July 2014 IVF Buddies

Lizzie - :happydance: thats great hun! Fxd for a transfer friday then! xx
Oooo Aurora, it's all happening, it's nearly Thursday already!! How are you feeling???
Crappy about the car as that really is rubbish, but it's out of your control. Just you concentrate on you.

Great news Lizzie, great number. Enjoy this time hon as once you are pupo, you will be going around the bend!!!

Aurora - good luck egg collection, just typical about you car hope DH gets it all sorted.

Lizzie - exciting times, we are only allowed to transfer one as we are being treated in Edinburgh but are Glasgow patients, so no choice to make, but remember there is still a chance for multiples with transferring only one! Would you consider transferring one and having a FET later if you have enough to freeze? An evening away sounds good.

Babydancing, reading your signature I may be more in time with you, although I am doing long protocol.

AFM - I am lagging behind most of you ladies, as Aurora says I start DR tomorrow EEKS!!, then booked in on the 7th August for scan and hopefully get ok to start STIMS, had to DR an extra week last time with double dose (injections morning and night) nearly killed me.... STIMMED for 14 days the last time... but hopefully with all the extra things I have been doing this time around may not need to STIM for so long. We have 2 weeks off starting the 25th August so what we do in that time is all dependent on how the next few weeks go... time away in the UK if I get to transfer.... a last minute sun deal if not (was devastated the last time, time away will help).... feels a bit odd not having a holiday planned, everyone keeps asking, but we just bought a house this year, so that is a good excuse for not having any firm plans yet... and it we get away, well we found a cheap deal etc... feel like I should sign up for MI5 with the amount of stories I tell people to avoid explaining things...

no Bump, you'll be at EC before you know it. Good luck with the first DR injection tomorrow. At least it will feel like you are starting to make progress although I'm sure you aren't looking forward tot eh wonderful side effects! I ant believe they made you do two injections when you doubled your DR dose before. My clinic just gave me bigger needles so that I could do it all at once - much easier!!

Hope eoe is ok?

Lizzie I think it is because Burselin last for or has a half life of 12 hrs in your body... so I had to inject at 8am and 8pm or similar... when the nurse gave me a demo at the start of this cycle I felt like I could have shown her!

It's the menopur that is difficult, i was on 300 the last time so 2*150 or 4*75 bottles depending on what they had in stock... and the little glass mixer bottles I am sure I still have scars on my thumb from opening them! Oh the fun times we go through.

Have moved to working from home in the porch, house to stuffy!
I am positively melting in this weather. As I am of Indian origin, folk keep saying that I should be used to it??? Errrrr, really....I was bloody born in Cheltenham!

No bump, good luck with your DR, hopefully the weeks will fly by. I was on the Menipur too, kinda liked those wee skittles bottles. Really hoping that your time has come, going through ivf is bloody exhausting.

Hope everyone else is doing okay?? Boy it's feeling hot hot hot!!!

Thanks Emmi

It scorching here as well went for a walk and just cut grass bin is full! We have lots of grass. Need to try shift a little wait hoping this will help. Will set alarm early tomorrow so not having to rush.
I am so uncomfortable! You ladies with many eggs, how did you cope?!? I feel like I have bowling balls in there! Hope they're not dying off and it's just the maturation :(
Aurora, I feel that way too. You ladies w so many eggs are tough. My left ovary STILL hurts when I walk and I love to hold my side like I've been stabbed there or something.

Anyone of you do estrogen patches after transfer? I started today, and they are not fun. Low mood setting in, cramping, indigestion, and blood sugar issues. I loathe lady estrogen. Really preferred the progesterone. Oh, and my bbs are HUGE! At least they offset the bloating right? ;)

My beta isn't until next Thurs. I might go batty before then. My dreams are definitely leaning that way. None yet of babies, though.

What's everyone's weirdest dream while in tww?
Lizzie - Congrats! And good luck with the talks on transferring one versus two. :-/

Aurora - I think I kind of got used to the bowling ball feeling. It felt worst when my body was first starting to accommodate the changes, and then the discomfort leveled off. It definitely stayed tender, but somehow I must have cleared some room in there. Hope you feel better soon, though.

Redbean - Your comment about the boobs offsetting the bloating made me laugh. If only the progesterone did that! Mine are sore, but definitely not big enough to balance out this pregnant belly that I have. Your beta is the day after mine. Are you going to test early? I'm sure I will.

The OHSS is slightly less painful today... I still can't stand up completely straight, but I've been able to move around without as much pain. However, there's now fluid IN my lungs. I wheeze when I lie down, and I'm coughing fluid (like when you're sick and have phlegm). My doctor is still not alarmed... he prescribed me an asthma inhaler for the wheezing and he thinks it'll get better. My weight thankfully is staying steady right now. I'm surprised it hasn't gone down, because I'm sure my belly is a little smaller today, but I guess the fluid has just gone other places.

So, I'm still lounging on the couch, subsisting on small portions of protein, Gatorade, salty broths, and the occasional pretzels or rice to settle my stomach. I've started really desperately craving things like pizza and cake and french fries. I normally don't crave that stuff, but I'm now on day 9 of not really being able to eat real food and it's caught up with me. I also wonder if the sugar in the Gatorade is causing my sugar cravings.

Also, you know how little kids get those ridiculous red stains on the corners of their mouths when they drink too much fruit punch? Yeah, I totally have that. Between that and my big belly, I'm a real charmer right now.

In response to Redbean's weirdest dream question, I haven't had weird ones in the TWW yet, but about a month ago I had this one: We were at some food festival, and next to the chocolate booth there was an adoption booth. So we were like, "Hey, we want a kid! Let's just get one here." So we walked up and said we wanted a baby, and the woman reached down under the table and pulled up a blond, blue-eyed baby girl and handed her to us. And we said thank you and continued walking around the festival, with our new daughter on my husband's shoulders. But a few minutes later, I started realizing it was weird... like, why didn't we have to do any paperwork? No background checks? No information on where she came from? And I realized she was probably trafficked, and I was worrying about what to do when I woke up.

Someone (Emmi I think?) asked about symptom-spotting. One upside of having OHSS is that it should be pretty clear. If I get pregnant, the OHSS should start getting worse again. So I'll either get sicker but happy, or I'll finally start feeling better and it'll probably be a BFN. Silver lining, perhaps.

Did you UK people watch the opening ceremonies today? A few of my students were in that Virtual Choir! So cool.
Amy that dream is genius! I've had a whole range of weird ones last night due to really broken sleep (Collection nerves?) but have immediately forgotten them all.

This commonwealth games thing has totally passed me by. Think I must just be living in an IVF bubble atm! Will try to catch the ceremony on replay.

Aw Redbean, sorry you're not enjoying the patches but hmmm maybe some sneaky pg symptoms in there? You too Amy, by your own description and setting out of the two 'scenarios' it sounds pretty positive to me? :shrug:

Hope everyone else is ok. Afm I'm totes stressing as I realised I have a piercing I have no idea how to remove, and really don't want to as it's very temperamental. Why do you have to remove all jewellery? Worried if I can't get it out my ec will be cancelled!!
Quick update - 8dp5dt and testing :bfn: on a range of tests. Gutted. Obviously I'll save my tears for my beta result but it doesn't look too good. Not even a hint of a line :( x
Oh Plex honey, I don't know what to say but I really hope you get a lovely surprise with your beta tomorrow :hugs:
Aurora maybe the nurses can help with piercing. Depending on where the may tap over the jewellery.

Plex hugs we are all here for you.

First injection for me today. Now have a itchy tummy.
Gosh Amy, you really are going through it Honey, glad that you are taking it easy and I really hope that you feel better real soon. But then as you say, if you feel worse, it's a good thing!!
I have been having crazy dreams ever since our ttc journey became a struggle, I have a recurring dream of my mum remarrying a rather yummy young man and me having an affair with him and having a baby.... Yes, this dream is wrong on so many levels and hubby is not amused by it.....whoopsy.....
Loved the opening of the games, so very cheesy!! My best friend is Scottish so we were messaging throughout having a giggle.

Plex, when is your OTD??? It may just be too early, lots of stories of women testing the day before and getting a negative but then getting a positive the next day.

Aurora, they said something to me about taping jewellery down of you can't get it off?? Phone up your clinic and ask for advice.

Redbean, not on the oestrogen just the progesterone... crikey, your poor body is going through it. Hang on in there until beta hon.

Good luck with your injection No bump.....eeeeek

How are you getting on Lizzie???

Sorry ladies, very quick update as I'm at work. I'll read everyone's posts and reply properly when home. My 'magnificent seven' as they have been nicknamed on another thread are all doing well and are good grades (according to the embryologist, I didn't ask what they were) so we are going for transfer tomorrow afternoon. We are going for 1 embie which I am sad about but everything in life and marriage is a compromise so hoping that I don't live to regret this one.

Apologies for lack of personals I will be back later xxx
Lizzie, let's hope that one emby is a super one, and maybe will even split? It's been known to happen!

Plex, I'm so sorry you got that bfn. I had a dream about UPS delivering corpses last night, and, well, since day 6 I've had a general malaise and foreboding, so I'm worried I will get one too. Thus, I'm going to avoid any early testing (Amy). Not sure I can handle it. You are strong for being so calm and waiting for beta. I hope the hpt just can't detect it yet. I've heard that's common w ivf.

I was thinking the other day how unfair it is that we are deprived all the tools to survive the bfn: the exercise, the great sex life and intimacy w dh, the happy hours, the energy and even emotions and hormones... Seems rather unfair that we can't hone beforehand the very things we need on that day. Right?

Aurora, not sure about the piercing. Will it be in the way? (If so, interesting piercing!;)
Hi gang :wave:

Not a very exciting piercing I'm afraid, just at top of my ear cartilage. They did tape it, whew! I love piercings but I don't react well to them and any other than ear ones I've always had to remove due to repeat infections :( but I have 7 in my ears. Tattoos take much better with me! :)

I'd like to wait to beta for the sanity perspective, but as a control freak who wants ALL THE DATA I'd want to be aware of any chemical pregnancy (I've had two before so it might be relevant?) - so imagine I'll test ahead so we know if we had another 'loss' or not. Does that make sense ?

Anyway, drum roll... We got 6. Bit confused as to what happened to the seventh - they just said they got 6 eggs from the 7 main follicles & that they were happy with that. DH's sample was poor so they're doing ICSI today. Then they'll call tomoro to let us know how many fertilised and, therefore, whether we're back in for ET on Sat (if one embryo), Sun (if two) or Tue (if three or more). Obvs, if none fert, it will be a different convo!

I feel ok - had major pain on first wee, but not too bad since then. Just sitting in garden with huge bowl of medicinal ice cream now :bunny:
Lucky seven, Lizzie! Just going with one may mean more to freeze for later? Not easy decision I know so hope you're ok. Xxx
Gosh Lizzie, transfer tomorrow!!! Look how quickly you caught up with everyone. And great news about the magnificent seven.
We can't really afford twins let alone triplets but I am older so we just had to throw everything at this ivf. But for you, here's wishing you have a perfect embryo now and some frosties for later.

Aurora, great news about your sensational 6. Rest up and enjoy your ice cream, I may have to join you too for medicinal purposes...

Redbean totally agree with what you say about when you get a bfn..... It's so unfair how things pan out on the ivf game..... all normal coping tools are just not accessible.


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