July 2014 IVF Buddies

Hello, to all you new ladies. Really hoping that the ivf is as smooth as it can be, it's a crazy crazy journey.
Aby, that's tough if your hubby travels but these threads can be a lifeline, lots of folk that can listen, give advice and sympathise

No bump, great that you are so busy. I was always accidentally injecting air into me, no harm done.

Lizzie, hope that you having a fab time in Snowdonia!!

Plex, thinking about you lovely lady.

Amy, I am so so happy to hear your dad, that is just wonderful news, you all must be over the moon!! Wish I could have a beer with him too. And so glad that you are feeling better hon, bet that's a huge relief.... Just take it easy and lets hope lots of implanting is going on.

Ha, haven't caved yet at looking at baby things, it's too early and I don't want to tempt fate...I did look at buggies though as I wanted to see how much a double buggy was..... Boy, that stuff ain't cheap!!

Hope all you ladies are having a great weekend, it's the folk festival where I live so lots of Morris dancers and strange shenanigans here over the weekend!!!

hi letsgo
how have you been getting on? DH was away all through my injections. i've just been focused on the end result and work though its tough but involving family the last time drove me crazy. DH has been supportive through it he called every day reminding me to take my injections and make sure i'm doing okay. thank goodness he's back on tuesday and he will be around for ER and ET. FX everything will go as planned.
Thanks Emmi
I keep asking myself why i hadn't signed up to BC earlier would have been a much bearable experience dealing with the ups and downs of the whole process.

hopefully we'll all have a lovely weekend.

So, newest odd symptom: everything smells yeasty. I almost barfed in yoga bc of smell in room. Woke in the middle of the night grossed out by myself and washed all sheets and showered as soon as dh woke. I STILL smell it everywhere.

Anyone have strong smells going on? I almost feel like it's a gross super power.
Hiya all - just a quick update - no news on my beta, had it yesterday and ive had no call or email to tell me the results so i guess i'll have to wait till monday now... Still getting bfn's and spotting now. Feeling seriously annoyed! :grr:

sending lots of :hugs: to u lovely ladies xxx
Ah plex that is terrible noone has phoned you.

Redbeam hope your sense of smell calms down soon.

Emmi enjoy folk festival.

Aby and leysgo, we didn't tell my mum last time. She found out when I got my zero fertilised report as she was with me when I got the phonecall. Was hoping to share better news. Family know we are doing another cycle. But I think my mum has. Forgotten so not reminding her. Sometimes it easier when less people know.

Was a bit wiped out earlier not sure if it was the acupuncture or the burserlin.

Hows everyone else?
Argh can't sleep shouldn't have had nap earlier. Got cramp got hot water bottle but room to warm and no chocolate in house!
Had my email - it was negaive. Not really that upset as ive done my crying and was half way there to accepting it was a failure - now i have my closure. Im just waiting now for an email back from my consultant to tell me if i should continue with meds and go in for a repeat blood test/urine test.

Ill know more later.

For now i feel strangely content. I MUST be a bit of a weirdo! :wacko: Im going to jump back into this thread (if you dont mind?) I need positive stories and I just KNOW you all will have them!! :hugs:

How are you all doing? Where are you all in this process? I will read back but just wanted to ask anyways as it may take me all day to catch up!! :haha: xxxx
Plex sorry to hear. Hope they call you to give you more info. Day 4 of DR for me.
Hi Plex honey, I'm so sorry that this cycle hasn't been successful for you and think it's shocking that your clinic took so long to confirm your beta!! That said I'm so proud of you (iykwim) for picking yourself up and dusting yourself off and looking ahead to your next chapter. I'll be stalking you from now on and glad that you aren't going to leave this thread :kiss:

I am really struggling to catch up because so much has been happening on this thread! So hopefully I'll get this right...

Amy, so glad that you are finally feeling better and amazing news about your dad :cloud9:

Emmi ha ha at you being shocked by the price of a twin biggie but it will be totally worth it if that's what you need. I'm not surprised you are purring off looking at baby stuff, when it's my turn I've got a horrible feeling we will be buying everything we need on the way home from the hospital, in fact I had a dream months ago where we did just that!

No bump, ugh buserelin is horrid, if you read back to the early pages of this thread all I did was whine and moan about it lol. Hoping you down reg quickly and move onto the stims which will make you feel so much better. All I seemed to want to do was sleep!

Redbean ha ha I'm sorry you did make me chuckle with the smell thing as I'm a bit OCD about that at the best of times. DH only slept in our covers at the caravan for one night and I had to resist washing them the morning after because they just smelt of boy!! However if you aren't normally like that then this could totally be a sign for you. Keeping fingers crossed.

Aurora, how are you hon??

New ladies, hello and welcome.

As for me, we did make it to the caravan in Wales on Friday night. Had a rather embarrassing pit stop in a pub car park on the way for me to do my injection when literally everyone seemed to suddenly appear to get in their cars whilst my dress was up around my neck and I was trying to pinch and stick my stomach :dohh: anyway, I'm all settled and DH went back yesterday so once I've got my work out of the way I'm looking forward to curling up with my furbaby and doing lots of relaxing. Quite proud of myself as I iced my stomach before doing my injection last night and it was a lot less painful so hoping that wasn't a fluke and I'm going to do the same tonight. Stupid question but did anyone actually feel PUPO? I though I'd feel different in my head but I'm just really struggling to believe that there is a little embie inside me and I'm worried that I need to believe it to make it happen, crikey I'm a nutter!!!!

Love to everyone xxx
Wow wrote individualized notes to everyone night and woke up this morning to see it wasn't there. At any rate, I have news since then, so let me try this again:

I emailed my RE yesterday to get a sense about why I was so bloated and swollen, and she told me to POAS, so I did...

:bfp: !!

I'm still in a bit of shock and just happy that I know it's possible. I've never seen a double line before, and this was our only IVF chance as it won't be possible once school starts. One day at a time, right? It's still a long road before I'll feel confident that this has worked.

Emmi, how are you feeling? I laughed when I read about the buggy, as the first thing my dh did this morning was look up stroller prices. He's a bit of an outdoorsy guy with a penchant for buying camping equipment, and he wants an all-terrain one you can hook up to a bike, etc. I told him to slooooow down--that it's only week 3. We have a long, precarious road ahead.

Lizzie, any pic's of Snowdonia? How is the weather? Good enough to get some calming walks in, etc? To answer your question, I did feel pupo the first 4 days, then I got really down about day 5 (day I put on the estrogen patch and implanted) and then when the bloat came on day 7 I knew something was up and got excited again. I think it's great if you feel "different," whether it's to think about what that means or not--that's positive thinking for sure! Embrace it.

Nobump-- insomnia from pain or just restlessness? Insomnia is the worst. Do you have time in your day to nap? Or at least just to relax a bit? I usually have bouts of it, and my friend told me to breathe in on a 3 count and out on a 5 count and she falls asleep each time. I've never actually tried it b/c I've been tired on all these hormones, but she swears by it.

Hope all else are doing well?
Redbean - OH MY GOODNESS that is amazing news, so please for you and sending you lots of sticky dust :dust::cloud9: You must be over the moon.

I don't feel different at all. If I didn't know better id think we hadn't had transfer tbh. Oh well never mind. Would be happy to upload some pics for you but haven't really been anywhere except for strolls around the park I'm on. I'll take some snaps later and add them for you xxx
Hello Ladies,

Hope you are well. It's hot hot hot here where I am, crikey, I am melting.

Redbean, that is wonderful wonderful news, you both must be over the
moon!! It's the best feeling in the word getting that bfp so I am so happy for you.
Too funny about your hubby wanting to get a supersonic all weather stroller!! But I guess it's about 1 day at a time.

Plex, so sorry to hear that hon but I am so glad that you are looking forwards. Big cyber hugs from me.

Lizzie, those photos are stunning, really hope that you are having a wonderful time. Too funny about the injecting in the car, oh the joy of Ivf...
I felt nothing when I was pupo in general, just cramps between day 4 to 8 which may have been implantation. But some women feel nothing and still get their bfp. We are so different but just rest up and relax and let little bean bet snuggly.

How are you No bump??? Hope all is going okay with your downregging??

And you other ladies, how are you all doing???

All good with me, no symptoms except random itchy nipples. Spoke to my brother who is a obstetrics and gyny specialist who was saying it's too early so enjoy it while I can... Still 2 weeks until my scan, Lordy, seems like years away.

Lizzie, great pics! That looks ideal. I'm a writer and I would give my pinky toe for that deck overlooking that park. I think I misread your post about feeling something after ET. I'm not sure why you'd actually feel anything physical. (Do people actually feel something happening after ET?) I just felt excited yet calm (though definitely not like things were real yet) which was my "different," perhaps a sense that this was the way it was going to get done, even if it wasn't that time. I suppose as long as it doesn't freak you out all is good, right? ;)

Thanks for well wishes, all. I am over the moon. Still a bit in shock, but it feels more real when I feel blood sugar dropping or cramping. symptoms are starting to quiet though so that's good. Just concentrating on stickiness at this point.
Congratulations Redbean!!!!!! :happydance: :bunny: xx
I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the weekend.

Afm, weekends have the worst timing--I've been going for a follicle scan every other day and now have to wait til tomorrow for one. You've all given me good ideas of what to ask of my nurse or have her pass on to the RE at the main office. (Size, mostly. The eggs look huge to me and I'm feeling some twinges, but my Gonal-F has been increased twice now. The good news, I guess, is that I still have a ton at my age. They didn't really get a chance to escape).

Last night I asked DH if he was prepared for this first IVF to fail. He said yes too fast. I'm trying to find the balance between healthy hopeful optimism and being ok if it doesn't take. We won't try again until the end of the year if we need to (work timing), and that's on my mind as well.

Hoping to see good news from you all this week.
Redbeam that's fantastic news!

Lizzie will look at pics when home on phone.

Had a good day trip, felt sick after lunch not sure if it was IBS playing up or the side effects off buserelin. Got a coke in the pub. Said mum on the side. Not sure if it was an omen.

Letsgo good luck with ypur scan.

Emmi all terrain buggy sounds cool.

Hop everyone has had a good weekend x
Hi gorgeous girlies! :wave:

Soz for radio silence, I've been away.

Redbean!!! :wohoo: Awesome news!!

You too Amy!! :dance:

Wow I have so much to catch up on.

My mini update: my three embies are still all going! All are exactly on schedule at 6-8 cells apparently. Transfer at 12 on Tuesday. I'm so thrilled :cloud9:

Big hugs to everyone, new and 'established' thread members :hug:
Hi everyone
Hope you all had a nice weekend?

Aurora-that's great i'm you can't

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