July 2014 IVF Buddies

Hi folks sorry bit quiet but AF has wiped me out. Slept most of the weekend and been crabbit the rest. Forgot how bad down regging is. Keep thinking why am I going through this. Not expecting a different result this time. To do all this and end up with no eggs to transfer would destroy me. Definitely the last time.

It is good hearing all the positive news from everyone and I wish you all well in your TWW and with your ER and ET.

Ooh, thanks Redbean. Not sure re. progesterone. I called my clinic who were a bit confusing (if I'm honest) about whether progesterone would stop AF or not. They said that most people would know before OTD whether or not they'd been successful because of AF coming. But they also said that progesterone was a pregnancy hormone so may delay it. Hmmm, now I'm even more confused!

Yesterday I got a BFN but squinting at it again today I think I can see a hint of a second line. I have been at a festival and hadn't weeed for hours (sorry for TMI!) so I just POAS - using FRER (yeah I know I said I would never POAS again but I just couldn't help it! :haha: Its still faint, but its a definite positive this time! So it might still be my trigger, that is just easier to spot today as a more concentrated sample I guess! I will have to see what happens in the next few days... Argh, I can't wait that long!!!
Aw No Bump, sorry you feel so rubbish. I was reading the IVF Success Stories thread earlier and a lady in there got just one egg at EC, but it fertilised, made it to 2 day transfer, and became a BFP and a healthy delivery. I hope you get there this time honey, I really do. Take good care of yourself :dust:
Redbean: thanks for the timeline!

Nobump: Sending you :hugs:. I really hope that your time is next:dust:

Aurora: OOoooohhhh! That sounds like a :bfp: to me!!!! I don't think it could be the trigger this late. A line is a line!!! How many dpt are you? SOOO EXCITED for you and I can't wait to hear how it gets darker and darker every day!!!

AFM: Cleaning the house and doing all the laundry and cooking in preparation for ET tomorrow at 11am! Nervous about what the state of the eggs will be tomorrow but excited to be PUPO!!!
Aurora! Omg omg! Could it be? I knew it!

Nobump, I'm sorry you're feeling so down. This is so hard, and not many people get it. But, it's often when we've just about given up but don't that great things happen. My friend did 6 ivf cycles for their third child (I know, right?). she had run out of $ money and was going to give up, and then the last one worked. I hope you can get some rest before starting again. Take care of you first.
Hi all,
Hope the relative quietness here means busy weekends. Wishing each of you good news this week.

Lizzie, thanks for the confirmation that I got a day off all injections before ER. My call Friday afternoon with the clinic was so rushed and full of "bring a check for the anesthesiologist!" "Wear socks!" "No food or water after midnight" that i felt a little like a gremlin. And unprepared.

Aurora, we are rooting for you. And Johnny Depp can show up any time in place of AF.

Hoping Bebe and Abydix have beautiful successful transfers Monday.

I let DH pick out our relaxing movie tonight. We hit Guardians of the Galaxy at the cinema. At least we got to go for ice cream after. In 12 hours we will be heading home after the retrieval. Come on beautiful babies!
Omg I was just summoning up the effort to post saying I'm definitely out as I'm 10dp3dt with negatives today when I went to check the tests that I just did (within the time line) sure enough bfn on a clear blue but there is a very faint line on the IC with colour. I'm not out yet. I'm going to the hairdressers this morning so will have a look for some frers in town as maybe it's too early for the clear blue. Sorry I know this is why people don't test early but I just couldn't cope with waiting until otd. I spent literally all day crying yesterday so convinced it hadn't worked because I woke up with a terrible headache and backache but just maybe I was premature.

Let's go - best of luck today although I'm sure you will ace it ;)

Aurora, that sounds like your bfp hon, hope so. I'm sure part of you feels terrified just now with your history but ivf is a whole other ball game so hoping that line gets stronger and stronger for you.

Bebe good luck with transfer, can't believe that's where you are already! Looking froward to hearing that you are PUPO.

No bump, down regging is absolutely horrible. I completely sympathise I had a horrible time with it too. As the other say it will hopefully all be worth it but it's so hard when you are going through it. If you have your AF at the minute that should mean that you have your confirmation scan within the next week and will hopefully start stims then right? Hope so!

Clear blue non-digital's are RUBBISH Lizzie, I've never had a positive on them even when I'm having positive FRERs and CB digis. SQUUUUEEEAAAKKKKK!!!!!!! Get some FRERs, lady! :test:
Letsgo good luck. Hope you don't turn into a germlin.

Aurora that's fab. FX the line keeps getting stronger.

AFM duvet day today. Phoned in sick. Was up at 8am for my injection phoned then and straight back to bed. Two hours later I have just woke up. Don't normally sleep this long.

Red I will see this through and
Hoping for some eggs at the end of it all but ir took me a long time to come round to the idea of having a 2nd cycle. Won't be doing a third. The long protocol is too draining and with DH scare earlier I want to enjoy what time we have together be that with a baby from this cycke or not. Feel like our lufe has been on hold for almost a year with prep for first cycle. The cycle and then recivering from it.

How is everyone else?
Morning Ladies,

Gosh lots to catch up on!!!

Aurora and Lizzie, oh my, get yourselves some super douper tests as all sounds so promising. It's all such am emotional roller coaster with emotions but nothing is certain until you get to the otd and those feint lines WILL get darker and darker. Thinking of you both, I know the pain!!

How are you doing Amy??? I so hope that you are feeling a wee bit better.

No bump, really hope you feel better after a duvet day, this malarkey is bloody exhausting.

Good luck to you Lets go, all happening for you now hon!!!

How are you Redbean?? Any symptoms yet???

Bebe, not long for you now Hon, you will be pupo real soon.

I still have a week to my scan and I am going totally loop the loop. I still have random itchy nipples and the last few mornings, I have been feeling sick. But I it could be eating too late in the evenings ( which I don't like to do) or just plain anxiety!!! Am going to eat very sensibly today so I can do a Sherlock Holmes and investigate what is going on.

Hope everyone is having a good Monday!!!

Good luck with your mission, Emmi PI! Let us know.

I'm so freaking excited for Lizzie!!

Big day for our thread in general, eh? Five of us at critical points. Not that it's ever not an important day for someone round here! Always lots going on and positive stories to take heart from.

In a rash moment of positivity (or maybe just control-freakery!) I just bought four more FRERs. My temp was a bit down today which is a worry but I'm hoping it's just because I was up an hour earlier (on early shifts this week, urgh!).

Any news, PUPO/EC ladies? Xx
Thinking of everyone today on this seemingly pivotal day!

Emmi, haha, itchy nipple. I've had that too. Dh thought I was making it up. I'm having some nausea first thing in morning and late at night but am usually ok in day. Just really tired and crampy. I stayed up til 1 am Saturday night visiting w my cousins and Sunday became a sleep day as a result. How is your sleep going?
Aurora, I may have waited until otd but I can tell you that I have made up big time on buying and poas....I have some amazon cheapies that are great when you are sure that you are pregnant, when I need reassurance, I just use them! All so exciting and bloody nerve wracking for you and Lizzie now.....lordy.

Redbean, my nipps are driving me mad today, I think the rubbing of my bra is really irritating them. I nearly started rubbing them in a meeting today they were that annoying!
I have not felt sick all until these last few days but we have been at various events these last couple days and I was stuffing myself late at night so it may just be that??? Will eat just lettuce today and see how I feel tomorrow.
My sleeping is awful but I know I am so all over the place until my scan so I wake up constantly through the night. Am soooo tired all the time, may have to try and have an afternoon nap.

Lizzie sorry missed your post. Hopefully a wonky test. As aurora says try another brand. So hope this is your time.

Emmi good to hear your updates itchy nipples sound like a lot of fun not!
[spits soup all over self] Emmi hahahahaha :rofl:
Er, about the meeting nip-rub close-call that is! Not your sleep cruddiness. That sucks butt. Scan is coming up though eh?? So exciting!!!

Thinking of everyone. Desperate to hear from Lizzie! Really hope Amy is on the mend.
Hi ladies!

Officially PUPO!!! 3 embies went in. 1 was the most advanced and of "B/C" quality. 1 was fairly advanced but not far enough along to rate. 1 was less advanced but you never know. They will wait till tomorrow to see if the other two less advanced ones go further for a freeze but that is highly unlikely.

So, the 2ww starts!! Enjoying bed rest for now!
hi Ladies
sorry i haven't checked in. was a bit down but FS said its ok to go ahead with ET. it all went well had 2 grade bb embies put back. so i'm officially PUPO
Bebe ans abydix thats fab news for both of you. Now your TWW buddies.

Doc has signed me off work for 2 weeks. Hopefully help. He told me to take it easy. Hopefully make things easier not having work to stress about.
Aurora and Lizzie, I am so excited about your faint lines! I think losing hope and crying to husbands is a prerequisite for getting a bfp.

My pain today is better controlled with pain meds, which is a relief. I'm nauseous but so far the nausea medication has stopped the puking. My belly is also a teeny bit smaller but that's because it's moving down my hips and legs. So weird. At least I can breathe and drink fluids again... And eat a teensy bit.

I'm looking forward to getting past this so I can start being excited. It feels terrible and ungrateful after 3 years of trying to be pregnant and not even happy about if yet because I'm just too physically miserable. This Wednesday is our anniversary and it should be our biggest celebration ever, but I have a feeling it'll just be another night of drinking Gatorade on the couch. We'll have to reschedule. Sorry to complain... I know I should be over the moon about this. Someday I will be.

By the way, I have a Johnny Depp pillowcase and he's been with me every day since after ER, on the couch and propped up in bed. I think he's good luck.

Sending good vibes to all of you...
Nobump, I am so sorry you are having such a rough go. This process is mentally and physically devastating, and no clinic really touches the emotional side while they put us through hormonal wringers. Getting rest this morning sounds like a gift.

Lizzie when is your official test date? You are still in the game this cycle!

Emmi, I love the image of you and your furry Watson pondering your symptoms. How much longer til your next scan?

Bebe and Abydix, you must be so excited! Wishing mountains of sticky baby dust to you.

My retrieval went well this morning, from the parts I remember. Doc was expecting 6 eggs (from Fridays scan counts) and got 14 follicles this morning. It's funny, that's the number I told my nurse 2 weeks ago was my "target." I'm sure there are plenty of immature ones (thanks again, PCOS, for the dubious present of extended stimming) but here's hoping some good news from the embryologist tomorrow.

In bed, crampy, and sad laughing that I forgot we were getting new siding on the house. Of course the fellows were here when we got back from the clinic, banging on the walls. I have two scaredy cats under the bed to keep me company.

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