July 2014 IVF Buddies

IVF sucks butt!! However I'm also super grateful to be able to have it. See, everything about IVF is complicated!

Luckily my DH is being a superstar (atm) but I imagine once (if, I mean! :haha:) we get to our third/fourth go our intimacy will be shot!

I'm a bellydancer who has barely been able to dance for a month, it's driving me batty! Teaching my class last Thurs about killed me even though I took it really easy. It's so true that we lose so many of our usual coping mechanisms. Then again, (still with the complicated!) we also gain some - this thread being Exhibit A :kiss:
Good luck for your cycle, No Bump! Exciting to be on Day 1! Hope down-regging goes more comfortably this time :flower:
Morning all!

Good luck to Plex on her beta today.

Good luck to Lizzie on her transfer today.

Love to everyone else who is PUPO, PG, down-regging, stimming or indeed anything else!

How are you all doing?

Afm, from my six recovered eggs, we now have three lil embies :dance:

All being well, transfer will be Tuesday for the best blast! :happydance:
Aurora that's amazing news about your embies! :happydance:

Plex - good luck hon, thinking about you :hugs:

No bump - hope down regging is going ok (hate that part!)

ladies in the TWW - thinking of you all too and hoping you arent' going too batty with symptoms or lack of.

Afm, started my progesterone yesterday which was fine. Also started my clexane injections which I was terrified about because they are in the stomach. Didn't like it one bit but I did do it so feeling partly proud of myself and partly terrified that I have to do it again tonight :wacko: transfer is this afternoon, had a mad wobble this morning about only transferring one embie and talked it all through with DH again. Still not sure we are doing the right thing but i'll just have to hope I'm wrong. Supposed to be off work today but I'm behind on a deadline so I'm working today to get that finished then going to Snowdonia tonight :thumbup: Planning lots of DVDs, small walks around the park and reading of books, just me and my furbaby :dog: Dh is coming with me to get me settled in then coming home tomorrow night as he is playing golf on sunday :rolleyes: then he's back at work on Monday.
Good luck, Lizzie! You will be fantastic. Remember pos thoughts. Envision that embie nestling down as it's happening. My acupuncturist told me to chant to myself, "welcome home, baby," so I did. The whole goal is to convince your body that it belongs there and isn't foreign.

Enjoy the vacay. Walks and books sound lovely.
Thinking of you Plex.

Aurora, great news on your embies, whoop whoop.

Lizzie, wow, we're here already. Thinking of you this afternoon and have a wonderful time in Snowdonia, the perfect tonic for some rest and lovely scenery.
You will be pupo real soon, yay to that.

Lizzie that sounds bliss, good for you. Ach, so tough re. the numbers. Hoping for lots of lovely :cold: for future siblings or just as a back-up.

All best of luck for the transfer itself. PUPO in just a few hours! :thumbup:

Thanks also for your congrats on my embies, Lizzie and Emmi :happydance:
How long afterwards will your beta be? When do they actually do these by the way, does it depend on how many days past collection they transfer? I'm so confuzzled!

Aurora I don't think my clinic does betas. My otd is Saturday 9th august.

So, one grade 2 10 cell embie on board that I have nicknamed thumberlina and 4 :cold: :wohoo:
Ahhh, great news!! Hello Thumberlina, now just you be a sticky little bean.

Now Lizzie, you are well and truly aboard the crazy train:wacko::haha::hugs:

My DH and I are working on our 2nd round of IVF. With our first we got a bfp from our fresh transfer, but that ended in a MC at 11 weeks. With no embryos to freeze, we're starting from scratch with a fresh cycle again. ER is scheduled for wednesday next week. I can't wait; and hoping for the best and trying to remain positive with no OHSS this time.
Love the nickname. Mine are eenie, meenie, and miney. Moe got left behind.

Welcome to Crazytown, Lizzie!

Speaking of, my symptoms are out of control. Cried for no reason this morning. Poor hubby has been texting me all day, worried. Cramping, nausea, dizzy, BLOATING (look 5 mos pg), strong smells, constipation, gassy, dry eyes...I'm still blaming it on the estrogen, as it all started when I stuck on those dreadful patches.

Welcome, Abydix. Most of us are in the tww so excuse the crazy talk:)
Hi, Abydix!

Congrats Lizzie! I'm thinking good thoughts about Thumbelina.

Redbean - Your names are awesome. Poor Moe. :)

Plex - Thinking of you!

Emmi - Have you caved and looked at baby stuff yet?

Aurora - At my clinic, beta is always 14 days after retrieval.

I'm finally feeling good today! I feel like I did before retrieval... like my ovaries are huge, so I need to be careful of them, but I don't have the crazy widespread pain that I've had for the past 9 days. I can move around, and I can eat real food, and I can drink things besides Gatorade! Wahoo! The downside of this is that now I'm suddenly really impatient to find out our results. Before, I was just anxious about feeling better and I couldn't even think about what came after that. So, I'm now aboard the TWW Crazytrain with you gals.

In other amazing news, my dad just had a scan and he is in REMISSION! It's completely unexpected and fabulous. He's still going through with a few more chemos and a stem cell transplant so it doesn't come back, but it's really really really good news. :)

He was also cleared to have a beer 5 days from now, which he hasn't been allowed to do for months. And that happens to be my beta. So he'll either be drinking in my honor or we'll drink together on the phone.
Aww, Amy, sounds like you had a great day. I hope this mojo continues for you and your dad will be drinking alone;)
Hi all,

Lizzie - so exciting!!! Go Thumbelina!!!! Great number of frosties!!!

Redbean - hope you don't drive yourself mad with symptom spotting. Good that you DH is supportive...

Aurora - belly dancing sounds like fun!!

abydix - Welcome... sorry to hear about your loss... FX for ER, do you know how may follicles you have?

Amy that is fab news about your dad, I hope you will be raising a toast of H2O!!!

Plex thinking of you....

AFM, day 2 of DR, think I mucked up my injection this morning... to much air... but don't think it will do me any harm.... felt the start of AF cramps, but to early.... read through some old posts of mine from last cycle to try and work out what to expect this time, but hopefully things will be easier this time... Got busy weekend haircut + acu on Saturday, day trip to on Sunday to visit family, then taking my mum to the Gymnastics on Monday afternoon, have arranged to meet friends in town on Tuesday night so won't have time to dwell on things...
Hi All

nobump: had a scan today so far i have got 12 follies, 3 above 20mm and 9 are between 11mm and 16mm. my FS says to watch and see if they catch up between now and monday cos i trgger on monday. keeping my fingers crossed
abydix - sounds like you have got good numbers FX for you!
i hope so. i can't wait to complete the cycle. haven't had much support through the whole process cos DH travels quite a bit for work and haven't told our families. after the first one ended in a MC we decided to keep this to ourselves. at least now i've got you guys to chat with.
Hi Abydix,
Nice to see someone else is getting underway at the very end of the month. I've been lurking and learning on this thread.

We will have lovely spring babies. Your numbers sound great for this cycle. I think I'll be a day behind you for ER if all goes well. On Monday at my scan the nurse will mix my trigger, but no word yet if we are still aiming for Thursday retrieval.

Clinic doubled my meds today so I think I am running behind their schedule. They don't tell me numbers at my scans, so I guess. I told the nurse I was going for 14 eggs and she said that's what she counted too. No sizes, though. I was very politely told she can't measure and talk at the same time!

My husband travels as well. How have you coped this cycle? My DH missed the first two weeks of injections. I hated that. Now we'll see if he mans up for the trigger. I haven't even looked to see where that one goes.

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