July 2014 IVF Buddies

Abydix, awesome that all six of yours fertilised. I am well jel haha.
Hi ladies,

I kind of remember Amy's putting only one back? I remember thinking she had so many to freeze--she had such a ridiculously high number retrieved. I could be wrong.

My beta was this morning and now I have to sit around waiting for call. Had nervous dreams all night. Symptoms are still off, with only really cramping, which makes me so nervous. I do have shooting twinges in my vagina, but I've had those before, so not sure what they are. I woke up today having lost all the bloat so I'm back to my pre-iui weight. I don't look half bad, finally, but it makes my stomach churn to think why.

Aurora, you also sound nervous, as does Lizzie. We are going through a spell, it seems. Is it a full moon or something?;) hugs to all.
red bean ha ha, i like the idea that it's the moon's fault and not that I'm a lunatic. keeping everything crossed for your, beta. When will you hear??

Oh the moon has a lot to answer for!

Redbean, how exciting!!!! eager to hear your results FX for you!!!

Abdix and Bebe, it is all happening for you both!!!

AF has appeared for me yeah!
Hi Ladies,

I'm at work today, :coffee: but quick update is that of the 13 eggs retrieved, 10 were mature, and 6 fertilized. I will have another update on Saturday (Day 3) and if we can get one to blast we'll have ET on Monday (Day 5). Abydix: Good news is that we can have over 60% attrition rate and still come out with one for Monday (if my math is right - I'm in the humanitites :blush:)!

Letsgo: ER wasn't too bad for me. I took it easy yesterday and am feeling a little tender, but all-in-all not too bad. The Methylprednisolone tastes awful though!

Lizzie, Redbean, Aurora: I was one of the ones that had absolutely no symptoms and a positive outcome, so hang in there! If you're starting to feel better it may just be the ovaries recovering.

Waiting is horrible and I get so nervous when the phone rings from the clinic! I already bought a pack of internet cheap tests to POAS. Emmi, if I get to BFP I'm sure I'll be POASing endlessly to make sure something is in there!

Nobump: hope you're feeling better! :hugs:

Amy: so sweet about your dad

I'm also in need of some gray coverage -- maybe I should try to go get highlights before Monday so I can try to wait it out a while if I get lucky.

Oh, and I have had the not so great comments from friends too about babymaking. Before my first IVF, the wife of my DH's friend (who was hugely pregnant--by accident) said "oh, your DH mentioned that you're having trouble getting pregnant. How are you feeling?" Yes, my DH is a blabbermouth and said that to her husband, but I didn't feel like we were close enough for her to be bringing that up to me. I wanted to cry but just said something like "some people have an easier time getting pregnant than others" and changed the subject. She really is a nice person and was just trying to be empathetic, but DH and I still laugh about that.

Hoping for more good news from everyone soon!!!:dust::dust::dust:
Aurora, we had 2 put back.

Sorry for not writing more. I feel really awful. Trying to decide whether I want to be drained. I'll write more when I have some mental clarity back... Lurking in the meantime.
Thanks Amy. Sorry to hear you feel so awful, and certainly didn't mean to hassle you :hugs: you poor honey feeling so rotten. What's dr saying? Xx

Thanks other ladies - I'm definitely having a full moon moment for the next fortnight! :dohh: x
red bean ha ha, i like the idea that it's the moon's fault and not that I'm a lunatic. keeping everything crossed for your, beta. When will you hear??


"Lunatic" means one affected by the moon, so there's that...:wacko:

Got the results back: 1370. Holy cow! No wonder I initially got so sick. Still doing pretty good as far as symptoms go now, though. Whew! Seriously, I chewed a hole in my cheek last night in my sleep.

Bebe, great numbers! Congrats.

Ugh, Amy, I'm sorry you feel awful. I just read that getting drained only lasts like 24 hrs. Is that true? Would you feel it was worth it? It might, just to know what normal is again. Take it easy and do light stretching, maybe? I dunno, nothing made me feel better.
Amy, sorry you feel so awful, I've no idea what could help but hoping you feel better soon.

Redbean that is an amazing beta, you must be thrilled :)

Bebe, brilliant numbers well done you!

Lots of news from everyone.

letsgo from what I remember the ER was ok but they only got 2 from my. Went out for food that night but was very tired.

Autora can relate to fullmoon just burnt tomorrow's dinner. Forgot I was cooking until I smelt something burning.

Abydix that's great numbers Fx for Monday.

Lizzie time apart does us all good at times.

Bebe 6 that's great.

Red what does 1370 indicate twins? How many did you put back?

Amy hope you start to feel better soon.

AFM I'm just tired.

that's great bebe i can't wait. however i may not have ET monday due to OHSS. hope i feel better before then.

Amy hope you get better soon. please try and get drained if you feel any pressure in your chest.
I don't know if it means twins but it might. I had three transferred. I've also heard that high hcg can happen right after a miscarriage, which I think I had last month (month off, didn't test until it would've been too late bc I thought my cycle was just off). Whatever it is, I think it's good, right?

Lizzie, still feeling doubtful and down? What day is this for you? 6?
Redbean, yep sorry not even sure why. Today is 6dp3dt.
I felt really sure it hadn't worked at 6dp3dt, too, and cried one morning to my dh, so try to remember it means nothing, other than possibly a good sign that hormones are shifting. I know it's easier said than done though.

Hi girls, Amy take care, I had a horrible case of ohss, but my dr won't go through with transfer when ohss is present, I really hope you get relief soon!
Red wow great beta! What day was that?
Still lurking a bit to see your bfps, but man oh man I'm sick!
Morning all (at least it is for me) :hi:

I'm now 3dp5dt and I feel soooo premenstrual my cramps even woke me in the night. I usually start bleeding around 8dpo so am filled with foreboding. Also I keep sneezing so have probably expelled the poor little mite already anyway or at least wrenched it out of any implantation attempt! Not that I'm being negative or anything :dohh: my PMA has really taken a dive eh? I'm trying to stay physically calm and relaxed though even if my mind isn't. Lizzie and I should start a 2ww support group I think! It's easier to feel positive for someone else than yourself in my experience, so we could aim all our positivity at each other's womb/emby and at least then it'd get a good 'hit' of it from somewhere :haha:

Hope Plex is doing ok :hugs:
Bebe, not sure what attrition rate is so sorry if this isn't a relevant comment, but of my six eggs retrieved four were mature, three made it to day 3 and one made it to day 5 blastocyst.
Aurora that's so funny I've been sneezing since et too. Maybe I'm allergic to being PUPO! Too true, I am being hugely positive for you my chickadee and can blithely tell you that those cramps you describe could very well be the beginning of a bfp for you. See how easy it is when it's someone else?!

Redbean thanks so much, I had a sob on Skype to DH last night (he looked terrified ha ha).

I'm not cramping but have some aches in my stomach, feeling headachy and a bit nauseaus but think that might be down to the rubbish sleep I'm getting. I'm just too worried to be able to go to sleep which is nuts I know and when I eventually do drift off I have threatening dreams. None have been about babies. Ugh I really am a crackpot. You ladies and your bits of good news along the way are really keeping me going.

Aurora and Lizzie, you both sound like you're on route to a bfp! All sounds great. Sneezing is good! So is cramping, headache and nausea! If you feel your ovaries or bloating come on, I'm going to start tearing up...

Lanet, what is sick for you? Are you bed ridden? Or just dragging, cruddy and best friends w the toilet and can't tell anyone why? I hope things balance out a bit for you.

That test was 14dp3dt. They told me anything above 200 was good.

Hope everyone has a good weekend and that the weather in the UK starts cooling down. This weekend is actually Irish Fest here (we have a town called Dublin w a huge Irish population in it), so I'll be enjoying that tonight.
Haha, okay I'm now on the PMA train. Lizzie and I will both be fully duffed up by the weekend, I'm sure of it. Our babies may even be born on the same day. :oneofeach:

I am blatantly going to cave and test on Sunday. I am justifying this by the fact that I would usually have got AF by then, so technically I will be late for my period. Unless I get AF in the next two days, of course. But then it could be implantation bleeding. See my PMA!

Also, I asked my clinic yesterday why my OTD was so obscenely far away (11 Aug AKA equivalent of 18dpo) and they said basically it was because they know people will cheat so they go really far in the future in the hopes that people will then only cheat by a more reasonable amount and not start POAS like in the first three days :haha:

HERE COMES MY BFP! (I hope!) (And Lizzie's too!!) (And everyone else!!!)

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