July 2014 IVF Buddies

Amy that is fab you are wanting to eat again. :thumbup:

Bebe2, I gave up coffee years ago as the caffeine affected my IBS, still drink tea, and have started to have the odd decaf.

Lizzie sending you some :hugs:

Abydix, are you taking anything to help with OHSS?

Hope everyone else is good.

AFM, Feeling a bit brighter today, phoned my boss and said to him I have been signed off for 2 weeks due to side affects to meds I am taking - which is true..., he will see the word 'depression' when he gets my sickline tomorrow... he doesn't know what is going on, but his boss does, I will phone to book follow-up appointment with doc for next week. Finished cutting the front lawn this afternoon, attempted to use the new strimmer, but couldn't work out how to put it together/use it...., hubby cut most of the lawn, but had to stop before getting some lunch then I took him to work, went shopping after dropping him off, but had to come home, AF cramps came on, 2 cocodomol and a hot water bottle to feel better - so happy not to have to deal with work as well, day 5 of AF and still bleeding strong, scan on Thursday, think they will tell me to continue on Burserlin for another week... :cry:
Glad that No Bump and Amy are both feeling brighter, that's ace :hugs:
Cheese improves almost everything, I think!

Bebe, I gave up caffeine completely before starting the cycle. I cut down first a couple of months before it, as I'm a heavy tea and coffee drinker so wanted to avoid too much withdrawal and also get used to getting up for work without caffeine! I just have decaf for both (placebo effect!), and I don't notice now.

Have we heard from Letsgo about her fert report yet?

Poor you, Abydix - hope being PUPO is some consolation? Are you just resting at home - do you have anyone looking after you?

Sorry you are feeling anxious Emmi, that is horrid.

Are you good, Redbean?

How are you holding up, Lizzie? Is it day 15 (past ovulation/collection) for you today? I think you're two days ahead of me but could well have that wrong.

AFM, I'm still just on tenterhooks. Stupid early testing. As I said before, I've never made it past day 15 before so I'm in my scary place. But also, in the past I didn't test as early, so with both my two chemicals I found out I was pregnant one day, then discovered I was losing the baby within the next 24-36 hours. This time I'm into my 60th hour of knowing. I'm such a mixture of hope and love for my baby, and desperately trying not to bond with it or get my hopes up in case it all ends in the next minutes, hours, days. I'm trying to stick on the hope and love side and just be prepared to take the full agonising hit if it all goes wrong. But it's pretty scary! Thanks for listening, guys! Hope you all have a great day xxx
Abydix would send you a picture of a hug but back on phone. Tried to put a timeline together of everyone last night on laptop but forget details. Hope this is your time FX you have been a great support to all. X
Morning Ladies,

Ahhhh tough times for some of us at the moment...

No bump, I am so glad that you are not at work having that extra pressure. It's bizarre how burserelin can effect everyone so differently, I breezed through the drugs and I was such a high dose with my age but then others suffer big time. Rest up honey but keep busy too, too much time to think is never good.

Aurora, oh honey what a horrible situation you are in. It's all so tough and heartbreaking. But I am hoping big time that this is your time. I can talk for England but when it comes to these situations, words fail me. We're rooting for you honey and I honestly hope all will be well for you.

Amy, great news that you are eating again. That made me smile about the cheddar cheese, totally yummy and plenty of calcium for Baba.

Lizzie, how are you Honey???I just saw your post about the progesterone and I honestly think either scenario would've been fine.

How are you doing Red bean?? Any more symptoms kicking in??? Still working on the pulse thing, can't work out which wrist is stronger. Sounds like you have alot to prep for everything, just you take care.

Abydix, great news on being pupo but not so great news on the ohss.Really hope that you are resting up and looking after yourself, take care.

Bebe, there is a safety guideline for coffee so you can have a wee bit. I gave up too with the whole ttc, I stopped all fizzy drinks too and must admit, I feel much better for it.

How are you Lets go??

Nothing much to report from me...I am 7 weeks today (yay) and 5 days til scan, I may explode with the wait.
Hubby bought some jasmine and rose shower gel which is red in colour. So I was happily in the shower and forgot about the colour until I saw red on my hands and nearly had a heart attack as I thought that I was bloody bleeding........Gawd, it was scary canary!!! So, now I have coconut shower gel, far more pregnancy friendly!!!

Morning everyone!!

Ive tried to read up and catch up but dont know if ive missed anyone out - appologies if i have :hugs:

Congratulations to - Red and Amy!! :happydance:xx

Tentative Congratulations to - Lizzie and Aurora!! xx

Lanet - Great to hear from you, sorry about the ms but really LOVE that scan picture!! xx

Amy - sorry your having a real rough go of it hun :hugs: Are you back at home now? Really hope you are over the worst of it now. Just love how you told your parents the news! xx

Emmi - Eeek! 5 days till your scan!!! Hopefully that time will fly by. Hope everyting is picture perfect in there :hugs: xx

Lizzie+Aurora - Really hope this is it for you girls, you both been through so much just to get here - it HAS to be your time! xx

Nobump - :hugs: gosh huni, sounds like your having a bad time of it :( glad youre signed off, hopfully this will help you start to feel a bit better :hugs: Whens your next scan? xx

Bebe + Letsgo + Abydix - :hi: xx

Bebe + Abydix - great number of eggies and fert rate :) Enjoy being PUPO!! Hope you get sticky beans!! xx

Letsgo - I hope the ER went well and you are recovering nicely :hugs: xx

Not much occuring with me, Im off to my WTF appointment today, have a list as long as me to ask what happened lol Need some answers but dont know if Ill get the responses i want :shrug: We want to start again asap but am scared we're just throwing our money away - it sucks as we now know we cant get pregnant without the help :grr: damned infertility! xxx
Plex goodluck with your appointment hope you get answers.

Emmi what a fright you must have got.

My scan is tomorrow heading through to my folks later. Will stay over they live closer to hospital than we do. Will drop hubby of at work first. Meeting a friend in Edinburgh in the afternoon so will grab lunch and window shop after appointment. Plenty of things to do around the house to keep me busy. We have plans for weekend as well.

Letsgo how you doing?

Fx for all PUPO
Plex!!! Great to hear from you honey. Get in there with your clipboard and dictaphone and demand some decent answers before you give those thoughtless sods any more of your hard-earned. I know that any FET can end in a disappointment, but the zero fert and rubbish comms haven't been explained nearly enough, if I remember correctly. Hope you get what you need, practically and personally.

Good for you looking after yourself and staying 'in the world' No Bump, I am feeling positive about your scan I just got a good vibe about it, hopeful you can move on to the next delightful step!

I was like Emmi I think, I didn't much suffer with the Buserelin, just quite dehydrated, achy and 'meh' - bit like a mild hangover. My toughest time us definitely now (although it's also the best too, obvs, as even if it doesn't work out, right NOW I'm honoured with mine and my husband's child, even if they never make it past 15days old I will always know I was with them once.

I'm getting worried for Letsgo and sending her lots of love and hope and hoping she checks in soon!

Same with everyone really, I hope that no news is good news but do worry when people don't post every half hour :haha: it's almost like you ladies have interesting busy lives or something :rofl:
Hope the scan goes well 2moro Nobump :hugs: xx

Aurora - got a massive list thats for sure lol dont know if i can be arsed though :dohh: thats why im taking hubby lol he can do all the asking - ill just write the answers down, can cope with that! Have you tested again? xx
Maybe Letsgo is still groggy from anesthetic? I hope all went well.

Emmi, you have such sitcom stories--red shower gel. Ah! I would've freaked out. As for the wrist thing, if both are even you might be having split twins!

No bump, Ive never taken burserelin before, but since ever hormone change sends me to bed I can imagine you're feeling very cruddy. When I started bc I cried every day and yelled at everything. Just keep telling yourself it's not you and it WILL end.

Aurora, I've had a good gut feeling about your cycle since your ET. Don't ask, I just think it will be ok.

Lizzie, when is your beta?

Bebe, I drink decaf too, but my dentist just said she drank caf soda through her whole pg. I think most ppl can't stomach it anyway, but I bet a cup is just fine.

I'm still way tired today but at least off the couch. No more allergy meds for me apparently!
Plex, great to hear from you. How did your appointment go?? I know it feels like throwing good money away but when it works, it is worth every penny.

No bump, that's great that you are so busy. How I love Edinburgh, my ex is a sound engineer and is at the fringe and I was going to come and stay with my best friend in Dunblane and get a bit of culture. But now with scans etc, trip bit postponed. Good luck with your scan hon.

Aurora, hope that you are hanging on in there lovely lady.

Redbean, it was like the shower scene in Carrie, screamed at hubby that he was so stupid to buy red shower gel, poor love, like it is his fault. He thinks I am sooo hormonal at the moment, cheeky git.
Glad that you have a teeny bit more energy today.
And yes, am wondering if I have twins cooking in my tummy....

Lizzie and Amy, how are you both??

Wow busy day I guess aurora scared you all into proving that you don't have anything more important to do lol.

Emmi, oh my goodness about the shower gel ha ha but amazing that you are now 7 weeks. 5 more days to get through.

Aurora, I have a positive feeling for you, you have made it further than ever before so I'm hoping this is your take home baby.

Plex, welcome back honey, looking forward to hearing the result of your clinic meeting today!!

Apologies to anyone that I've missed. No beta for me (I think it was letsgo who asked) just a test on Saturday my otd but it's going to be negative as my lines have disappeared. Guess it was a chemical. I had to pull over on the hard shoulder this morning as got stuck in traffic and didn't make it to th conference centre in time to do my pessary. I ended up 'popping' it in with all the lorry drivers whiz zing past me before reclining my seat as far as I could and still be able to drive. All I could think was that if I got arrested for indecent exposure it wouldn't even be worth it as I know I already lost my little bean. Bloody ivf really does land you in some crazy situations. I'm fine, sad obviously but I have felt doomed ever since I suddenly got pushed into. 3dt rather than blast like I wanted because the clinic don't do transfers on Sunday. On the day before transfer my acupuncturist and all of her locums were all suddenly on holiday for the day of my transfer so I didn't get any of the treatments we planned so really I feel like after being as prepared as I could be and slogging through months of down regging and stims I fell at the final hurdle. The problem is I also feel sad about our frozen embies because they were all frozen on day 3 too. Anyway, got that off my chest (thank you ladies)

I know that you feel that is all over but you still have to wait until Saturday. I know how disheartening it all is and we look back with regrets etc. But you just can't do that to yourself. I had a 2 day transfer remember, not a single blast in sight for me and somehow little bean has stuck. The best place for an embryo blast or no blast is in the uterus.
There is absolutely no reason that your frosties are doomed, I know it's natural to worry and think the worst but we just don't know anything in this game. Sometimes for whatever reason, we have to try ivf a few times, we can't give up and we have to be kind to ourselves and let go of the if only's, I know its easier said than done.

Just hang on in there, should this cycle not work, you have frosties and alot of folk don't get that far.

Too funny about the pessaries, lord knows what them lorry drivers were thinking.

Big hugs honey.

Letsgo: Looking forward to your update!

Aurora: So glad your little sticky bean is still in there and that you're almost to the other side of this horrible 2ww.

Lizzie: Hang in there. A couple more days to go and you never know. I'm glad you have some frosties too. My understanding is that FETs have a slightly higher success rate because if they are hearty enough to freeze and thaw, they're good sturdy embies.

Emmi: Yikes! That's funny about the shower gel. Poor hubby! I'm rooting for twins in there!

Plex: Hope you get some answers.

Hope everyone is feeling good, OHSS letting up, etc. I am 2dp5dt and my only symptom seems to be fatigue and maybe a few twinges here and there. I had high hopes of doing some work at home yesterday, but vegged out on the couch instead. Today, I got up, got dressed, put on makeup, and then laid down on the couch, moved to the bedroom, crashed out for a couple hours. Two of my embies were actually hatching when they were put in (my photo doesn't have two perfect circles but two circular things with blobs spilling out) so if it's working they're probably implanting now. So, hopefully my tiredness is because of embies taking my energy, but maybe it's just caffeine deprivation. The lousy stale decaf cappuchino I made this morning isn't cutting it!
Oh, my, Lizzie, I am dying over that story about the suppositories! What we won't do. I agree w everything Emmi said. Best place is uterus and you can't look back. (I also had a 3 day transfer and none made it to freeze.) you did everything you could just right.
It is very annoying though that so much is out of your control. I still can't believe they don't transfer on Sundays. My acupuncturist was also closed the day of my transfer and at first I was really worried. But she met me anyway late at night when I got back in town so I felt so thankful for that. Just knowing someone was pulling for me when I was a mess helped me relax. I hope you get that for the next go--and at least you have a next go! I think the timing will work out better next time and all will fall into place.

BTW, all going for a next round: my acupuncturist also has a PhD and is doing a fertility study at the university. Results are in. She told me that doing acupuncture right before and/or after (which I think means within days) can increase ivf success rates significantly (I forget the percentage but it was really high). Ladies, get yourself a Chinese practitioner if you don't already have one!
Bebe, that's pretty cool that you saw hatching. And the tired and fluttering sounds about right! Keep cookin!
Lizzie, sorry to hear your lines have disappeared. Of course there's still hope (keep going with that progesterone, ahem, wherever you gotta do it!), but feel good about having frosties too. Your clinic wouldn't have frozen them if they didn't appear strong enough.

Plex, good to hear from you! Can't wait to hear about your appointment.

Hope the rest of you are doing well.
Appointment went well, I think?? :shrug: She said what i thought she'd say. Although she made a lot of sense. She has lined hubby up for karotyping see if he has any chromosonal issues. She has also offered a sperm dna fragmentation test to us which costs around £400 but will be a thorough test of hubbies sperm. However treatment for problems is the same in all cases so we just plumped for the treatment anyway lol seems a no-brainer if you ask me!

Both eggs and sperm were great quality, also my hormone profiles and blood flow to the uterus was 'perfect' the thawed blast was of top quality too we just were unlucky :( She said that no-one else suffered the same problems of zero fertilization that we did so it was not a lab error, also there was no infection present with the sperm or egg. Obviouslt ICSI is the next step although not fool proof.

We will be cycling again in October now as she wants me to have a break of a couple of months - my head agrees but my heart says cycle straight away! Just want to be pregnant already!!

Not much change protocol wise except we will be doing ICSI instead - obviously that may change when hubbies karotyping comes back - hopefully all will be ok with that fxd!

I will have to have another nursing info session in September so we can start the next month. All i have to do now is email my consultant when we have the results and after we've had the session giving her a date we want to start. Im working towards starting on the 1st October :happydance: xxx
Hi ladies,
Can you believe I forgot my password and was locked out of my account yesterday? I haven't needed to log in on my ipad for a year, so I guess I was due? B&B never sent me my password, either. I caught up on all your posts last night and it was so frustrating to basically keep my mouth shut.

Plex, I am so glad you are moving forward. I agree, waiting to start again is not something we ladies welcome. We just want to be pregnant already!

Nobump, you have an amazing sense of organization. To even attempt to get all our crazy timelines in order is a labor of love.

Lizzie, whatever happens this week know that you actually did all you personally could. Be kind to yourself.

Abydix, we're thinking of you. I hope you are feeling better soon.

Does anyone else think Aurora is honing her mothering instincts on us? Hoping you get to break your record this time and put all your practice to work.

So it is all good news over here. Still feeling some soreness but getting better. Slept much better last night. Call from Dr. Embryologist man day after retrieval said 11 out of 14 fertilized. I jokingly told my nurse I had all my numbers figured out a couple weeks ago: 14 eggs, 11 fert, 8 make it to transfer and 5-6 to freeze. We'll see if I have suddenly developed a sixth sense due to all those injections. Today started with the progesterone. That was an awkward trip to the restroom this afternoon at work. I have many more of those to look forward to, eh? i comforted myself with the image of just sticking the whole month's supply in at once, since if 1 is good, 90 must be better. I may still be affected by some of the pain meds, what do you think?
Hi Ladies. I've been stalking this thread for a bit and am wishing you all the best on your twws/upcoming transfers/pregnancies. :)

Lizzie, I feel your pain. I got a BFN on Monday after transferring a beautiful, PGS normal, 5 day blast into a "perfect" looking uterus.

Meanwhile, Emmi was successful with her 2 day transfer. (Yay! :happydance: )

So really, anything is possible. Part of me thinks, how on earth will this ever work? But then I see everyone's success stories and remember that it does, despite the bad luck some of us have at times. I have also read every post in that IVF success sticky thread, and so many of those were 3 day transfers, some even less. You should have lots of hope for your frosties should things turn out as you expect this cycle. :hugs:
Jsquared! I've been thinking of you! Sorry about your bfn. Do you have some frosties left?

Plex, do they not allow ICSI there on initial cycles or something? We had half natural and half ICSI. None of our natural ones fertilized, so maybe that's your answer, eh? Exciting that there's a next step!

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