July 2014 IVF Buddies

Lizzie I had a total sob to DH last night too, I just couldn't hold the emotions in anymore! I didn't have any words to go with it, I just cried into his neck for a couple of minutes, and then apologised, he said no need and 'there there', and we both went back to reading! :paper:
Very exciting times for our new ladies!!! Who has journals I can stalk??
Red my sick is manageable at this point, but that's with 3 different nausea meds a day...but as long as they keep it manageable I will be ok, yesterday was rough though. Being sick while working is rough!
Your number sounds great for that day! When your next beta?
Aurora af type cramps woke me up on 2dp5dt and I believe it was implantation. Good luck!
Oh lanet i do bloomin' hope so, that would be wonderful! They are quite diffuse rather than sharp/in one area. Praying its not just my body gearing up for :witch:

Just spotted your profile pic too now that I'm on the computer not my phone. Awesome!!! <3
Awww, you ladies on the 2ww, my heart goes out to you.

Aurora and Lizzie, a week after transfer, I had a total breakdown and sobbed and sobbed to hubby, I was sure it hadn't worked - what would we do to find money again for IVF, etc etc. I was convinced that my 2nd ivf had failed and I was heartbroken.
I had bad hay fever when I had my transfer and was convinced little bean/s wouldn't be able to implant with so much coughing and sneezing. The 2ww is the most hideous experience ever, your mind plays tricks and you convince yourself that you have done something wrong!!! I was forever phoning hubby saying that I had stretched up too quickly, bent down too fast etc but I honestly believe, that if you just take it a wee bit easy and not run in the Olympic 100 metres, you have a good a chance as any.

Hang on in there Ladies.

Lanet, fabulous picture.

Lanet, next beta is next Thurs. My acupuncturist says it's a good sign they scheduled so far away. It means they're not worried. It still drives me a bit bonkers though.
I don't know how you're working. I'm soooooo tired. Nausea is starting to kick in today and I'm sure will be full swing come school starting. I did three activities today and had to come home to rest after.

Love the PMA Aurora. What day will Sunday be for you?

It seems the crying into hubby's ear could be standard implantation behavior, eh? We should publish these findings ;) PS, I love the "there, there." These poor guys must be lost.
Aurora, don't be worried about the cramps! I've had such typical period cramps that I was sure I'd start bleeding, but it's just implantation and traumatized ovaries. Fingers crossed for you.

What's with all the talk of sneezing, though? So cruel as I'm sitting here on day 3 of not being able to complete a sneeze!

Well, the pain got to be too much last night and this morning so I went to the doctor. Had an iv with pain meds (GLORIOUS) and then to the hospital for draining. They only took 2 liters because my doctor didn't want me to lose too much fluid and get more dehydrated but apparently there's still plenty left. It didn't hurt much but it was gross and shocking to see 2 liters of fluid come out of me. I feel a bit of relief for sure, but not as great as I'd hoped. We'll likely have to do it again in a few days. What a journey.

So sorry to hear about all of the tears lately. Hugs to you all... Hang in there.
Oh Amy, wow. No wonder you feel so shocking. Hope you're being taken good care of :hugs:

Redbean, Sunday will be day 10 aka 5dp5dt. Am I at risk of detecting my trigger shot then? To be fair, I won't get too excited at a BFP at this stage anyway as my personal experience has always been of chemicals so I'll be expecting to lose it even if I get a positive. Wish I'd done some trigger shot tests this week! I had 10000 pregnyl so could still register that until Tuesday I think... Boo...
I wouldn't think a trigger would still register 12 days later, but it might be a bit early and you could get a false neg. As long as you can keep a level head about it, I say pee away!
Feeling loads of sympathy for those waiting for positive confirmation. It stinks how slow time goes just when you want to hit fast forward to OTD or betas.

Lizzie and Aurora, thanks for the reality check of what ER might feel like. I'm almost up to the bowling ball feeling. It's definitely getting crowded on both sides and I'm really glad ovaries don't regularly (or ever) explode. By retrieval I think I'll feel like a candidate for a juice cleanse or something, the fullness is so awkwardly placed.

Redbean, if you are looking for a research study what a rich pile of data in these boards.

Super exciting news here--finally got trigger and retrieval dates today, thanks to a lovely late estrogen boost. Hooray body! Only 5 days behind schedule. I need to just calm the heck down and get DH ready to do trigger. Set for ER on Monday. More bitchy than crying right now, but glad to know what to look forward to.
Ooh yay Letsgo! Exciting!! So is trigger tonight? Wheeee!

You're right Redbean, it's too early for a positive (or to rule out a false negative) so I decided to test my trigger today instead. It's all gone.

The point of this was so I'd know for sure what it meant if I got any positives later; however I've now decided not to POAS ever again as even though I believed I accepted it's too early, I've still been upset by the bfn. So no more for me. I'll just await AF. If she doesn't arrive, I'll test next weekend which is just before my OTD but as I don't get beta/blood test (I just do at home) I'd rather know on a day I can grieve than on a horrid Monday morning when I have to go to work!
Let's go, that's brilliant new, yay ER day :) and bonus you get an injection free day tomorrow!!

Aurora I love your earlier positive post, our kids can totally be born on the same day and we can swap horror birth stories aer wards, in fact I'm gonna book into your hospital instead of my own ;) don't worry about the bfn at this stage missus, easy said I know but you do what's right for you and it sounds like you know that is to not test again now that you know your trigger is gone.

Amy, I can't believe how awful a time you are having of it. I'm speechless. Glad that you got some relief but feel so worried for you that it doesn't last long. How long into pregnancy does ohss last??

Emmi, not long til your scan now hon, keep strong.

Redbean, thanks for all the encouraging words.

Hi to all you other lovely ladies.

I'm being naughty and have started testing so that I can start to get adjusted to a bfn, I'm the opposite to aurora and need to get my head around things or I'll be absolutely devastated on otd. Bfns obviously, there is still time but I'm cautiously allowing myself to believe that this is not our cycle and turning my mind to a FET. Off out for the day today with my sister, DH and her BF so that will make another day zip by.

Letsgo: Great news!! Good luck on the ER Monday!

Amy: Wow! No wonder you have had so much discomfort! Ugh - I hope it starts to ease up soon. :hugs: I thought OHSS was an occasional side effect of IVF, but from this thread it looks like it's fairly common.

Lanet: Is that two in there! Is that why your nausea is so bad?

2ww-ers: Hang in there! I know everybody has to come up with their own strategy to get through it.

Aurora: Thanks for your numbers! Yes, that's what I meant by attrition. Hoping I can get at least one of mine to blast too.

AFM: I'm nervously on my few hours wait right now. I will get my Day 3 embryo report sometime today :flower:
Didn't have to wait too long! 5 of the 6 fertilized are in the acceptable dividing range, although 1 of those 5 is a little slow. Nurse will be calling to schedule ET for Monday! I know the bigger drop off is between Day 3 and Day 5, but it sounds like we have a good number to get at least one to blast. :happydance:
Sounds great Bebe! Have you got Monday / next week off work?

Hope you have a lovely day Lizzie. I def feel prepared for a bad result. I just can't imagine this working out. It would be too magical. Johnny Depp turning up at my door to beg me to run away with home feels more likely.

If I didn't know AF was due anytime now I'd be a POAS addict to get the blow softened but my chemicals have stood me in good stead there! I wouldn't be able to enjoy a BFP this early as I've never gotten one to 14dpo.

I feel like I've already got AF as I'm having such (typical sensation) cramps. They are a bit early (given I'm not bleeding yet!) but it's to be expected with my adenomyosis and what my ovaries have been through this month - oof! :haha: plus I know I'm probably experiencing them as 'worse' cos I'm so focused on them. Hey-ho! Might have a cheeky test in a couple of days if AF doesn't arrive and my temp stays up! Love to all x
Aurora: I hope AF stays FAR, FAR away! IVF sorts out the eggs to the heartiest ones, so FX that this one will burrow in and be nice and sticky!!

I will be mostly working at home next week, so I'm going to go out and by some frozen meals to make like easier.
Thanks Bebe, I hope so too.

I'm properly contracting! Like when I'm mid-period. Can't see what relation it would have to implantation so hope it's not just my body trying to expel what it thinks is a foreign object :shrug:

DH said we should have a cosy film night together, so I'm trying to watch the Wrestler. It's not the relaxing-yet-fun, feel-good activity I had in mind!
So how are my ladies this weekend?

Abydix, how are you feeling - do you know yet about ET tomorrow?

Bebe, are you excited/ready for your big day? Squee!

And Let'sgo, what about you - ready for your close-up!?

Amy, any better?

Lizzie, any news??

Emmi, how are you doing honey? And Redbean, how are those symptoms at present? What about you, Lanet?

No bump, is AF doing her thing?

Sorry to anyone I've missed who might be around - I know we have other occasionals and lurkers, and of course I haven't forgotten lovely Plex.

If anyone is around to chat, that would be nice! No woes though if not. I might have news! But also might not :shrug:, hard to know at this stage :haha: - am up for a chinwag though if anybody is online xxx
Aurora, you are doing progesterone, right? You shouldn't get early AF cramps on it, as you prob wouldn't get AF until 1) late or 2) taken off it anyway. Could these be stretching cramps??

5-Day Transfer
Days Past*Transfer (DPT) Embryo Development
One The blastocyst begins to hatch out of its shell
Two The blastocyst continues to hatch out of its shell and begins to attach itself to the uterus
Three The blastocyst attaches deeper into the uterine lining, beginning implantation
Four Implantation continues
Five Implantation is complete, cells that will eventually become the placenta and fetus have begun to develop
Six Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) starts to enter the blood stream
Seven Fetal development continues and hCG continues to be secreted
Eight Fetal development continues and hCG continues to be secreted
Nine Levels of hCG are now high enough to detect a pregnancy

Bebe and Letsgo, good luck tomorrow! Busy day for you two!

Amy, that is some serious fluid. Feeling better? Going back again next week?

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