punching myself in the gut, I had no control over its outcome), but I still worry. Yesterday, I went for a particularly bumpy bike ride, and though the main problem was that it hurt my swollen ovaries (hen's eggs!), I worried I was dislodging my little ones. :wacko:

Good luck on your scan tomorrow!
"I'm wanting to go to our caravan in Snowdonia for a few days after transfer but was worried about the travelling and carrying in the shopping when I get there. maybe I will do it after all based on that piece of information. I kind of think that once I'm there it will do me so much good as it's so peaceful and beautiful. it's like chicken soup for the soul!"


"I did jump DH last night and wonder if it was actually a new low in our marriage considering how much neither of us wanted it."

WE'VE ALL BEEN THERE. :winkwink:

Also, Lizzie, I didn't take varnish off my toes. They tell you no nail polish so they can read your finger's pulse. Your toes will be covered by hospital socks and any chemicals are locked into the paint/won't affect you further or the environment. But, yes, any scents or creams need to be avoided as they can interfere with the anesthetic, cause an allergic reaction, etc.

ha ha redbean thank you. I will post pictures from my back door when I get there. Think I'm definitely going to pack up my stash of 2WW DVDs, the dog and my onesie and head there for a week's break. DH can't come with me but at least that way he can't annoy me either. I can just see Bala Lake from my front veranda which is beautiful and Mon - Fri the RAF Jets use the lake for target practice so I get to revisit my 'Top Gun' fantasies :blush:
feeling a bit worried now :( had to pick up my not so light son and move him out of harms way earlier (automatic reaction obviously and wouldve done it had i thought about the consequences too so dont get me wrong - i just cant word things properly :dohh:) now im worried that ive done some kind of damage :( im hoping this hasnt ruined our chances - had my feet up all afternoon now paranoid! Dont think ill be venturing outside with him by myself for awhile now - he'll have to be satisfied with the garden - or going to my parents (which is where he is now poor love he doesnt understand why i cant pick him up :cry:) :( xx

Im off to google what ive done and if its ok at this stage :( xx
Plex, if it makes you feel better, my sister has been hauling around her two yr old this entire pg. the 2 yr old doesn't like to be put down for long. So far, it's only hurt her back.
thanks hun - im worrying quite a bit - my lb is 3 but looks 4-5 he's tall and solid built (he's about 3st). I wouldnt have done any differently though - so shouldnt beat myself up about it - cant help it though - im going round the bend! :wacko: xx
There's a lot of stupid and insensitive people out there, I am constantly astounded by the crap that people come out with....:dohh:
My all time fav is that if I don't have children, I will fill my life with other rewarding things.....errrr......like what??? Knitting, pottery???? Because that would most definitely fill the void of being a mama.... And it's usually people that have their perfect families that come out with such trollop....

Yep yep and yep some more. If I can't have kids I will probably fill my life with rewarding things like scones and ice-cream and dime bars and chips. And wine. And size 30 clothing. :dohh:
Plex that will be fine honey, don't worry. Seeds in a jam sandwich. Safe and tucked away right in the middle, too small to be harmed by what your arms and back and legs are doing. Rest sounds good though. Protecting and supporting yourself emotionally is the best good you can do yourself at this stressful time and taking time to unwind sounds like just what the doctor ordered. :Hugs:
Plex don't beat yourself up hon, easy said I know, what aurora says makes such sense. Just put it behind you and carry on, I really doubt you will have harmed anything xxx
Hi girls,

It's done! I'm PUPO! We put in two embryos this morning. All went smoothly, and I'm just so relieved that we made it to this point. We should have at least 10 good ones to freeze, too.

Unfortunately, I'm still wallowing in misery from the OHSS. The doctor looked at the fluid in my abdomen this morning and says it's still moderate, and if I can keep drinking (and breathing) I can avoid having to get IV fluids or my abdomen drained. He doesn't think I'll get much worse than this, even if I get pregnant, but he said it might be a while before I feel better. Thank goodness for being a teacher and not having to work right now. I'm barely making it off the couch to pee... I can't imagine going to work. And I look unmistakably pregnant. Try explaining THAT one to a bunch of high school students!

My acupuncturist came to the clinic to do a treatment right before and right after. I actually felt a little bit better afterwards... TMI, but I peed SO much after the transfer! I think the acupuncture may have helped get some of the fluid moving in the right direction. Anyway, having cleared all of that space, I felt quite hungry, so we went out for pho afterwards and I ate my ENTIRE bowl. This is a feat, considering A) I can't finish a whole bowl of pho on a normal day and B) I haven't eaten more than 5 bites of anything per sitting since last Wednesday. My husband nearly had to roll me out of the restaurant but I feel pretty good. I'm fully prepared to eat a bowl of pho every day until I'm better, if that's what it takes.

Aurora - Congrats on being almost there! I hear you on the suppositories. On my IUI, those bullet-shaped ones actually ended up being pretty easy for me to insert (I'm no good with inserting things either) but I had an allergic reaction to them, and I tried two other kinds that were worse after that. So this time around, I opted to just do the PIO injections. They're no treat, but so far I prefer them. I think they're more expensive than the compounded suppositories, but nothing compared to Endometrin/Prometrium/Crinone.

Lizzie - Unless I missed it in the gaggle of updates since I last logged on... Can't wait to hear how today went!

Plex - I want to wait to test, but I'll probably be like you and start testing early. I got a cheap pack of 8 tests, so it may break my spirits, but at least it won't break the bank. Well, keep us posted.

Hi to the others too... hope everyone is well.

Really, we have all suffered under the stress of ivf so be assured that lots of bonkers things are happening behind ivf closed doors...

Yep, take the nail varnish off your toes. I think we haven't got this far just to risk anything going wrong. I didn't put any hairspray, perfume or makeup on and took all jewellery off. I looked hideous but with everyone staring into my foo foo, it was the least of my bleedin worries.
Dressing gown sounds fabulous. Remember hubby can't go in with you, when I left to go into theatre hubby was shouting how much he loved me across the ward...Embaressed much. All will be okay, the nurses are just so lovely, all will be fine.


Hahahahahahaha :rofl: oh Emmi you made me uber-lol there. Thank you [wipes away tears]. I was proper lolling at Lizzie a minute ago too - DH is wondering what cool comedy website I am on... Love going through this madness with you ladies!

Lizzie, you MUST go to Snowdonia that sounds wonderful! And then you can name your firstborn after something Snowdonish! Maybe its just me that thinks that way...

Okay ladies whats the dealio with the ET - you can't have nooky after ET? How long for? Not that I'm like gagging for it right now or anything! Just want to be prepared.

For EC I've been told I'll need to remove my toenails too. No, wait, the varnish I mean! (At least I read that one back before posting - I am learning! Plus I'm on my laptop now so no autocorrect disasters like No Bumo or Nob Ump or Gush Oil.)

Lizzie, I feel like a kanga with a roo stuffed down her belly right now, with my 4 almost-viables and the tiddlers, so gawd knows how you feel. You will feel a stone lighter tomorrow evening I bet! Get a great night's sleep honey :sleep:
Oh Amy YAY! PUPO :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

So sorry that you still feel so icky from the OHSS though. Gentle hugs :hugs:

Thanks for the good wishes! And Lizzie has collection tomorrow - which in our time is about twelve hours away I think?
Oh yeah... I was so eager that I jumped ahead a day for Lizzie.

Pho is the most divine Vietnamese noodle soup. Salty broth and protein... This is what will cure me right now. Pho cures everything, actually.
Plex, I think it takes something pretty severe to affect our embies so try and relax and not read too much on Dr Google. I know someone who fell down a flight of stairs after et and they still got a bfp:flower: our embies are tough little blighters.

Amy, great news honey on being pupo though boo to the ohss. Look after yourself, them 2 embabies need to get real nice and snuggley:hugs:How fab that you were able to have those acupuncture sessions, that must've really helped. And pho sounds rather delicious and nutritious!!

Aurora, no-one can understand the craziness of ivf, you gotta try and laugh at how hideous it all is, the winning prize is worth it.:thumbup: Hope that you aren't feeling too bloated?? It's all such fun fun!!!

Lizzie, not long now until egg collection.....eeeeek. Thinking of you honey:hugs:

Hahahahahahaha :rofl: oh Emmi you made me uber-lol there. Thank you [wipes away tears]. I was proper lolling at Lizzie a minute ago too - DH is wondering what cool comedy website I am on... Love going through this madness with you ladies!

Okay ladies whats the dealio with the ET - you can't have nooky after ET? How long for? Not that I'm like gagging for it right now or anything! Just want to be prepared.


My dr. said sex and enjoying it are ok after ET. I posted a study a while back stating that the sperm actually helps the viability of the embryo. Some dr. are still saying no bding though. Do what you're comfortable with. My ovaries still hurt a week later, so it ain't comfy for me. :wacko:
My dr. said sex and enjoying it are ok after ET.

Heh heh, I'm just imagining if he'd said 'it's ok, as long as you don't enjoy it' - much like many of our original natural TTC journeys, by the sounds of it! Mmmm, scheduled sex! Even when you're knackered/annoyed/ill/still sated from the last three to seven days' worth!

Lanet, wow I'm so sorry you had to go through all that. Hope you're feeling better and your babas are both thriving. When is your next scan? Sorry, you probably said :flower:

Good luck Lizzie!!! :hug:

Hope you feel better today, Amy.

What about you, Plex and Redbean?

Still on cloud 9, Emmi?

Hi also to No Bump and also our other ladies.

Afm, apparently I'm back in today due to low estradiol :nope:

I thought it must be high because of the er, changes down below, if you know what I mean. CM-wise. So that's a worry, especially as I've now totally dried up :cry:
Trying not to worry. On upside, as I'm solo at the clinic today, I've had a full read of my follie charts. 4 x 1.6 or above, 3 x 1.4 or above, and 3 'tiddlers' at 0.6. Hope they're all still growing - I'll find out soon!

Ok, so seems fine. I have two at 1.9, one at 1.8, one at 1.6, two at 1.5 and one at 1.3. Then 3 at just under a cm.

Today they will check the estradiol is still rising and consider whether to bring me in thurs or fri for collection. They may even say Thurs, but still ask me to take one more dose of stims when I trigger. I'll find out by phone later. I guess this means I probably won't get all 7 as they won't be mature enough in time. Just gotta hope those first few are top quality, and then that I don't have natural killer cells or anything like that which might scupper any pregnancy that might come along!! Wish now that I'd insisted on the killer cell test but hey-ho, too late so just gotta stay positive!!
Hi, girls. Does anyone of you know whether I can take Pregnacare, Co - enzyme Q10, Royal Jelly while I am on buserelin? Thank you.

Good luck
Hi, girls. Does anyone of you know whether I can take Pregnacare, Co - enzyme Q10, Royal Jelly while I am on buserelin? Thank you.

Good luck

I didn't have a clue really but I stopped all supplements except the folic acid and vits and my omega fish oils. Just check with your clinic to make sure.

Good luck to you.


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