July 2014 IVF Buddies

Just got a call from lab, none of the eggs fertilised...
Ugh, Briss, no words. Rest up and take care of yourself now.
Just got a call from lab, none of the eggs fertilised...

Ohhh Briss words just fail me. :cry: I am just very sorry to hear that. So very cruel what you have been through.

Take care, look after yourself and hugs to you:hugs:

Briss, I too am lost for words.... sending you hugs....

Did they offer any explanation?

that's not the end of bad news :( after various tests and scans they found the reason for my terrible pain - I have blood inside my abdomen and most likely from my right ovary following EC. what did they do to my right ovary to make it bleed? shocking I was so happy yesterday. now I wish they'd cancelled the cycle I'd be so much better off now. my options are either wait it out hoping my body will absorb all this blood or have a laparoscopy to clean the mess
Briss, what a nightmare! I am so very sorry to hear all of this. Hopefully they will give you enough information to make the best decision for how to fix this new mess.
Briss hope the blood absorbs.

Is your cyst on your left ovary?

Has the pain got better?

Oh gosh Briss, you poor honey, what an awful, traumatic, cruel and unfair turn of events. I'm sending you lots of love and hope xx
Just catching up on everyone . . .

Nobump: So sorry to hear your news; sending you lots of hugs and good wishes if you are trying again!

Briss: Ugh! So sorry to hear about this cycle. This business is hard enough without additional things going awry. I hope that the blood has drained and that you are recovering from the pain. Sending you lots of hugs!

Are there some scans this week? Hope everyone is doing well. I had a really long period but my body is back to normal and Hcg is back to normal non-pregnant level. We will meet with the RE soon for review; I'm hoping for Friday.
Thanks ladies, am recovering at home but a week later the blood is still there so not sure how long it is going to take. today's scan showed that everything just looks abnormal :(

I am looking at our next option - natural IVF cycle abroad. I have found a clinic in Czech republic, although it's not clear yet how my body is going to recover from this but I really need to focus on something except possible side effects. it's shockingly cheap, they can do a cycle with low stims for 830 euro... compared to 5-6K in the UK!!
Briss, hope the bleeding stops soon, when are you due to go in for another scan.

That sounds really cheap for a cycle.... and you get a holiday as well!!!

I have my WTF appointment next week, went to my GP today, got a prescription for more folic acid and iron tablets and getting my bloods checked including day 21 again..... if we want to take a break from TTC then she will put me on the pill to help reduce my bleeding due to my fibroid.... think we will need to have a heart to heart after the WTF appointment....

Bebe hope you have a productive meeting on Friday.

How's everyone else doing?
Hello Ladies,

Bebe, glad that your body is recovering. I so hope that your review can offer some solutions in going forward. Here's hoping that they can put measures in place to get you that bfp.

No bump, same for you, I hope the review throws up some solutions. Sometimes a break from all of this is really vital. Your relationship goes on the back burner and ttc and ivf becomes your life, it can be so very tough.

Briss, glad that you are resting up and looking after yourself. Am glad that you are looking forwards, its a great way of dealing with it all. That sounds amazingly cheap so that's fabulous. A lot of ladies I know have used a clinic called Serum in Athens and got pregnant but of course I don't know if it's right for you and I don't know of costs.

How are you Redbean (have really been wondering how you are???), Lets go, Amy, Plex and Aurora??? Sending love and hugs.

I had my scan yesterday, am 13 weeks today. Peanut was asleep and we had to wake it up, watching little one wake up was too magical for words, so adorable and boy did I sob. It's one of life's miracles that I have my hubby and my baby growing in me!! Incredible. Gawd bless science!!


managed to get locked out of my account again. bleh.

nobump, I hope you get some useful answers to help guide your decisions. Taking a break may seem like giving up, but you will know what you need.

Briss, I hope the bleeding calms down and you are able to get more comfortable. What a misery.

Emmi, all that sounds lovely. In a few months you will do everything to avoid waking that bean, but until then, bring on the sugar juice and watch the dancing. Here comes the honeymoon trimester!

Last week I had my 7 week scan at the clinic. I couldn't look at the screen until I heard "and there's the heartbeat." my husband just about leapt out of his chair to look. I had us both ready for failure since any symptoms I have can be due to the hormone meds. So far, so good. I return in a week for my 'graduation' scan and after that transition to my OB. Had prenatal labs drawn. boring, boring. Tired and heartburn-y, heading to sleep.

Hope all the lurkers and posters are doing well this week.
Congrats Letsgo! That's awesome. And Emmi, I know what you mean about sobbing at the scan! We had our "graduation" scan a few days ago and I was holding it together until we saw the baby wiggling around and doing flips. Amazing.

We're finally sharing the news with everyone this week. I'm going to tell my students tomorrow, which should be fun. It's feeling more and more real.

Hope you're all doing well.
Ahhhh Lets go, that's wonderful news. I couldn't look at the scan either ay my 7/8 week scan. It was only when the nurse said congratulations that I dared to look. Too funny about your hubby, it's so lovely for them too.

Amy, so lovely to hear from you. And isn't it incredible to see Baba moving and stretching, it's so beautiful. I keep rubbing my tummy thinking that at a miracle is happening.
We have started to tell people but we think we'll do the Facebook thing at Christmas time, it's a nice time to share our very happy news.

Yep, it's starting to feel real indeed. Amazing. I bet your students will be over the moon.

Hello ladies, just wanted to pop by and say congrats on all the happy scans, I'm so happy for you all.
Hello ladies, just wanted to pop by and say congrats on all the happy scans, I'm so happy for you all.

Hello Lizzie:flower:,

How are you??? I hope all is good and that your hopefully cycling again soon. Xxx:hugs:
Letsgo / Emmi / Amy: Congratulations on all the great scans!! So amazing to see a little creature in there with a heartbeat and movement!

Redbean: How are you doing? Are you feeling ok these days?

AFM: Our follow up appointment is scheduled for next Thursday. The follow ups get last priority with scheduling, but that's ok because I'd rather they give me all the attention when I'm going through a cycle! We will discuss whether we'll go for it again. If it wasn't so expensive I think it wouldn't be a hard decision. This last cycle cost $16k U.S. That's just crazy. Briss, maybe we should be flying over to the Czech Republic too!
Hi ladies! I've been so tired and so sick w so many appointments I've not had the energy to get online. Doing much better now. Trying to gain weight. It's so hard! I have to gain 30 pounds in 8 weeks. Yikes.

I'm 11 weeks, 6 days. Babes are healthy. Found out the identicals are girls during a genetics test. Doc couldn't get to baby c so we will have to wait. But we've told work and friends, so now all the cool stories about triplets and identicals are streaming in, and we are excited.

Congrats on the scan, Letsgo!! So exciting. And, don't worry, I'm sure those symptoms will sink in:)
Ps: I've had such a rough time of things: vomiting, extreme constipation and hemmoroids, a uti, migraines, yeast infection, back pain...

If anyone has any secret wish for multiples, think again!;) letsgo, maybe you will get lucky and not have any of it.

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