July 2014 IVF Buddies

Um, wonderful apart from the ohss of course! How bad is it feeling?

I'm so nervous about today , then worrying that my nerves will cock it up, which makes me more nervous! :dohh:
Hello BeBe welcome to the group.

Aurora - FX for your transfer!!!

Emmi, time has flown - 6 weeks!! that's fab, your scan will be here in no time!

Lizzie your pics look fab!!!

Amy how you feeling?

Redbean are you still in shock??

AFM I am a bit knackered today from DR and having a full day out at the games yesterday with my mum, took her to the the early Gymnastic session, it was really good! She was like a kid in a sweet shop taking photo's of everything! AF is due on Thursday, not looking forward to it... as not able to take meds during cycle, I have started to take tranexamic acid to help reduce my bleeding, but not allowed to use these this cycle... guess it makes sends as we want to clear everything out...
Afternoon ladies :flower:

Amy, absolutely brilliant news although not about the OHSS of course. So pleased for you and DH :cloud9:

Aurora, good luck today although you won't need it. Enjoy being PUPO :thumb up:

No bump, i had to come of mefanamic acid for the same reason a few months ago. In actual fact the buserelin messed with my system so much that for once the issues with bleeding weren't so bad, silver lining and all that! The games sound like they were brilliant and how lovely to spend the day with your mum :hugs:

redbean, has it started to sink in yet? :cloud9:

Plex, hope you are doing ok chick? :flower:

Emmi, your scan is two days after my OTD so i know how far away it creels but it will be here soon. I know you probably don't care how many you are baking just as long as they are healthy so I'm keeping everything crossed that you will be beaming ear to ear after your scan confirms that.

Not much to report from here, its too early for me to symptom spot yet even if i wanted to as I'm only 4dp3dt. The bloating seems to have gone down a lot this morning which is great news as i was feeling more unattractive than ever. However, my face is covered in spots and my skin everywhere else is so dry its peeling off having inflamed my eczema - nice :sulk: the cramps from EC seem to have eased off and i just have small aches and pains and tiredness but all of that is pretty much situation normal in the lead up to AF so hey ho. Fun fun fun!!
Hi everyone,

Did any of you have concerns (or doctor concerns) about estrogen levels before ET? Mine is so low they may cancel the cycle, even with all these good big eggs feeling like they are bruising me from the inside out. No more talk of retrieval Thursday, at any rate. After a scan on Weds they will let me know.

Fingers crossed for all of you as you get ready for testing or transfer. I love hearing your news.
Aurora, you should be just wrapping up ET now. Congrats on being pupo! Do feel calm. Excited?

Emmi, a scan is so exciting! Not long now. But I know what you mean about the wait. Every day is an eternity anymore. Unfortunately, I prob won't see mine until 8 wks bc I'm going to Vermont. Torture! And I haven't even had a beta, can you believe that? Time creeps...

Nobump, I'm not familiar w tranexamic. What does it do? How does it make you feel?

Lizzie, how is the good life treating you? Getting lots of sleep and walks in?

Amy, the ohss symptoms, while awful, are kind of a blessing and reassurance, no? Yours must be coming back w a vengeance, huh?

Bebe (and Emmi), 43 is as good as any age! I've seen 24 yr olds on here w diminished reserve. Don't let them make you think you're of "advanced age." Maybe just advanced in general;) it worked for Emmi. It'll work for you, too.

AFM (I don't know what that means, but have deduced that it's referring to my updates): while I am still excited, I've had a rough time of symptoms. Lots of morning and evening nausea (only once gagged though), constant cramping and now back pain, swelling and bloated (and thus joint pain), tired and peeing every 10. But, my bbs have regulated, so that's good. I couldn't wear a bra one day. I wonder what makes one person sick and not another, though I knew this would come. I feel sick during normal cycle fluctuations. I guess I'm fine w them, as they are signs that I'm still pg! I'm just a little afraid they'll only get worse, and just in time for school to start. I teach all boys, too! "Um, excuse me class. I have to puke."
Aw No Bump, I hope AF isn't too bad when she comes but like you say, it's a necessary pre-treatment cleanse. Ooh, sounds like a spa experience when put that way! Shame it won't feel like it but I guess each (crappy) stage of IVF prepares us for the next stage! Glad your Mum had such an ace time, it does sound brill.

I'm PUPO! :happydance:
Can't believe I got this far. Unfortunately only one of our three made it to blast, so no :cold: which puts the pressure right back on. Staying positive though.

The ET didn't start too well when we were delayed by half an hour without explanation (turns out that a previous patient had fainted outside, which I'd actually witnessed whilst waiting in the sunshine for DH but never assumed she was a fellow IVF patient - not to be mean but she looked so ill!

So my bladder was absolutely bursting and my nerves were starting to shred as one can only meditate for so long, you know! I was really worried about the speculum etc. But I did brilliantly, if I do say so myself! Very calm and had a good laugh with the team about the (enormous) size of my bladder -never thought I could giggle with a catheter in! We saw the embryo go in and could still see it when she removed the tube which was awesome. Now I'm taking a very gentle walk in to work. Will be hard to concentrate today!! X
Tedbean - it's 'as for me' - at least it is when I do it! Glad your symptoms are still strong but a bit more comfy!

Thanks everyone for the PUPO congrats!
Let's go, they were concerned about my estero hen levels one day then never mentioned it again so I think it can just resolve sometimes :shrug: I hope it gets sorted for you quickly.

Lizzie , when's your otd? Are you waiting ? X
Aurora: Congrats on PUPO!!! I had only one blast last time; that's all it takes!

Emmi: The waiting is so hard - can't wait to see how many are in there. Have you had beta levels?

Amy: So exciting to see the line get darker. . . I hope the ohss symptoms let up soon

Redbean: Sorry about the symptoms; it's true they're a nice visceral reminder that you're pg :) I teach too. I'm not looking forward to heading back just yet, but all the prep will be a nice distraction if I make it to the 2ww stage.

Lizzie: How many embies did you transfer? Will you test early?

AFM: No shots today - yay! Going in for retrieval tomorrow morning.
Bebe - Good luck tomorrow! :)

Aurora - Congrats! Ugh, a half-hour delay would have killed me with that full bladder. Glad you were able to relax and laugh - that goes a long way. We were laughing at my transfer because the doctor walked in and announced, "The blackberries are ripe on the Amazon bike path." And then he had to clarify that that wasn't code for anything... he was really talking about blackberries. We giggled about that for a while. It definitely helps with the speculum fear. :)

Redbean - I can't believe you feel so sick already! Let's hope it levels off before the school year. Going back to teaching is what I'm most nervous about. I teach choir, and I need to make it fun and set a good tone for the year or some kids will just quit. Right now, I can't imagine having the energy to do that. And the logistics of running to puke and/or pee will be another whole story.

Letsgo - I don't have experience with low estrogen levels, but I do have experience with estrogen levels suddenly rising a lot. Hopefully that'll happen to you! I'm sure they needed to warn you about the worst-case scenario of canceling, but fingers crossed that they won't have to go through with that.

Lizzie - Just when you think you're feeling better, eczema? We get no break. I've come to terms with the fact that I will feel unattractive for the foreseeable future. It'll be worth it in the end.

Nobump - I hope you will be pleasantly surprised by AF being easier this month. I was on Lupron before my last AF, which I think does similar things, and I hardly bled at all and had none of my usual fatigue or pain.

Emmi - 6 weeks! That's crazy. In comparison, August 11 is right around the corner.

AFM (now I feel left out not using that acronym), I feel even worse today but I'm definitely consoled and excited that it's a good sign. It hurts to move or shift my weight and I can't take deep breaths. Actually the worst part of the breathing thing is that I can't sneeze! I get halfway through - the breathing in part - and it hurts so much that my body interrupts it and doesn't do the satisfying part. I'm a mess. I've also been sweating around the clock, even in air conditioning, and if I get too warm I get dizzy and nauseous.

I called my clinic yesterday and the nurse was excited. She said I just need to keep drinking lots. I asked if I should be resting or if it's good to try to move around and she said, "Well, assuming this does result in a pregnancy, the symptoms will be sticking around for a while. So it's not really practical to rest. Just rest when you can." So glad I have another 3 weeks off from work! Fingers crossed it'll feel at least somewhat better before then.

I called my parents yesterday and my dad answered on speakerphone, so I said, "Hello, cancer-free grandfather!" And he said, "Hello! How are... wait... what? What was the second thing you said?" And then my mom started freaking out in the background. :)

Hope you're all well today!
Hi Everyone
Aurora -congrats on PUPO

Amy-Its only gets better

Bebe - goodluck tomorrow

I'm also on for ER tomorrow FX for good numbers
Thank you lovely ladies for the kind words. The wait really is so hard, I have so few symptoms and though I know it's so early, it's just difficult until you know everything is okay. I keep randomly poas just so I can reassure myself!!!

Aurora, great news on being pupo hon. Lots of Brazil nuts and pomegranate juice as that is supposed to aid implantation. Gawd knows if it works but worth giving it a try.
Gosh, not great about the wait with a full bladder. For my first ivf, I over did the water and nearly exploded, I felt hideous. This time, I kinda knew my limitations.

No bump, down regging is exhausting so I do feel for you. But going to the games sounds amazing!! Am hooked watching it all, love the gymnastics and everything else.

Lizzie, great the bloating has gone down but boo to the inflammation of eczema, is there something you can use??? Poor you, our bodies really go through the mill on this bleedin journey.

Letsgo, I really don't know anything about estrogen levels but really hoping that all will be okay for you.

Redbean, honestly, it's so weird how different we can all be!!! You have so many symptoms while I have nada!!! I am getting up to pee through the night but then again, am drinking loads of water so not surprising!

Babe and Abydix, good luck tomorrow with your collection. Very exciting.

Awww Amy, that's so lovely about your telling your pops, I can feel him smiling from here.
That's a wee bit crappy with how you are feeling but great that you can start doing more things. Really hoping that you feel better day by day. Rest up when you can.

Aw Amy you poor thing feeling so rough (and not getting the 'good bit' of your sneezes, wtf? :growlmad: haha). I LOVE how you told your folks!!! I'm so happy for you and all your family.

Good luck, collection ladies!! Enjoy that yummy sedation, mmmm. I was considering asking for it again today for my transfer, but didn't want a black mark on my record of 'drug-seeking behaviour' :haha: and I am glad I got to see it happen.

I must admit though, I'm so scared now. I'm pretty much freaking out that I'm gonna drop the embo out of me or that I've already lost it. I know, I need to remember the jam sandwich analogy!! Knowing I have no frozen ones just makes me feel somewhat doomed again, and I'm worried that even if it implants, I'll bleed it out or something else will go wrong as I still have no idea why I've had chemicals in the past. Gah, it's so hard to just trust, eh? I think I'm down too because to cut a long story short, another friend announced her pregnancy. She is two years older, last year met someone and they fell in love and got engaged (all of that I'm pleased about for her of course) but she fell pregnant in her first month of trying. It's just not fair! :blush: Sorry to sound mean but it just really deflated me and made me feel so inadequate and jealous :nope: and I hate feeling like a covetous cow.
Oh, ladies, you do make me laugh! We all sound like hot mess, don't we? Thanks for making me smile, and I'm glad we can all have a good chuckle out of our complexes and ailments:)

Speaking of looking terrible for a while, my grays are coming in (I've had a gray skunk stripe in front since 20 and if I don't dye it I look 60. If I do dye it I look 25. No joke.) I'm worried about going to the salon. Think it's ok if I do semi-permanent? There's no research that says it's bad, but still some drs say wait 12 weeks. One of those things like the bding that ppl fret over for little reason. Still...

Amy, I teared up reading about you telling your dad, thats so lovely!

Aurora, lol i know exactly what you mean but it really won't drop out. You aren't a covetous cow it is always difficult for us fertilely challenged ladies when we hear news like that. At least you are admitting it so that you can move past it. Don't get distracted, this is your time now and you are doing everything that you can to make this a success. So what if you don't have fro sties, if worst comes to the worst you'll do another fresh cycle and rock it, probably end up with hundreds of envies next time when they know more about how you respond. Of course, hopefully that won't happen because this is going to be your sticky bean :) i read one of those joke e card things a few weeks ago that made me smile. there are two babies sitting up on a mat and one crawling away in the distance. the first one on the mat says to the other one sitting next to him "i hear he's an ivf baby, like waaaay wanted". ours are all "waaay wanted" too and we will get them one by one. Don't give up hun. Bit ironic considering I'm not exactly miss positivity this cycle either but I'm much better at preaching ;)

Bebe and Abydix, good luck for tomorrow and yes, enjoy the sedation!

red bean, ha ha i know exactly what you mean. I tied my hair up today and was horrified at all the white that has come through. I skipped a dye job because i couldn't face sitting in the hairdressers at that point and now i look positively ancient. i am booked in next week thank goodness. I know mine is using semi permanents and said she will just make sure we leave the roots so that it doesn't come into contact with my skin, that way it won't affect anything either treatment, baby or drugs wise.

Emmi - sorry think i was a bit down earlier. I'm fine its just a bit irksome is all ;)

Amy that's a fantastic way to announce your news!

BeBe goodluck for tomorrow

Aurora laughing with a full bladder is not easy! Sorry your ET was so chaotic.

Redbean hope you start to feel better before school starts. The meds I had were to help reduce the amount I bleed hence not to take them.

Lizzie the games were fun. It was nice spoiling ma mum. She never asks for anything and will do anything for you. Hope the symptoms continue

Plex how you doing?

Letsgo I have not had any concerns over my estrogen levels but think they monitor this when your on stims.

On phone hope not missed anyone.

Afm nothing new to report.
Oh, Aurora! We are all covetous cows at times, right? I have to remind myself sometimes that there is not a finite amount of babies to go around, and someone else having one doesn't mean I can't too. I have a friend from school who has seven and sometimes I just can't keep up with her posts.

Redbean, If you go for the hair, try to get an early appointment. There will be fewer lingering fumes first thing to upset that super sense of smell you will have. I meant to get highlights last weekend before any retrieval but enjoyed time with my sweetheart instead. Now I'll just look like a mugshot or a science experiment (headline: "Grandmas having babies!") if this happens. I'm 38 too and my hair is my big vanity.

I am hoping for a good surprise at tomorrow's appointment re:estrogen levels and egg maturity. I feel so...eggy. Eggful. This has got to resolve one way or another.

Wishing you all well today.
Haha, letsgo, grandma having babies. Yes, that's how I feel w my gray showing.

Bebe and Adyx, hope things are going well today.

Last night, my symptoms kind of disappeared. Bbs don't hurt. No more nausea. No fatigue or bloating or ov pain. Slept through night without getting up to pee...I'm very nervous! I played a bit of tennis yesterday, and I'm hoping the exercise just helped flush hormones, but ah! Tomorrow's beta seems a world away!
Hi Ladies
just got home from ER tired. Got 8 eggs, will get feedback tomorrow on how many fertilized. FX

Bebe- hope yours went on well?

thanks everyone for your support.
i'm going to catch some sleep will check in later
Congrats on all those eggies, Abydix! Get some good zzzzs :sleep:

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