July 2017 Rainbows (13 Rainbows-4 pink -1 blue- 2 yellow- 2 angels)

Hi Ladies, I haven't posted in ages but I've been reading everyday. Your posts have provided some reassurance during the past few busy and anxious months. Most of the time I'm very excited, but the anxiety is hard to keep at bay even when it seems completely illogical. My next appointment is Tuesday for our gender ultrasound. Each week leading up to an appointment I go between eager anticipation and dread that there is going to be something wrong-even having nightmares about it. I really thought that I would feel more assured by now since my loss was at 6+1 and we are at 15+3 now. I'm keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers!
Hi Ladies, I haven't posted in ages but I've been reading everyday. Your posts have provided some reassurance during the past few busy and anxious months. Most of the time I'm very excited, but the anxiety is hard to keep at bay even when it seems completely illogical. My next appointment is Tuesday for our gender ultrasound. Each week leading up to an appointment I go between eager anticipation and dread that there is going to be something wrong-even having nightmares about it. I really thought that I would feel more assured by now since my loss was at 6+1 and we are at 15+3 now. I'm keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers!

Bc im the same as you.. But I'm just trying to enjoy it in the moment instead of dreading the future..
Bc - I'm 15+5 now and I still need to use my doppler nearly every day for reassurance. My AL friends who are further along say the worry never really subsides. After something like that happens to you, it's hard not to feel like anything could happen anytime. Fact is, most if not all of us here will have perfectly healthy babies in July. We just have to take it one bit of good news to the next until we get there :hugs:
BC I don't think the worry will ever truly go away :hugs: At 15 weeks I'm still using my doppler every other day, last night I couldn't find babe and got anxious but I tried again later and was able to catch a quick flicker then movement sounds.
Thanks! It's nice to know I'm not alone and unreasonable in the worry. I've gone back and forth on ordering a Doppler for that reason- if I can't figure out how to work it and have trouble finding the heartbeat I worry it will make me more nervous! There are many things I have enjoyed the past few weeks-window shopping at baby stores and coming up with nursery and name ideas have been so fun!
Bc I know just how you feel. My other mc's were two at 4 weeks and the other two were 8 and 9 weeks. I used to breath some relief after seeing my babies heartbeat and all, but after losing one at 15 weeks it just doesn't seem to go away. we saw him at 11 weeks healthy, kicking, and heart beating away and the next appt he was gone. It's so traumatic it just sticks with you. Normally I'm very excited to have my ob appts but as one gets closer I get more anxious. I had a dream a few nights ago that I started bleeding and lost my baby. Even a nightmare is so traumatic I had to sit there for a while before I went back to sleep. I'm right around when I lost my last baby, so I'm hoping things get better the further along I get, but honestly I don't think I'll be ok until I'm hopefully holding this little one in my arms.
Sorry for the repeat if you're in the other group too.

My NIPT and sequential results are in!

NIPT: Just two chromosomes (not 3) for 13,18, 21, and the sex chromosomes. For that test that puts my risk of everything at 1 in 10,000. The obgyn knows the sex from the test and reviewed the results with me, but since we don't want to know, we can't look at the report ourselves. I guess it's right on there.

Sequential: PappA - 1.19 MoM, free beta hcg - 0.73 MoM, and NT 0.77 MoM. All super low risk :happydance:. That puts my risk of Down's (trisomy 21) at 1 in 12,000, and my risk of trisomy18 at 1 in 78,000!!!

I couldn't be happier. I have started telling everyone. This is our 🌈! 😂
Fantastic news :) Wow the gender results are right there, how strong you are!
Congrats leson!!!! It was definitely a reassurance to get our results too :)
Congrats leson! I should hear back on mine today or tomorrow. I was pretty calm and first but now I'm getting anxious. I just want to know already!
Baseball - I literally sobbed after the call. First, they say they only call if something's wrong. Otherwise the post to my portal. Second, my obgyn didn't sound happy on the phone at all and she dragged it out. She first explained she was calling bc my results had the sex on it and she knew I didn't want to know. Then she finally got to saying everything looks fantastic. I got off the phone and the tears just poured out. I think I've just been holding my breath waiting to get more bad news. It's just so hard to believe we're getting our little piece of happiness after most of 2016 gave us a swift kick to the rear over and over. I thought they would be happy tears, but no it was ugly sobs of relief. I don't think I feel as nervous about the anatomy scan next month now. I'm fully embracing this baby <3
I wish I was able to get one of the blood tests but my insurance didn't cover it and it was going to cost 1,500 out of pocket for me. I'm a nervous wreck about my 20 week anatomy scan. I think I will relax more after that. I haven't announced to anyone other than immediate family and my two best friends because I'm nervous about it. Mine is February 6th so not too far away now.
Sil that's crazy expensive! Not long now until your 20 week scan! At my next appt they are scheduling my 20 week scan and I'm so excited to see her again.
That's one of the reasons we didn't do the testing, because I'm 27 and generally low risk my insurance company wouldn't approve it.

Who is and isn't feeling movement yet? I swear I had felt DD by now but still no movement. Occasional swishes but not many. DD was leaning against my belly a few nights ago and I *thought* felt little pushes inside, but nothing since.
Dragonfly- I've been feeling baby, but not on any routine yet. It's very random. The nipt test gave me peace of mind that the baby is healthy, but honestly it doesn't make me any less anxious about the pregnancy. We had the test done with our last baby and it came back he was a healthy boy. Then 2 days after getting those results back we found out he had passed when they couldn't find his heartbeat.
I'm having a hard time today. We had two very early miscarriages (chemicals) before we got pregnant with our little guy we lost at 15 weeks. We were due with the first on Jan 10th which was our baby before that ones due date, though he was born on the 7th. It's crazy to think I'd already have that baby here. Next one was due February 4th. And our baby we lost at 15 weeks was due February 27. I'd be 36 weeks with him right now. I hate when I have too much time to sit and think about these things.
Blessed I'm so sorry :hugs: I don't have words that will help your heart heal. But I'm praying for you and Emmabella growing strong inside of you.
Blessed - Hugs

I'm having a hard day myself. The nausea that usually only comes in the evening time, hit first thing this morning and hasn't let up along with the dry heaves. Being at work like this is exhausting. On top of that, I'm impatiently waiting for the call about the results and gender. I called them just now to check and she said 7-10 days, today being day 7. I'm so hoping they have the results tomorrow and we don't have to wait all weekend to find out. This is killing me!
It sounds like our group is having a rough week :(

Baseball- I hope you feel better soon. I've actually had the nausea kick back in the past few days too along with indigestion which is a new symptom for me so the combo of the two has been difficult. Are you able to bring any peppermint tea or ginger tea for temporary relief? Hopefully your results come back tomorrow. Is your office closed on weekends?

Blessed- I'm sorry, it's always so difficult thinking of the babies that we have lost. I wish I could give you a big hug through the computer.

Dragonfly- I'm 18 weeks tomorrow and haven't felt baby yet. I didn't feel DS1 or DS2 until closer to 20 weeks, though. Every now and then I think I feel her, but I think it's just actually still gas that I'm mistaking for her. Hopefully soon
Thanks ladies :hugs:

Baseball- I hope they get the results to you tomorrow! My nausea is back and the heartburn on top of it makes it horrible, but it's still mostly at night for me.

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