July 2014 IVF Buddies

Hi all :hug: just checking in particularly to see about No Bump, still keeping everything crossed for tomo just in case - and also sending lots of love to everyone else - what an emotional time xxx <3 xxx

Thanks aurora. Sadly full AF has appeared. But will go get blood test done to complete the cycle. Out for food tonight but sticking to soft drinks in case there is a miracle.

I am getting even more depressed, one of my follicles has grown bigger than the rest and my LH is rising despite cetrotide so I think my body is gearing to ovulate despite all the medication. I feel like the history is about to repeat itself and we may lose one egg to early O. why is this happening to me all the time? Why would they not give me indomethacin to prevent ovulation between the trigger and EG? I know indomethacin is mainly used in natural cycle but what's stopping them to use it here? we have waited almost a year to try again and having exactly the same result would be a disaster, I barely survived our second failed IVF

sorry for being so negative, I just do not know what to do, they seem to be determined to carry on even if we end up with just one egg but one egg from a natural cycle and domical follicle cannot be compared to an egg from a stim cycle, the quality wont be there. just so upsetting

nobump, I am so sorry about AF. let us know how your blood test goes, still hoping for a miracle for you.
Negative confirmed. Bleeding heavier nurse started talking to me about donar eggs when i was getting blood drawn and I was telling her I was bleeding. She was saying it was unlikely that this would be successful.

Briss can't believe this is happening to you. Don't understand why they don't give you the meds. Xxxxx
nobump, I am really sorry about your cycle, I so wished it to be a success cos you have been through so much already. we really deserve a break. take some time to come to terms with it, it's not the end you just need to think of a different strategy. I so hope your clinic can offer some other avenue. I think I already made up my mind that for me it's going to be natural IVF, something is not right with my ovaries and despite decent AMH they just do not respond to stims and my body wants to ovulate regardless of any suppression so i think i should get the doctors to work along with my body not against it.

Had another scan today and not looking good. Only 2 follicles ready for trigger so ideally need one more day of stims but if we wait we may lose the largest follicle. They told me its rare but clearly it happened to me before. They will make the decision later today. All very sad. The only good thing is my lining. Was told it's the best he has seen today

been begging for indometacin cos i am a believer it helps to keep follicles from rapturing between the trigger and egg collection. they game me the whole pack :) I think just to calm me down cos the doc said he does not think it will help but he sees no harm in trying.

am just seating here anxciously waiting for the call that will decide the outcome of this cycle
Sorry to hear, ladies, but maybe fall-the most fertile time for women--will turn things around.

Briss, that lining is so important. I only had a few eggs but a fabulous lining--so good the eggs just wanted to replicate! Focus on that positive and good luck these next few days/weeks.
more bad news for me, my LH went up yesterday and they want to abandon the cycle :( the problem is I do not know if I can get the NHS funding refunded so we could try again. if we can't get the funding then we should take the risk and go head with EC on Monday. I do not understand why they did not pick on my rising LH yesterday, they should have probably triggered me yesterday. Why does not cetrotide work to supress my LH? I am supposed to make a decision tomorrow but I am really lost, if we abandon this cycle I am not sure there is any point in doing any more stim cycles, 2 failed cycles where I do not even get to EC is not a good record.
Oh briss can't believe what you are saying. Hopefully youwwill get another nhs cycle sounds as if they missed something.

Redbean think I will need a few cycles before things return to normal. We are away in October for DH 50th so you never now.... had a good day with family today. Going to have a nap then drive home. Miss DH being able to drive...

nobump, I think it's more to do with my body cos this protocol is for 9-10 days of stims and my LH just went up too early after 7 days of stims, it's probably too early to trigger. i think me and cetrotide just do not get alone, i need some other LH suppressor or a different protocol or probably just a natural IVF (which is not funded by the NHS so not an option at the moment). I am glad I detached myself from this process early on because I did feel things were not going well so at least I am not crying (yet).

my OPK is still negative actually but the line is getting darker so maybe we can still make it on Monday with 2 eggs, I really hate the idea of going through stims again it does not do any good to my body long term. I will trigger tonight and check with the clinic tomorrow if there are any news on the funding options. they told me to come very early on Monday for a scan to see if we lost one follicle and I guess if there are still 2 we can go ahead with EC and if one is lost then probably better to cancel the cycle. so very sad
Hello Aurora, good to hear from you, really hope that you are doing okay.

No bump, so sorry to hear that, all very heartbreaking. Give yourself time and then see where your journey will take you.

Ahhhh Briss, words fail me. All so crappy and I admire your analytical thinking Hon, it's good to be able to look at everything logically but the hurt and the disappointment doesn't go away and I really feel for you.
Hoping for a miracle for you, anything can happen in this game. 2 eggs are 2eggs and it just takes one golden one to make it.

Briss good luck for tomorrow mornings scan. Hope you manage to get both eggs.

I'm going to head back to work tomorrow. Hopefully folk will ask about my holiday last week and not why I was off beforehand.

I am intrigued by youe natural cycle not sure if anywhere in glasgow offer this. Don't think my body can cope with another round of down regging.
Nobump, I hope you are right and your coworkers don't get curious. Good luck to you as you return. I am so sorry this cycle did not work out for you.

Briss, best wishes for Monday. If it does not go as planned, I hope you can get some answers about future attempts.
We had a bit of a miracle this morning. The scan showed that the follicle was irregular shape which means the egg was trying to get away but they got it right in time!! And 3 more!!!!!!! I am still in shock I asked them all about 20 times if they really got the eggs just could not believe it. Obviously its hard to say if they fertilise but I think the large one at least has very good chances. I am in so much pain at the moment. Ovaries are really sore I can't even walk. I also bleed red. Is this normal?
Just popped in to see if it was possible for me to catch up lol :) but just saw ur post Briss -:happydance: Amazing number of eggies hun as I knew u didnt think u'd have many at all, bet ur dead chuffed??? :D nows just the wait for the call. did the give a rough time when that would be 2moro? xxx
Plex, Thanks! we have asked for IMSI this time so if eggs are mature I am hoping they will do that. we won't know until tomorrow afternoon I think. I was told to call them if I do not hear before 2 pm.
Briss, I think a little bleeding is normal. I wore a pad home for that reason. Congrats on those eggs! See, I knew things would fall together;)
Briss that's great numbers! Hope you get all fertilised!

I had some bleeding after EC as well.
ladies, I am in so much pain, I did not realise this could happen. I can barely breathe, any movement whatsoever including breathing causes so much pain, called the clinic but they just told me to go to A&E, not very helpful. I was reading on line and seems like sometimes EC can be very traumatic. paracetamol does not really do anything. will see if it gets better over night if not DH and I will have to go to A&E although not sure what they can do
Briss, take whatever they give you up to the limits as needed. Is this worse than what you've had before for ER? I'd go in for help in the morning if you can. You should be able to breathe, and if you are at risk for ohss then you want to get that under control fast.
You should be ok to take cocodomol. The problem with paracetamol is it doesn't help with immediate pain relief. Hope a&e are able to help. Might be better to phone nhs24 to get an out of hours appointment rather than waiting in a&e though.
I went to a&e last night and they immediately admitted me to the hospital :( but even morphine did not help with the pain. waiting for a scan

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