July 2014 IVF Buddies

Redbean I have four frosties left, all tested "normal." So I am very optimistic there's a baby in there somewhere. We are good to go again as soon as AF shows. I'll start the meds and shoot for a transfer in about three weeks.
Morning all. Last night I managed to check in and saw all the lovely updates but as it was late I thought I'd write back to everyone this morning. However I've woken up to a dropped temp and fainter lines. I therefore can't talk at the moment. Thinking of you all and I'll write when I feel able. I know I need to not just jump to conclusions and I should stay positive. I'm going to try but it will be very hard. I think staying distracted is slightly more achievable so I'm going to try to forget about TTC for the day. Love to all and hi to jsquared xxx
Aurora - :hugs: take all the time u need huni - distraction works wonders, well for me retail therapy :D if u can, go shop till u drop u dont have to buy things, looking is good! Talking of shop till u drop im off shopping :blush: going to spend all hubbies money - not my own of course!

Thinking of you chick :hugs: Still a couple of days till beta, hoping its just a dodgy test u had there :hugs: xxx
Jsquared! I've been thinking of you! Sorry about your bfn. Do you have some frosties left?

Plex, do they not allow ICSI there on initial cycles or something? We had half natural and half ICSI. None of our natural ones fertilized, so maybe that's your answer, eh? Exciting that there's a next step!

No they dont automatically do ICSI, wish they did now. They didnt think we needed it :shrug: we didnt either i have to say, last cycle we had 3 eggs, 1 over mature. The other two fertilized and we had one put back resulting in a chemical and the other made it to freeze - the one we had put back this time. Great fert rate that cycle. Hubby has super sperm and my eggs are good too. obviously hindsight is a fantastic thing and looking back i would have gone with ICSI every time. Feel a bit foolish for thinking we didnt need it now - we got complacent as this cycle as it was going so well fert rate was such a shock. At least we know the right protocol to go with so thats something - hopefully with ICSI it'll do the trick!:thumbup: xx
Jsquared - sorry about ur bfn hun :hugs: it sucks :( Awesome that you have plenty of :cold: to use -Really hope this next transfer is the one for you! Its great that you can do fet again so soon! :hugs: xx
Lizzie - been thinking of you today :hugs: How are you doing? Loved what you wrote about putting in the supposetries (god i cant spell :dohh:) u know what i mean :D Dont think i wouldve been brave enough to do what you did! Whens ur beta? Like i said to Aurora, i really hope youve had a naff test there sending you lots of :hugs: xx
Gosh this will be my FIFTH post :blush: Just wanted to send good thoughts to the rests of you and hope you are all ok :hugs: xx
Morning Ladies,

Just dashing out but wanted to write a quickie!!!

Lets go, great fertilisation rates hon!! Maybe you are the 6th Sense personified?? Too funny about shoving all your pessaries in, made me proper giggle. Boy do my pellets make a mess, have invested in a whole load of panty liners.

Plex, great that the review went okay. ICSI I think is the way for everyone to go, it takes so much guess work out and Gawd bless science. You will be cycling again before you know it.

Aurora, sending you so many virtual hugs. Still got to wait for otd but I know the heartbreak and disappointment you are feeling.

Jsquared, sorry about your bfn, all very heartbreaking. But so glad that you have some frosties, onwards and upwards honey. We have to keep the faith and keep hope strong, giving up was never an option for me so I hope your time will come.

Lizzie, how are you??? I am sure you are busy with work and maybe not feeling like talking with all the emotions of it all, but thinking of you lovely lady.

How are you Redbean??

AFM, I am just totally ravenous!!! I chomped on a lump of parmesan cheese in bed last night, I think hubby maybe filing for divorce today!!

Just wanted to say thank you to everyone for all the lovely comments you have posted. I'm a bit like Aurora and don't quite know what to do with myself so am trying to keep busy.

Aurora, sending you some heart felt hugs sweetie :hug:
hi ladies
sorry i've not checked in, feeling much better today still going in everyday for monitoring till Saturday. hope to get an all clear by then FX.
Then i'll start going crazy with 2ww.
Quick update. Scan ok. Think I was a bit worked up. Started stims today, to go back on Tuesday. Then maybe Friday or Monday. So relieved I may start to feel normal (or close to) again.

Aurora - hugs FX for your beta hoping it was a wonky test.

Plex glad you got answers and now what your next steps are.

Emmi I have just devoured a bacon and brie panni boy was it good. Hopefully some tea and cake when I catch up with my friend later.

Lizzie good to see you posting hugs!!

Abydix hope things start settling down for you soon and then you can fully enjoy the madness of the TWW

On phone so can't check back more than current page and plex as filled that :) but respect to whomever did the business in a traffic jam! Was reading but not posting as was at my folks.
Plex, I know what you mean. I wish we had done all of our eggs icsi bc now I have no backups for the next one. I had no idea what the difference was at the time. I guess they'd like to narrow down the problem if not for their own purposes.

Jsquared, that's awesome that you're starting again so soon. Exciting!

Aurora, I've seen major temp dips in ppl's charts who remained pg. you're not out yet. Sending hugs and pos thoughts to you and Lizzie.

Emmi, I woke up to pee last night at 4 am and was so hungry I almost fixed myself a grilled cheese. But otherwise I'm so nauseous. Trash pickup was yesterday and the smell was god awful. I also have horrible hip and leg aches already. What is that about? Today is beta 2, so hopefully numbers are exponential. My dreams were very paranoid last night: my old house was crumbling at the seams. I think I'm worried my old body won't hold up through this:)

Hope you other ladies are doing ok and that quiet means happily distracted.
Oh my Redbean, I was walking the past the bins and once again, the smell was just so strong and me feel sick. It doesn't seem to bother anyone else but I find it hideous.
Nausea is now kicking in, really strange feeling, much worse in the more in the morning!! But alas it's not stopping me from eating anything and everything I can lay my hands on.Good luck with the beta.

Great that things are moving forward Abydix, hang on in there.

No bump, fabulous news about the stimms. Drink lots and lots of water, it really will help. Oooo tea and cake, now there's an idea!!!

Quick update. Scan ok. Think I was a bit worked up. Started stims today, to go back on Tuesday. Then maybe Friday or Monday. So relieved I may start to feel normal (or close to) again.

Aurora - hugs FX for your beta hoping it was a wonky test.

Plex glad you got answers and now what your next steps are.

Emmi I have just devoured a bacon and brie panni boy was it good. Hopefully some tea and cake when I catch up with my friend later.

Lizzie good to see you posting hugs!!

Abydix hope things start settling down for you soon and then you can fully enjoy the madness of the TWW

On phone so can't check back more than current page and plex as filled that :) but respect to whomever did the business in a traffic jam! Was reading but not posting as was at my folks.
:blush: gosh didnt realise i took up a WHOLE page - sorry!! Think I must be making up for not posting for a bit :blush: xxx

Nobump - Yay for starting stimms!!!! :happydance: xx

Emmi - Exciting symptoms! Obviously not for you going through it:hugs: but theyre great signs of a healthy pregnancy! - cant wait for you scan! xx
Plex don't think you filled entire page but almost :)

But now see my phone has double posted earlier post so my turn to be embarrassed.

Hope all ok I'm knackered but can't sleep. Ended up staying with friend most if the day. Picked up her kids from nursery and holiday club and had dinner with them.

Her daughter asked if I was a mummy as well. I said no I am something better. I am an auntie!
Just checking in to send hugs to everyone. Especially No Bump - I told you I had a good feeling that you would be ready for Stim O'Clock! :haha: Good luck with this next phase, sweety.

I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop. Haven't dared test again, nor even take my temperature. DH and I have agreed we will test Saturday afternoon, when I get back from a trip to York I have tonight to see a friend.

That way, whatever the news, we will be together with all of Sat night, Sunday and Monday to deal with it together.

I don't really want to go to York tonight, as I don't know what to say to my friend about 'what I've been up to', plus I just feel I want to hide under a duvet, but maybe it will be the best thing for me to get some extra distraction and think about things other than what my baby is or isn't doing!!! I just hope that a) I don't start bleeding whilst I am there and b) she doesn't announce that she is pregnant!!!

We've had this weekend planned for literally months though, so I feel I can't back out. We haven't seen each other since Christmas, when I was miscarrying my last. In fact, the last time I saw her before that was last August, on the day I found out I was pregnant for the first time! Weird. So you can see why I'm a bit nerve-wracked! Anyway, sorry just to go on about myself. I am loving reading everyone else's updates and also think that bed-based parmesan might be coming my way this weekend (although probably for different reasons...) (actually that looks totally pervy eh?!?!?!?)

Lizzie, will be thinking of you tomorrow (well, today and every day of course, but you know what I mean).

Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts and sorry to be such a self-absorbed Debbie Downer at the moment xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hi ladies, it's official, I'm definitely out this time. Will check back in a few days when I feel able to and keep an eye on you all. Wishing you all the very best.

Aurora, kinda strange that you have always been with this friend during specific times but maybe it just a total coincidence in this universe. I understand wanting to hide under a duvet but actually keeping busy is no bad thing. Good friends that you can have a giggle with ain't so bad so I really hope that you have a good a time as you can given the circumstances.
The plan to test with your hubby on Sat and then spend time together is really important. And bed based parmesan really can be used in any situation that is needed.

Lizzie, am so devastated to hear that. It's all so crap and unfair and heartbreaking....Thinking of you and sending so many virtual hugs. Look after yourself.

No bump, love the comment about being an Auntie. I am one to 2 beautiful little boys and it's no bad thing.

Really hope that everyone else is doing okay?

Lizzie - :cry: Ur news is just awful huni, I was so positive for you. Theres nothing I can say to make you feel better but i wish there was :hugs: Go and treat yourself when u are able, but stay away from the world for a bit till you feel a bit better. Sending you lots of good thoughts and :hugs: xxx

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